Any books that explains why women are so god damned awful?

any books that explains why women are so god damned awful?

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Stick with the greats.

>From the beginning, nothing has been more alien, repugnant, and hostile to woman than truth — her great art is the lie, her highest concern is mere appearance and beauty.
~ Nietzsche

>Women remain children all their lives, for they always see only what is near at hand, cling to the present, take the appearance of a thing for reality, and prefer trifling matters to the most important.
~ Schopenhauer

>No men who really think deeply about women retain a high opinion of them; men either despise women or they have never thought seriously about them.
~ Weininger

>Women are capable of education, but they are not made for activities which demand a universal faculty such as the more advanced sciences, philosophy and certain forms of artistic production... Women regulate their actions not by the demands of universality, but by arbitrary inclinations and opinions.
~ Hegel

>The female is as it were a deformed male. The male is by nature superior and the female inferior, the male ruler and the female subject.
~ Aristotle

otto weininger, obviously

I'm not joking.

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>taking seriously the opinion of a young incel proto-Nazi who killed himself like a little bitch



As long as you get the ones who aren’t brainwashed, that is.

Have sex, incel.
Either that or dive off of the tallest bridge in your area.

Probably your diary desu ne gomenasai homo-kun

this is why women are awful. because men think like this.


cringe and bluepilled

Men who hate women obsess because the disease gets them special treatment

Taken the Dogen pill
>Dogen also declared that not only cooks, but “Even a little girl of seven can become the teacher of the four classes of Buddhism and the compassionate mother of all beings; for [in Buddhism] men and women are completely equal. This is one of the highest principles of the Way”

Agreed. The average woman is just as capable as the average man.

too many onions up in here

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try a book that tells you to have sex

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kikes are gaslighting you into thinking women are awful
they're difficult, mentally inferior and should have their rights heavily restricted, but they aren't awful. their current misbehaviour is mainly due to Jewish influence in the media.
If you want a book on HOW to get "good women" back, instead of some bitter incelious misogynistic Catcher In The Rye shit, then read these:
Siege by James Mason
KD Rebel by David Lane
Turner Diaries by William Luther Pierce
Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler

where can i get a qt authentic asian bf to dress me in yukata and care for me like an exotic pet? please adopt me.

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This meme is so tiring. From my experience, men who haven't had sex tend to romanticize women. I know I did before I had sex. Now that I have some experience with women I think most of those writers are basically right, though it's no reason to hate them. Your pets are inferior to you, but you don't hate them do you? What you hate is that you're forced to allow your pets to go wild by the female equivalent of PETA, and they ruin your house, your car, your yard, and probably bite you.

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Listen man i don't know about all this toxicity on the internet i have been seeing but women are humans just like men are. Female is just a social construct we made so we could abuse those kind and loving creatures and it is time we finally stop that and accept them for what they really are: empathetic, wise, smart, teachers, mothers, optimistic, and most importantly the only creatures who you can talk to about the deepest stuff :D I talked with girls about so many deep stuff like Jung and Freud and even learned that we are all connected deeply down and through them i even learned just how wrong most philosophers are because they are brute patriotic monsters who only want power.

That girl who told me all of that is my crush :DDD she's been my crush for the last 12 years and i've been her evevrytime she broke with her boyfriends and i hope she will one day realize that me and her are meant to be together and that i love her so much i would do anything for her. I gave her so many gift (but she didn't gift me anything :X she is sometimes rude :D) and even let her stay at my apartment which was the happiest moment in my life! We shared the shame place and we were almost like a family although we didn't sleep together she slept on my bedroom while I on the couch and I had to leave every now and then cause she wanted some privacy (in the morning especially since she is so insecure about her looks in the morning but she is perfect in every single moment (which i told her) but she doesn't listen :/) anyways i was really sad when she told me she needed the entire apartment for the entirety of the month since she made amdents with her ex (Who beat her really bad when they broke up and was in prison for that) and needed to show him that she was an independent woman. I had to rent a hotel but it was a bit expensive so i slept on the sstreets the entire month. I don't have a job or am I in any education so it was no problem if i looked like shit, my parents paid my rents and gave me some money for food but everything went to her for a while so i had to beg a little but it was np cause i believe in the future and you know what they say: "the future is of the female gender" so I hope one day she will realize that her bf is an abusive dick and that what she told me about philosophers is true for that monkey as well but I respect her opinion and will love her always and whatever she needs from me she can get it. I even promised her if she ever has children and her guy leaves her, that i would take care of it with all I have.

You just need to be yourself and believei n what is good and life will reward you in time. Don't trust those guys from /fit/ or any of this whitemen philosophy crap there is no point they are just oppressive men who destroyed the lives of countless women. Women don't care about your looks or "power" they only care if you are good as a person. I hope one day she will finally realize that i am a good man for her.

