What are your thoughts on our generation’s Harold Bloom?

What are your thoughts on our generation’s Harold Bloom?

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Kantbot is based and generally has very hot takes.

I’ve only got a periphery knowledge of him, but nobody can be taken seriously until they’ve written a book. Twitter intellectuals are irrelevant.

He strikes me as very un-Kantian but not because of this (this is based).

>What are your thoughts
stopped reading there

Kantbot's not a literary critic, though. Kantbot is more like our generation's Kierkegaard.


I'm really liking his new podcast

What is it?


Half of them have already written books. Kantbot is probably the only one whose book will be worth anything.

nobody cares about your e celebs

That looks quite based

E-celebs are going to complete the system of German Idealism.

E celebs are the future stupid. Bronze Age Mindset will be read 100 years from now

Whatever, I'm not exactly sure if he's our Kaptain Kierk or not, all I know is that he's not our Harold Bloom because he doesn't review books or comment on literature. Not really, just every so often and not seriously.

Speaking of e-celebs, what exactly is BAP up to?

Attached: BAP.jpg (879x1164, 211K)

no it wont and thats also not a long time

I can't bring myself to hate trans people because there are legitimately some whose brains have not fully masculinized and are legitimately women in men's bodies. There's a typology of these, google it.

The ones that bother you, that are generally white internet-dwelling neets, are the autogynephiles. They dominate internet trans communities. I think AGP is a combination of OCD and compulsive sexual behavior. There's case studies on this.

>no it wont
It already is.

>whose brains have not fully masculinized and are legitimately women in men's bodies
This can be seen in babies?

He’s like Bloom in that he’s obsessed with the romantics (the German ones in kantbot’s case) and how he makes outlandish, poetic and unoriginal claims without ever actually making any genuine points. That’s all like Bloom.

Also, he’s a fat Jew.

>no it wont
If Might is Right can be released in 1890 and still get memed about today, BAP can do the same

>using “poetic” as an insult
I want /sci/ to leave

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Aww I know, I hate when science gets in the way of my sophistry.

Man, I've been saying this forever. Trans people, whether they consciously know it or not, believe in some kind of spiritual/immaterial "gender" that seems to exist as some kind of Platonic idea outside of our world, and your material body can manifest itself as the opposite gender of this idea. But inquire further and all these pro-trans people are hardcore materialists. So where does this "gender you identify as" come from? If it's socially conditioned, that means you can't be "born as" your preferred gender, and also that would make it possible, in theory, to "cure" you.

>legitimately women brains in men's bodies
this doesn't mean anything. there may be people with a brain more similar to the other gender's average but that doesn't make it an official female/male brain that has some kind of inherent link to the other gender's body structure.

>I can't bring myself to hate trans people
I don't hate them but I do respect them less because they're the type of people obsessed with society's categories. And then instead of deciding to put those boxes behind them they try to crudely reassign themselves to another box and declare that the boxes are official and everyone needs to treat them according to their new box now

Science isn’t even real nigger

Has he said he’s even writing one?

Not an argument.


Yeah. I think he said he’s almost done.

V cool. I hope he has the sense to use his real name and present himself professionally. He has a lot of potential.

Did you think I was trying to make one? Do you think I believe in “arguments,” Mr. Molyneux?

>there is no way to empirically measure gender
>except for, you know, dysphoria, but let's ignore that for the sake of my biases

His real name is out there already. Edward Waverley.


Think that might just be another pen name


Ah, played right into his hand!

Dysphoria is not an empirical measurement you nitwit

Is life as meaningless as the depressive says it is? As terrifying as those with anxiety disorders think it is? As populated with pink elephants as schizophrenics might suggest it is?

I thought Bloom was obsessed with Shakespeare.

>Is life as meaningless as the depressive says it is?

He is, in a performative way and in acting like this he is aping the English romantics.

do you experience gender dysphoria? and if not, how do you know that when, by your own words, you can't empirically tell?
>medicate the depressed to make them happy, ending the delusion
>medicate the anxious to calm them down, ending the delusion
>medicate the schizos to purify their awareness, ending the delusion
>medicating the trans to change their physical sex, ending the delusion

Listen up Ligotti, just because YOU don’t have a chin...

One of those medications is not like the others

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and it's anti-depressives, since they don't automatically make you happy

Weren't the English Romantics obsessed with Milton, though?

