pseuds who use art as a fashion statement are gross
I utterly despise libraries and the #SaveOurLibraries shenanigans you find infested in the internet, namely on the site Reddit.com. These are mere AstroTurfing campaigns to make people feel good about backing a cause which receives little to no opposition, as "surely", they think, "surely, who could be against libraries?".
This narrative couldn't be as morally wrong as it obsolete.
Libraries are worthless institutions, occupied by beggars, homeless, sex offenders, 'but alas', sayeth the Librarian, "think of the children!" Alright then, let's take a tally of these children, shall we? These snot-nosed little brats are taken to the library by their parents who think their bastard progeny, in their vernacular, 'is the next Einstein'. Wrong Mr. Mom and Ms. Dad, your little Johnny and yourselves included, yes, the whole lot of you, are pseuds.
Indubitably, you could give every child an e-reader loaded with enough books to last their lifetime, for a fraction of the price to maintain community library, yielding much greater dividends, as the depth and scope of the material will far exceed the "My friend has two dads" tier drivel that will infect their minds as maggots a carcass until there is nothing left. Liberté, égalité, fraternité, themes for the children, and pop-books for Mom and Dad, like Michelle Obama's recent book. Young Adult selection abounds too, lest we forget. To what end? The books, are limited to convey tepid neoliberal viewpoints that support the misappropriation of limited societal resources The only libraries of worth are substantially large university/city libraries.
holy fucking sh*t based
based *ahem* poster
Libraries are worthless. I can literally hold 20 libraries on my e-reader.
Holy fucking shit
>Tfw pirate all my books on my large harddrive next to my porn collection
Capitalists and Librarians btfo
If she was in charge of the nation’s libraries do you think she would allow them to stock the Culture of Critique or would it be banned along with other hateful books?
theyre completely right besides the obnoxious snarky tone but that's hard to get away from
having a space with tables and desks and people you can ask about books is important. being able to browse in person is nice. many people still prefer physical books for many reasons, one of them being that the ADD addled instant gratification culture makes it hard to read on a device with access to the internet and a dedicated e-reader is more expensive than a library membership. and biggest issue for me is i live in a 5 room home with my extended family and have no space of my own, so libraries are invaluable for a public space that is quiet, spacious, and has tables and desks i can read and write at. it is very nice to have public property you can be in without any obligation to buy shit or socialize.
She wouldn't permit any (western) philosophy
>having a space with tables and desks
At home.
>people you can ask about books
the internet.
>being able to browse in person is nice.
>many people still prefer physical books for many reasons
>ADD addled instant gratification culture makes it hard to read on a device with access to the internet
get self control or an e-reader
>a dedicated e-reader is more expensive than a library membership.
it's £60 and you can download all the books you want for free
>and biggest issue for me is i live in a 5 room home with my extended family and have no space of my own
read in the bath or go to a park.
>public property you can be in without any obligation to buy shit or socialize.
Taxpayers don't need to be burdened so a couple of wistful faggots like you can have your own safe spaces. Nobody uses libraries anymore, just face it.
I owe a great debt to the library and it's cheaper to buy books (but not in the long run I suppose)
Also I mostly buy books from secondhand shops
>in a library
Kill yourself faggot. You're supposed to be quiet.
This. I thought that guy was joking and didn't respond to his post because of that
>reading comprehension
The "or" in your worthless paragraph cancels out "obligation"
>people you can ask about books is important
this is actually, unironically based
Library fags btfo by Trump
I have no obligation to buy shit or socialise = I have no obligation to [buy shit or socialise]
The Medium is the message.
But don’t worry all Medicare and SS obligations will be paid in full. Fuck boomers
Libraries are garbage.
