Are all women npc's?

Are all women npc's?

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All but those in sciences and the arts.

Yes, especially those in the sciences and arts.


What's an npc?

All men ARE rapists in the sense that women are not conscious in the way men are and cannot consent as such. A man always self-identifies, from the top down, whereas a woman's identity is merely emergent from the most intense and most common Phenomena she is presented with, from the bottom up. From the top down as in man is his own monarch. He minds nothing and no one by default, and only does so either because he proactively wants to, or because that something or someone prevents him from doing what he wills. Whereas woman is the opposite. She minds everything and everyone by default, and only through introjection of the most intense and/or common experiences does a semblance of a will emerge, by which the lesser experiences are then parsed. A woman is essentially always raped, not just sexually, but raped as in having her "will" superseded by an other; directly by a man or by the world as such and/or inasmuch as it is molded by men. She is raped by default, simply by existing. She is never not raped. Rape in the legal sense being comparatively minor and, indeed, most men not being rapists in this sense, but all men and, indeed, all things not woman, inextricably rape all women in the Ontological sense.

do you think for yourself or because funny frog says it on the internet?

Why do you want to see others speak ill of women?

Everyone but me is an NPC. You are all instruments of the Demiurge working to keep me mesmerized by and enslaved to the material world of illusion.

Let’s just say they’re npc inclined

Everyone but me is an NPC. You are all instruments of the Demiurge working to keep me mesmerized by and enslaved to the material world of illusion.


Listen man i don't know about all this toxicity on the internet i have been seeing but women are humans just like men are. Female is just a social construct we made so we could abuse those kind and loving creatures and it is time we finally stop that and accept them for what they really are: empathetic, wise, smart, teachers, mothers, optimistic, and most importantly the only creatures who you can talk to about the deepest stuff :D I talked with girls about so many deep stuff like Jung and Freud and even learned that we are all connected deeply down and through them i even learned just how wrong most philosophers are because they are brute patriotic monsters who only want power.

That girl who told me all of that is my crush :DDD she's been my crush for the last 12 years and i've been her evevrytime she broke with her boyfriends and i hope she will one day realize that me and her are meant to be together and that i love her so much i would do anything for her. I gave her so many gift (but she didn't gift me anything :X she is sometimes rude :D) and even let her stay at my apartment which was the happiest moment in my life! We shared the shame place and we were almost like a family although we didn't sleep together she slept on my bedroom while I on the couch and I had to leave every now and then cause she wanted some privacy (in the morning especially since she is so insecure about her looks in the morning but she is perfect in every single moment (which i told her) but she doesn't listen :/) anyways i was really sad when she told me she needed the entire apartment for the entirety of the month since she made amdents with her ex (Who beat her really bad when they broke up and was in prison for that) and needed to show him that she was an independent woman. I had to rent a hotel but it was a bit expensive so i slept on the sstreets the entire month. I don't have a job or am I in any education so it was no problem if i looked like shit, my parents paid my rents and gave me some money for food but everything went to her for a while so i had to beg a little but it was np cause i believe in the future and you know what they say: "the future is of the female gender" so I hope one day she will realize that her bf is an abusive dick and that what she told me about philosophers is true for that monkey as well but I respect her opinion and will love her always and whatever she needs from me she can get it. I even promised her if she ever has children and her guy leaves her, that i would take care of it with all I have.

You just need to be yourself and believei n what is good and life will reward you in time. Don't trust those guys from /fit/ or any of this whitemen philosophy crap there is no point they are just oppressive men who destroyed the lives of countless women. Women don't care about your looks or "power" they only care if you are good as a person. I hope one day she will finally realize that i am a good man for her.

Well, you'll certainly never be able to play with them


was actually pretty good, he has a point.
i personally believe that 2/9billion women are good for me, my mom and my sister

People like you are why I love this board

Retarded statement. Also the majority of men aren't much better in that regard.
Stupid incel post which is also not Yea Forums

Seething roastie

The irony of the story is that the guy isn't treating her like a human, he is treating her like a goddess.

Remember, Mankind = shit. Women are a subset of mankind and are thus shit. But remember, individuals can be great.

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Until they marry as virgins and become one w/ their husband, they are one with their culture. Friendly and helpful NPCs. The most genetically superior of them are PCs of middling talent.

Hostile NPC is the feminist whore and that is all they tend to ever be.


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I’m sure by some freak of nature a female could excel. It would be some kind of genetic halfling though like a hermaphrodite of the mind.

>All men ARE rapists
Yas, we are

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They do exist, but are exceedingly rare, perhaps less so in this particular time, what with female empowerment and pro-female determinism.

there probably are frustrated female geniuses being at least somewhat held back by the undeserving feminist advancing herself through politics and making everything about sex.