The Gnostic tendency is a traditional remedy against Judaic influence, and that is why Simone Weil followed Marcion into rejection of the God of Jews and the Old Testament. Gnostic influence is particularly strong in Islam: Muslims, like Docetist Gnostics, believe that the Crucifixion was just a vision, and that God brought Christ to Heaven while leaving an image of a man on the Cross. By excluding the Bible from its Canon, the Muslims saved themselves from the letter-bound Judaic tendency; by banning usury they blocked the way of the Mammonite-Jewish alliance. By having neither Pope nor Vatican, they avoided concentration of spiritual power in one place to the impoverishment of the rest.
The Muslim victory over the Jews was so complete that the Jews ceased to be a threat to Islam. A small community dealing with the forbidden (interest, loans and magic spells) was up to a point similar to the Burakumin of Japan, the pariah caste which engaged in animal slaughter, forbidden by Buddhist law. But only up to a point: the Burakumin could not improve their lot by strictly adhering to the Buddhist norm, while the Jews in the Muslim world could join the society by accepting Islam. In The Thousand Nights and a Night tales composed in Abbasid Baghdad, a rich, mean and nasty Jewish sorcerer, whenever defeated by Muslim hero, is required to forego his evil creed. Jewish women were easily converted and given in marriage to Muslims.
That is why anti-Judaic ideology in Islam hardly exists at all; the Muslims do not need and do not understand the anti-Judaic thought of West European or Christian Orthodox society; and no amount of Protocols in print, not even the Jewish-led anti-Islamic propaganda can change this fact. For Muslims, the Jews present no ideological danger; and the Jews have to fight them with tanks and missiles instead of the more subtle means they use against Christendom. Talks of ‘Muslim antisemitism’ are not only misleading, they are simply wrong. But it also means that Muslim influence is not liable to help besieged Christendom against its oldest enemy.
Influence is not liable to help besieged Christendom against its oldest enemy. Only recently did the Wahabi sect with its rejection of pilgrimages to local shrines (ziyara) and of venerating saints, with its ‘strict monotheism’ arise, with its turn towards Judaic tendency. The Wahabis aren’t friends of Jews, but neither were the forerunners of Christian Zionists.
Within one Christian doctrine, the tension between Jerusalem and Athens, between Creation and Manifestation, between Judeo-Christianity and Hellene-Christianity found different solutions East and West. Even before the schism, the Eastern Church preferred the Hellene tendency with its esoteric features and Christ the God, the Western Church preferred the Judaic tendency of exoteric cult and Christ the Man. The East preferred Spirit, the West preferred Matter within the same Orthodoxy. The schism of East and West strengthened these opposing tendencies, and Western Christendom, disengaged from its spiritual roots in the East, moved towards greater materialism.
But this was not enough for the Calvinists, who practically re-created Judaism without Jews. They turned to the Old Testament, legitimised usury, renounced the Virgin, rejected the Church and sacraments, caused genocides galore and brought forth predatory capitalism. If one wants to be positive about it, one can identify the Judaic tendency with freedom: freedom from society restrictions, freedom from morality, freedom for the strong to oppress the weak, and ultimately, freedom from God. Its kingdom of freedom was but a temporary stage on the way to enslavement of uprooted man, but freedom-seekers did not understand that. Eventually the Judaic tendency won the day in the West by creating de-spiritualised, profaned world ready for the Judaic church of Mammon.
Colton Kelly
The battle was not over: the Judaic tendency was attacked from the left by Communists and from the right by National Socialists. We live today in the aftermath of the great victory of the Judeo-Mammonites over these rebels, but let us look back. Right and Left against Mammon For over a hundred years, right-wingers were certain that Communism is a Jewish plot. Communism is Judaism, they stated, and stressed Jewish origin of Karl Marx and of the Russian revolutionaries. But Judaism is a cult of Chosen-ness, of inherent difference between an evil shard and a good spark. Christianity is the belief in inherent goodness of Man. Ontologically, Communists are Christians, not Jews.
