Any books that go in depth on the current state of mass media?

Any books that go in depth on the current state of mass media?

Attached: 1560376269204.webm (640x360, 2.99M)

Other urls found in this thread:

George Orwell's 1984

Noam Chomsky's books on the media.

Somebody give those two a show! They're making something!



Attached: N A A C E.jpg (369x475, 27K)

Based massage and acupunture industry giving regular asians the pseudo credentials to molest hwhite womyn. Now this is what I call trickle down economics!!!


>media is absolutely controled by the academic system that Chomsky is a part of
it's totally the corporations guise

What did she mean by this

Lol is this supposed to be a massage or something?

i thought he was feeling her up in a weird way and she is "sex positive" or something so she let him

That's a repulsive slut.

Chomsky's essential.

she looks really beautiful to me
i dont understand how you dont consider skin and body shape of a young woman like that attractive

You thought right. Labeling it a massage doesn't change anything.

Because I'm not purely superficial. A person's brain/heart/soul matters a lot. Of course she looks good, but she's a repulsive slut.

from this video you cannot discern her deeper qualities or lack thereof tho
only thing we can take from it is her attractiveness, her body language, facial expression and motion which in the context of what average woman in our current society is, shows her as a perfectly fine person

infinite jest

The soul is the animating faculty of the body. We can discern the nature of the soul through the discernment of the nature of actions that are the product of that soul. In summary; she's a whore. Also I've been married for 5 years so inb4 "incel"

well technically i've been involuntarily celibate my whole life (although i deeply despise the incel subculture) so not like i can complain regarding that
but you cant possibly discern anything seriously negative about that girl from this video - if you can please tell me what

Chomsky is a hack that profits off of midwits.

She's allowing herself to be violated in public by an old Asian street urchin that's she's never met. Why does this need explanation?

her openness towards intimacy is on level of what is acceptable in current society, so taking her as an average person you cannot fault her even though she does not fit ideal moral standards she likely never even met or considered
what i see here is a random cute girl having a bit of fun

If paedophilia were considered acceptable in current society I'd be thinking "look at those disgusting paedophiles". Societal standards don't dictate my instinctive revulsion.

I honestly dont think the average woman would allow herself to be fondled by some aging gremlin in public for no reason

The incel above wants to be gremlin's apprentice.

You seem perfect for her, user; two average-souled products of the current instantiation of society. What more could you what.

Having AIDS and no morals really isn't a great character trait

paedophilia is self evidently wrong and repulsive (kinda like transsexuality), sexual openness is not, it is normal behaviour from human biology, lacking social structure of civilization (which instructed people into chastity) that was deconstructed in recent decades its logical and expected
depending on the context of the social event average woman would easily do it, if not average, then definetely a normal type of more extroverted woman

Listen man, no self-respecting woman (or person, for that matter) would:

a) allow some random mongoloid to give her a massage in public on the street in the first place


b) allow the public "massage" to continue once the guy's lack of competence/sexual intentions are made clear

One need only consider the context of the video to make a character judgement of the person depicted therein. How utterly apathetic and vapid would you have to be to do this? Would you do this? Why or why not?

If you think this girl isn't a piece of garbage, I don't know what else to tell you

when you do not have a point its easiest to resort to personal characterizations like that, even more ironically one i admitted myself
nearly every man is perfect for nearly every woman, humans were made to be compatible sexually by nature, modernist fantasies about human relationships you believe - modern conception of "love", "compatibility", modern partnership paradigm; not to mention things like shared values and ideology - aren't real, they are artificial burgeois institutions that prevent us from living by our nature and make us miserable - walls that our more and more depraved society builds around us as we get more esranged and mentally unhealthy
>two average-souled products of the current instantiation of society. What more could you what
unfortunately my strict moral code is preventing me from any relationship of such sort, although religion aside i would happily pursue it

it is the corporations though. thanks to capitalism everything must profit. fuck capitalism.

