Good books about dinosaurs? Fiction and non fiction are both okay. Dinosaurs kick ass...

Good books about dinosaurs? Fiction and non fiction are both okay. Dinosaurs kick ass, and I don’t know why I stopped caring about them as a kid

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>Dinosaurs kick ass, and I don’t know why I stopped caring about them as a kid

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Dinosaurs kick ass, faggot. This is you

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The Lost World
What are you scared of dinosaurs or something?

>Dinosaurs kick ass dude!

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Dinos are liked by the retard autism type. The savant autism type like trains.

jurassic park books
footprints of thunder
raptor red

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I’ve never seen a worse case

I ain’t care about that, I just like giant lizards, and I don’t get why only children/retards care about them. Now are there any good books on the giant lizards that used to rule the earth?

not a book, but watch Beyond Jurassic. It's on youtube. I watched it probably 100x when I was young, and I've rewatched it a dozen times in the last year.

Thomas Holtz and Jack Horner are the most Yea Forumserate paleontologists.
too big to walk.

W.J.T. Mitchell, The Last Dinosaur Book: The Life and Times of a Cultural Icon

cringe, if you dont think that dinosaurs kick ass, you are certified pretentious s o y fag

Are dragons okay? Cuz Temeraire is pretty rad.

More specific, does anyone know any good books on the Bone Wars? Fiction or non-fiction, does not matter.

>Temeraire is pretty rad
Agreed, if you're 14-18 years old.

They all had feathers in reality
Like real gay feathers like a ballerina, pink probably
You're gay


>They all had feathers in reality
Yeah, that's cool as fuck. What's your damage?

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mmm. dinotopia is fun, kids books and otherwise, but Dinotopia Lost by Alan Dean Foster was so heavy on the descriptors that 15 pages in and nothing had happened and I got bored of it.

Dinosaur Planet by McCaffrey
Dinosaur Summer by Greg Bear
*I haven't read them yet, but they're on my to read list.

Can't say anything about Dinotopia Lost, never read that one. But I loved the first Dinotopia book when I was a kid.

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Dinosaurs weren’t fucking lizards god damn shit

Carnosaur is a great book but a shitty movie

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I have his book Into the Out Of on kindle, I still need to read it. I have Dinosaur Summer on paperback which I still need to read

I remember reading and loving Raptor Red as a kid, but I couldn't tell you a thing about it.
I should find a copy and give it a reread sometime.

this and Raptor Red are pretty good

It's good, it's told from the perspective of a female utahraptor about surviving in Cretaceous America using then up to date paleontological information


I have that too, and I'll eventually try to read Dinotopia Lost again, because I really liked his novelization of the alien movie, so, I just don't really have a handle on how good he actually is. If I'm not in the mood, then I suck at reading, so maybe that had something to do with it. At the very least, he's way better than, say, RA Salvatore

God, we loved the kids books and the movie when we were young. Do you remember what the first one was? Because I don't remember.

There's one book i read in high school which I forget the name of. Some people find a cave which leads into an alternate Earth still in the prehistoric (Cenezoic so technically no dinos) past, they decide to do gold mining but they have to deal with ancient beasts. The cover was a great drawing of a saber toothed cat

got a rough estimate of publication year?

90s maybe? It wasn't a recent book. In the beginning the protagonist sells a bunch of passenger pigeons to a zoo (might have been the smithsonian but it's been years)

something like this?

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YES! Thank you user

Also, Tyrannosaur by David Drake is a solid time traveling dino-hunt pulp novel.

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AW YEAH! My pleasure! Enjoy, user!

I appreciate it senpai, I've been looking for this book for years

No problem famalam, glad I could help!

>dinosaurs? gosh, what are you, a 9 year old? why cant you have normal adult hobbies like watching the new netflix original?

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I had to do a quick check because it has been so long time since I have read the book. The first book was Dinotopia: A Land Apart from Time. The other books were: The World Beneath, First Flight and Journey to Chandara.

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dinosaurs were way closer to birds actually pic related is a scientifically accurate t-rex, we do now know, however, that they weren't feathered, they had loose leathery skin.

sorry didn't attach the pic, this is the most accurate depiction out there.

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Oh you know any dinosaurs personally? Check mate.

yeah bro my best mate charlie is a utah raptor.

better quality version

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thanks my man

That lower jaw looks too long when compared to the upper jaw. It makes tyrannosaurus look derpy.

They were derpy. Why do you think they all died?

hate to say it, but uh, they probably were pretty awkward looking, according to our understanding of their bone structure.

woah, woah, woah! You know Charlie?

The Lost World by Arthur Conan Doyle. Little to do with the movie, but it’s some genuine dino/caveman peak-british Kino.

That movie is fucking gold, you cretin

yeah, he's a top lad, other than that one time he ate my cat, but hey, isn't his fault he's a sight based predator.

Not when compared to the book, as much as I hate to do the whole book vs film adaptation snide thing this is a grand example of how not to do an adaptation

Raptor by Paul Zindel was a childhood favorite of mine. Cheesy as hell but surprisingly brutal for a young adult book

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also Cryptozoica, great pulp style work by the guy behind the Outlanders series

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Horner is such a fucking joke. His hatred of Tyrannosaurus is almost comical.

LMAO, featherfags got absolutely BTFO when the skin impressions from Tarbosarus, Albertasaurus and Tyrannosaurus proved that the large members of Tyrannosauridae were scaly.

>Why do you think they all died?
because the planet was being slowly poisoned by toxic gas produced by the Deccan eruptions and then a giant rock from space lit the world on fire.

I did not expect to read such a detailed description of a guy's skull being crushed in a children's book

It starts with a guy getting a claw through the bottom of his jaw, through the salivary glands and through the palate

it was metal as fuck

Paul Zindel either writes depressing young adult stuff (The Pigman books) or balls out insane surprisingly graphic creature feature young adult stuff like Raptor.

He did a book where a giant pissed off vampire bat bites through a guys eyes and drains the fluids and brains out ending with the phrase "his thoughts were sucked out." or something like that

like when your mom gives me head lol


Animals are for children.

This was a pretty decent trilogy.

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Written by a real paleontologist, Robert Bakkar. Excellent book, realistic and based in science. A glimpse into a lost world.

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>non fiction about dinosaurs

A fucking oxymoron

t. creationist

one thread away from dying, bump :)

Daren Naish and Mark Witton?

the virgin flat earth creationist


the chad hollow earth speculative evolutionist

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Pic related by the same author is fun.

Has one of the most inventive explanations for the dino's extinction

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Matthew Reilly's Great Zoo of China is a great kind sorta cloned "dino" action book.

Anything by edgar rice burroughs that isn't his mars series

Did you learn that from the big bang theory or something?

Sounds like someone on Yea Forums with their irrational hatred of GRRM

The concepts in that book are too racist.

dont be a prick you piece of shit. let the man enjoy his dinosaurs

Not really Yea Forums at all since there's no words, but the Age of Reptiles comics are cool.

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reddit: the thread

this is why no one invites you to parties