How to be truly non-conformist?
How to be truly non-conformist?
cease to be
Basically be a hippie I guess, smoke weed and shit
That is peak conformity, though. Anti-conformity is something which alters its form over time, if that ever even was.
>asking how to be non-conformist
It makes more sense than you think. You need to know very clearly what it is, through negation. It is like art, I suppose; it cannot be defined specifically, but can, generally, given enough thought.
No, I disagree. If you do something specifically because you have come to the conclusion that that action is non-conformist, you are then conforming to that idea which is external.
On the other hand you can do popular and normal things without conforming by doing them with the only reason being that you want to do them.
Okay, but you still have systematised it, through negation. My point still remains.
>but you still have systematised it, through negation
You are saying that non-conformity consists of both popular and unpopular things. This is already a general statement and/or a movement toward one.
going against the current intentionally is still conformism. the current still fully determines your actions, only the function you apply to it is reversed. the only way to be truly non-conformist is to stop asking such silly questions.
What was negated then? Popular and unpopular encompasses everything.
Conformity and non-conformity basically dont exist anymore
But you have still systematised it. Anti-conformity is something unconscious, you mean to say, and therefore of no use to us. The only answer, then, is to conform, since it is the only thing which can be done on a conscious level.
Do you want me to tell you how to be non-conformist, so that you may conform to my answer? I could hypothetically give you the instructions for perfect non-conformism, and in doing so, bar you from ever achieving it. Rid your consciousness of this question and of any concern as to if you're conformist or not, and you may one day become non-conformist.
Why would I want to?
be a psychopath
You gave me the impression that you do. Disregard this conversation if you don't.
Based and redpilled
just be yourself
just don't give a shit
Relentless self-love. It's funny in a clown world sense that people will do everything to hurt you and distance themselves when you do what's best for yourself. Best for yourself meaning what you need, not what you want.
Read Rainer Maria Wilke. You are conformist no matter what you do so just live your life how you want.