If Mammonite neo-liberalism is an atheist reading of Jewish attitudes within the Gentile world, epitomised in ‘Man to Man is a Wolf’, communism is an atheist reading of the Christian attitude of ‘Love thy Neighbour as Thyself’. The Russian Communists’ slogan was ‘Man to Man is a Friend, Comrade and Brother’. Indeed, the Communists were traditionally hostile to the Jews. Not only Marx wrote: “Their God is greed”, Rosa Luxemburg referred to the Gentile leaders as ‘shabbesgoyim’ (‘Jewish slaves’, a favourite insult of antisemites), Lenin expelled the Jewish party of Bund from his Bolsheviks, and Simone Weil’s opinions are well known for being as anti-Jewish as anybody’s. There was a strong anti-Jewish current represented by Proudhon; Stalin and Trotsky were almost equally anti-Jewish.
Borrowings by Russian Communists from their Orthodox Christian heritage were common. Joseph Stalin studied theology, and his rhetoric remained Christian; he often used the anti-Jewish theology of St Paul and quoted the New Testament. This was noted by many authors. There was a Judaising tendency in Communism, as there is in Christianity. There are no ideas so vile that can't be turned into goodness; there are no ideas so good that can't be turned into vileness. The Judaic tendency within communism promoted modernity, uprooting, homogenisation, centralisation, the Imperial vertical of power and the Church-like qualities of the Communist Party and many others.
Parker Turner
Bertrand Russel noted in 1920: “Bolshevism is …. an aristocracy insolent and unfeeling, composed of Americanised Jews. Russians are a nation of artists, down to the simplest peasant; the aim of the Bolsheviks is to make them industrial and as Yankee as possible. Imagine yourself governed in every detail by a mixture of Sidney Webb and Rufus Isaacs, and you will have a picture of modern Russia.”
They also fought against the Russian Orthodox Church and caused it much suffering. This war against the Church was an element of modernity, Communist or not. In nonCommunist France, the churches were robbed of their properties; the beautiful paintings and utensils were removed and sold to the highest bidder at the beginning of the 20th century. In nonCommunist Norway the unique stavkyrkor (wooden churches) were burned in the 19th century to free the land for other use; in Communist Russia they ruined uncounted medieval churches, venerated icons, treasures of the spirit accumulated over hundreds of years. In Russia as elsewhere, the struggle with the Church caused a break with the past and promoted the Nomad Civilisation of Jacques Attali.
Jacques Attali, the Jewish banker, called for creation of the New Nomad, a man ‘free from all limitations – free from national roots, cultural traditions, political passions, constant family ties’ and of Nomad Civilisation of men connected by financial relations only. In the Soviet Union, there was a tendency to uproot Man, and it was quite successful: a New Soviet Man was not a commercial animal as that of Attali’s dream, but he lived in a modern high rise, lost his traditions, never went to church, and he was as alienated from nature as his Western counterpart.
Jacob Lewis
Thus the critique of Marx by Simone Weil was correct: elimination of commercialism in the communist society did not solve the problems created by uprooting. Communism helped to educate people, provided them with security, housing, work, gave them free time to think and act, but its weak theology was one of the reasons for its undoing. Godless philosophy necessarily drifts into the Judaic tendency with its Absent God, away from Christian feeling of God Alive. Without Christ, the idea of brotherly love lost its basis, and the elites were tempted to accept the ‘Man to Man is Wolf’ attitude.
Alienation from Nature was connected to surrender of the traditional cult of Theotokos, Our Lady, for Her image signified Love of Man to Earth in Christian societies. The capitalist breakthrough of North Europe was based on elimination of the cult of Our Lady, as it allowed man to substitute Love to Earth by Domination over Earth. The Western power with its predatory relationship to Earth, Nature and Man was stronger than its Earth-loving victims, like a cannibal is strongest in the besieged city. The Russian Communists went the same way, they gave up their love for Mother Earth in order to succeed in the competition with the US. Without Christ and His Mother, the Russians survived the armed challenge of the West but eventually lost the ideological war.
from "Pardes" by Israel Shamir
Grayson Davis
Aaron Bell
Eh, I want to reject the Old Testament as much as the next guy, but is the psychotic and pessimistic ways of the gnostics really the only way to do it?
