Are Yea Forumsfags really dumb enough to jump on the Peterson bandwagon, or is there some new influx of Peterson fans from elsewhere? Can any longtime Yea Forums users comment on this?
Kek. I'm pretty sure you're a Peterson fan and the only reason you made this thread is that you can shill him.
lit has never been on the Peterson bandwagon. The marxists hate him because he doesnt understand marx, the fascists hate him because he wont talk about jews or race. There are some random anons who seem to like him because he motivated them to clean their rooms, but they seem almost afraid of talking about it.
You take that back right now, you miserable little shit!
first of all, "Yea Forums users" isn't a static group, younger posters are replacing older ones all the time and the average age of users on this site hovers around early 20s or so. so it really shouldn't be surprising when newfag college kids come in here and bring in their peterson fandom from years of watching youtube. pop thinkers go in and out of style, spend more time on this site and you'll see that for yourself.
Peterson by his own admission is essentially a center-left normie who wants to deradicalize the far-right by drawing them in with obvious truisms and encouraging individualism as opposed to collective thinking.
It is actually horribly ironic that people on the left attack him when he is basically fighting FOR them against the extreme right, but because the forces of Dildoleck are so fucking autistic that they can't even listen to one of their own moderate allies without throwing a tantrum and rioting, he has essentially been destroyed.
Marx's theory of dialectical materialism is in full effect. The decision as to whether or not we are entering an age of right-wing populism has already been made, the material conditions are in full effect and it does not matter what Peterson or Harris or any of the other "Intellectual Darkweb" idiots do. The train does not have brakes.
Peterson is popular with NEET's but in the real pseudo-intellectual sphere he is a nobody. I am not saying his ideas are bad but that they are not getting that much attention. He's become a meme by this point and almost everyone who dismisses him has probably not even read/watched him except through 2nd parties (destiny,hhumberguy, etc...). Honestly, he's just Carl Jung with a boner for Christianity and Carl Jung was never that popular on Yea Forums.
In other words, I have no idea what the fuck you are talking about, he's not even remotely close to being shilled in Yea Forums
>, or is there some new influx of Peterson fans from elsewhere?
Exodus from T_d during trump campaign.
Also there's something about the kind of YouTube/e-celeb culture which new/lit/ revels in that used to be derided
50% of Peterson posts take the piss out of him, which you would have got on old Yea Forums. 50% take him seriously which you wouldn't have got so much. Old Yea Forums wasn't looking for self-help gurus. You didn't get so many "bawww. books for this feels" threads......and there's barely any literature threads anymore.
>he's not even remotely close to being shilled in Yea Forums
Right, this thread got 9 replies in 15 minutes which is insanely fast for Yea Forums. Meanwhile, I made a thread about Hegel and it took hours to get that many replies. This board is definitely obsessed with him at this point, you can't deny this.
the thread is not actually about peterson, Peterson and figures like serve as a launching board to allow political flamewars. Most of the posts itt are just political posts that mention peterson's place in the spectrum
you're just shit at making threads fag stop crying waa waaa waaaa
smart man, here's a (you)
Yeah that makes sense actually. Maybe you're right about that.
> there's barely any literature threads anymore
it's shocking how few i mean the board was never great but literature was discussed now there's nothing, the board name doesn't even apply anymore
did the zizek debate hurt peterson at all? it was memed hard here a couple of months ago and i got the impression zizek won from all the posting.
Zizek didn't really participate in the debate about Marxism. What happened is that Zizek basically gave Peterson a free lecture in philosophy and he enjoyed it.
We should have a constant literature general thread like the SciFi/fantasy one. It works for them.
Make it then. You have to be specific on what counts for your thread though, if you're implying that scifi and fantasy don't make the cut.
it's a good idea with the state of this place
I know Peterson has faults at the higher levels, but no one else seems to fill his "wash your penis" niche. He really did find an open market. Unfortunately, I fear that many that need his low level guidance will continue to follow him as the children followed the piper into the lake.
>It is actually horribly ironic that
He is just one element of a controlled opposition "battle of the ideologues" meant to fool us into thinking that there is free and robust public discourse.
>Peterson by his own admission
Where does he admit this?
>because he motivated them to clean their rooms,
Thats honestly better than any Marx shit
In all fairness, Peterson has probably cleaned a room. Marx, never set foot on a factory production floor, though he wailed ad nauseum about the conditions of the workers. It is unfair to expect so much from Marx.
yep, he's basically a dad figure for people who were unfortunate to have dads _that_ shitty that Peterson looks decent now
shove it, newfag. peterson is four year old news on this board.
>needing a general to discuss the board topic
I'm unironically 61 shitposting my worthless comfort addicted life away
>shitty dad
looks like someone is a coddled american liberal. Your father isn't shitty. He is your father. Clean your room.
His original book is unironically good.
It's not really new and in fact the fanaticism is much reduced form what it was even last year.
>but they seem almost afraid of talking about it
but they've been blathering on about "clean your room" and "wash your penis" for months on end.
Do you actually frequent Yea Forums?