>e-selection has checkout line, have to use their garbage software, limited selection by city location
>guy in IL can't rent from NYC, guy in FL can't rent from CA...for electronic books delivered over the net
>physical locations are cancerous hobo daycare centers with garbage selection in print, 500 volumes of twilight and harry potter
>literally do not even have a single book from [my favorite author] in one of the 20 largest cities in nation
>i only use them to get cheap printing for 10 cents a page, which i could go to staples or something for
>waste of tax money
>can't even use to chill because hobo fest, stinks like hobo, don't sell drinks there/can't bring in drinks
>anyone with money would just use a coffee shop as a chill center
>coffee shops are also safer to leave your crap in while you take a piss, in a library the hobos would steal it in 20 seconds, coffee shops only have mid-upper class whites and a few asians, no hobos, no niggers, no youfs, no esl spics
Fuck libraries. Defund them and turn the buildings over for apartment developments.
forgot about this. you want to torrent illegal material, just get a public wifi hookup. lmao
absolutely robust
Pajit aint wrong
A library incapable of surviving solely off the funding derived from the community it serves is a library that should not exist
stop stealing money from other libraries across the country
What is it about the idea that somebody, somewhere, may actually enjoy owning something, that sends these blue check marks and Marxists into a full frothing rage. All the possible wasteful consequences of our current economy that we could be talking about, and this person has devoted time to BOOKS?
Fund libraries, but also, make sure that people like her don't get their hands on them. If I wanted to see a hobo brothel in the bathroom I'd set it up myself.
t. saw exactly that in the Mid Manhattan branch of NYPL
Also, I will gently caress my book stacks tonight and smile knowing that she is mad about books.
Books are property, not possessions.
Books belong to the state, comrade.
all commodities have a magic veil of fetishism, that's the whole point Marx was making
go off, king
cumbrain tier
>Indubitably, you could give every child an e-reader loaded with enough books to last their lifetime, for a fraction of the price to maintain community library,
Based retard
fuck libraries, plebs and poorfags are not entitled to books or knowledge.
libraries and schools are for fucking communists
you'll never be based and redpilled if you weren't homeschooled in your family's private library
Why can't conservatives into economics?
Libraries are incredible investments. The one in my city is one of the largest in North America and yields returns upwards of $5 back into the city for every $1 invested into it.
Investing in your local community should be obvious but these retards would rather give everything to the jews to move to their offshore accounts. No wonder the right always creates recessions.
>hometown pumps massive investment into new library
>brand new building, about 4x the size of the old one
>it opens
>of the 3 floors, about 3/4 of 1 floor is actually dedicated to books
>the rest is full of PCs, an enormous coffee shop, kids play areas and space for knitting classes and the like
>depsite the bigger building they have to sell off books in the move because there's less space dedicated to them overall now
Burn down libraries.
Public libraries in their current form hurt literature. They drive down the potential profit publishers receive sin books are being given away for free. This reduces the income that current and future authors can earn and it's the primary reason that writing is a rich mans game. Prospective authors in today's world need to have other sources of income to fund their lifestyle while they devote their time to their craft. This limits the amount of people who can conceivably becomes authors and we could be missing out on some great works as a result.
The only books public libraries should be allowed to stock are philosophy or similar nonfiction.
>The one in my city is one of the largest in North America and yields returns upwards of $5 back into the city for every $1 invested into it.
I can't even imagine the amount of fuckery it takes to come up with numbers like that.
What do you do with your crippled schizophrenic veterans in countries that aren't America? I thought everybody just threw them on the street and got used to stepping over them?
My favourite is when GOOK IMMIGRANTS walk by and laugh at the crazy guy. Haha. He didn't have affluent parents like me! Gobble gobble gobble, me gook, me rike homework.
I've seen quite the Based posts in my lifetime, still impressed
which website to pirate books?
The obnoxious signalling about libraries is "gross" too. And she probably wastes enough money everyday to buy half a dozen used books.
Look up soulseek, or use bookz on irc.
Peak based
Libraries are part of the left wing grift apparatus. Funding is laundered into leftist organizations through programming (drag queen story time), collection budgets (expensive subscriptions to leftist journals nobody reads), the cancerous Ed-Tech industry, and of course sinecures for diversity apparatchiks. Most barely have much in the way of books anymore.