This is from a book written by an Israeli Jew who renounced Judaism and converted to eastern orthodox Christianity, he is not advocating Gnosticism.
Ethan Turner
I am completely ignorant on this topic, though I find it interesting. I fear that the thread is going to go to archive without being seriously engaged.
I've read few things by Weil but this seems in line with her criticism of OT. I remember she said that the OT god was a god of absolute power, not of absolute good. That the promises the Devil made to Christ when he tempted him were the same that the OT god made to Abraham, i.e. power, fame and fortune.
Connor Ward
> ‘the locusts have no king, yet but they attack in formation’ (Proverbs 30:27) and devastate whole countries as if by plan Hot shit. TY - I will read this as best I can tonight.
Charles Fisher
I am at page 30. Sleep approaches. I will finish tomorrow. Good night, fren.
Read the full text. There is an interesting take. This statement is made after certain arguments were defined. "Judaism" is considered an essence in this argument - not a religious, racial, or ethnic side.
Easton Walker
>Muslims, like Docetist Gnostics, believe that >the Crucifixion was just a vision
Not true. The verse about the crucifixion is wildly debated in Islam. There's no firm consensus.
Leo Smith
>The Wahabis aren’t friends of Jews
lmao, you fucking retarded?
> For Muslims, the Jews present no ideological danger; and the Jews have to fight them with tanks and missiles instead of the more subtle means they use against Christendom.
Patently false. Read Maimonides.
Hunter Lopez
>wildly debated in Islam no The part about it being a "vision" maybe, but it is wildly agreed that Jesus was saved from crucifixion.
Juan Parker
Saved in what sense? Physically, or spiritually? It's still debated.
You have smart guys like Mahmoud Ayoub who will say:
The Quran, as we have already argued, does not deny the death of Christ. Rather, it challenges human beings who in their folly have deluded themselves into believing that they would vanquish the divine Word, Jesus Christ the Messenger of God. The death of Jesus is asserted several times and in various contexts.
He's right, islamic antisemitism is very recent and only due to Israel, before that Jews and Muslims lived together without problems. Christianity was very antisemite until recently (until its decline).
Justin Price
>antisemitism The writer draws a distinction between "Semitism" and "Judaic" tendencies.
Noah Thompson
Benjamin Turner
At least drop a little something related to the thread to keep continuity moving such as: > rather than afflict it with another Herpes Lesion.
> He believed the Jewish element is present in all people and nations; it has to be overcome but can’t be totally annihilated. Jewish and Aryan correspond to Ying and Yang opposites, in his view, and some ‘Jewishness’ (egoism) is needed for a nation to survive. >Hitler dedicated the second volume of Mein Kampf to him. Interesting.
Matthew Peterson
Is that an excerpt from Kabbalah of Power? I've been looking for a pdf of that book for ages
Noah Brooks
>Kabbalah of Power Cabbala of Power*
Tyler Turner
I love how people merely find ways to justify their passions, to "intellectualize" their prejudices. First you decide to hate the jews, based on some gut feeling, then you go out and search for authors that share and expound this hatred.
Leo Flores
israel shamir is based tho. im jewish and i enjoy his articles
Anthony Rivera
Literally retarded. The crucifixion was not just a vision. Romans actually did that shit, all day every day.
Go watch Spitzers talk on the Shroud.
Kevin Gutierrez
israel shamir is an orthodox christian so i dont think he actually believes that, he's just discussing their beliefs.
Nathaniel Reyes
>hate the jews Have you read the source material? The crux of your statement is well covered within the text.
Cameron Hill
Which is weird because the Quran says Muslims and Jews will be enemies and the Christians will be a great ally.
Who was in the wrong here?
Brandon Bailey
Not him, and I am not even contesting what you have to say, but I would like to add that a major point made in OP's source text was drawing distinctions between Judaism, Semitism, and Jewishness. Due to crypsis, much material on this subject goes misunderstood because the three things are conflated as one. Much of what I think that I know needs to be tempered against my having made this realization very late in my studies.
Gavin Allen
>Muslims and Jews will be enemies >the Christians will be a great ally Does this align well with Revelations?