Burgerpunk cont'd

previousget in here


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Other urls found in this thread:


>that document
Who’s writing this?

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Are 90s one hit wonders burgerpunk?

extremely so

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>37 pages so far
I'm loving it!

This is fucking brilliant lads, keep going

Haha some of you guys are all right, dont go to burger king tm

Thoughts on my Burgerpunk playlist?

The Eagles - Their Greatest Hits (1971–1975)

$uicideboy$ - Kill Your$elf Part III: The Budd Dwyer $aga, various mixtapes

Oneohtrix Point Never - Replica (one of the only good vaporwave albums 2bh)

Linkin Park - Meteora

Thin Lizzy - Jailbreak

Miranda Cosgrove - iCarly

Tim Hecker - Harmony in Ultraviolet

Joy Division - Still

Twenty One Pilots - Blurryface

feel like Modest Mouse is quintessential burgerpunk

>The Eagles - Their Greatest Hits (1971–1975)

>$uicideboy$ - Kill Your$elf Part III: The Budd Dwyer $aga, various mixtapes

>Oneohtrix Point Never - Replica (one of the only good vaporwave albums 2bh)

>Linkin Park - Meteora

>Thin Lizzy - Jailbreak
hmm idk

>Miranda Cosgrove - iCarly

>Tim Hecker - Harmony in Ultraviolet
god no

>Joy Division - Still
what the hell no

>Twenty One Pilots - Blurryface
hahah yes

What's more burgerpunk, anons:
Carl's Jr. or Hardee's

Is the OJ trial Burgerpunk?

I live in a mid size to small city in Florida that's almost like OP's pic. I want to add if you want to see the sad reality of books in our Burgerpunk society, go to a Goodwill. All the books rapid consumerism churns out goes to the dusty shelf at a thrift store. You could always guess what's there: old political books usually by O'Reilly, Coulter, and Limbaugh. I found one of Limbaugh's from 1993 and it read the same grievances modern day conservatives have which gets bittersweet. Then you have the fiction. I can't count how many times I'vs seen Twilight and other y/a on the shelves, not to mention John Brown and Grisham novels, the y/a of boomers with copy and paste plots. I usually get a depressed feeling looking through those shelves because there are no classics, just commodities of the decade that die in 3 months. Expect to see Jordan Peterson and Shapiro books there in the 2020s.

I occasionally find good books at thrift stores, but it's a combination of visiting different goodwills around town several times a week and dumb luck.
It's generally mostly like you said, bargain bin pundit books and a few dozen copies of whatever YA got a movie in the past year or two

Quintessential burgerpunkore

So true. Every one of them has the same airport novels wrapped in those glossy dust jackets with raised lettering, Stephen King, James Patterson, and Dan Brown among others.


I'm about two thirds of the way through A Confederacy of Dunces right now; is this proto-burgerpunk?

Replace Harmony in Ultraviolet with Ravedeath.

I fell asleep 12 hours ago and y’all autosage’d another thread? Impressive.

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I think Joy Division captures the whininess and despair of living in urban/suburban sprawl better than just about anybody else. But I guess they're more Tescopunk than burgerpunk. Maybe Nirvana would be a better choice? Still massively popular, similar mood, wrote the anthems of dadbodded gen xers and Latin-flavored mystery meat zoomers alike... But the particular song I chose (Ice Age) is one of their all-time greatest and very accurately describes angry frustration of life in burgerland

I wish I could sleep for 12 hours. Constant busy-ness over the past decade and a half has killed my ability to sleep for periods lasting more than 4-6 hours.
Is this an effect of burgerpunk?

I slept for 12 hours because I had been going off 4 hours of sleep and stimulants the past few days. Is this burger punk?

excited to see where harry ends up next

Why don’t you write it and tell us where Harry goes?

Are they prescribed drugs from Dr. Rosenberg?

I wish. I can’t afford healthcare.

Now that's Burgerpunk

>tfw copay on recent dental work was 900 dollars
Just burgerpunk me up fampai

My healthcare is so shit I might as well not have it desu

>tfw only doctor you’ve seen in a decade is a dentist because your tooth cracked and they instead wanted to do 2000$ worth of cavity work and didn’t care about the hole in your mouth

Dentists are the worst senpai. I worked for a dental lab once senpai, got to go to the national American dental association convention. They had George bush speak and I quote
>if my dentist tells me they need to put a cavity in there I tell em’ sign me up do what cha gotta

>Canadian living in the USA
>my friend gets deadly deadly poisoning from a seriously dangerous massive cut while doing some home repair
>"Dude go to the hospital"
>"No, the wizard will cast a hex of Exponentially Expanding Bills on me!"
>later that evening
>privatized ambulances drive by me
>followed by a minivan that is painted to say "FOLLOW ME TO THE BEST PLACE ON EARTH"
>follow the van
>it just drives in circles around the neighbourhood all day, back and forth from a restaurant/hotel, enticing people to follow it and eat there
>occasionally stops to gas up

This country is amazing

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Apply for Medicaid. Worth quitting burgerpunk-tier jobs for.

Harry should chip a tooth and then impersonate a dental hygienist to try and get it fixed for free because he doesn't have dental insurance. Sounds burgerpunk af

>want to hang out with my buddy
>friend tells me he gets off his fourth double shift
>says he accidentally ingested trap grease
>says he needs to go to the hospital because he's throwing up
>tell him I can't because I'm at work
>he says he can't afford an ambulance
>tell him to just uber there
>uber driver is foreigner who doesn't know the word hospital
>drives him to the 9/11 sports bar in the medical district
>police officers see guy throwing up in bar parking lot
>gets arrested for public intoxication
>gets driven to hospital for blood draw
>nurse misses vein because she's tired and at the end of her 6th day straight of 12 hour shifts
>friend gets sent to ER under police supervision
>stomach is pumped
>sent to jail before bail is set
>medical bill mailed to prison
>$80,000 dollar itemized bill
>police mail him a bill as well for private use of police officers
>$25,000 dollar itemized bill
>turns out my friend couldn't hang out that night to get a bite to eat at ihop.

No. Burgerpunk is having health “insurance” but still being billed exorbitantly for things insurance doesn’t cover. Ironically, insurance typically covers amphetamines though and you can get a bottle of them for $5

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Good advice. Medicaid can’t deny you for pre existing conditions, can’t drop you once you get a chronic illness, and in many ways exceeds private/employer based insurance as far as what it will pay for.