Don't look up post op trans suicide rates

i experience the belief that you're an intellectually dishonest tard who wants to play with semantics instead of make coherent claims about reality and that you should kill yourself. if you could change physical reality to accommodate my beliefs i'd really appreciate it

>being surprised when transphobia causes people to kill themselves
thanks for admitting that dysphoria is empirical, have a nice day

the fact that you should kill yourself is empirically true yet you haven't. are you suggesting that our asinine definition of 'empirical' might not correspond to reality or say anything about people who use the word in a less retarded way? that's very upsetting to me so i'd appreciate if you could hurry up

no, no, you misunderstand, my definition of "empirical" is "blue, specifically the hex color #007FFF". I have literally no idea what you're going on about at this point, but it's definitely not related to my argument

>transphobia causes people to kill themselves
But buddy don't you remember saying the surgery makes them automatically happy? And if it's not being accepted by normative society that causes them to kill themselves why aren't black suicide rates higher?

>someone in a vacuum who is in a body they do not feel dysphoria towards is happy
>therefore taking that person out of the vacuum and putting them in a hostile environment will not change their happiness

fuck off nerd. me and that guy are arriving at empirical truths by thinking about our feelings so please just hold off with your nerd talk until he's killed himself

C’mon now, you know just as well as I that it’s the last one, look at the pattern

>me and that guy
user, that guy is me
user, I think you've mixed up the words "first" and "last". I'm sure this was no fault of your intelligence but instead your English tutor, since you're obviously ESL. consult him or her and point out that "first" actually refers to the cardinal number 1 and that "last" actually refers to the greatest cardinal number in a set

>user, that guy is me
then why haven't you killed yourself? do you need to encode the truth that you should into a color? because i just encoded that truth into every color. they all say you should kill yourself

you know, I've been considering suicide for a few weeks now, but since you seem to think it's a good idea and I don't trust your opinions, I guess I won't kill myself after all

>already considering suicide
>thinks gender dysphoria is empirical truth and should be acted on
i still like my odds

I mean, you have good odds, but not as good odds as they would be if I weren't cis. hey, idea, do you think I should undergo a transition to give myself dysphoria to increase my odds of killing myself?

Boring sense of humor. I hope this thread makes you a little less happy

it actually has. it always makes me a little bit depressed to see people being mean to my community. though I am glad to see that my sadness has made you happy :)
wait, if I'm now glad, then you're now sad since your hopes were crushed, which makes me sad in empathy for you, which fulfills your hope and makes you happy, and then we're stuck in a loop

I’m starting to notice a trend in the way trannies banter. I’ve seen it a lot. It’s a very distinctive style and it has a lot of what I just called “boring sense of humor.” It sort of goes like this

user: You are stupid
Trannie: Yes...I am stupid. But wait. What would “stupid” even mean? If we take stupid to mean “me” then wouldn’t it not even mean anything since I don’t mean anything? But if I don’t mean anything, then I do mean something

It’s like when women try to be funny but they’re not. Shit maybe they’re women after all!

>this frightens the tranny

Attached: trannycured.jpg (672x338, 115K)

I already said I'm not trans, so I'm just going to assume your embarrassing post is projection

>do you experience gender dysphoria? and if not, how do you know that when, by your own words, you can't empirically tell?

That doesn't make it an empirical measurement...

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>hey, idea,

God u must be insufferable irl

no, it doesn't, my point is that the idea of dysphoria shouldn't have ever been thought of in a universe where it can't be empirically experienced
that's correct, but irrelevant to my argument

But are you sure you’re not trans? Browse egg_irl a little more, Alice

>that’s correct
Protip stop self-deprecating, makes you come off as weak

I agree with the first half but what is the epistemological mechanism by which Kantbot can gain access to their interior misogyny, insecurity, jealousy, etc.? Can trans people not be aware of this but Kantbot can?

my god, you're right, my bisexuality has actually just been dysphoria in disguise all along!

the difference isn't that he has absolute certainty. it's that he uses words to mean things

everybody go listen to TekWar Podcast NOW

Upload it pls.


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He's a literal retard. Everything he has to say is formulaic. He just looks up 19th century criticisms of behavior and shoehorns it into a modern context

The man found a novel means to squeeze humor from old texts and contemporary trends. Your response is to shit on it? What a bitter creature

It’s all for free on Apple Podcasts. I greatly enjoyed the episode with Shawn and the Logo ones were good too

I really like Kantbot. I wish I could be more like him desu.

But I'm just a lowly wagiecuck posting from my office desk.

I can never keep up with the people in this scene because of all the e-drama and infighting.
Even the Catholic circles are absolute cancer.