>allow some random mongoloid to give her a massage in public on the street in the first place
this is completely discounting different characters people have and different situations they can find themselves in
and yes, a perfectly normal person would potentially do that
>allow the public "massage" to continue
lenght of the process indicated curiosity and amusement by it, if somewhat sexually risque, not depravement
>sexual intentions are made clear
its obviousness and his clumsiness compensated for that
>How utterly apathetic and vapid would you have to be to do this?
although i share your rejection of this behaviour i hold my position that you lack understanding and context and i generally dislike your judgmental tone

One man's self-evident is another man's grey area. To me it's self-evident that being gremlin-pawed is some nasty shit. I'm not saying that it's terrible like paedophilia--which I only brought up to illustrate my point--or even that it's morally reprehensible; having an IQ of 75, a cleft palette and a hunchback are completely morally neutral traits, but the chance that I'd be attracted to someone with those traits is 0%.

Having thought about it just now, all else being equal, I'd rather be with a cute paedophilic woman than a cute slut.

Incel wasn't the insult; it was gremlin's apprentice. I don't care that you're a virgin. The only reason I called you incel is because I don't know your name.

>yes, a perfectly normal person would potentially do that
He didn't say normal, he said self-respecting.

You hold the same anything-goes, relativist attitude as those whose actions have caused the slow decay of the west. I hope life is very hard for you.

I hope that as things gradually fall apart in the world around you, you one day realize that muttering "different strokes for different folks" under your breath for the thousandth time has changed nothing, and that the passive half-life you and others like you live is poison to your fellow men.

>and i generally dislike your judgmental tone

Autistic; soulless. The words of a dated IBM machine.

well it seems like i misjudged your insult since "gremlins apprentice" seemed like merely a tease to me
>One man's self-evident is another man's grey area
i dont agree with your subjectivism here, but thats besides the point
>but the chance that I'd be attracted to someone with those traits is 0%
>I'd rather be with a cute paedophilic woman than a cute slut
then you must be messed up in some way since that can make this clearly attractive woman repulsive to you to that point
besides, being a slut is negative, but its not as much of a cancer you are making it to be, people change and have their reasons why they are who they are
to judge and reject people based on their flaws is pitiful

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self respect is not to be taken for granted, its not that easy to find and relative lack of it doesnt discredit a person
>You hold the same anything-goes, relativist attitude as those whose actions have caused the slow decay of the west
i merely have understanding and tolerance for people and their flaws and treat them as individuals worthy of respect instead of adopting an ill fitting judgemental attitude completely devoid of context and udnerstanding
>I hope life is very hard for you
only hard thing for me is lack of physical and emotional pleasure that my moral system imposes on me
>muttering "different strokes for different folks"
that doesnt come even close to my position
just because i treat them as people, udnerstanding context of their actions, love them and empathize with them doesnt mean i approve of and promote their behaviour
on the contrary, by acting judgementally and hostilely you will only lead them further away from virtue
>and that the passive half-life you and others like you live is poison to your fellow men
i hope you one day realize christian morals are superior to fruitless and demonic fascism you espouse
>Autistic; soulless. The words of a dated IBM machine.
the fact that you say this about real living people scares me

You fuckin mongs it's obviously staged. "hey wanna make 1000 bucks for 10 minutes of work for my YouTube channel? Yeah just lay there while I get sorta weird with your body"

Same shit as that "prankster" who would walk up to "strangers" and make out with them for no good reason at all. Hired actresses

>then you must be messed up in some way since that can make this clearly attractive woman repulsive to you to that point
>besides, being a slut is negative, but its not as much of a cancer you are making it to be, people change and have their reasons why they are who they are
>to judge and reject people based on their flaws is pitiful
Sure, if she changes as she's no longer a slut, then she's not a slut. Rejecting people based on perceived flaws is pitiful? What should we reject people based on if not what we see as flaws, or should we let the whole world press its old herpetic mouth against our bellybutton and fist our asscheeks while we laugh. Each of us is as good as the next, we're all made of the same atoms, so who cares.

No thanks. I'll stick with being pitiful.

That 50-year-old guy's definitely a Youtuber. Asian Jake Paul, no doubt.

