Book immediately starts with women cheating on both of the main sultan characters and getting killed

>book immediately starts with women cheating on both of the main sultan characters and getting killed
>the sultans go off in a rage to find if this is a common occurrence
>meet a powerful genie with a lover
>lover symbolically cheats on the genie with both of them
>sultans conclude that no one is safe from cheating and all women are whores by nature
Are the Arabs redpilled?

Attached: E0FC49A4-1916-4DA6-94E1-3FA4C310179B-415-000000677F4E88B7.jpg (324x499, 36K)

Arabs fuck camels

woah so redpilled!

Unironically yes.

what a garbage translation. read burton's

Are you a faggot or something? Don't you like going chick watching?


Seeing all the shit I cant have? Who cares, cumbrains I swear

How can you call me a cumbrain when you unironically advocate forcing women to wear niqabs because you can't handle seeing a woman's body without sperging out? Hiding temptations is not the same as overcoming them.

The point is not me but that other men will sperg out. It gives the women too much power so it must be covered.

>who is Scheherazade

Did you even read this user or are you just larping?

this but unironically
>t. seething roastie

>sultan kills his cheating wife and nigger
>plans to sleep with a virgin every night and kill her the next day for the rest of his life

Attached: 53A23062-8A90-4AE2-9530-940735374B6C.jpg (900x580, 155K)

>Are the Arabs redpilled?
It's a Persian story, you oaf.

It actually does open that way to explain why he kills every wife after taking her virginity. It is supposed to be funny, Islam takes major precautions to avoid cheating and fornication, women cannot leave the house without a family member or spouse or slave, but still they manage to cheat in the stories

You have to admit, it's a pretty good plan.

How the hell are there so many tards ITT who don't even realize that the vast majority of the Thousand and One Nights isn't set in Arabia and that niqabs and hijabs were in any case not common even in el-Hejaz in the middle ages?

Why are there so many pathetic incels on Yea Forums or are you all just meming?

>women cannot leave the house without a family member or spouse or slave, but still they manage to cheat in the stories
just goes to show that a) women will go to great lengths to get some side dick and b) they're sneaky af

Yea Forums is an incel board. Roasties out.

Also she cheated on the one guy with a big slave who came from the trees, if I’m not mistaken. 1001 nights was pretty much written by /pol/

Is arabic a Yea Forums language to learn?

The main character of the book, though, who tells all the stories, is a girl who won’t fuck the sultan and is trying to save all of her fellow women

Only Classical Arabic.


>Arabs fuck camels
They also think drinking Camel Urine is a legit way to treat certain illnesses

That's because it is.

You didn't even make it to the end of the first framing story! Kerp reading it just gets crazier.

They all start like that...

The black guy with a big dick in some versions.

She's just tying not to die. Don't need to make up altruistic motives for her.

>She's just tying not to die.
>t. did not even read the first framing story even as he berates OP for the same thing

She actively ASKS her father the Wazir to let her marry the Sultan so that she can put an end to his reign of pussy terror.

Hijabs and veils are mentioned numerous times in the stories

its nice, shame about arabic people though

*Veils* are mentioned but they aren't the modern type of veil, most of them were fairly diaphanous coverings of the lower half of the face only. Burton has an extensive footnote on this IIRC.

>every version is the same

Tbh if you're not reading the Burton translation you're plain fucking up and you need to remove yourself from my grill

>insisting on the creepy old man version.

Abstract thyself from the vicinity of my griddle

They could be, but in one of the stories an unveiling (veils become an important plot point) occurs and Burton explains it's a ceremony when a man engaged to a woman pays to take off her veil and she covers her face cermoniously in mpdesty with her hands until he removes them. So veils were certainly seem as sometimes an article of modesty, not just fashion.

1,001 Nights has a lot of dirty old man humor in it

FUCK YOU, I'm TIRED of seeing 16 - 60 year olds in fucking yoga pants, WEAR NORMAL CLOTHING, women asa whole ARE LAZY, SPOILED, AND INDECENT. Fuck's sake.

>unironically saying redpilled
cringe and bluepilled

imagine being so insecure that you murder thousands of innocent women because you got cvcked
m*les are subhuman
scheherazade makes the sultan seem like a shit smearing ground-apple-eating monkey by comparison.
imagine having so little control over oneself that merely looking at a member of the opposite sex turns you into an uncontrollable rapist beast
you could try having a modicum of self control and not thinking entirely with your dick at all hours like a base animal

funny, you never see women rallying to ban shirtless male joggers, saying it leads to women-on-male rape and the jogger was asking for it. almost like women are civilized human beings or something.

before someone spills autism on me
*that you are willing to murder thousands

hope she notices this post bro

If you're accusing me of being a white knight only out to get my dick wet,
I'm a woman. And not even a lesbian, unfortunately. All men should be placed into chastity cages to prevent wanton rape and violence. You're lower than dogs.

how much homoeroticism is in thois book

hope he (your father) notices this post sis

Take it easy, it is supppsed to be ridiculous and funny, black humor

it is