Ironically, I don't think Americans seem capable of Burgerpunk. Burgerpunk is definitely an outside perspective on a rotting culture, a such kitchy flashy veneer or complete moral degredation, Americans are way too romantic about this shit.

Someone going
> well, the onion rings at Burger King are really good
is peak Burgerpunk, but the American doesn't realise the hideousness in the sentence. He agrees with the statement and doesn't look much further than that. Burgerpunk is in its essence than the majority of Americans are hideous beyond redemtion.

>tfw using student loans to help pay for healthcare

>let me tell you about your country

Health care or health insurance?

it's you who clearly doesn't understand the concept because you're a miserable asshole

Well it's the same way Cyberpunk is going to not reflect reality of the future, it's just an aesthetic expression.

Concrete problems in American like student loans, gun violence and everyone going to prison isn't burgerpunk. Having a Pepsi sponsored funeral is.

>tfw cost me 1500 dollars to visit a doctor to rub me with various allergens to tell me im allergic to dust.

have you read seven american nights by gene wolfe? Interesting take on burgerpunk from an outside perspective

My impression from the document is that it's a bunch of anons shitting words onto a google doc. I guess anyone is open to interpretation. One man's vision differs from another

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Racial tension in the neoliberal era is extremely burgerpunk.

Americans need to go right after the jews and the Chinese

I think the document is just sort of a big collaborative shitpost.
Burgerpunk itself seems like an interesting thing to try and classify. I'd describe it as a distinctly American flavored ennui

Well that's the problem with such a vaguely defined aesthetic. Cyberpunk is far mroe clearly defined and even then there's a huge difference between Blade Runner and what most people would call Cyberpunk, despite being easily the most popular example.

Burgerpunk in its essence is about the kitchy veneer of commercialization, and everything it spirals out into. Americans being bothered by healthcare costs, racial tension, violence, poor education or oligarchies are again missing the point. Burgerpunk isn't just to shit on Americas faults, it's finding the essential problem with American culture. Even with largely decreased gun violence, American would still have the

> we are, we are, Walmart!

chants. THAT is burgerpunk.

Reasking my question the last thread:
What are some books or articles exploring this still ongoing cultural homogenization you could observe in the US over the last few decades, turning nearly the whole country into the same bland suburban wasteland where only the weather allows one tell cities and states apart?

>be me
>told to go to community college because parents are too poor to afford real college and make too much to get financial aid
>have to get part time job because parents bought a house and took out a mortgage they can't afford
>go to class at a campus 2 hours away
>everyone around me is old or a minority
>the assignments given are easier than in high school
>in my English class the "professor" tells us to write a five page short story
>start writing it
>its about a guy working the drive thru
>one of the customers at 2am is really shitfaced
>turns out it's a local director
>tells kid his life sucks and he should write a script about it and send it to him
>hands kid his business card in exchange for bag of nuggets
>as he drives off he wrecks with an oncoming car
>kid goes home and finds his mothers typewriter
>kid sits down to write script, but realizes he doesn't know how
>he makes up script formatting as he goes
>starts writing about a girl that works the night shift of a highway side hotel
>she meets lots of weirdos and prostitutes
>one night as she's watching the office and playing hearthstone on her phone a customer walks in covered in mud
>she hears the heavy rain pour outside
>the man in mud has a well trimmed beard and looks almost like an action hero if it weren't for his beer belly
>he tells her he's late for the conference
>she asks what conference
>he says the Joint Star Management Training Quest conference
>she says it starts tomorrow but he can get a room now because only 6 people have signed up
>he checks in
>goes up to his room and unpacks his bags
>he takes out his laptop tablet and starts jerking off to HD porn at a rate of a dollar per megabite
>snorts a line of coke
>realizes he never wanted to be management and starts drawing hentai mags again
>draws a regular highschool kid dreaming about getting fucked by big titty asian goth girls
>kid wakes up and realizes he's late for school
>kid goes to his 7am programming class
>sits down at his computer and starts writing a program that's not on the assignment
>designs an app that connects through wifi to other peoples unsecure phones and detects nude photos and downloads them
>runs program
>finds his history teacher's nudes
>shes in latex
>mounted on a fat balding man whos tied up and gagged
>there are candles everywhere
>she has a quill and is writing into the mans skin
>kid zooms in to see what she is writing
>its an historical account of the roman conquest of Greece from the perspective of a young roman solder
>solder is in a market square on patrol
>solder overhears a blind poet telling a story
>solder decides to listen in
>its about the future
>thousands of years from now there is a child
>the child is forced to get his education from a lack luster school due to his parents financial state
>in one of his classes he is assigned to create an epic poem 5 tablets in length
>so he begins writing
>"nescio qualiter in finem, iste"

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I unironically love this. Bless u user.

Burgerpunk either strays into depressing reality (walmart break rooms) or becomes an Ancap meme.

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Fuck yeah

it's already dead and we killed it

I disagree because as a foreigner you can’t fathom how intertwined all of these problems are.
>Concrete problems in American like student loans
Student loans going to a university known by the public through its athletic program which gets millions of dollars in Nike endorsement deals and pays school administration 6 and 7 figures to establish what is essentially an overnight day care for large children where learning and actual education is the last priority—reflected by the shit tier wages they pay the faculty.
>gun violence and everyone going to prison isn't burgerpunk.
It is when greed and materialism are propagandized to you from birth through all forms of media. Not to mention the fetishization of violence through music, television and movies.
>Having a Pepsi sponsored funeral is.
Essentially everything is like this on different levels. You would know that if you lived here.


IJ ?

>Racial tension in the neoliberal era is extremely burgerpunk.
Agreed, it’s interesting how corporations exacerbate the tension via woke capitalism to try to convince the public that they are morally good when in reality their only raison d etre ever was, and ever will be, increasing profits.

Out curiosity, is there a European equivalent of burgerpunk, especially a continental one?
Or are the suburban monocultures of europe not even remotely excessive enough to qualify compared to the monocultures of north america?

Can be hard finding a provider that accepts it though. Hospitals do in an emergency at least.

Fun violence isn't a real thing though. I mean yes, it happens, but 30 times less often than preventable medical mistakes. Why no nationwide campaigns about that? It's still some random person dying suddenly because of some other idiot. Perhaps there is some other reason people want to ban guns?