I'm going to start reading these to my girlfriend as inspirational quotes each morning

>This meme
Why did you reference my post here What I said was literally true, not a meme.

>“The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) went out to the musalla (prayer place) on the day of Eid al-Adha or Eid al-Fitr. He passed by the women and said, ‘O women! Give charity, for I have seen that you form the majority of the people of Hell.’ They asked, ‘Why is that, O Messenger of Allah?’ He replied, ‘You curse frequently and are ungrateful to your husbands. I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and religious commitment than you. A cautious sensible man could be led astray by some of you.’ The women asked, ‘O Messenger of Allah, what is deficient in our intelligence and religious commitment?’ He said, ‘Is not the testimony of two women equal to the testimony of one man?’ They said, ‘Yes.’ He said, ‘This is the deficiency in her intelligence. Is it not true that a woman can neither pray nor fast during her menses?’ The women said, ‘Yes.’ He said, ‘This is the deficiency in her religious commitment.’”

the s o y is spilling.

mulla mulla boy, this is kafir zone.

I don't know who this messenger fella is, but he sounds pretty alright.

Have sex. That should make you stop obsessing over what women do/are.

He was an Arab from this tribe

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me on the right
god I wish that were me

Wow man that's pretty cringy

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Have you considered that you're the dipshit here? Love your mom more


You post reeks of hypocrisy and double standards. Also you aren't fooling anyone, have sex, bucko.

>You post reeks of hypocrisy and double standards. Also you aren't fooling anyone, have sex, bucko.
And that's the tea, sis!

He's pretty much the only person you need to read regarding Women

we are stealing your women, white man

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>cherrypicking the one bluepilled buddhist
Why not Roshi, who was asked by a woman how she could attain enlightenment and told her to be obedient to her husband so she would gather enough good karma to return as a man in the next life?

> I don't like his opinion that must mean he is blue pilled.

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Please, guys, do you have more clips from him? I'm desperate and in love. His voice acting is amazing and... I bet he's hot too..

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read: Lila - An Inquiry into Morals

what Roshi? That just means teacher. Also, Dogen isn't 'cherry-picked', he is probably the most significant thinker in the Japanese canon.

>women are awful because of how men think
Your argument is self-defeating.

"Woman are much more like eachother than men"

"most woman have no characters at all"

"There are two things I have loved madly, they are Woman and celibacy"

"The profession of "woman" is very hard"

"In her first passion, woman loves her lover, in all others all she loves is love"

"woman prefer to be amused without being loved to be loved without being amused"
"Woman have more of what is called "good sense" than men; they have fever pretensions, are less implicated in theories, judge objects more from their immediate and involuntary impression on the mind,and therefore more truly and naturally. They cannot reason wrong, for they do not reason at all.

"woman hazard everyone upon one cast of a die-- when youth is gone all is gone"

"The thoughts of woman ever hover round their persons"

>people behave differently depending on how they're consistently treated
your paraphrasing is dishonest

Hegel was the rightest imo. The others too extreme. Women can be and usually are as smart as the average man in raw intellect. Their problem is the overwhelming majority seem to lack a sort of "deep thought" critical thinker mind to focus said intellect. Also they have dangerous instincts like conformity, narcissism, and self destructive sexuality that override their behavior.

The entire unabridged, collective diaries of every user who regularly visits this board.

Screen cap worthy

>reposting someone else’s vocaroo

He probably meant Rinzai. And Dogen's ideas about women at least were clearly not given much weight by the Japanese since they're totally absent from praxis.

Read Sylvia Plath

Nietzsche's comment is an compliment though

That makes absolutely no sense.
Firstly, those quotes are pulled from works that most people have never read, so to act as if the obscure views of a handful of intelligent observers scattered throughout two millennia have somehow influenced female behaviour does not hold weight.
And if you are to make the assertion that most men think like this, thus a widespread effect, then you're acting in bad faith. Women are notoriously defended certainly in public, and even on an anonymous imageboard populated by mostly young men, there are people who do no let these views go unchallenged.
But not only do you have yet again a pathological desire to shift any responsibility of this onto men, you commit the logical fallacy that highlights the very nature women undertake in image-preservation that overtakes the priority of truth:
How can men coming to the conclusion that women are a certain way create the very behaviour that is observed?
observed behaviour > conclusion
your assertion
conclusion > observed behaviour
If you are then going to suggest that men have the power to dictate the behaviour of a sex by opinion alone, then how can you dare complain about inferiority? You are incapable of being anything other than the second sex.