Time to start dismantling the infrastructure of the Cathedral.
Reading a book that the disgusting community owns cheapens it. Buy great books, own great books, read great books.
Thank you for this user
you are an illiterate retard
>without any obligation to buy shit or socialize.
>without any obligation to socialize
not even mentioning in a lot of libraries there are areas where you can talk if u want seperate from the main quiet area
not even going to touch the "read in the bath" comment
>The only libraries of worth are substantially large university/city libraries.
Based and redpilled
A new pasta has been born
>read in the bath
I buy "more books than I can ever read" so that one day I will have a private library of my own. This frequently means buying up old books from public libraries that are trying to make room for 30 new copies of whatever glossy midwit novel is popular that year.
Public libraries cater to the lowest common denominator and can't be trusted to maintain a good selection of books.
I am the initial author of this now-pasta and I am bittersweet to see it reposted. It pleases me to re-read it and to see others enjoying it to be sure, but I am upset to see how my mind has atrophied these past few months. I used to be able to craft posts like this on a whim, and have pleasure in doing so. I could not even do it now if I forced myself.
The blame lies on being singularly fixed on obtaining a job. A dead-reckoning, through search to application to the rare interview. I've surpassed the thousand mark, and have had no success. The daily ins-and-outs of searching the keyword of my major within 100 mile radius of my locality, and constant, constant, constant, checking of the the damned inbox.
And most every job that I had even an inkling of a chance, I would imagine a salary, and ways to spend my money. If you are abjectly destitute and hate your currents situation, this daydreaming is palliative, especially when you think that this isn't just fantasy but an actual possibility. Elaborate plans formulated. What-ifs wondered, conjectures conjured and phantasms pondered. Thoughts on what it would feel like to actually have spending money and what I was to buy. Even a hot meal. Yet, these dreams would soon wither as the window increased, communications desisted, and, altogether imploded when the coup de grâce of a rejection letter hit.
The poverty has already resulted in an entropy of my other habitats. Physical. Social. The electrical wiring in the room I live in no longer works. The window A/C does not work. The jalopy is kaput. The estrangement, or rather, total loss of once cordial relationships. The white whale of the job, has taken the final frontier of the mind out to deep sea. I neglected other pursuits. Interests. Peace of mind. Thinking all this grinding would bore me out to some far away Shangri-La. It did not. All I've managed to do is dig myself into a deep, dark De Beers mine, where I'm left mentally hobbled, unable to return or progress.
I'm not calling it quits. I will persevere to the bitter end.
But friends, I need money. Send some if you can.
Go to live in a library, you worthless bum.
Libraries are still important for the sake of finding stuff out of print. They aren't going anywhere so I don't get the big fuss.
That's what I always do.
The only thing worse than libraries is all the public funds going to artists who never create anything coherent. It's why modern art is in the state it is, it's because they don't have to please anyone. I want to defund museums because I care about art.
A lot of people aren't even aware that around 90% of a libraries stock has never ever once been rented out.
This man speaks the truth. He is clearly chosen by god! Hail Pepe Augustus! Down with the jannie!
write a book
> walk into public library
> homeless people sleeping on the floor and one crackhead is on the computers, probably jacking off
> little kids running around screaming because their single mother parents believe libraries are cool to just let little kids run around and scream
Nah, I'll just order my books and get them delivered to my house to save money and be able to mark on them
That's not the point of op's pic
I laughed
10/10 absolutely based
If it weren’t for libraries I wouldn’t have had internet access as a kid. Wait...
Pirate everything you want. Make your corporate overlords seethe.
Give me some money.
Nigger just get a job you didn’t initially want while you look for something for your career. I’m a high school drop out and I make $20/hr and I can guarantee you they would have hired me without any work experience and I didn’t have any previous experience in the field.
No good paying low-tier jobs around here and no vehicle to get to one anyways. I need some money to get out of the hump I'm in.
Libraries are retarded and what we ought to start funding is sites like Project Gutenberg, libgen, etc.
Why would you faggot support the same industries that you often bitch about?
