Have you ever stolen a book before?

Have you ever stolen a book before?

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I have never stolen anything before.

Yeah Borders had lax security back then

Gideons from a premier inn
Mysteries of the unexplained from art class


I have a book that I haven’t returned to the local library in 3 years.

I took a copy of Crime and Punishment from my high school library and never returned it. I feel bad about it since I’m probably preventing someone else from reading it. But I’ve also developed hideous acne since then and don’t want to go anywhere near my old high school. Maybe once I’m off accutane.

I fucking hate myself

I love you

the book is cursed, you need to get rid of it

Stole the sex Ed book in 4th grade for those sweet, loli titty diagrams

hahaha, the punishment for my crime is my acne, fuck me

thanks but my heart was wrenched out of my chest many years ago. Your love, as is mine, shall forever remain unrequited.

Yes, several in fact, some of them old and valuable. I don't regret doing so either.

>posting a black man

*sigh* I dont even have to unpack this...you're just a racist Friendo

Now beat it and leave Yea Forums for the grownups

I stole The Nigger of the Narcissus from an Oxfam because i was ashamed to go to the counter with it

>be me
>find this at local bookstore
>wait until someone browses this section and finds the book
>someone comes, puts book in their overcoat
>walks out without paying
>follow him into an infrequently transited alley
>jump him and beat him to a pulp
>take the book away
>return it to the bookstore
>mfw I have no face

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Stole Another Country from my high school library because I was afraid of checking out a LGB book.

>Things that never happened

I pirated the quran once

I'm not sure if it counts but I have pirated literally thousands of dollars worth of ebooks.

I steal physical books from my local bookstore and sell them back to the owner for in-store credit. I also pirate all of my ebooks off of libgen. That is my confession

I will never understand people who steals shit, fucking buy it niggers

Only if all it takes to get it for free is typing [book title] pdf on google

whether it happened or not, you're still supremely gay

about 5 from Barnes and Noble

Blog incoming

Stole various books from my library, gave some of them back after a long while, planned to give them all back gradually. Next time I went there to legally renting something they got their security guard to lead me to the books I had stolen and brought back. I fucked up by failing to notice that my name was written on one of them. (Bad habit of writing my name on stuff after traumatic experiences concerning the expropriation of my toys as a kid) Feign ignorance, and try to fuck up finger print evidence my touching all the books in front of their eyes and they let me go. Threw away the other books and audio cassettes I stole in fear of police raiding my house. Had they left me alone, I would have returned everything I stole.

Later I began stealing manga from book stores. Invited a friend to join me. Noticed a guy taking photos of us (his back was facing to us, but he had the camera in his hand pretty conspicuously). I tell my friend, we put the books back and leave without any problem.

When the iPad 2 came out I jailbroke it and began pirating apps. Really got involved with the scene, came into contact with Cydia tweak developers and this made me turn over a new leaf. I began buying every piece of software I used, hell I even bought music.

Nowadays I found my peace: I'm blocking ads, pirating books and some computer software, but I haven't physically stolen anything since, I even stream my music and still pay for all my smartphone apps.

Yeah, it was a Captain Underpants book.


one time i went to the tate modern in london and i was meeting a friend in the turbine hall
and they had this big exhibition on about the apocalypse if it happened by rain or some shit and it was a bunch of loosely clumped together shit that honestly didn't cohere and there was a giant spider outside by that lady who does giant spiders and there were terminals with some shit on them and big screens talking about the endless rain and loads of metal bunk beds and on the bunk beds there were various apocalyptic books in various languages, including the drowned world by ballard and we by zamyatin and so on and so forth. for some reason they were all chained to the beds by the cover (i guess people had been stealing them? fucking scumbags)

and anyway, i got there early and walked around and looked at the art and was like 'huh' and then i sat down on a bed and started reading vurt by jeff noons and it was pretty good
so when my friend arrived i tore the corner of the book with the chain on it off and put it in my coat pocket and stole it and finished it later
it was pretty good

pic related

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in 1st grade i accidentally ctole dr seuss's oh the places you'll go because it was the last day of school and our teacher told us to take everything in our desks and take it home, and since i had that book in my desk i just assumed that meant the book was mine now

I forgot to mention, the book was from the school library.

I stole a copy of 1984 out of my school's library, as well as Harlequin by Bernard Cornwell

I think I just stole a book from Amazon.

No, but I have stolen a nigger.
(mods if you actually ban me for this post go burn in hell)

Isn't the quran given away for free in most muslim countries?

>last year of primary school
>borrow Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows from school library
>they never asked for the book back

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I stole a little pocketbook of english poetry translated into russian. I never wound up reading it, so I stand by the decision that it wasn't worth the $6.

i've pirated countless books, never paid for a file.
as for physical, no. i'd bever steal from a second hand store, and regular bookstores are cringe to walk in

I stole a copy of Dennis Hirota's introduction of Shinran's thought from a uni book nook but I think they wanted people to take them out. I still feel kind of bad about it but I love that book.

