Any good youtube channel about books or writing?
Any good youtube channel about books or writing?
Cindy is good
lmao imagine actually reading THAT translation
you know, i have always really hated the majority of book channels on YouTube, but really wanted to find one of good quality. I really liked the ones that took the effort to edit their videos like "overly sarcastic productions", "crash course literature", "school of life", but their channels lack that based personality i find here.
Any fascist (real not poltard meme ones) book channels other than Cultured Thug? Jewtube keeps taking him down even though he doesnt upload any edgy shit anymore.
kate pfeil
not really
The Book Club is Fascist and alt-right.
This is probably the greatest Yea Forums channel I've ever seen:
The Moby Dick lecture is amazing.
Can't get much more fashie and bookish than The Book Club. His shitposting is getting increasingly esoteric though which is pretty Yea Forums but idk what the fuck is going on with the direction he's taking
Not likable and too dumb.
What's wrong with Zenith?
Haven't watched his videos yet but wtf he looks like a fuckboy faggot
imagine feeling superior because you only own four books.
yes. that's because the alt-right is almost exclusively fuckboi faggots and basement-dwelling meatsacks.
that's also what lit is which makes for based TBC. there should be more bookish right wing creators honestly.
Scott Bradfield and paperbird are by far the best
they don't read, though. No time. They're too busy rationalizing.
Imagine the disconnect, being a greasy, five hundred pound 35 years old man, living in his mother's basement and still insisting you're a superior breed of human. Or imagine being a trust fund kid with soft baby hands and more rohypnol than brain cells, laughing at the mexicans he's paid to carry out basic household tasks.
That takes most of the day.
>spengler, evola, moldbug, guenon etc
Stop your dishonest oversimplified characterisations you massive fag
jonny keen
here, I got a better one. ALL nazis and alt-right are massive fucking faggots and NONE of them have ever said anything worth listening to, because their perception of reality is inherently flawed, no exceptions, ever.
Your existence is "inherently" flawed lmao
whats the point of watching these reviews when you could be reading the book itself?
>inb4 what are you doing on here
talking to my Yea Forums bros, of course
Yeah, obviously. What's your point?
I refuse to read anything my onion man, and reading player one ain't looking too appealing either.
What's "your" point buddy boy. If you're gonna criticise the "" alt-right"" then come up with something better than the trite shit you're currently spewing
And calling people buddy boy makes you sound like a pedophile that wears wraparound sunglasses.
>right winger
I mean
I explicitly said NOT poltard meme ones
Holy projection batman!
Haha these guys are epic
All hail Spengler. You are based.