Free will doesn't exist. cue change my mind steven crowder meme please

free will doesn't exist. cue change my mind steven crowder meme please.

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then you don't exist mfer

go away

Faggot triggered janny will just delete this one too

Imagine having low IQ dogs that eat throw up and shit. I had a dog. He never did that. Ever. When I see or hear of a friend's dog that does that I think it's health hazard and should be euthanized.

It’s inconceivable that we can act outside of causality, of course. To have a will means to not be free, so you’re arguing against the absurd. What you really want is to be like God, omniscient and omnipotent. But even God may not have free will. In the end you’ll always have a desire and satisfaction derived from completing your goals.

I'm inclined to agree. However it is important that we get a grip on what kind of determinism (or dare I say it - fatalism) it is that constricts us so that we may glean some greater insight into our predicament. Biological and environmental determinism is pretty weak. Run of the mill causal determinism is more difficult to worm our way out of, but we can at least entertain the substance of counterfactuals. Logical or chronogeometric fatalism is dour. Divine predestination is either a comfort or a curse depending on the way your life shakes out.

>Specifically, I accept that free will requires intentional agency, alternative possibilities between which we can choose, and causal control over our actions. But unlike free-will skeptics, I don’t look for these things at the level of the body and brain understood solely as a physical system. Rather, I argue that agency, choice, and control are emergent, higher-level phenomena, like cognition in psychology and institutions in economics. They “supervene” on physical phenomena, as philosophers say, but are not reducible to them.

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Sorry butterfly but this screams of cope.
Just because we can never understand physical phenomena doesn't mean that some mystical bullshit is a more likely answer than something like "our brains are designed to create a center and a sense of self, although it's really just illusory, to help us get through life"

Sorry butterfaggot but that spiritual cop-out won't get you very far in your atheistic communist utopia

He’s not an advocate of mysticism/spiritualism. He’s an atheist. To my standards he’s not even bringing full free will back, this is just compatibilism.
And hol’up on the meme talk, geez. Everything is a “cope”
‘Bout to eat something so I can cope now.

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I wish free will was real bros
This world lacks magic

>Don’t be silly, we’re just robots.

Clocks even? Turns out no, we’re not.

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Why do you faggots pretend the question of free will is even remotely in the remit of philosophy? It's a simple fact of physics that our material world is deterministic and predictable according to a strict set of physical laws, and we know we consist of nothing more than organic matter, even our consciousness.

Compatibilism doesn’t conjure spirits back up. Relax

Accepting the deterministic reality doesn’t really change anything.

>NPC mindset

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Why can’t you do the left if you don’t believe in free will? Alexander the Great was a determinist.

It makes it easier to write off your own failures and put off attempts to change. It also makes it easier to ignore arguments by falling back on a belief that you position has been coded into you by the universe.

>Thinks potential is predetermined
Is on the grey side

I don't understand your pic related - Sapolsky is a determinist.

Oh? Not what I gathered from his line about our minds not being like fucking machines.

I suppose he believes it goes right down to the psychic level. W/e.
In the end is just doesn’t seem knowable. I prefer compatibilism is all.

* Or should I say psychological level? Pff

The good news is you can be a determinist and still be happy, have hopes for the world, etc. No need to lie to ourselves though

K buts it’s true whether you use it as an excuse to give up or not. Nihilism is also true even if I think it’s for faggots.

Why can’t the left recognize that potential is determined?

I’m afraid it might make people listless, fatalistic, cynical etc.
and I’m not lying to myself.

The left is free to wonder about it all, or to not give a single fuck.

>It's a simple fact of physics that our material world is deterministic and predictable according to a strict set of physical laws
Was a simple fact, before quantum mechanics entered the mainstream conversation. We're on the verge of a massive leap in scientific understanding in coming decades, and already have experienced an unprecedented level of growth and understanding never seen at such a rate in human history since the start of the 20th century. "Science" is not simply a tome from above you can slam on the head of anyone who disagrees with you, there are all kinds of theories and hypothesis about the universe proposed by various different groups and individual scientists that are currently up in the air and up for debate. We're all mostly blowing hot air right now, provided civilization doesn't collapse and the current rate of progress continues, the ideas about reality they'll be discussing in the 22 century will make all of us look like cavemen.

Compatibilism is simply redefining free will. The fact that physical systems may increase in complexity to the point where their intuitions, desires, or options expand in the future and therefore, may have access to more 'moves' in the deterministic chess match, doesn't mean they have any control or choice over this increase in complexity. It either happens, or it doesn't. Free will in the libertarian sense is what matters and just like the 'self' in the authorial sense, doesn't exist.

>I’m afraid it might make people listless, fatalistic, cynical etc.
and I’m not lying to myself.
It might. Which is why I don't try to convince pre-schoolers that they shouldn't believe in free will. Or anyone who I don't think is psychologically capable of bearing the news. Not that I have any choice over whether I discuss it, or not. Not that they would have a choice over how it affects them either, if faced with the news.

QM doesn't describe actual mechanisms, it just measures correlations probabilistically. The fact that QM measures well via non-deterministic calculations doesn't necessarily show that the processes being measured aren't determinstic.

We don't really know how radically our understanding will change, nor do we have any current indication that determinism (especially on the scales most relevant to macroscopic organisms) is 'hot air'.

Die already you cunt

You’re already a brainlet yourself you shouldn’t worry about others.

> Not what I gathered from his line about our minds not being like fucking machines
You need to CALM. DOWN.

High level literary analysis of any subject even somewhat tangentially related to politics or economics is literally impossible with some kind of bias in the way.

It’s essentially why Newspaper’s OP-Ed’s are essentially invalid and devoid of any sort of intellectual value. An objective, impartial take on the organization of humans is what is needed.

Good examples of this are Tocqueville or Schumpeter. :3

>quantum mechanics
I have a hard time grasping how that thing is even relevant

Except that they aren't 'free' (what is that?) and what they wonder or care about is the result of impulses they don't control and aren't even aware of until after the fact.

I do agree that average people probably aren't equipped to deal with it though, they'll likely misunderstand the details and then misconstrue the implications. Then again, if they're not likely to understand (or be inquisitive) about it in the first place, maybe it's not a particularly dangerous idea.