It's best to pretend you can have an authentic long-term relationship with a corp, or corps will have no reason to try to maintain your long-term happiness with them (giving them free reign to act like ravenous sharks with a three month lifespan)


Can someone explain this project. What are the rules? what are we trying to accomplish?
just random shit that satirizes the US

since this is Yea Forums after all...
I haven't actually read it, but it's considered important in architecture school. It was based on a field study of las vegas and its urban sprawl and obnoxious signs

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We are developing and exploring a budding genre aesthetic. The specifics of which have been hotly contested in these threads as user's interpretation of what is burgerpunk varies from:
>hard realism explaining the futility of the modern commodified world
>cyberpunk but without computers or fun
>wacky parody of corporate control to a point of IJ/Idiocracy/ancap
>surrealist environments where only suburbia exists
Anons can't even agree on the visuals or the decade. Some want it to be only from Reagan to 9/11, some think it should be the 80s onward to reflect globalization, some think the time should remain indeterminate. The google drive doc is a fun shitpost exploring different themes and styles.

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>Can be hard finding a provider that accepts it though. Hospitals do in an emergency at least.
Maybe in California, which has notoriously poor reimbursement rates. Well, at least they are covering immigrants now.

This is great burgerpunk published last year. One of the standout lines for me was the main character looking up from his Greyhound bus and seeing a sign reading
>Hey New Jersey, llama a Latin America por 5c/minuto
Also features other burgerpunk scenes like sucking dick in Arizona, realizing how pointless your Marco Rubio fundraiser was, etc

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are there any rules about where and how to add shit?

is this getting published like TLOTIAT and Hyperspace?
it should

Corporate has yet to publish their yearly update to the handbook, so no.

Who would enforce these rules?
Don't be such a dunce.

>Perhaps there is some other reason people want to ban guns?
Yes, to put it as non-controversially as I can: it’s a cultural war between the two sides of the burgerpunk bun.

It would be interesting as a series of short stories and snippets of lore. Nothing more than a glimpse into the world of Burgerpunk. It's like reading a bunch of letters from a different world, allowing you to piece together the lore but still leaving some things ambiguous

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Someone mentioned in a previous thread that he thought burgerpunk ended with the great recession 2007, but I think the entering of the internet into everyone's home only accelerated this process of cultural homogenization even more.


>or corps will have no reason to try to maintain your long-term happiness with them
What? Who cares? We want them to fail. Further, they are just stoking the flames of racial tension anyways, they certainly aren’t ever effecting any positive change.

I think it's an interesting corporate culture shift for sure. The age of the internet/computer mega corporations like the four horsemen(amazon, google, facebook, apple) all seemed to have invaded the cultural consciousness slowly, and that the fast food animosity died down. But I think it hasn't and shouldn't. Its difficult to pin down where google is manifest in the real world (other than HQ/offices/data farms) but burgerpunk is everywhere you go IRL. The internet has just exacerbated it. There is no escape anymore online. Briefly the internet was a safe haven from the real world oppression of burgerpunk, but now it's just a technological version of consumption.


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Good thread(s).
Carry on.

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> Why no nationwide campaigns about preventable medical mistakes
> mistakes
Well first of all.. There are... A lot of them, many of them lobbied against by the corporate bound lobbyists. And second of all there's the mistake part. When a mass shooting occurs it's not a mistake you imbecile
>Perhaps there is some other reason people want to ban guns?
Thanks for the chuckle user holy shit

I put in a reference for good measure that isn't on that cap.

This. Baudrillard defined it perfectly in his work.

I definitely forgot about the ever present deletefags in these projects.

Thats why I stopped, every time it gets deleted, the previous version and/or copy paste version misses the footnotes I add.*
>*this makes me sad, like the time I went to mcdonalds and the ice cream machine wasn't working. I knew it wouldn't but for one second I had raised my hopes. The rest of the day was ruined.

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>This definition attributed to an anonymous author on a literature forum.
lol which one of you retards was this

Take for instance this pic. Burgers might think it's funny and might try to make a meme out of it by uploading it to a social media like Instagram. A foreigner will find it absurd and insane. Also wrestling is fake with clear evidence but still consumed by everyone including adults that clearly don't have a mature mentality. We can also consider the physical shape of some people from pic related, they are clearly obese thanks to their processed junk diet. This is the moment when you can't distinguish reality from fantasy.

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Attached: wheredidthefootnotesgo.png (300x250, 17K)

Yeah it's not worth it to go back and write all that again and apparently whenever controls the version history isn't retrieving it. Deletefags win again, and their prize is, as always, nothing

When I saw the Tienanmen meme I knew that story was crap.

well, it seems the novel i'm working on has a suitable genre tag. what does Yea Forums think?
>main character is a high school sophomore who's always in trouble for saying edgy shit
>teachers and classmates are worried he's gonna shoot up the school
>lives with his hoarder mom
>his only friend is obsessed with joining the marines
>substitute teacher at school is an indebted underemployed intellectual loafer with a useless philosophy degree
>sub takes an interest in the edgy kid for pseudo-nietzschean reasons
>sub starts writing theory on school shootings and fantasizes that he'll die in one so his writings will be discovered posthumously
>bizarre secret friendship between substitute losing his grip on sanity and sophomore dissociating from his own identity due to being unsure whether he's serious about any of the provocative shit he says
overall, it's really an ensemble story about the kids and teachers at the high school with the edgy kid and substitute at the center. hopefully it won't hurt my chances of being published to post this here, but i'll probably have to self-publish anyway.

would you guys read it?

I really enjoyed how the anons vignettes broke up Harry's adventure. It was down a rabbit hole to the nth.*
>he didn't know what to the nth meant, but thought it sounded correct within context of what he was writing, though this was the problem any time he was writing. It was as if he didn't know what was going on and pretended to be in the know. It didn't work so well on an anonymous forum.

i copied+pasted it into a seperate doc a while ago and can restore that version soon

no, not unless you become a famous youtuber.

>Agreed, it’s interesting how corporations exacerbate the tension via woke capitalism to try to convince the public that they are morally good when in reality their only raison d etre ever was, and ever will be, increasing profits.
But it's not just racial tension. They're doing the same with LGBT shit and the like. Extremely burgerpunk

I was about three pages in, so if that's all copied I'd start again

I think edgy highschool boy doesn't jive well with the more high level content you say you're writing about.*
>*he wanted to tell user that he should change it to a college student so the themes of isolation and ivory tower learning could be brought up, but he didn't know how to broach the subject with him, so he left it at that, just like all the other times he realized no one wanted to hear his opinion about anything. Why did he talk so much when he knew no one was listening?