Why would you give money to the industries that want to destroy the western canon and replace with all the low-tier, infantile drivel that is published every day?
I, for one, am not going to contribute to the further collapse of my community.
I will never support libraries when they do shit like this. They don't respect me.
I'd love to, friend. get me a job and citizenship in a decent country and I'd dump everything and move in a heartbeat.
freedom of movement is only for brown people. god if only i were an african muslim i could move to any country in europe i want and they'd give me free language classes, gibs, and a house.
>check out a book
>meet some fag out bag after he reads to a bunch of parasites
>make him suck your dick while you read phrases from the bible
>finish and call him a faggot
>go home with new book and read
what exactly is wrong with this scenario again?
Everything. Most of all, your brain for imagining it.
Libraries, along with every other pedagogic institution, do more harm than good.
Libraries are the primary way of introducing bed bugs in the West. No thanks. I'll buy and trade. Then I can reread my books, and also enjoy their aesthetic qualities
Actually based
>The only libraries of worth are substantially large university/city libraries.
Oof destroyed your own argument there.
>>>books are being given away for free.
Fre marketing for your book, libraries have to buy them...
Librarian here. Gotta say I'm taking a lot of pleasure from the fact that a dude who crafts exceptional (if ethically disagreeable) meme content is suffering so much for his art. Chances are you'll end up being one of the bums I have to kick out at the end of the day, or one of the drug addicts I help to write their CV or job application when I'm working in the computer room.
And you know what? Regardless of however much you want to see my place of work crash and burn, we librarians are STILL prepared to help you out, all you gotta do is ask. But I know you won't, because its pretty obvious from how purple your prose is that you're too proud to accept it.
Don't be stupid. Publicity doesn't pay bills and libraries aren't buying new copies for everybody that lends them. They can buy one copy and lend it out to thousands of people who otherwise would have individually bought copies if libraries didn't exist. That is missed income that should have gone to the author and publisher.
Libraries are worth sav...
>books are being given away for free
Why make a post like this when you don't have a fucking clue as to how libraries purchase books for their catalogue? Furthermore, why are you more interested in protecting the publishing industry's bottom line than the freedom of information? This post is all contrarianism and zero substance.
can you close this thread now that a librarian has spoken because it's a picture of an old tweet of a pseud
in other words the picture is the demand, the old tweet is the fund and the use is the pseud
I'm obviously getting paid by Big Publishing. I doesn't matter how libraries pay for their stock unless they're paying for every individual copy they're lending out. For the consumer those books are free and they represent lost sales. I explained already why I care about the publishers bottom line, it's because I want everybody to have the opportunity to become an author. Right now the margins are so low and income for authors is so low that only rich people can realistically become authors. Public libraries are a significant reason why that is.
I wonder if you even read my post in its entirety because I shouldn't have to tell that I'm not against all libraries or the freedom of information. I specified what type of books libraries should stock so I obviously think there should be libraries, just not in their current form. I don't think libraries should stock modern fiction.
fucking based
Nah I just buy books with the spending money I earn working in the Capitalist system.
Stay seething.
>I doesn't matter how libraries pay for their stock unless they're paying for every individual copy they're lending out
Which they do. It might be at a slightly discounted rate compared to high street retailers, but its plenty enough for publishers to profit from it. If it was genuinely libraries that was killing the publishing industry (and not, say, the fact that people are reading less and less), you think they wouldn't already have stopped selling to libraries?
>I want everybody to have the opportunity to become an author
And if we did away with libraries, you'd have considerably less. How would the next vanguard writer study their craft if they're already too impoverished to afford books?
>Right now the margins are so low and income for authors is so low that only rich people can realistically become authors
you're saying that like its a recent development, when all you have to do is pick up a novel like George Gissing's New Grub Street to know that isn't the case.
