Your favorite book that you were forced to read in high school and why

>Your favorite book that you were forced to read in high school and why
>Your least favorite book that you were forced to read in high school and why

Attached: Penguin_Classics_penguin.png (188x188, 141K)

Shit was cash. Jean Toomer is the prophet of the American race
>Handmaid's Tale
Canadian propaganda.

I didn't read books I was forced to read if I wasn't interested, that being said, my favorite book I read was The Great Gatsby
Least favorite that I didn't bother reading was the Hiding Place

>The Scarlet Letter probably
>one of the uninteresting feminist or ethnic things we had to slog through


I hate niggers and they were acting just like dumb niggers do in the book but the book tried to show how this was better than white people. Would rather break a leg than read another word of it.

Idk if I'd call it forced because I picked it for independent study. But The Trial is pretty cool.

Least favorite is definitely Lolita. The prose is too gay

The metamorphosis

Fahrenheit 451

Best? Oryx and Crake. Why? Canadian propaganda.

Worst? King Lear. Why? I wasn't putting enough effort into reading it.

I'm having my kid take the GED at 8th grade and go to college after.

High school is a waste of time.


>The Bride Price
"It's like 'Things Fall Apart' but from the female perspective!"

either We (the best of the classic dystopias) or Gatsby (the greatest cuck circle in all of literature, containing 5 characters cucking each other)
Scarlet Letter by far (the prose is homosexual and the metaphors are so unsubtle as to be comedic)
I think you got it backwards, OP said to respond with best then worst, not worst then best

t. never took calculus or physics

Godel Escher Dead? What is GED?

Best was Catcher in the Rye

Worst was To Kill a Mockingbird

>"Faust" by Goethe

>some stupid youth novel in seventh class or so forgot the name

>wanting your child to be socially retarded

"General Education Development." It's a test that - if passed - is considered the equivalent of an American high school diploma. Usually it's taken by people later in life, after they've failed high school and now have reached a point in their careers where they need a high school education to advance. It can also be taken by immigrants who were never in the American system, by troubled youth who can't be trusted in a school, or in rare cases such as this one, by bright youngsters who could bypass high school altogether.

Best was Chronicle of a Death Foretold
Worst was Persepolis; shit was so lame and boring

Best was probably one of the Greek tragedies or epics - it's hard to pick just one, you know.

Worst well, I don't think I really ever truly hated anything I was made to read. Perhaps Zola? Never could get into the guy.

>Much Ado about Nothing (if plays count, if they don't, Frankenstein is my other choice). Also for an independent project I read Camilla and that was great. Much Ado was just such a fun ride and the jokes were on point all the time. Frankenstein was great because it was well-written, morally ambiguous and had interesting themes, and Camilla gave me a sexual awakening.
>The Castle of Otranto, I don't remember anything about it except that it was a slog to read.

The Castle of Otranto is about 120 pages long, is it really that bad?

I was planning on reading Fahrenheit after finishing my current book should I not? I really don't know much about it can you tell me why it's bad?

Fahrenheit is overrated shit

>The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea

>Great Expectations
The characters just fucking annoyed me, don't really have a rationality for it

>Catcher in the Rye

First book I had to read and it showed me serious literature had something to offer.


Also the several other books I had to read by Toni Morrison and others because our English teacher decided our theme should be post-colonial literature. My god that was hell. Once Were Warriors was okey though

best was 1984 probably. i'm racking my fucking brain thinking of bad books we read and i just can't think of any, even though i know that there had to be something. i'll come back later when i think of it.