"Burgerpunk" is just the latest name for the exaggerated version of America non-Americans conjure up in order to convince themselves that their countries are somehow immune to the negative effects of globalized modern culture.
So yes, obviously an American wouldn't have any need for it.

In my head burgerpunk is the society created by dying rural towns supported entirely by the transient income of their interstate exit. It's a highly specific thing and not a broader social trend

Americans are human pollution.

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I forget how intelligent this board can be.

>Can be hard finding a provider that accepts it though. Hospitals do in an emergency at least.
Medicaid has better coverage than most private insurance and regardless doesn't have a deductible. Just find a provider.

I think at it's core this is the starting place, but it can be fun to expand it past that. Where do those freeways go? What are the cities like in this world so focused on the rural?* Can it be pushed into an extreme when it is already extreme objectively? Does our fiction reflect this reality already and we just don't know it?
>*My great uncle has a ranch in the middle of no where Oklahoma. When I was young the closest town, of say 3000 people, was 20 minutes away. A decade later there was a Walmart 5 minutes down the farm road.

op pic agrees

that's a swede

good one, dude

What is the ultimate burger punk car? What just says America?

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Sweden was lost, sweaty.

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The mid size SUV

1998 Honda Civic, Ford f150, and the Jeep Grand Cherokee

>ronald mcdonald sitting on the abraham lincoln throne in the lincoln memorial

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There is no dignity in this pic, they all look ashamed on a deeply spiritual level

Is this cuck and bull and mrs.?

this book will allow all the desperate Yea Forumsposters to finally be published

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Did someone just switch the Google Doc to requiring sign-in? What the fuck?

What just happened to the doc?

Attached: 1559765235885.jpg (600x813, 73K)

probably people kept raping it so they restricted access

Well at least I can get my real work done now.

Should I request access? How it's working?

I guess you should request access

Everyone can edit it

station wagon

looks like you faggots finally learned your lesson.

looks pretty ok you should maybe ad pic related, or a better version of it

I meant this picture

Attached: 460_Sprawl.jpg (460x345, 54K)

Burgerpunk is burger ingorance about their shithole as they spew propaganda about how great it is. Burgerpunk is Stockholm Syndrome.

name one country that doesnt do this

both user

Grant sum acces

Look up the term “non-place” and read the book by the same name. That’s a good starting point. Infinite jest also explores burger-punk themes, mainly through corporate sponsored years and things of that nature.


>america does this

Peak burgerpunk, my shithole dweller.

Is snorting wellbutrin burgerpunk?

But america controls the world. We are the bun that encapsulates your meaty experience.

I've only ever snorted coke, addy, Altoids and pixie sticks. So I don't know.

its normal in group behavior it doesnt have to be a country. the argument is the world does it, and why is america the most well known for it? probably because it has been winning at that game so far. blame the other countries in copying the economic model then? too weak ror an alternative? soon to change though. i feel like people who can only blame america for this is just as ignorant as the average burger in international matters.
cmon bloke

>get corporate job at fast food restaurant headquarters
>discount on sandwiches is listed in the benefits section

Attached: yesssssss'.jpg (682x1023, 51K)

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>But america controls the world
and israel controls america

Attached: america texas school teacher israel oath.png (1377x1289, 192K)

and rich people control both

Noice user

>rich people
most of whom are jews

Any pickup trucks

What is he tryin to say here?

The UK

How is my access denied when I was the one who started the doc?? Did I get DDoS'd?

that's just idpol
what they are or aren't isn't important, but what they do

new link, older version


Have people mentioned self help classics that economic strivers love to read: Napoleon HIll, Carnegie, Sun tzu etc. Also new self help books that have the work Fuck in the title

Where is the problem, user?
At least to me it appears pretty straight forward in it's meaning.

I mentioned 12 rules by peterson

Your post is self-evidently retarded because you're assuming that you have a better perspective on a culture than the people who actually live and witness it everyday. But it's actually a good opportunity for us to define what Burgerpunk is not.

So far as I can tell, you interpret Burgerpunk as just a very stale and lazy anti-Americanism popular with European and second world incels online. The semantic equivalent of a casual slur like "eurotrash". This is totally wrong. Burgerpunk isn't revulsion to a collapsing culture, it's recognizing the terror and petty joys of being trapped within it. "Ironically" (i.e. not ironically) you are now demonstrating in detail how you lack the American mentality to process burgerpunk. To you it looks like Americans pointing out stupid and gross things about themselves. For Americans, it's an affirmation of Americanness at the same time it's a harsh criticism. Being unable to distinguish between the onion rings at Burger King and the onion rings at Wendy's outs you as a total collarboy who lacks the cognitive aptitude to understand burgerpunk. Burgerpunk is totally beyond snobbish faggots, it's broken people making sense of a broken scavenger society because they have no snobbish fag alternative to compare it too.

It's not a romanticization in the slightest. It's a critical and realistic look at the way we live that allows for nuanced understanding and criticism alike. A romanticization would be pretending that your identity holds a living and healthy high culture untouched by market forces and globalization, when in reality there hasn't been truly successful and vibrant Western high culture for more than a century. Burgerpunk is a total rejection of your delusional and romantic self-mythology. Burgerpunk is a reluctant, hateful embrace of mediocrity and decline. Burgerpunk is the only sincere and worthwhile reaction to a decadent civilization: survivalism.



Cool, someone deleted my contribution, and the file with it still present is locked behind some dumbass Request Access screen.

based and BPpilled

...a-are we seriously getting this deep about Burgerpunk this soon? I think I'm okay with this.

But I do hate that sentence and how prevalent giant corporations are and it makes me feel as if I’m in a dead culture every day.

Same, this is probably the biggest trainwreck of the group books

I'm in Washington and both GPs and specialist refuse it. Sometimes, and I don't understand why, they claim to accept it but "lose" the fax they require you to send six times in a row.

I know, I was trying to avoid too much derailment.

That wouldn't cause failure, just increase suffering. They'd be even more profitable and less "good citizens". There will be no revolution, so don't bother accelerating for that.

Really? Medical mistakes gets near the attention gun violence does? Why lie user? Oh I see were only counting people killed in mass shootings, because the guy's intentions matters most when you're dead. 300,000/ year versus maybe 12/year. Intentions must be so super important!