>I specified what type of books libraries should stock so I obviously think there should be libraries, just not in their current form
>"free" information is only allowed if it adheres to my strict guidelines for what is and isn't acceptable in the public sphere
>I don't think libraries should stock modern fiction
I had a contemporary writer come in to my local library to host a reading and promote her new book just the other week. Even though the library had multiple copies to lend out, people were still keen to purchase them and she actually sold all the stock she brought with her. All of your concerns are simply not true and betray a clear lack of understanding as to why publishers are more than happy to sell to libraries.
At least I'm not a librarian.
I'm not reading this until you learn to write properly. Who the hell teaches you people to quote and respond to individual sentences?
>waaah why can't people write in ranting infodump paragraphs like the rest of Yea Forums
This is such a pathetic excuse, thanks for the giggle user. There were multiple points in that post which needed compartmentalising in order to be addressed properly, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the way I formatted that post.
The pay is great, the union is strong, the hours are comfy and I have unlimited access to books with no overdue or reservation fees. Why anyone on Yea Forums would think that sounds like a bad gig is beyond me
What about interracting with undesirables? Does it not become souldraining, say for example teaching a 70 year old how to print a paper
I made no points in two paragraphs with a very simple argument. There is nothing in that which calls for quoting and responding to individual sentences. It is lazy and obnoxious writing which is why nobody really does it anymore. I don't know why you find me not reading it funny but to each his own.
It might get tedious, but its never soul-destroying. I wouldn't do this job if I didn't take some sort of pride in helping people who can't help themselves. There are obviously people who are truly beyond help, but that makes me feel just sad, rather than unsatisfied with my job.
Also, some undesirables are genuinely hilarious. You have no idea the number of ridiculous things you see or hear about from colleagues. I've been considering writing a book about my experiences for a while now. I want to call it "Between the Binding", in memory of a joke my aunt used to tell me, about a guy who would shit into the leaves of a library book and then replace it on the shelf without anyone noticing.
>lazy and obnoxious writing
surely all this evasive squirming that you're demonstrating right now is just as lazy, if not more so? But, ah, no worries fella. You just keep on coping. its a lot easier to critique my form than to defend your ignorance w/r/t how publishers and libraries work together.
This is some female shit. As far as I'm concerned you haven't responded to my argument yet. If you want me to read what you have to say then write properly. If not then so be it. I'm not playing this passive aggressive bullshit in the meantime.
What are the best strategies for candid shoe photography in a library setting?
>you haven't responded to my argument yet
your argument was that libraries give books away for free, and that's bad for the publishing business. My argument in response was, firstly, to argue that libraries pay for all the books they add to their collection (we always tell people with donations to take them to charity shops). and secondly, to ask a pretty straightforward question:
>"if libraries are the reason why publishers and authors are struggling, why do they continue to sell to libraries?".
They have no legal obligation to do so, and the actual discounted rate at which we buy books really isn't that far off the retail price. The idea that a library buying books off publishers is damaging their profits simply isn't true, especially when publishers (at least in my country) are subsidised for supplying books to public libraries. It's a mutually beneficial relationship, not the antagonism you're making it out to be.
And just to add to , refusing to respond to an argument because you don't like the formatting is petty and childish. It's perfectly logical to break up an argument into basic propositions which you can then hold against each other to see whether the argument is sound.
Based, but as a librarian myself, I want to keep collecting your tax dollars while I browse Yea Forums. Just think, as well, if you got rid of libraries, you'd have less children and poor people on the internet.
It's not news to anyone that libraries pay for the books that fill their libraries. They might even pay a premium for the books that fill their libraries, but as I've said previously it doesn't matter because the amount they pay doesn't equal the potential lost sales from people that rented the books but otherwise would have paid for a new copy had there not been a library.
I don't know why you think the fact that publishers selling to libraries is some sort of slam dunk. Of course they would sell to them because if they didn't, if they tried to take some principled stand against libraries then some other publisher will fill those libraries with books. There's too much competition to form a cartel so a principled stand would only cost individual publishers the little profit they gain from libraries.
Stop with the catty shit. I can't believe you thought I was afraid of those arguments. I actually started expecting a real refutation but you only demonstrated a librarians understanding of economics.
