Has anyone here actually read it? I just finished it and I'm pretty shocked by how genuinely entertaining and insightful it was.
The actual "manifesto" part is only the first chapter, but it's really lucid and frightful. Like, I get it now. I get the whole "leftist nihilism" thing that these guys represent. The world is so fucking fucked.
The rest is more-or-less (usually less) funny riffing on anything political to the right of Stalin. None of it is particularly interesting besides the chapter where they shit on liberals, and the last two chapters were outright boring. Feels like they ran out of steam and just kept trying to capture the zeitgeist despite being culturally disconnected from the nation they satirize. This is especially apparent in the chapter on conservatism. Still, the little taxonomies were fun.
I am reading Marx, Freud, Lacan, Bataille and Kojeve currently. I want to read Hyppolite and Zizek on Hegel next along with Badiou's Theory of the Subject. The first marxists I read were the Situationists; Debord and Vaneigem. Briefly flirted with l/acc back before young Land was a thing on Yea Forums (I believe I was one of the first posters to meme him). I have read Plant and Fisher. I am familiar with most of the Frankfurt school.
Does this book truly have anything to offer? I like the beep beep lettuce podcast...
this makes chapo seem cooler than they actually are.
Nolan Gonzalez
The fake Chesterton quotes were the only good part.
John Martinez
i listen to the show except when the guest is intolerable and the audiobook version just came off as a worse version of the pod. the appeal of the show is mostly them riffing and the audiobook was just them reading prewritten segments each had been assigned. in that format the content was fairly dull.
Hunter Mitchell
wow, you're so cool. faggot.
Isaiah Jones
Tyler Allen
is there any indication of who's writing what part? I'd be interested in what will, brendan and matt write like outside of tweets
Levi Hernandez
I don't like the actual CTH but I unironically enjoy their subreddit. Way more radical and humorous yet still bringing issues to light.
are there any interesting right wing podcasts? And by right wing I don't mean nasal voice libertarians talking about bitcoin polyamory or wignats chuckling at the words 'kike' and 'nigger'. It's just that 20th century fascists (see Celine, Hamsun, Pound, D'Annunzio, Junger, Schmitt, Lawrence, the esoteric Hitlerists- Devi and Serrano) where at a much higher level than their leftist counterparts in terms of ideas, in terms of humor and erudition. Going on the Chapo subreddit, makes me despair at the state of our so called adversaries. At least give me peak era Sam Hyde or Answer Me! Goad and Boyd Rice. Are there any podcasts affiliated with the O9A?
Joshua Hill
protip: namedropping is the hallmark of the pseud
Nathan Richardson
aka the subreddit that r/cumtown and r/redscare both make fun of. also the actual chapo hosts consider them losers.
Tyler Foster
Lmao who cares
Mason Young
Despair isn't the same as nihilism
Dylan Taylor
the hallmark of a real man of culture: ''ironic'' obsessive references to a narrow set of 00s pop culture ephemera. It isn't like they understand it either- they can't even tell South Park and Family Guy are products of secularisation. their distate for tradition and western culture because they think shrek is western culture, together with the three our four reheated c. 2005 FYAD witticism which haven't been deemed offensive to some designated victimhood gorup or another.
Charles Sanders
no one interesting is right wing right now because interesting thinkers are inherently contrarian and liberal capitalism is currently immovably dominant. The best you'll get are guys who make fun of "progressive" PMC culture like sam hyde
the fuck is this gay shit. just read marx (and hegel) you basedboy student cucks. no, reading the manifesto seasoned with some garbage from some hack like harvey doesn't count as reading marx
Dylan Richardson
There is no left and there is not right, only globohomo and its discontents. there is no substantial disagreement between the chapos, the pentagon, and the HR department at any F500 corporation.
Chase Fisher
Gaahahahahaha, they're literally just a less funny astroturfed version of The Daily Shoah.
Cumtown is better in every way, theyre well aware theyre stupid and just basic bitch socdems
Grayson Taylor
>Liberal capitalism isn't left wing >Despite being invented by left wing thinkers >Despite being implemented exclusively in left-leaning countries >Despite displacing right wing traditionalism
Yikes! Looks like we've got some ideology here.
Gabriel Johnson
Please define globohomo for me
Benjamin Johnson
true anti capitalism is and has always been, and hence can be nothing but, a radical right wing tendency and a right wing form of struggle.
Ian Ward
Somehow half this board or more still have the same understanding of "liberal" and "left-wing" as a MSNBC host
Isaiah Young
Samuel Parker
I believe one prominent neocon termed it the SAC-SDS alliance, that is, the strategic air command-students for a democratic society consortium for all you zoomers out there. increasingly shrill prog moralising and the mainstreaming of the toxic lgbtsjwtfhiv/aids ideology are not incidental to the system, but in fact conform its prime groundrock and justification. Soon we will be going to war with the Russians because that oriental barbarian Putin is for god knows what reason seems insufficiently enthusiastic about child drag queens.