Extremely low IQ post, evidently written by a wimpy little Burger ruffian. If one is to use burgerpunk as more than an aesthetic object of contemplation, it (BP) must be thoroughly defined by the outsider: i.e. Europeans, Asians and Latin Americans. These continents have been ravaged by burgerism, their cultures curled and adapted by contact with the monolithic, all-encompassing, cultureburger. If we let stripes'n'stars-wearing idiots take hold of BP, it's dead from the start, because it will never amount to anything more than what DFW has already written on US television, entertainment, tourism, fairs, porn conventions, gastronomic events etc. All that you describe is old news, no one cares about your sad little ramblings about suburbia life and hot dog eating contests, and how all of this amounts to an ennnui cum jouissance type of feeling. No, the foreigner must be the one to carve burgerism out of their minds, to spit on it and to cultivate it. Otherwise we can just kill this thread and trend right here and right now.

Yuros and bongoloids will never achieve this level of burgerpunk. They will only sneer from the sidelines as it quietly seeps into their brains

Attached: zimmerman+motive+for+murder[1].png (1235x635, 460K)

you misspelled ennui my little intellectual

It's spelled ennnui, just like it's spelled Hemmmingway.

This thread makes me nauseous

To view the current cultural situation as a uniquely American one and to then pretend that the critique of America could possibly "carve burgerism" out of a non-American's mind is to miss the point entirely. Grey culture is the horror; the lack of placedness and not some sort of invasion by America. That would imply that regional culture is still alive and hegemonic.

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That's the stench of burgerpunk. Do you feel the grease in your veins? Can you taste the salty gristle on your tongue?

I meant foreigners should carve burgerism (I.E. definite it) just as a sculptor carves the marble to give us a sculpture. Burgers should watch this endeavor from the sidelines.

>those most affected and entrenched in the experience should say the least
Terrible opinion

Carbo-loading this much makes me hungry.

>you need permission

You're NOT "immersed in" or "affected by" burgerpunk, you're burgerpunk itself. Just by existing, walking, typing, expressing opinions you perpetuate burgerism while being "it". To take the opinion of a burger seriously in such matters would be akin to bringing one of the characters depicted in Bosch's hell and asking him to share his infernal experiences: it makes no sense. The character living in the painting has no real understanding of the whole, only us, as spectators, do. Only we can frame the painting and perceive its boundaries, understood as the limit between world and art.

Firstly, Americans are outsiders to their own culture. This is a universal American experience that again, you clearly lack the American mentality to properly process let alone even recognize. It's very obvious that you want to steer burgerpunk into midwesterners sharting at Walmarts rather than acknowledge the true sinister appeal lurking in American culture. Basically you want run of the mill recycled pol memes instead of Don DeLillo describing ecstatic experiences in grocery stores, which is contradictory to the initial thread on burgerpunk and its contributors. I suggest you "kill" this thread right here and now by exiting it because you never had a grasp on what burgerpunk is or could be. Goodbye!

Regarding your bitching that "no one cares"
You are currently pitching a temper tantrum on an American website in a conversation about American culture. You care deeply about American culture and Americanness. You want more DFW and porn, you want it deep down in your very soul. Your ignorance of this fact betrays the extent to which you are incapable of noticing America's reach into your non-American mind and your (limited, indirect) participation within American culture. Again: you are not mentally equipped to deal with American culture. On the other hand, domestic Americans are constantly aware of their Americanness and the American nature of their identity. This is something I have seen countless foreigners fail to grasp: their own Americanness and complicity within the American project. It is further proof that you are too intellectually lazy and parochial to understand burgerpunk

Was it burgerpunk?

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You can't honestly pretend that your country is safe from the monoculture. The muh fat americans critique is so basic-bitch European that it embarrasses me to see it posted here as though it were insightful.

radiohead are not burgerpunk (outside of maybe creep)
dumb radiohead fans in ill-fitting, baggy clothes and tech support glasses grinding each other down on their psychotic message boards are burgerpunk

do u understand??

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Somebody came up with "Tescopunk" in one of the earlier threads, sounds like a better description for Radiohead in general. But I would say that particular album is burgerpunk because of the internationalism of that stage in Radiohead's career and its Americanist title and cover art and song lyrics, whereas OK Computer, Kid A, especially The Bends are clearly Britain centric

Look at this sad fuck. Your culture is dead, you are just Burgerpunk Lite, exported from America, and you don't even understand what the actual experience of Americans is since you have only the dubbed version grafted onto your old buildings. You can frame anything, you're in it too, just out in the irrelevant province waiting for the already retarded culture to trickle down to you, you supercilious deluded fuck.

>This is something I have seen countless foreigners fail to grasp: their own Americanness and complicity within the American project.

It is here where you go spectacularly wrong, friend. It is true that large swathes of the non-American population are not only unaware of the mounting absurdity in their lives but actually crave it: they're enthralled by the amount of cereal brands in American supermarkets. They look at a Mickey Mouse at Disney and offer him their child to be embraced and penetrated by the American Rat-King. We see it at every turn, this hypnotic effect of the trinket and the image, it has become unavoidable in any minimally civilized country. But you should remember that not everyone is completely burgerfied so completely. There are those who can feel the burger stench as a type of stealthy figure, lurking at every corner and waiting to pounce and ravage their hearts. This feeling of being watched and followed by a hostile entity never goes away, and the burger stench sometimes smells oh so nice. Yet it is in these individuals, who are knee deep in Special Mustard SauceTM while being foreign to its creation that lies the true potential of describing burgerpunk. It is they who look at the spectacular images of America and feel attracted and disgusted at the same time, who can look at them as an impressionist painting: from up close, when it makes no sense, and from far away, when it suddenly becomes an image of something, where seemingly random brush strokes form a coherent (yet jumbled) whole. I admire your courage, and you probably only smell of chicken nuggets or Kraft cheddar cheese. But it is futile: you have become too accustomed to your condition, for you there is no outside, no barrier even. You're just another arrowhead of burgerism.

Burgerpunk doesn't care about your sad little country and it's intellectualism about authentic experience. America will grind your bones to make my burgers without ever being able to point you out on a map.

should we create a burgerpunk wikipedia page?

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is drinking whiskey and listening to the Allman Brothers at Fillmore East burgerpunk?