Don't libraries have to pay usage rights for a lot of the products they offer from publishers? Not only that, but the publisher isn't losing much money from libraries since many of those "potential customers" wouldn't have bought those materials anyway. If there was no library, they likely would either just borrow it from a friend or not view it at all.
inb4 blogposting, the author's credentials are solid. The issue you're taking with libraries would be better directed at the inherently competitive nature of capitalism. Can't win if you don't play, and all that. My biggest issue with your argument is that it lays the blame squarely at the feet of the library service, when really there are diverse issues at play, the main one simply being that people are reading less than they used to. Libraries are one of the few places where schemes, author visits and reading challenges are being used to incentivise people into reading again, something which publishers are incapable of doing unless they're already a reader, whereas libraries (with the capacity for public engagement) can make a difference. Underfund the library service to the absolute bare minimum and the publishing industry will tank too. I guarantee it
However much libraries pay doesn't matter if it doesn't equal the lost income that would have came from consumers. I see people making the same argument to support piracy, that the sort of people who pirate movies wouldn't have bought the movies anyway but there are studies which show that this is fallacious. When people can't pirate movies, they start buying them more often. There's no reason to think this would apply to libraries too. If they can't get books for free they'll buy them more often.
how would you even study that
What the hell is this, dude. I've already told you that I don't want libraries to stop existing. They can still exist and they can still let authors come in and encourage people to read. This is all irrelevant to the argument. I don't know why you're talking about library funding and schemes.
You can look at the media consumption of people who pirate and compare it to the people who don't. You can also look at the people who used to pirate but stopped.
>You can look at the media consumption of people who pirate and compare it to the people who don't.
that doesn't prove anything
>You can also look at the people who used to pirate but stopped.
that might but it seems hard to study and might still have some causal strings dangling.
So once again you didn't read my post?
>"underfunding the library service to the absolute bare minimum" is the same thing as saying "libraries don't exist"
I never claimed that you were arguing for the abolition of all libraries, but you literally said earlier you only wanted philosophy or non-fiction books in the library. I'm explaining to you why this is not only bad for libraries but bad for publishers too. Why is this so difficult to wrap your head around?
>fast capitalism
Utter cringe
It's difficult to follow anyone who jumps around and doesn't actually respond to the post he's replying to. Maybe I should have known that you were responding to something I said 5 posts earlier, my bad. I can see why you're in the habit of quoting and responding to individual sentences.
Except I AM replying to the post I reference. You keep trying to paint me as this erratic, nonsensical poster, when I've only ever been addressing the question of whether libraries are bad for the publishing industry. I haven't deviated from that topic at all. But that's also not to say I shouldn't refer back to your post chain to check the consistency and development of your argument either. It's called "paying attention"
>I can see why you're in the habit of quoting and responding to individual sentences
This old chestnut again. You're literally the first person I've ever encountered on this website who has an issue with it, and like I said before, there's nothing wrong with picking apart an argument sentence by sentence to see if it all hangs together. This is basic propositional logic.
What's even more ridiculous is that posting in such a format forces me to read your post thoroughly, attempting to address each point you raise directly, yet you flat-out refused to offer me the same courtesy for some petty bullshit.
wish i could help you.
You're not picking apart an argument when you quote and respond to individual sentences, you're making a mess. That's not how people talk to each other and who gives a shit if I'm the first person you've seen complain about it? Not every sentence is a premise to be evaluated on its own merit.
Regardless I still don't know what the hell you're talking about library funding for. Your funding can stay the same, libraries can still exist, this is all irrelevant to my argument that libraries shouldn't stock modern fiction at the least. It's impossible to have a conversation with you because you're so bad at communicating ideas.
I don't know where so many librarians get off acting like they've spent 15 years in school. A bunch of smug cunts pretending they aren't suffering from lesbian bed death.
Based. The librarians here are insufferable.
