Why is literature so pedophilic? J.D. Salinger, William Golding, Lewis Carrol, Oscar Wilde are all allegedly pedophiles...

Why is literature so pedophilic? J.D. Salinger, William Golding, Lewis Carrol, Oscar Wilde are all allegedly pedophiles. And I'm sure anyone can find more examples. Popular "literature" like the ASOIAF series have scenes where underages get raped, have sex, or are described naked. Stephen King's IT has the famous child gang bang scene. And Lolita exists. What is it about the written word that makes people entertain such thoughts? Is it da joos? Is there a pizza gate segment of the literary world?


Attached: lolita-book-cover_219342.jpg (1000x1612, 133K)

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No FBI, not this time.

An artist has to be open to many sorts of experience. Even the rarest and most taboo. The artist would grip the nipple of life and suckle till every last drop of experience quenches his rapacious thirst.

>missing the point of Lolita
kys underagefag

That’s a few book of thousands written

I don't think it's anything that contrived. Writing has a lot more freedom compared to any other medium, that's all . You can explore a lot with literature.

Because literature is gay and gays are usually pedophiles.

how much of a brainlet do you have to be to perceive Lolita as just a documentation of pedophilic affairs?

nice honeypot btw

>What's with mature men being attracted to or fixated by young women?
Real head-scratcher

The gatekeepers to literature let people as scummy and disgusting as themselves pass through

Luckily with the internet, this is erroding a bit

>And I'm sure anyone can find more examples.
thomas mann william shakespeare simone de beauvoir andre gide walt whitman johann wolgang von goethe jm barrie william burroughs allen ginsberg the list goes on

I am an author who wrote a novel like these (Crystal Grader). It's from the girl's POV, I was and still am interested in how girls seem to achieve sexual maturity at a younger age than boys. I was also quite curious to see what would happen should one of these girls decide to pursue an adult male with unkillable determination. How would it affect her, her family, the man in question.
Plus...yeah, I made the girl hot, and she did a lot of nudity. Got all the answers I was looking for though.

I think Lolita hints pedophilia in hollywood and literary circles. naturally, it is true just like the 60s had runaway groupies. i see GR in the same way, hinting at hollywood pedophilia. I don't even think its the jews, but artistic 'free-spirits' that became moral relativists on account of their degeneracy

don't forget garcia marquez
i think it's because writers love taboo topics. How many books can you think of that don't also contain infidelity, alcoholism, drug use, suicide, etc.? Also the number of people attracted to those around the ages of 10-14 is way higher than you think, people are just very quiet about it for obvious reasons.

>overly broad definition of child
Hags aren't children, nigger, buy yourself a smarter brain.

Thanks for the recommendations

You should probably read this: archive.org/details/AWalkingAphrodisiacByNicholasBlacksmith

>denying that lolita had pedophilic themes
God what a retard

>Lewis Carrol
Do you mean C S Lewis?

there's surely got to be at least a millions books in human history, no?

>all those websites
Why do I care about what zines think I care about?
>this zine says X about X author and you should care about X because reasons
Why should I give a fuck?

Pedos usually have high iq. All of those authors are based.

literally never say it didn't. nice strawman, retard.

Based and factual

Thanks entirely to de Sade. Don’t forget.

>I myself do not enjoy the society of small children: because I speak from within the Tao I recognize this as a defect in myself—just as a man may have to recognize that he is tone deaf or colour blind.

This user is correct

120 days of Sodom is, in fact, the root of all evil

Because men are pedophilic.

Attached: natalieportmanleon1.jpg (620x466, 60K)

Does fucking a 16 year old really make you a pedo? I always thought the acceptable age for consent laws was 16-18.

minor =/= child

Anybody who is surprised or offended by adult me finding sexually developed teenagers attractive does not understand human biology;

It stems from people refusing to understand the term "pedophilia", they use it as an all encompassing umbrella like based braindead OP Not a single book mentioned is related to actual pedophilia.

No, it makes you a pedo if you have a heavy preference for pre-pubescent girls without developed or developing sexual characteristics (younger than ~12)