>I dreamt dreams vivid as reality. I could not escape from them or ignore them. They circulated, in general, around a single theme: that of nuclear war, and total devastation—around the worst evils that I, or something in me, could imagine:
>My parents lived in a standard ranch-style house, in a middle-class neighborhood, in a small town in northern Alberta. I was sitting in the darkened basement of this house, in the family room, watching TV, with my cousin Diane, who was in truth—in waking life—the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. A newscaster suddenly interrupted the program. The television picture and sound distorted, and static filled the screen. My cousin stood up and went behind the TV to check the electrical cord. She touched it, and started convulsing and frothing at the mouth, frozen upright by intense current.
>A brilliant flash of light from a small window flooded the basement. I rushed upstairs. There was nothing left of the ground floor of the house. It had been completely and cleanly sheared away, leaving only the floor, which now served the basement as a roof. Red and orange flames filled the sky, from horizon to horizon. Nothing was left as far as I could see, except skeletal black ruins sticking up here and there: no houses, no trees, no signs of other human beings or of any life whatsoever. The entire town and everything that surrounded it on the flat prairie had been completely obliterated.
>It started to rain mud, heavily. The mud blotted out everything, and left the earth brown, wet, flat and dull, and the sky leaden, even gray. A few distraught and shell-shocked people started to gather together. They were carrying unlabeled and dented cans of food, which contained nothing but mush and vegetables. They stood in the mud looking exhausted and disheveled. Some dogs emerged, out from under the basement stairs, where they had inexplicably taken residence. They were standing upright, on their hind legs. They were thin, like greyhounds, and had pointed noses. They looked like creatures of ritual—like Anubis, from the Egyptian tombs. They were carrying plates in front of them, which contained pieces of seared meat. They wanted to trade the meat for the cans. I took a plate. In the center of it was a circular slab of flesh four inches in diameter and one inch thick, foully cooked, oily, with a marrow bone in the center of it. Where did it come from?
>I had a terrible thought. I rushed downstairs to my cousin. The dogs had butchered her, and were offering the meat to the survivors of the disaster.
when he was hip it was even worse. he's just belligerently edgy and wears suspenders, so retards think he just the hottest guy in school.
His self-help stuff isn't bad. It's merely a re-framing and a pastiche of stoicism and philosophies revolving around personal responsibility, but that's not a bad thing. As is often the case with self-help stuff, re-framing is more important than truly original content. What is bad is that his version of self-responsibility masks a degree repression (stuff like 'put babies down and walk away if they throw a tantrum' measures have been proved to lead to attachment issues and other mental and physiological health deficiencies). You can even hear it in his rage-filled trembling voice. Resentment and blame ( viewed as anything other than a cog in a causal link) are horrible things for one's well-being (granted, they may be useful motivating energies, or incentives, much like retributive justice/revenge is, but not means of their own, or conclusive philosophies) and he is right to tackle them through self-responsibility.
His religious stuff is interesting at best, but despite his continuous search for god, he is not a believer. His inability to realise that he is not in fact a theist Christian stems from the same kind of neuroticism stated above. I have no issue with Jungian inspired personality readings of scriptures though. Not theism though.
His political position is just as confused as his religious stance. He acknowledges that inequality is a bad thing and isn't opposed to redistributive course-corrections, but is blinded by reactionary rage.
As far as the anti-sjw culture wars go, he is right in his diagnoses, but his repression-based viewpoint makes his 'antidote' limited.
I unironically think he writes some good stuff, but he is currently wasting his Intellect and Talent on tp USA tier shit.
basic bitch zombiecore/10
Marxists hate him because they live in squalor.
Marxists often defend Marx by compartmentalizing his writing from his lifestyle. I find this laughable, as they not only follow his directives but also emulate his lifestyle.
Well, he is but my stepdad is nice and my room is clean because of him.
Interesting spin when contrasted with the classic edgelord atheistic "I owe Jesus nothing".
I bought The Gulag Archipelago because of him. It was a decent read.
That's how bad it's got
his "i act as if god exists" is more honest and self-aware than you actual theists.
i guess it doesn't work for people who need to literally be afraid that god is going to punish them when they sin
Are you new? His bandwagon came and went and it was horrific to put up with his closeted homo fans who clearly had daddy issues.
Ever since his Zizek "debate" I think people are embarrassed that they ever claimed affiliation with him because of the fact that he was humiliated by himself when Zizek was actively trying not to humiliate him. He turned into a stuttering retard because he didn't and never understood the topics he was discussing in the first place. The number of threads about him definitely dropped sharply after the debate, anyway.
And the worst thing about all of this is it's further proof that e-Celebs like Peterson, Zizek, etc. rule the internet now. Even I watch them, because I'm both stupid and selfish and like to consume and critique whatever has the most sway over people at the present.
Totalling all peterson posting I’ve ever seen, maybe 1% of it was propeterson and most of that was at the start of the meme when he was btfoing trannies.
and the non-pseuds gate him because he steaks every great work he cites to fit his narrative or seem ridiculout without taking into account the work itself. dosto? he was only about belief in god, nietsche? just about self improvement, marx? just praxis.
they're probably afraid to talk about it because they're afraid to be sincere and get mocked
Nah I still think he's good, though I kind of stopped following him. He doesn't do interview anymore or talk about myths and beliefs and I'm not that interested in the whole free speech thing.
Also his hatebase is absolutely autistic, especially on Yea Forums. It feel like a horde of bots who get triggered to always post the same shit, kind of like /pol/ posters when talking about niggers or jews.
Why all the hate for someone who tells people to give a shit about themselves?
people don't like things that are popular
also that 'crabs trying to escape from bucket' thing