Most Americans not only know where my country is located in a map but actually use it as a signifier of (chuckles) "class". It's actually funny.


i'm the one that edited that but i was thinking about making a proper page

I should mention I'm listening to a flac version I downloaded even though I have the LP sitting out right next to me cause my record player is cheap and sucks

“‘Burgerpunk?’” Tamsin squinted at me over the rim of her ironically ugly spex. “And that’s…what?”

Her eyes aimed down again, I could tell she was reading from some non-existent document floating in her own private space, my portfolio I presumed. It was also painfully obvious this was the first time she’d seen it. I stifled a sigh.

“Well…it’s a phrase I coined when I was in Shanghai. It’s…let me think. You know what steampunk is, right? Do you remember that?” She was probably too young.

“Sort of.” She half nodded. “Vaguely. Cogs and robots dressed as Colonial Saunders. Airships.”

“Yeah, that’s it. Pretty much. It was this romanticised idea of Victorian Britain but with this…this steam powered technology stuff. Anyway it got really popular in the States mainly, the reasoning being it allowed Americans to fetishise this sanitised, romanticised British Empire, because they’d never had one. I mean they had an economic, military and cultural empire – but not a physical, old school empire with an exciting history, right? Their empire never showed up on any maps.”


“So, the Chinese have the same problem, right, but slightly different – they’ve got this economic and maybe military empire, but they don’t even have a cultural one. Because of the language thing. Nobody outside China apart from a few nerds is watching Chinese movies, reading Chinese comics. So they’ve started fetishising America’s cultural empire. Burgerpunk.”

“Right.” It didn’t seem like Tamsin was completely following me, but I carried on regardless. It was too late to stop, I guess.

“So over in Shanghai and Beijing they’ve got all these AR parks and shopping malls and restaurants, where these salary men and factory workers take their families, and they can sit and eat burgers and milkshakes in fake ‘50s diners served by robots that look like Ronald Reagan and Lady Gaga while clips of the Vietnam war play on flat screens. Just outside Beijing there’s actually a theme park where you can dress up like gang members, and drive around this hyper-real recreation of an anonymous LA retail park – all burger franchises and outlet stores – in replicas of exactly the sort of gas-guzzling US muscle cars that the Chinese government has just had to ban.”

nevermind i just realised somebody added even more to it
i was just the one that originally edited it by changing the words to "burgerpunk"

Why do e*ros go this far to feel superior to Americans? We really do live rent free huh

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how do you know its only euros?
seems they are the ones living rent free

Fuck, I'd read the hell out of this.

See, , , , , ,

>6 posts out of over 190
well done

One of those is mine and I'm from Argentina, so it's definitely not only euros. I hardly think people truly imagine their being superior to americlaps, they just feel more intensely this disruption caused by the burger.

ever heard of quality over quantity dumbass?

They're absolutely obsessed with the US, their media reports on it more than their own countries. This makes them feel inferior so they pretend it's still the the 18th century and their countries still have a culture other than importing Hollywood and letting MENA rape their women

>thread devolved into muricans r fat vs. yuros get raped by jamal
is this burgerpunk?

If anything, I feel like
>is this burgerpunk
will be the only thing to live after these threads die off.

See this is the problem with your "outsider experience". Americans can't put any country on a map, including America (Literally. If asked to draw America they'll give you a lump without recognizable features beyond Florida (not in proportion) floating in an ocean without Canada or Mexico. ) But I guess you're British, since in romantic comedies from 20 years it was the trope for class. Now Americans have no definition for "class"; you may have noticed our president has an entirely gold parlor. But whatever go ahead, make your own version. This user is already surging past you.

bro .... you just posted cringe bro

that's kind of my thing

Honestly I'm okay with that. Burgerpunk is such a silly word that I doubt it'll ever cease to make me smile.

Your countrys imperialistic tendencies doesn't do it any good

It is barely three in the morning and already my stomach rumbles. I caress my sides, feeling the striated texture of stretch marks around my belly and love handles, dreaming of expanding this network of ripped tissue. Getting out of bed is a real challenge, requiring me to huff and puff my way to the floor, using a swinging motion to power my weight across space and use torque as a means of propulsion. Once my feet coil at the coldness of the floor, I wrap my naked body with an extra large blanket and make my way to the kitchen. The appliances hum away in the night, blipping and blinking with their OLED screens. It's 2:56, says the microwave oven. Upon opening the fridge a smell of rotten vegetables and leftover carton-packaged eggs overtakes my nostrils. It is no matter, as I've grown accustomed to this fragrance and consider it to be if not quaint, at least evocative of a chew-worthy meal. I fumble around the shelf and find three slices of leftover pepperoni, cheddar-stuffed crust pizza. Instead of having it cold as coca-cola, I decide to fire up the oven and let it over cook for maximum taste bud titillation. The timer being set, I ask Alexa to convert my weight in pounds to kilograms just so I can be able to talk about it in every language. It feels good to know antiquated measurement units, it makes me think of History, and how rich American history truly is. There is nothing on at network TV not at cable, so I see what she trending on YouTube and turn auto play on. A handsome vloggers is showing his recently bought 10 million dollar mansion in the Hollywood hills. I dream of living there and meeting my favourite celebrities, Janet Jackson and Martin Sheen. I've actually thought of what I'd tell them if I ever met them, but I doubt it will ever happen. "The house comes fully equipped with a skittles and M&Ms dispenser, maintained by the local supermarket" says the young man as he thrusts his mouth into a hole and fills his oral cavity to the brim with delicious peanut-based candy. He chokes for a second and proceeds to spit red, blue and white M&Ms on his friend who's behind the camera. They laugh, I laugh. The pizza is ready, I bite it and let the melted cheese slide down my chin, drop on my left nipple and scurry all the way inside my belly button, leaving a trail of gloriously smelling grease. "Life is good", I think to myself and breathe deeply, a breath of triumph and joy.

>nstead of having it cold as coca-cola, I decide to fire up the oven and let it over cook for maximum taste bud titillation
ruined my immersion, pizza better cold


An American is fat privileged. They would never notice their weight as you described. Also hurts the immersion.

is it supposed to require permission to edit

>Burgerpunk is such a silly word that I doubt it'll ever cease to make me smile

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solid gold

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is going to 3 NA meeting a week and getting drunk after every one burgerpunk?

Is putting whiskey in your beef ramen noodle soup burger punk?

god dammit Yea Forums i thought i came up with this aesthetic, stop hiveminding me

is wanting to get a saxophone but having no money for a horn or lessons burgerpunk?