Alexander Thompson
unless you want to elaborate, this is meaningless
Sebastian Miller
The right always appropriates leftist ideas even when it has obvious internal contradictions. Some right wingers even consider themselves antinatalists and some fascists think they are anti-hegemony
Jason Kelly
in this day and age, there is nothing more anti hegemonic than being an all out no holds barred take no prisoners capital-F Fascist. nothing more punk rock, edgier or transgressiver than literally worshipping Hitler, sure go ahead, call youself a Marxist, you might even get a nice gig at a college or as a white privilege consultant for GoogleDisneyPepsiCo, but dare even to suggest that that Hitler chap might not have been all that bad, and they will look at you as if you had killed someone. See we live under a regime that is economically capitalist but culturally marxist, just being white and straight is a straight up revolutionary act. You can't even criticise the trannies, as voltaire said: 'to learn who rules over you simply find out who you are not allowed to criticise''
Jeremiah James
this is undiluted paranoid schizophrenia, but I'll respond by saying that chapo has always been primarily about talking shit about "respectable," lettered pundits and political operatives, the kind best exemplified by the clinton '16 run and all its remoras. They're absolutely cynical about imperial capital hiding behind intersectional masks in a way that fundamentally opposes a lot of what a lot of nascent post-2016 political forum posters believe is leftism or socialism
Sebastian Perry
Is this a Breitbart markov chain?
Luke Lopez
>bitcoin polyamory But that is the only fun way to do right wing.
Luke Sullivan
The Left are no longer Leftists, every single one of your organizations is devoted to nigger faggotry and you know it.
Nicholas Anderson
This reads more like a book on strategy under specific conditions than just marxist theory
Luke Garcia
said political forum posters are what we in the know call lemmings, barely-even-sentinent human cattle. they will support anything no matter how abhorrent or incoherent vis a vis the very ideology they claim to profess as long as they can be convinced it somehow gets ''the chuds'' riled up. Chapos might post ''edgy'' memes about guilliotines in between tranny propaganda and watered down FYAD humour that hasn't been funny since 2005, but everyone knows they pose no threat to the system, as they haven't been outside of their rooms(due to ''crippling anxiety'') since at least 2016.
Cameron Campbell
Owen Sanders
oh I see what's going on, you're talking about the subreddit. Yeah I hate those gay ass losers too
Camden Barnes
Gavin Garcia
How hard has the average right winger fallen
Sebastian Rodriguez
for example here are your top posts on the 'chapo' board right now
1. muh brown people(palestinians) 2. tranny shit and fuck cops 3. fuck the military 4. muh brown people(natives) 5. muh US is NK 6. fuck white people 7. black panther something 8. I have to give them this one, it appears to be a picture of actual white working class men with a cat(context of cat unclear) 9. muh brown kid 10. muh racism also lol at white people
These are your apparently subversive edgy epic left wingers
Alexander James
Them being radical leftists and alles, I assume this book is free to read somewhere?
Adam Flores
>context of cat unclear >implying there's a need for context when there's a cat on the internet Did you arrive yesterday? Otherwise based post.
Xavier Sullivan
you might as well go to the latestagecapitalism subreddit for fodder, all big popular left-wing boards on reddit are just circlejerks for kids who are just finding out what politics are
Jackson Jones
Don’t listen to the other user who said your namedropping was bad, I immensely enjoyed it. Anyways, maybe TekWars from Kantbot’s Autistic Mercury for the right wing podcast that isn’t wignattery or bitcoin.
Xavier Young
Check out the Perfume Nationalist. I'm not remotely right-wing but I like to listen to it for the sheer absurdity of the concept and the genuinely interesting takes the guys have from time to time. Also wish there were more gay dudes talking about transgressive art.
Jackson Smith
the subreddit is a fucking cesspool
Joshua Torres
Benjamin Brooks
Those guys are great. Loved the one they did with the terrifying Ty E guy about Melancholie der Engel
David Reed
>Newest episode has Alan Moore as a guest
Oh man, I haven’t had time to listen to it but will when I get off work.
What did everyone think? I’m hoping it isn’t another autistic rage filled rant against the awful adaptations desu and more crazed rants about magic
The second accusation of godless communism were ineffective against an increasingly desecularizing Russia (along with Iran, Syria, Libya) all efforts were made to paint it as a backwards antiliberal theocracy intolerant of LGBTQIIAFTXCWITYNHG69420 rights. It's just geopolitics, you need to mobilize your population against alleged exterior threats to justify the repression caused by your own ruling class and economic system
Julian Roberts
>you need to mobilize your population against alleged exterior threats to justify the repression caused by your own ruling class and economic system rather unorthodox take on what typical geopolitics are
Eli Robinson
Interregnum by Arktos media is a really good podcast
Carter Rivera
You type like a fucking redditor. Go back you faggot, your opinions are unwanted and uninteresting.