>Sure, if she changes as she's no longer a slut, then she's not a slut
people arent that black and white, everyone has potential to be good and to be bad and sometimes all they need is some guidance, understanding, support and human warmth, someone to treat them like human beings instead of categorically rejecting them based on your uncharitable judgemental attitudes
>Rejecting people based on perceived flaws is pitiful
not seeing people as individuals with their own character - both with flaws and virtues (sometimes more of one and sometimes more of the other) and instead acting as if you are looking for a good car model is extremely pitiful
even if these flaws are in some cases large the decent thing to do would be to try and look past it and treat the said person as a human being and an individual
>What should we reject people based on if not what we see as flaws
ever heard of the word agape
>or should we let the whole world press its old herpetic mouth against our bellybutton and fist our asscheeks while we laugh
look at more pitiful judgementalness

This sounds interesting but I worry its just more anti Russian hokum

>acting as if you are looking for a good car model
I'm not acting as if I'm looking for a good car model, I'm acting as though I'm looking for people that I find attractive, which I am. You remind me of an angry fat girl trying to guilt everyone into being attracted to obese women.
If sluttiness (call it communal sexual openness if that makes you feel better) is something that isn't revolting to you, okay, have at it. To some people it's revolting, and there's nothing wrong or unnatural about finding it revolting; in my view finding it attractive or being indifferent to it is the contrived or densensitized-by-unromantic-modernity unnatural quirk. I accept some sluts, I like some sluts, just as I like and accept some obese people--and of course people aren't just one trait. But by their sluttiness or obesity--like by a rancid egg fart, a fake laugh, The Bachelor, or a stringy combover--I'm disgusted; a thousand apologies.

>understanding context of their actions, love them and empathize with them
There's a causally justifying context for every action. By extension your modus operadni results in love and empathy for everyone. If you let this moral frame play-out, you won't be left with moral frame for long. It's lazy and not at all pragmatic.

If you look at everything through that lens you're blinding yourself to potential insight.

>You remind me of an angry fat girl trying to guilt everyone into being attracted to obese women
except this is a perfectly normal and attractive girl with tolerable flaws
>To some people it's revolting
problem is not that slutiness is revolting to you, its revolting to me too
problem is that the person is revolting to you and that you cannot see the individual and her character from your hatred
>there's nothing wrong or unnatural about finding it revolting
theres nothing wrong from opposing it, theres a lot wrong from rejecting women and rejecting people because of it
modernity is "romantic" - it has built artifical institutions and understandings of human relationships so people like you cannot see the person behind these walls of modernity - her true nature
>just as I like and accept some obese people
obesity and sluttiness is not the same
>I'm disgusted
then be disgusted by the behaviour and accept the person
>There's a causally justifying context for every action
yes, which is crucial to separating her flaws and sins from her person and individuality
>By extension your modus operadni results in love and empathy for everyone
thats the goal
>It's lazy and not at all pragmatic
im glad, because i accept the whole person, not just parts of her which i find useful or attractive

it is perfectly fine for that guy to not like the slutty girl and for you to like her, jesus christ the autism

Bet he’d shred you in a debate

That's true, I just want to know if its worth my time yknow

>except this is a perfectly normal and attractive girl with tolerable flaws
In your opinion! Jesus Christ. Use some of your wonderful openness to realize that people have different tastes. You don't see me trying to convince you for over an hour that obesity is a tolerable flaw, you evil fatslobophobe.

>yes, which is crucial to separating her flaws and sins from her person and individuality
Artificial separation of the actions of the body and the self. A common prejudice.
>im glad, because i accept the whole person, not just parts of her which i find useful or attractive
I said nothing of utility or attraction.
>thats the goal
If your goal is world devoid of life, then so be it.

>t. retard with no morals
The girl is behaving like a slut. What male would have to be with her besides another slut like her?

I want to watch his YouTube channel. Anyone knows?

