Why is he so underrated?

Why is he so underrated?

Attached: walterbenjamin.jpg (685x1024, 102K)

Whats so good about him huh

>to left wing for the alt-right
>to right wing for the SJWs
>to intelligent for the centrists

There's no place for him today.

*emerges from cloud of hashish smoke*
Hurr durr auras man
*smokes more*
Ever heard of kabbalah?
*kills self because scared of nazis*

everyone and their grandma are literally creaming their pants over Benjamin.

Benjamin is the darling du jour of pretentious college students and young "Heh I wear sneakers and a suit jacket at the same time ;)" douchebag professors alike

So the world “today” is composed of “alt-right”, “SJWs”, and “centrists”.

Imagine the torture of learning about the world through the magic mirror of the internet media like this brainlet.

>Imagine the torture of learning about the world through the magic mirror of the internet media like this brainlet.

yes imagine learning about the world through the world

You must be omnipotent. How should I address Thou?

Here? Yes.
Otherwise, no.
A beautiful writer his literary phases remain essential reading.

bourgie academics love him

>what's the spectacle?

where to start with benji?

Berlin Childhood Circa 1900
One-way street, and other writings

People of Germany

Illuminations and Reflections

Who da fuc is dis nigger?

Walt Ben Kenobi

*Blocks your path*

Attached: ernstjungerkills.jpg (797x1024, 224K)

The original Enlightened Centrist™

You know that "thou" is an informal mode of addressing someone, right?

fuck me, now I just feel like a prescriptive pedantic retard