I aint never read a whole book before

I aint never read a whole book before
what whole book should I read?

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If you're being serious, then start with something short and engaging. What genres do you like?

Infinite Jest.

nigga write yourself a book and read that


Slaughterhouse 5 is pretty easy, short, funny, and weird.

The Bible -> Quran -> Das Kapital -> Communist Manifesto -> The Sublimes

in that order

Madness and Civilization by Michel Foucault

I like historical fiction and fantasy books but not stupid fantasy like lord of the rings
I want to read fiction not real fiction
this is not a bad idea
I will make it a knockoff of Jason and the Argonauts set through a family saga stretching from bronze age Mycenae to interstellar science fiction
sounds boring

>I like historical fiction and fantasy books but not stupid fantasy like lord of the rings

Maybe try some classical sci-fi. Here's one off the top of my head. It's easy to read but a fun concept.

Attached: 9780008117498.jpg (300x450, 23K)

whats it about

A galactic empire is on the verge of collapse, and they can kinda save it using a socio-political kind of equation to steer it from crisis to crisis. It's kind of an anthology, since it takes place over many generations.

Why is there not a classics version from penguin

oh I just want to read one whole book not three whole books

It's a series of like 7 books but the first one is standalone. You don't need to commit.

I want cannons and sails


How To Read A Book by Adler. Basically offers a guide for fully reading any book. Here's the basic advice, highly condensed.
>Look at title page, preface, table of contents, index, publishers blurb, ect
>Read what appear to be the most important chapters first
>Skim whole book by reading random paragraphs
>Speed read whole thing
>Then go back and read while taking notes

Another book is Mythology by Hamilton. Good way to begin the greeks. Start with the greeks. Yeah, do that. The greeks are where people should start, with the greeks. That's where...they should....they start with the greeks. Forgetty mention, almosty forgetty mention Homer's works like Illiad and Odyesee. Get it translated by Fagles. Don't miss out on Herodotus's The Histories's.

Plato and Aristotle Complete Works.


Apathy by Paul nielan or John dies at the end. Really fun(ny) books

i played mace griffin bounty hunter as a teen. it was pretty cool

You read me.