>Artificial separation of the actions of the body and the self. A common prejudice.
are you trying to say that she is solely defined as a person by her bad actions (about whose moral character she might not even be aware)
>I said nothing of utility or attraction.
our treatment of others shouldnt be pragmatic
>If your goal is world devoid of life, then so be it.
love and empathy for everyone will make the world devoid of life?


a male who sees her as an actual individual - a person - not a grouping of her actions and identities
a male who sees a soul and personality past superficial judgementalness

>actions and identities
Are the product of this. Or do you not believe in soul? Or do you claim the soul has no bearing on our actions?

>Any books that go in depth on the current state of mass media?

>>By extension your modus operadni results in love and empathy for everyone
>thats the goal
There may be nothing more beautiful than the discriminating romantic love of a person who rejects everyone else for one other person--the more intense the rejection the better. The communal type, the type who would sacrifice her husband or herself to save the lives of a billion strangers will never know it.

my diary desu

Wow user. This is expecting that she will stop doing that shit. Can you make her to stop?
>past superficial
This is not superficial at all, is obvious that she have a serious problem.

Just have a wank and stuff arguing about the cute girl being chikan in public, jeez.

If you like Adam Curtis's docs you'll like the book.

u mad?

stop whiteknighting roasties.

>Or do you not believe in soul?
I dont

That is one happy man in that .webm damn

unironically have sex

Literally the protocols of the learned elders of zion

Um, I mean, nah, not my job to tell you about . . . that . . .

Attached: 2CA997BB-3E56-4931-A2C1-324574D3A1DC.gif (498x469, 2.68M)

>touch woman's body once in my life
>it's all jiggly and soft and nice
>touch my own body
>hairy greasy turd designed for hauling logs and erecting cabins
>naive unconscious mind: "Can I touch a girl's body then"
>girls: "No"
>naive unconscious mind: "What if I carry logs for you and build cabins then can I trade you my thing for your thing"
>girls: "No lol everyone already does that for me for free"
>come online to run away from cruel world where I can't have what I want
>tfw it's nothing but pictures of jezebels and fellow log-haulers posting videos of a cleverer-than-me little gook log-hauler tricking beautiful jezebels into letting him touch them


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why not just transition or self insert as the girl

why is she cuter lying down


males are gross

I'd like to go in depth in her pussy....if you know what i mean.


Case in point OPs webm. Yuck.

You are literally ozma

Holy fuck you are ozma, I figured out why you bother me so much. You're ozma

ozma fat


Attached: 1929D71D-E85F-4E3A-BF8F-D927F20EB515.gif (319x480, 9K)

>see this webm yesterday
>go to the gym the next day
>16 year-old thot with big butt comes in
>remember that you will never fondle her ass like the middle-aged asian goblin in the webm

Attached: fuck this world.jpg (400x388, 27K)

Embarrassing post

couldn’t be honest if you tried could you

Who is she?

all women are

>skin becomes taut
>eyes sparkle more and smile is more striking
>cures resting bitch face
>defamilarizes normal expression and makes them look more attentive and childlike

I wish I was her

No you don't.

>t. woman with dick envy

This is so hot! I felt like at any moment that dude was gonna rip her clothes off and have sex at any moment. Is there any more stuff like this? Preferably ones that end in sex?

First time I've ever said this and really meant it unironically on Yea Forums but.. Are you a nigger or a pajeet, dude?

You sound like a very based and redpilled, supreme woke gentleman born in le wrong generation.
*tips fedora*

unfunny and stale, satirizing nothing or possibly reproducing satires of cultural trends a decade out of date, and above all, not even really related to the OP. don't quite know what's going on in this post. is this a bot?

don't post from your phone, it's turned your brain into something that produces white noise like this.

And you think posting from a computer is any better? I'm posting from a typewriter, the true patrician way.

i wont contribute anything to this argument. i just want you to know that you people are insufferable cunts and exactly that what is wrong with todays society. also, i would literally, physically harm you, if i had the opportunity. disgusting retards.

The Talmud
Culture of Critique

i chuckled

What the fuck did I just watch

Just a virtuous young lady receiving a simple massage from a consummate professional.

that was hot. sauce?