>Not every sentence is a premise to be evaluated on its own merit.
you still haven't given me a single good reason as to why this is the case beyond "I don't want to read like this!!". If the majority of posters don't take issue with it, I'm gonna assume the problem is with your selective autism, not my posts. Why should I take your opinion as gospel above all other (more discursively sporting) posters?
>I still don't know what the hell you're talking about library funding for
Think about it logically. The only reason why a library is going to give up its modern fiction collection is either due to a lack of space, or because it doesn't have the funding to replenish or update its stock. Your idea of a fiction-free library is a total fantasy that will do more harm than good. They won't ever do that because fiction is the most popular kind of book issued by libraries. And (as I've already argued) publishers don't have a problem with libraries buying their stock, if anything libraries offer security in that they ensure publishers will always have someone buying their books, even if they aren't being sold to consumers directly.
>It's impossible to have a conversation with you because you're so bad at communicating ideas
You categorically refusing to read certain posts of mine is me being "bad at communicating my ideas"? How rich
How many librarians have you actually talked to that are like this?
Scratch that, how many times a week do you even go outside?
Librarians are the jannies of the academic world. Factor in the cost of living and their low salary, they indeed are doing it for free.
This post itself is a good example of why I don't read the posts of people who quote and respond to individual sentences. It always devolves into multitude of mini conversations which have nothing to do with the argument. I don't even like the fact that I have to talk about it so much because it's irrelevant.
Libraries will do what they're told by the governments who own them. For one so concerned with logic you really ought to examine your assumptions. The idea that libraries will only get rid of their fiction if they lack funding or space is unfounded and ultimately beside the point. I'm so tired of saying this and that is irrelevant but you just don't get it. I'm arguing that libraries should not stock modern fiction and I don't give a flying fuck how that would be practically accomplished.
Now you want to go back to this argument that because publishers sell books to libraries they must not losing money as if it hasn't been addressed. That doesn't follow and I've already explained why.
>the pay is great
REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE stop pilfering my tax bux to selfishly read books on society's dime.
Yeah I must be a loser who doesn't go outside if I don't like librarians. You are really immature. You must be a librarian.
>what are are Librarians
>Demand libraries
You're not the boss of me, stop telling me what I want.
>Fund Libraries
You're not the boss of me stop telling me what I should spend money on
>Use Libraries
You're not the boss of me, stop telling me how I should acquire books
the hell is wrong with America, I have never seen a homeless person in a library or on a bus.
*standing applause* Based! Based!
But I don't want to borrow books. I want to own them.
Why would you ever want to keep something that is dying? That means it's too weak to survive, just let it go, or you'll be a faggot.
somebody should tweet back to her
>Well, if public spaces like libraries were not occupied by NIGGERS and HOMELESS I may consider using them as opposed to simply ordering books from amazon in the comfort of my home
I mean, another alternative would be hoarding ebooks.
I have seen very few homeless persons in my entire life, not to mention on busses or in libraries. The hell is wrong with America?
Credit scores.
You need to go back
>I'm arguing that libraries should not stock modern fiction and I don't give a flying fuck how that would be practically accomplished.
It's not a question of practical application, though if you're going to make a claim about the way you want things to be, its a pretty reckless statement if you're not considerate of how to actually implement that idea. You're just not acknowledging the fact that is in the interests of neither the library, nor the publisher, nor the customer to close off that particular avenue. Modern fiction (particularly bestsellers) provides a constant and reliable circulation of stock and capital that only continues to function if the library is properly funded. If you want the contemporary fiction market to survive, stop trying to take modern fiction out of libraries.
I never claimed that the publishers weren't losing money (relative to what the library copies would've made on the retail market), but I also just don't see any evidence that cutting their modern fiction stock would drastically improve profit margins for the publisher either– retail sales might go up, but not without the high street cutting its prices. Like I've said repeatedly, people on the whole are reading less. Libraries generate interest and demand that the publishers can capitalise on in a way that would otherwise be impossible for them. Publishers just don't have the level of public engagement that libraries do.
when I say great I mean its good relative to the amount of effort it takes to do the job well. and we're not actually allowed to read on shift