You are a dumb misogynist who blames your short comings on others

a woman really wants a daddy. If you can't be it, then she moves on. she might come back but that's 50/50

freud lives on

female or gay?

from what I've gathered with what experience I have is this. If I go out 'hunting for woman' then that can work though it may take a while and require quite a few interactions with woman before one of them reciprocates. when I go out just enjoying life having a ball in a joyous manner, almost like a child but a bit more controlled per say. then the woman flock to me. Alan Watts talks about this in the sense that life is a game of hide and seek, and I prefer to hide in plain site, as I receive the most results that way, at least right now. when a girl comes to me and starts wanting to hang around and comes over several different times to my place, she takes this role of a go-getter. meaning she will pay the bill if we go get smoothies. and things of this nature. Now I've work with children before and little girls do this same thing. the little girls will try to impress by saying things like "look how fast I can run" or "look at this dance" essentially it is the same thing. women usually have money to spend, little girls dont but they can do some sort of act as mentioned before. both are used to impress and to show 'hey, look I can do things, im a person, and im going to share them with you'.

as well, women test you all the time. to make sure you are solid, a mountain. and can put up with their made up shit, this is so in the sense that if you can't put up with her made up bs then how can you deal with real situations as they come up.
as a woman sees that you can pass her tests, she will reside more in her feminine. this will result in her becoming more docile. when she becomes docile, she will need to be taken care of, which can be awesome, as you become in charge of the relationship fully.
I'm no expert, but this is just a quick write up based on what i've experienced. and I have a lot more to experience

do you also say this to feminists?

Not when there is so much misogyny around

Ancestor cry

>Alan Watts talks about this in the sense that life is a game of hide and seek, and I prefer to hide in plain site, as I receive the most results that way
I also noticed this. When you act desperate around women, they sense it and it makes you unattractive. If you have your own things going on, it creates this aura of distance, autonomy, which they seem to be attracted to very much. To some extent it is the same for males, imagine if some girl was very clingy around you, her attractiveness would immediately drop. It is like when you desire an object, achieve it and the the desire is gone, you no longer find satisfaction with it.

lol have MORE sex

user... bitches ain’t shit but hoes and tricks

i'm I noticed this whole "trying to test you with my bs" thing too, would you say all women do it or is it just some type? What you describe is hysteric in lacanian sense, for him, women also put up all of these kind of tests to know if you can be the "Man" for her.
My ex did this a lot, I got really tired of it and we broke up, what would you suggest is the best way of going around it?

but if feminism is dominant wouldn't there be more misandry? why are you singling out the minority that is incels?

People would just think of women as different people and not group them together as a different identity group.

hey m8, from what experience I have, all woman do this. different women do this in different ways. for instance I knew a girl who use to make figurines and sold them on deviant art (or something like that). she told me about the stories (supposedly) of people requesting and talking about transvestite figurines and and tentacle rape figurines. she did this in the sense to see if I would become annoyed, discredit the community that she sells to, or even criticize her hobby, and so. it was stories to see if she can throw me off. one more incident I'll say, is that one time I was going with this girl, and we saw each other a bit, and (if I recall correctly) we did not see each other for a week or two. then we went out for dinner. during dinner we were talking, and she said some story of how some guy (whom I think she made up) was contacting her and flirting with her and she talked back but never flirted back, then she said she stopped talking to him. it was a test to see if I would lose my cool on her or the situation and so on. But I did not. I listened, chilled, looked at her then looked away. now I looked away not in disdain, but in the sense of 'how wonderful she is and beautiful the outside world is, and how silly of a game she is trying on me right now' then I looked back and smiled. It was a successful night.
>what would you suggest is the best way of going around it?
you can't. it simply is. they all are going to do it, in their own fashion. but here is the secret, which I displayed in my second example. it's a game I play, its a game called no game. I know whats going on but don't let it effect me. why? she may be saying this or that but look at the physical reality. she is with you on a date, looking all sexy (which she took the time to do). that is all the proof that is needed that she is into you and the rest (the talk in my example) is silly.
an extreme example would be this: someone comes up to me and says the world is ending! I think (or say) good let it happen, its all organized chaos anyway. you go ahead and go crazy, ill sit back and take my time.
I hope that answered the question. if not say so and I'll try to answer again

No, some men think like this, because they've seen what women do.


Got some bad news for you.

S o i

A mom needs to fuck up pretty severely to get to the point her children don't love her. Love is the default state and departure from it almost universally results from betrayal, with the notable exception of psychopaths. In other words, if you have no love for your mother, 99% of the time it's justified.

I think this is what I lack, when women start testing me in this manner, I lose my cool eventually. I should work more on keeping my distance from these provocations. Thanks for the lucid answer.

Yea Forums has way more gays than I expected.

You stupid?