Is this the current version or no?

We had already organized in to loose coalitions, initially under the banner of BP until British Petrol sued us for defamation. We ended on the Budget In General And Non Useless Sales, BIGANUS for short. We weren't going to let the corps get to us any times soon. Our goal was simple. Use our collective bargaining power to bend the corps will to our own. Last week all the 711's came out with a new bunless hotdog. We bought it in droves. Too many carbs, they'll start taking the buns off the market. Systematic consumer terrorism. A few months ago Target started selling their own brand of cola that was so thick you could use it for gasoline after some simple modifications. It ended up being cheaper than the petrol stations. We stocked up and got the gettin' while the gettin' was good. Texico and Shell caught on after a while though. Under the table rumblings, and pretty soon it was off the market for good, replaced with a high sugar content replacement. We saved a few bucks, but none of us in the resistance drink sodas much anymore. Mostly carbonated water. A few attempts have been made to transition Pepsi into a car manufacturer, but on the rare ocasion they team up with Hasbro to make Pepsi Hotwheels the kids end up choking on them, thinking they were a pepsi. Tough times for parents. Everything has calories. Everything is made to keep you slow and in a haze. Convenient. Subservient. Theres a splinter that wants to go after Starbucks next. They think they can get em' to make a black coffee. We keep telling them this ain't no japanese Mr. Coffee kinda place out here. They never listen. But no one ever listens out here. Out here in the land of BurgerPunk.

is losing your collaborative writing project in the digital space due to trolls with nothing better to do and then never being able to find the most up to date version burgerpunk?

i don't think so. that strikes me as somehwere post-burgerpunk.


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Apparently I can't just keep saying:

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is eating a bowl of ramen noodles and wishing it was a giant bucket of ramen noodles burgerpunk?

Is post-burgerpunk burgerpunk?

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Just a third of the rich are jewswhile only being 0.5% of the world population

stalking craigslist or pawn/second hand shops and learning through youtube is burgerpunk

No offense guys but did this leave the definitions of punk a while ago? My idea of burgerpunk is like the setting of the fifth element.


Just like the free market, you should probably fight harder for your ideas. Competition is always a good thing.

>200+ replies
>no mention of snow crash
the early chapters are purest burgerpunk

The american way to cook is to ‘nuke’ it in the microwave. 45 seconds for pizza.


This is the third burgerpunk thread and there are mentions of it in previous ones. I put it on my amazon(TM) list, but I have too many books to read at the moment.


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Who approves who gets in?

I'm gonna marry me a girl that I can blast this shit on a crackly cassette player with

Use the newer link. We lost some content, but things are swinging right now.


thanks m8

Questioning burgerpunk is burgerpunk

You know what? Establishing post-burgerpunk simultaneously might be a terrific idea. Burgerpunk itself would mimic the old artistic schools, in that its "writers" are working with the same themes and forms in a positive manner. In practical terms, the world depicted by them is seen as perfectly normal and matter-of-factly, with the absurdity being a privilege of the reader. Post-burgerpunk would be the much-maligned deconstruction, with angsty style, decrying the "end of history" that never ends, and instead just keeps getting worse. Automation of the already-precarious service sector jobs, feelings of being left out of the big party, things like that. It would embody the awareness that the system is just past its punk, and has nowhere to go but downhill.

Attached: FireShot Screen Capture #1379 - 'Reuters Top News on Twitter_ _Amazon rolls out machines that p (576x661, 195K)

The dual procession of the thread and the google doc is interesting. Seems like it represents the two sides of the burgerpunk literati: theory and application, high-minded think-tanking and shitposting, the moneyed and the debtors.

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>"Hey user, what are you into these days? I haven't seen you in ages!"
>"W-whats b-burger punk?"
>"No, no. POST-BurgerPunk"
>"W-well o-okay, I'll s-see you later."

Attached: [email protected] (940x620, 73K)

Sign up for medicaid, you whiny faggot.

>Concrete problems in American like student gun violence

You're not reading our evolving creative manifesto if you think these things can't coexist. Interesting passage going up right now about a school-shooter kid. He just got a cat stuck on a stick.

You think you have escaped the grease?

Everyone is always living in the now, paying no heed to the past save for some lines about muh freedoms, and no heed to the future either, beyond the fully personal goal of winning the rat race. The continued existence of the American way of life into the far-flung future is as assured as the sun rising up in the morning, thanks to a unique convergence of geography, international events and just plain luck. America is an event without beginning nor end, and Americans are permanently in an act of arms-shattering appaluse.

Attached: FireShot Screen Capture #1467 - 'Internet Meme Database I Know Your Meme' - knowyourmeme_c (720x559, 491K)

Are there rules or etiquette to follow in editing the doc and contributing?

I don't run the doc, but as far as I can see it's pretty free, just don't go ruining someone's work out of the blue. If you're real nervous just ask before you make edits. Or suggest with the comment button.

How do you insert a chapter into the outline, seem to not be able to find out how

Just do a page break and create a heading for the page (but not in the Header box). Should auto-add.

Good ol' Glenn. He just brought the Bolsonaro government down for calling his Congressman husband a fag. Or rather, he would have brought it down, if reality was still in effect. Brazil is in a strange state right now, kind of a preview of the post-post-modern nightmare awaits the rest of the world. It's like the Brazil from the burgerpunk universe actually replaced the real thing.

Not to fuel off-topic stuff, but trust me on this. Once you pan the camera out and look at the entire world, you'll America's fingerprints in absolutely any event of importance, and the more awful, the more likely they'll be there. On the whole, Americans are involved in a far, far bigger proportion of dirty business in the world than Jews are in the West.

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>just past its punk
Just past its peak, damn it.

This novel sure beats most eBooks on the market today.

that's a low salid bar to meat.

wait til Yea Forums reads this

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Not really an accomplishment



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Hey /bpg/,

Is eating ass burgerpunk?

Ass-eating is mentioned several times in the Doc so far. If not directly, at least burgerpunk-adjacent.

Damn guess i'm late to the masterpiece, denied access.



cheers mate

Does anyone have the burgerpunk required reading chart?

This is unironically a masterpiece

Someone please send this to an agent/publisher and post the reaction.

I won't be able to sleep until I finish reading

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>no willy wonka images

Attached: no hope.png (372x516, 261K)

is this kind of shameless self promotion burgerpunk?

Self Promotion is a stable of Burgerpunk

This is preservation of an important project.