I never could afford it either, so buying has never been an option for me before either. Still never stole.

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Yeah I have stealed some based books. I don't regret it.

the chad choice

I used to steal old books from the public library all the time.

yeah like 40-50 from B&N

I know the feeling dawg you’ll get through it

No because I'm not a nigger.

how the fuck do you steal books? doesn't the theft detector alarm go off when you walk out of the store?

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Anyone who says "unpack this" and is not talking about luggage or fecal impaction should be burned alive.


>be at bookstore
>collected dialogues of plato
>ya ok
>walk out with it

>and then everyone clapped

So there are decent people on this board. Stealing unironically makes me sick... entitled fucks.

>be me a few days ago
>walking to my car across campus
>its late, dark, no one around
>as I walk by a building I look through the window, see an empty study area with a single book alone on a desk
>go into the building to check it out
>"The Evolution of Medieval Thought" - David Knowles
>covered in highlighter, underlines, scribbled notes, bookmarks
>very obviously some student needs this for a class
>consider bringing it to the lost and found
>take it home with me
>nourish it back to health
>carefully erase the pencil marks
>flatten out the dog eared pages and press the book flat
>remove sticky notes
>my baby is now purged of all plebian corruption, and fit for life on my bookshelf

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Study books can and should be covered in highlighter marks.

yeah from school libraries because no one was gonna ever read them because no one ever read anything there. it’s kinda like saving the book i guess is how i justify it.

how do you think those things work user

Finders keepers by King from a Wallmart, yeh watcanisay?

bunch of pkd including the exegesis

I tried once in high school. I didn't actually believe the IR scanners were real, but they were. I'm surprised the librarian didn't do anything, just looked at me like I was a fucking idiot.

Stole a Zerzan book from some bookbox store.

Used to steal a lot from my school library when I was 12-13, it was pretty easy. Now I feel slightly guilty because I might've prevented some kid from reading them, but if the kid really wants to read the books I stole he'll find them online or steal them from somewhere else. Graduated last year and I got lots of old books as a present because the library lady loves me. Kinda ironic.

i stole ender's game from a middle school class but i didn't mean to. i didn't finish it in time for and i just held on to it when i changed schools

I stole my uncles paperback copy of Heart Of Darkness and never returned it.

How else is the viewer supposed to know that the person is stealing it?

Tried to from my university library recently but got caught. It was pretty embarrassing.

My university has plenty of Yea Forums essentials. I was thinking of stealing Clockwork Orange the other day lol.

The world is so full of wasted surplus goods; I don't see it as the worst thing. It's more forgivable and understandable in some situations than others. Kleptos and muggers who steal from small people can fuck off but if you walk out of walmart with a pen in your tits who gives a shit.

i stole books from my high school library on the condition that they hadn't been checked out in more than 5 years. I saw a lot of books that I considered "underappreciated" and "wasted" on a high school library full of kids checking out captain underpants and pulp novels.

If we are talking about classics it's ok. Normies don't even touch those books.

i borrowed a harry potter book from a friend when i was a child, i finished it and tried to return it but he moved somewhere else

ive alerted interpol

stole a book from a library while traveling because I didnt have a card and was just staying there for a week, but i donated it back. hopefully nobody was looking for that specific book that week.

Back when I was homeless and couch surfing I would steal quite a bit, mainly to survive. I used to have a notebook and I kept track of how much everything was worth, and have rounded down the numbers.
Over a 4 month period I stole
>$3000 of magic the gathering cards
>$2000 of various nerd collectibles
>$1000 of food
I would sell the magic cards and collectibles to various comic shops and persons at my college for probably 1/4 of the retail price.
The most expensive item I stole was a $90 star wars figure from barns and Noble.
I have stories if you are interested.

>hideous acne since then and don’t want to go anywhere near my old high school
You do know the kids who bullied you don't attend the school anymore right?

Is it possible to make copies of audio books you borrow from the library digitally?

>and try to fuck up finger print evidence my touching all the books in front of their eyes
based paranoid schizo.

Every novel I've ever been assigned to read has never left my possession after acquirement.

i ended up accruing a $100 fine on the 6 books i checked out from the library (they were only a week late, fuck that)
obviously i just kept the books and never went back. had to block a few bill collectors but other than that i enjoy my books. i also used to just steal poetry books and field guides that hadn't been checked out since the late 70s. i was homeless at the time and figured I'd get more use out of them than the shelf would.

I remove the drm from loaned electronic books, maybe this counts

I tried to steal a book from my classroom in kindergarten. I put the book under my shirt and was holding it against my stomach. Of course the teacher caught me, but I didn't get in trouble for it.