Your Welcome. Im about to head out, I dont know if this thread will be up later. So ill end it with this:
Its not keeping distance from these provocations, it's accepting them. It's going to happen, but it's nothing to get hung up about.
It's like playing the card game go fish. your probably going to be told go fish and pick up one card. it's the same thing.
but not only does it make them have stronger confidence in you. it lets you get use to hearing bs which happens in life. both of you benefit.
It's fun and silly, nothing to get hung up about.

If my body reacts to female bodies, but my mind is at once averse, aware, and observant of female behavior, that does not make me gay.

do not look to women for support, build brotherhood with your fellow men instead. once you're stable, you may engage women with the sole intent of siring and providing for children. women love their sons but not their husbands. we go out into the world with unrealistic expectations. if your mother loved you, you expect other women to be like her. if she didn't love you, you're starved and desperately trying to get what you're owed from any woman that's briefly nice to you. experience eventually corrects these expectations. life is cruel, so be kind to your friends.

gays don't care about women. lesbians care about men though hmm

Your perspective helps a lot, because initially, I thought that these provocations mean they don't really respect me and just trying to bring me down for the sake of it. I guess I just interpreted those things too seriously. So what you offer, is just to accept it as some kind of inevitable game? Like, should I just adopt this position: "I see what you are doing, I understand that you can't refrain from doing it, so accept this and I'll wait it out"?

>He thinks his brain and his body are different
I've got some gay news for you buddy...

Nietszche, a man who didn't even believe in such a concept as "truth", criticizing women for not being acquainted with such an entity. Oh, that's rich. The most overrated "philosopher" of the modern period. Take away his literary talent, and you're left with nothing of value.

Alright, I'll admit it. I want to dengle my dingle in your septic hole. Is that ok with you, dearest user?

seeHe just thought, that femininity's positive side is that they are naturally more inclined to lie, deceive etc. It brings them closer to the artist (whose creation is a lie, Nietzsche always repeats this). In this way, when Nietzsche says that the truth is hostile to the woman, he doesn't mean this as a bad thing.

Maybe if men didn't sexualize women so much, being the disgusting savage carnal animal that he innately is (except those few who have rejected the sexual facility in favor of spiritual pursuits), they would feel less socially pressured from a very young age to abandon their intellectual side and spend their efforts embellishing their physical appearance in place of it. Just a thought.

nah fag

Very based

astonishing how many anons can not use an elaborated code to bring their point across, the plebeian masses are strong in here.

that's funny considering everyone attacks women on the basis of their morality while they just try to reduce it to sex, like you're doing now. can't wait til women no longer have the power of sex, that's really going to shake things up for your type.

>It brings them closer to the artist (whose creation is a lie, Nietzsche always repeats this)
Sounds like Plato


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The herbivore men phenomena, by other words. What you just delineated is happening in Japan, and coincidentally their birth rates are dropping. I wonder why?

The hypersexuality in this current year is widespread and takes root in the minds of the young, and efficiently. If those authors wrote that in a time w/o social media, internet porn, television, hookup culture, dating apps, etc. Do you not think there is merit to that growing sentiment in today's world?

Good post

Yes, only in Plato, it is viewed as a bad thing, because we have to go for the forms. Nietzsche would think this is nihilism, extra-physical world of ideas is just a cope for weak individuals (I cannot find my place in this world, so I'll create this "Better" world, that only I and people like I, have access to".

You should consider that those men aren't the incels, they're the chads women cling to as allies.

Imagine what they think of you

any womens book

You cant really hate women, only your relationship to them.

Yes. accept it.
that position sounds good, but remember not only to wait it out. but to wait it out with love. for she means no harm.

we agree they're awful though, right?

well, I was never afraid a woman was going to rape and murder me, so I'm still on the fence.

but we agree that the aggregate excess awfulness of women averages out to the same general vicinity as the risk of a given man being a murderous rapist, right?

I'm sorry senpai. Gotta decline. A sneering slut-bitch roastie whore laughing at your greasy fedora won't ever be worse than the fear that the dude standing next to you is going to get off at your stop, drag you into the bushes, rape you to death and cut your tits off.

You ever walk through the city a night, and realize a woman is following you around, standing outside of every store you go into and staring at you? Ever power walk towards a populated area, trying not to look back at her, trying not to cry because your friends won't pick up and you don't know what to do? Probably not. But switch it around, and it happens all the time.

I'm not trying to be dramatic.That actually happened to me. Just some dude I never met before, refusing to leave me alone. I went into a burger shop just so other people were around, and he stood outside, staring at me, for half an hour.

Compare that to some cunt Stacy calling me a fat retard and dumping soda over my head and there isn't even a question which is worse, and I'd know, because I had to deal both.

I don't feel like arguing. I'm just saying.

>pygmalion effect

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why would a fat retard be getting stalked? your story doesn't add up

what the fuck do I know? I'm not a stalker or a rapist. he was black, if you think that makes it more believable