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this shit is very 2003. or is it different somehow because it's racist and ironic now?

It's nostalgia for early 2000's capitalism with the irony and the cynicism of the current year

they should have left the INTERMISSION word in
it just made it that much funner

Not that funny desu

Attached: Capture.png (551x760, 189K)

I own the new doc and wrote the first ~30 pages, please dont kill my baby while I'm sleeping.

BurgerPunk is almost at a hundred pages

The baby will be ground up and mixed in with the burgers as they meet the grill.

Time for an intermission.

Have you not read the literature? I’m sure you’ve seen it online. There are very systematic ways of approaching it, I’m not exactly sure which school of thought would best suit your articulation of the facts, but you’re coming from such a shallow understanding I’m not sure you’ll actually get it until you live it. Think of it like this, the first layer and the last layer encompasses the offhand understanding, the next level is a bitter realization of your position, the next layer is a sour biting kick of the truth, the next one is a savory satisfaction thinking you almost understand until the next and final layer of juicy actualization. Kind of like a sandwich, or a burger.

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Downloading a backup copy just in case brother

but only 19000 words. we need at least 40-50k for novella length


these are 2 germans and a nu-german

If user keeps the doc alive until Monday when I can work on it again, I'll chip in a few more chapters, culminating with the Ovum.

I had McDonalds for dinner last night. Today I had it for lunch. Now it's 130am and I am going to get a McDonalds bedtime snack. The meme is real.

I want McJohn Green to sign my pre-ordered

Attached: McJohn Greenburger.png (572x736, 60K)

>Not John McGreen

/pol/ is burgerpunk

That's a different person.

>excited to see where harry ends up next


No one could agree on the correct history of Harry.

Attached: harry.png (538x707, 68K)

The experience of poorly adjusted autistics and fast food therapy is pretty burger punk

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nice, worth my time

Wait until Yea Forums narrates the final version. The Audiobook witll be aural kino.


whoever is writing the goodfellas shit thats skating the thin line between burger and bun

Brb. Going to write Notes from McUnderground

This story could benefit from a list of Characters Appendix.

Who is Harry and how many Harry exist?

What the fuck is Burgerpunk ?

You mean capitalism?

>"Everyone can edit it"
>You need permission



Attached: anonunicorn.png (573x666, 61K)


WHERE IS MOM. BURGERPUnK is not complete without MOM! I don't wanna go to quizno's you said we'd go to BurgerKing!

MOOOM!!! Asleighynne is pulling the dogs' tail! No I'm not Kyyle you faget etc.
I'm braindrained can't into writing much but mom is important in burgerpunk

wats dat

>barely a sentence in
>already can't even spell "McDonald's" correctly
Bravo new/lit/.

Write now
Edit ... ?

This. Matriarchy

>Book isn't finished yet
>caring about grammar and not the actual content
I hate nu/lit/


Haven't you read chapter 3?

Attached: mom.png (548x611, 47K)

It's spelled "McDonalds" which is incorrect.
Simply put, this is a homosexual ordeal for gay homophiles, and since I am neither a faggot nor a dyke, I shall have no part in it.

Says the guy who can't even detect humor on an imageboard. YOU are nu/lit/, and rather quite thin-skinned as it would seem, because you cannot take legitimate criticism.

lmao, a nietzsche tat.

Your post has to be funny first before it could be called humorous

>"Your joke has to be funny to be non-racist/sexist/offensive!"
This is your reasoning.

I never implied that

>accelerated cultural homogenization
I must disagree here. Almost everyone now has a semi-secret online life quite at odds with their worker bee wagie official existence. If anything the internet has led to a proliferation of new subcultures.

that's not mom in any significant way.

This has become one part BurgerPunk mixed with 5 parts of our run of the mill 2019 /pol/ / Yea Forums / alt-right / edgy internet / 15 year old Hitler jokes / meme culture.

I was expecting more but I should have known better.

Oh no, you were quite explicit. Unless, you believe I am saying YOU said exactly what I had quoted, in which case, I have to ask: do you sniff paint-thinner, you mong? I was quoting what twats will say about offensive jokes they dislike. And instead of admitting that they were wrong when they learn that their offender was merely pretending, they try to reason that, no, THEY'RE still wrong.


i'm saying YOU said you were saying that I SAID

If you care so much about mom fad then add her in yourself

Well, I'M saying YOU said YOU were saying what YOU said! And if you can't accept that, well you're just like a little girl flaunting her belly, so you better fucking GET HERE YOU LITTLE TEASE

i-i could be the little girl user. i-if thats what you wanted

Come here and make daddy proud, slut.

"Have it your way, punk"
Who did I upset? :^)

>make a shitpost on a shitpost doc meant to be a shitpost manuscript for a shitpost book
OwO, what's this?


Stop using jewgle chrome

Where's this story going?

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How does Yea Forums go about publishing something this juvenile? Aren't publishers picky about what goes through their printers?


BurgerPunk contains highbrow and lowbrow elements.

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This, I'm curious as to how this was done the other times.

>being nostalgic for capitalism

That is peak burger

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No, this is: exhentai.org/g/1260136/90d66d64b5/

so everything that quintessential American is BurgerPunk, right?

No. American pre-1917 is very different from America post-1917.

whats the problem with onion rings being good

Now this is burgerpunk


Your order is ready

Clearly written by a foreigner

Is mallsoft post-burgerpunk?

Realism is fucking shit. Put in mechas and I'll read it.

Fucking racists baka
America is a big country. There are many different cultures, and just like Europe, they're all poison and the masses are shitty degenerates, writhing in poo poo pee pee and sex, drugs, entertainment, and food.


Nice touch with the tabs.

Gore Vidal called it The United States Of Amnesia, which isn't to say that it's without origin myths, but rather that extremely vague myths have almost entirely displaced history written by those who knew the difference between fiction and fact, and consciously pursued gathering the latter into coherent narratives.

really it should be in the microwave, hissing and popping. A missed opportunity to describe the smoky greasy cavity of the American space oven.

Completely retarded, ahistorical, and deliberately provocative nonsense idea. In that way it is burgerpunk because it seems like America has been teeming with such creatures, who are more likeat least since the mid 20th century. It's the burgerpunk troubadour and Davey is the giant pimple on the whole festering wound.

*more like late night hosts, since at least

Yes I'm a fat fingered phone posting burger, even lower than ol Dave but without his courage.