>be me last night >read the last 50 pages of a merely ok novel >be me today >wake up >get in to work early for 9 am meeting >find out the exact rank of a guy the same age as me and who went to Oxford and seems like the typical normie that advanced quickly >feel so demoralised; what is the point of doing anything? >feel really demotivated but that feeling may have gone by now >told myself at start of the day: "2 of the next 4 days don't have work >currently having long lunch break >boomer golf loving boss sees me as a full autist by now; my section of the open plan office knows I'm the ugly loser of the place
Wagecucking isn't as hard as I expected it to be during those hellish few weeks when I actually turned up to the office from 9-5.30 during my previous job. But then I arrive at 9.15, leave before 5, and get paid more than last time. I am also moving departments in November so I don't need to worry about not fitting in.
My motivation for personal growth has been crushed. (Lifting doesn't count). Each evening feels like a very discrete block of time, like I'm playing a Persona game.
>still me. >browse Yea Forums >see shitfaced frog thread number 30480 >stupidly long greentext >no desire to read it >always ALWAYS complaining about shit >is it even about literature? >guaranteed replies >people still think I ruin the board
Christopher Nelson
why'd you get a job, londonfrog?
Jackson Martinez
Both you and Londonfrog are attention whores with miserable lives. But only one of you is a tripfag
Benjamin Bennett
Why do you feel need to post about your uninteresting life?
William Miller
Who gives a fuck about butterfly. The OP of this post is far worse
Leo Brown
I would rather have 5 Londonfrog posts up at once than read another one of your posts
Asher Diaz
Fuck off
Leo Cox
Oliver Williams
It’s curious that you say “the OP of this post,” by which of course you mean this thread. But I’m not trying to be pedantic. What in wondering is if Londfrog is really one user, or if multiple people crib his (completely unremarkable) style and outlook to get some (You)s. You’re right that this thread is shit. But the butterfly tripfag is way more irritating to me for numerous reasons. I won’t bother getting into all of them but just look at her post ITT. She has been on here for years and still doesn’t understand how greentext works beyond a superficial level. And the post itself is nothing but narcissistic grandstanding about the state of the board that she herself only uses to get attention. She barely reads—she’s been talking about the same six books for six years. She’s a self-proclaimed “egoist” who hasn’t read Stirner, but has at least read Stirner memes. With every post she makes my contempt for her grows. With Londonfrog I just feel pity
Carter Butler
What's the six-entry Butterfly reading list lol, I'm curious
Ryan Myers
Gore Vidal, Thomas Paine, Walter Pater
Hudson Butler
At least lf is somewhat amusing but you along with the other scizo tripfags need to be purged and exterminated.
Bentley Wood
Remember londonfrog: I told you to buy Chainlink over 3 months ago.
The last one I read where Londonfrog realizes his female co-worker is like 10 years older than he expected is my favorite of his. This one here didn't impress me. Work on it.
Aiden Robinson
Sounds like your are envious and blame MUH SOCIETY for your own shortcomings
Wyatt Turner
what the fuck was chainlink?
Dominic King
old /biz meme
Ryan Edwards
What novel?
Aiden Nguyen
Find it in the archive and link it. Or around what date was this?
Liam Brooks
link that shit I missed it
Aaron Cooper
I found this, made me laugh: >I saw a nu-hipster-chad hybrid (tall skinny guy with long beard). A few inches taller than me, probably 30 kg lighter, but who could probably kick my ass because he learns muay thai from his ex-girlfriend's boyfriend who he lives with without paying rent in some sort of Netflix-esque hip millennial scenario. He probably works 15 hours a week in a vape shop and saves more than me. He will probably bum around enjoying himself until he is 35 and then he'll start some home made jam business or something like that and he'll be 10 times more successful than I'll ever be.
>That Stacy probably looks at his profile and laughs at how much of a loser he is. Doubt she cares at all. She's busy fucking the golf aficionado boss.
Jack Roberts
The Office - Londonfrog
William Lopez
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ > Frog posters Let's be honest
Daniel Carter
frogposters are a mixed bunch. People who sperg at any reaction pic of a frog or wojak have to just give up that fight, it's been 10 fucking years
Jonathan Hernandez
Why don't you share the titles of the books you read, London? be a lot better if you did
London frog I hadn't visit Yea Forums since last October, and I've come back to see you're still kicking... Londonfrog I want you to know I have your back and support your struggle! You're not the autist your boss thinks you are, and you know that deep down. Keep your chin up during these trying times!
dude fucking stop talking about him. just stop fucking saying anything about butterfag. holy christ you god damn newfags, DO NOT REPLY TO TRIPFAGS. FUCK