In order to become a priest you need to be ordained. In order to be ordained you need to graduate from seminary. You learn Latin/Greek in seminary in order to read church documents. They also heavily study philosophy and theology. You usually get a bachelors in Philosophy and then a masters in divinity. This, of course, depends on the country and if the priest is part of a religious order or secular.
Based Baudelaire. BTFO STEMfags
Bentley Sanders
Sebastian Perry
you better be young or I lmao @ ur life
Justin Ross
More like the deacons.
Gabriel Moore
Juan Sanders
Lefties are inherently stupid though.
Camden Phillips
Artists are priests of post modernity.
Luke Taylor
cause there is a process renewed by poets in which the humans accomodate his brutal primary brain to beauty. When you listen classic music for the very first time after listening only hip hop and all sort of trash, you think you catch all the nuances? No, you need to get used.
Or you think a primitive man of the caves could enjoy sunrise as the man of the XVIII century did?