Is there any reason not to go full Stirner?

Lately I've been contemplating why I should care about anyone other than myself. I don't feel any sort of loyalty or compassion towards my family, my nation, my race, or anything like that. Politics make me want to kill myself with how futile they are, and even so, I don't particularly care about sacrificing energy and time to make society a better place for others when society never did anything for me.

I know this sounds really edgy, but it's an uncomfortable thing to be untethered like this. Is there really no point to life than pursuing power and using it for my benefit? Power is the only thing that makes life feel enjoyable for me on any level. I see no future, no past, no present, only the wish to have more power and to use that power for maximum hedonism.

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I want you to know that I appreciate your choice of image for this thread, OP, even though I didn't read any further than "Stirner".

go over to your mother and break her arm with a hammer.

We can argue metaphysics all day, but if you get caught you go to jail. You have to make choices in life for your actions based on the consequences of modern society.

Why would I? I don't want to go to jail?

we're reaching psued levels previously thought to be impossible

you have to prove you have no compassion somehow.

Isolating yourself (mentally) like that from other people and 'humanity' will only lead to psychosis. I'm serious, Stirner and philosophy in general are dangerous.

There is a reason "not to go full Stirner", but I'm afraid that if you're someone who bases their entire philosophy on "it feels enjoyable" you probably weren't open to reason in the first place

>you probably weren't open to reason in the first place

Define reason


> I don't feel any sort of loyalty or compassion towards my family, my nation, my race, or anything like that.

Then you are the perfect product of global capitalism. You are exactly what the system wants you to be: an atomized, complacent, happily consuming economic unit. This isn't even really a criticism, just an observation. To some extent we are all like this because we are all the products of a hedonistic, materialistic, individualistic era. It is what it is.

Is hedonism the ultimate brainlet philosophy?

‘You’ as a single individual as a unit separated from all other conscious beings doesn’t exist. There is only one consciousness in reality and every one is a part of this one being. So egoism doesn’t make sense, since I’m the grand scheme of things when you fuck “someone else” over for “your” personal gain “you” are only fucking “yourself” over. All pain and pleasure, all bad and all good is always balanced out in the end. Minimize suffering since every suffering caused will always be experienced by the One True Consciousnesses, which “you” are a part of.

Are there actual adults who unironically take Stirner’s philosophy seriously?

>hur hur hur you made typo
peak speud. Hope youre proud of yourself.

smart egoist hedonism is just epicureanism. the edgy stuff gets you nowhere. power gets you more trouble than pleasure. just find an agreeable way to finance your life and engage in moderate pleasures that can be pursued long term.

>wants to go "full Stirner"
>Proves in following sentence that they completely missed the point of what Stirner was getting at

Sure, boo, you do you

>want to assert his intellectual dominance
>doesn't want to share knowledge that would help people

get your dick outta my face

You're right; I'm sorry.

To keep it short, Stirner goes on at length that plain nihilist hedonism is self-destructive to the Ego and that Self-Love is indeed nourished greatly by being shared with and encouraged within others.

thanks for sharing.

I believe that we're much healthier if we think of our selfishness as sin. Which is what it is: a sin. Even if there is nothing out there except a random movement of untold gases and objects, sin still exists. You don't need a devil with horns. It's a social definition of sin. Everything we do that is self-indulgent, and that is selfish, and that turns us away from our dignity as human beings is a sin against what we were born with, the capacities we have, what we could make of this planet.

t. 20 something year old who’s first philosophy book was Stirner

Think about how much suffering there is in the world; how many people have it worse than yourself. Many of those people (not all, maybe not most, but many) are compassionate and caring people who have simply been wronged. Don't you feel moved to help them rather than hurt them?

Attached: Emmanuel_Levinas.jpg (535x768, 74K)

Say it with more levinas-y way