
> are you depressed or have you ever been depressed?

> how are you going to overcome depression or how did you overcome it?

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Not Yea Forums

>implying that most of the shit on this board is Yea Forums

main reason why people post on this board is because people are a little less cucked here than any of the other boards.

depression is a meme

Honestly had a conversation about this with a close friend about an hour ago. I recently came out of my depression and feel like I am able to talk about it with other people now. When I was depressed I found it hard to talk about what I was experiencing because the experience itself was extremely confusing, but now after coming out of it I am able to talk about what I was going through and how I came out of it. It is a difficult thing to talk about

And how did you overcome it?

For him it was the Bible. For you?

I am still depressed. Grew up Christian and was as depressed in the religion as I am outside it, even after having multiple spiritual experiences.

Make a proper /feels/ thread some time when low likelyhood of rule enforcement and ask again and better than this.
Some of the best threads are the /feels/ threads on various boards that go off topic and never last longer than an hour or two

Reading The Idea of Decline in Western History by Arthur Herman helped me out of a depression.

It does a great job of refuting all the doomsday ideas that smart people discuss.

The only thing i can say is - stop masturbating, pray, eat meat, and exert yourself physically - by any means possible.

Stopped trying to overcome it and found the root cause of the depression.

Myths, nonsense, the "masturbation" will be replaced by something else.

Depends on the initial reason of your depression.If it is the typical
>Got no gf
>Got no job
>I am a neet
Then appreciate being a neet, it won't last forever and it is the best time of your life. But you have to give us more if you expect to receive some help in return.

I can go 4 months plus without masturbating, meditating daily, eating healthy, exercising 2+ times each week, doing productive things and seeing results in my carrier but the depression is still as clear as day.

The masturbation myth is more of a problem for teenagers who are depressed and have listened to too much vaporwave. Real depression doesn't just dissapear, it

yeah, like getting things done and being able to cook for yourself...

No that’s not what I mean, find out why you’re masturbating excessively first, seek the truth, once you find out your fine, you can’t lie to yourself, free will doesn’t exist and you’re putting off something your still addicted to, doing other things is fine, but it’s a double edge sword, it’ll burden the mind, namaste, strength and prosperity user

Oh, friend. I've been in and out of clinics for the last ten years. I hate myself because I don't work, but I have a crippling fear of going out into an unknown environment and failing. Once, I woke up screaming and clawing at my face because I was so fucking stressed. I'm terrified that I'm doomed to be in an out of a clinic my entire life.

I am the vessel of my own misery.

read, write and just do something until you physically can't anymore. Just... fill the void with candyfloss, because there isn't any concrete.

By taking psychedelics I bought online. Pretty instructive, desu.


we're really just here for a more intellectual community to talk casually with

I'm unironically bipolar
Deal with it via constant consumption of art and media

I don’t even know

yes, was formally diagnosed 3 years ago with depression and anxiety. I was prescribed meds but I haven't taken them in 2 years.
it doesn't seem to stem from any life problem (tfw no gf...etc) it's just there.
It was debilitating at the time I was diagnosed. I could hardly leave the house, but I got to a point where I could function with the help of lifting, reading, introspection...etc.
There was about 6 months or so where I got deep into samatha meditation (not secular but proper Buddhist meditation), where I was meditating for about 2 hours a day total (usually 45m-1 hour sessions twice a day), and that was the happiest, most calm I've ever been in my life. My depression and anxiety was effectively non-existent at that point.
Some major life tragedies (losses of family/people close to me) kinda messed with me for awhile, and I dropped the meditation practice, and so the depression and anxiety is back. I'm trying to rebuild the meditation routine again to fix that (as well as the existential angst I have that I associate with existence - since I believe enlightenment is real and that's ultimately the goal).

I have been involuntarily committed to mental institution 3 times. Among multiple diagnoses, I have always been diagnosed "depressed" by my doctors despite I have not myself really felt that way.

But yes objectively speaking I probably have been depressed for the last 8 years now considering my large social circle of +50 people consists of 1 friend I still visit currently and I have not had any relationship for the past 5 years either. Social isolation, solitary pursuits.

I still don't feel really depressed at the moment, I rarely sob or anything like that. I am also going back to studying after working for years.

I mostly do music production these days, most people I know irl are not interested in type of thing so I currently enjoy a lot more muh internet friends and 4chinz dedicated threads and sites like gearsluts for my social needs even though how sad it may sound

I’m not depressed as I was when I was an atheist, but my problem is indifference and lack of motivation. I rarely finish anything I start and very few things entertain me.

> are you depressed or have you ever been depressed?
yes. its a chronic problem at this point

>how are you going to overcome depression or how did you overcome it?
meds, though saying i overcame it feels too optimistic

You're cancer faggot