Anthony Robinson
>nothing more punk rock, edgier or transgressiver Punk was a product made to which used an image of tepid rebellion to appeal to suburban teenagers. Punk itself never was punk to begin with. >suggest that that Hitler chap might not have been all that bad, and they will look at you as if you had killed someone. It’s probably on your agenda, so you can’t really blame them.
I can agree with you that fascism is edgier than any kind of socialism. But that has more to do with the fact that socialism doesn’t violate the moral sensibilities that serve as the foundation of our society rather than some tranny conspiracy.
Nicholas Perry
The moral sensibilities of our society were themselves concocted by a sort of weak conspiracy originating from left wing intellectuals
Liam Jones
Most of it is actually crazed rants about magic. It's a pretty good episode desu
Bentley Lewis
>undiluted paranoid schizophrenia why?
John Hernandez
Jackson Johnson
Loved their most recent one about Kate Bush.
Asher Walker
all those moral sensibilities that once served as the foundation of our society have been declared as wrongthink by the powers that be. One is not allowed to have any moral sensibilities beyond or in contradiction of white people bad orange man bad and gay sex/feminism good. fascism is just saying gee maybe we should go back to some real moral sensibilities.
Blake Anderson
Nice astroturfing faggot.
Nathaniel White
There's also discussion about From Hell and Lovecraft with the magic shit
Easton Hall
Yes, but would I listen to unfunny edgy embodiments of the worst stereotypes of Brooklyn, just because they're self aware...
Lincoln Mitchell
One must be a truly stupid retard to believe that these fag magnet podcasts and youtube channels housing the """"""""""""dirtbag left""""""""""""""""" got off the ground entirely because of a raucous grass roots brimming at the edge desperate for the content to appeal to them
You think this group of jews and onions enthusiasts got up off their feet in TWENTY FUCKING SIXTEEN (a mere three years ago) and got hundreds of thousands of dollarydoos in patreonbucks from mere goyim? International tours in three years? THREE? You think THAT is organic, you noodle dicked double nigger? Now get the fuck off my board you reckless homo faggots and go back to rebbit and your cool aid, wretched sodomites and waxen sephardic semites, smelly browns
The based is of course how you're out and proud with your retardation, takes balls.
Cooper Turner
>Another leftwinger guide to some faggy revolution/"""radical""" utopian BS >have to pay money for it Why isn't it free like they insist everything be? I wanted to check out the communist manifesto but I would have actually had to spend money to get it. At least Churches and other Christian organisations give Bibles out for free.
Because they're hypocrites. They could have easily swallowed the cost and made this book free for download, and even given out 1k free physical copies (they make a shit load off Patreon). But they secretly love capitalism when it benefits them, and openly hate it when it adversely affects them. I'm not even a capitalist and I see their hypocrisy.
Jacob Russell
Christopher Kelly
r/cumtown is full of megacringe. love the cum boys tho, nothing against them. can't speak for r/redscare as I know nothing about it
Matthew Powell
Getting cucked by a refugee is one of /pol/'s worst fears. Are they really that oblivious that they don't know this vindicates the alt-right and proves the "/pol/ is always right" meme? They are one level of self-awareness away of doing it unironically.
William Turner
Cuckspam Kafka traps, 95% of anti-ethnocentrism
Landon Ortiz
There need to be special labor camps in Alaska for people who post on reddit
Aiden Ward
>lgbtsjwtfhiv/aids >LGBTQIIAFTXCWITYNHG69420 what demographic is this posting style aimed at
Colton Allen
Yes. Are you going to read it or are you going to spend your day on Yea Forums shitposting about books you have no interest in?
Henry Richardson
>my board go to bed, Kevin
Luis Nguyen
that ever growing demographic, people who are sick of your shit. I used to think gays were just men who wanted to have sex with other men, I used to think trannies were just men who wanted to be women. but boy was I mistaken, little did I realise it was something larger and more sinister than that
Noah Morris
How many levels of kike are we even on at this point
Every time you teenage retards whine about reddit I hire another redditor to post here
Grayson Perry
You're braindead and paranoid from reading a retarded frog website, and look what a sack of shit you've turned into. Sad!
Liam Jones
oh look a dishonest faggot
Jaxon Scott
i have trying talking to the lgbt community, but it is like they are incapable of rational discourse the best they can manage is hysterical screeching and snivelling, i have become convinced they are actually Evil or at least subhuman, either way they are not like us and should be made to go away somehow.
Ryan Campbell
No. But read Revolutionary Suicide if you haven’t already, it’s extremely interesting. The podcast is funnier. And arguably more substantive. There were a few decent bits here and there, but overall it was mediocre IMO. The Eli Valley caricatures were better than anything they actually wrote. Or alternatively socialism is in the material interests of most people and people are receptive to an entertaining takedown of liberalism and your deranged paranoid fascist larping from a socialist perspective.
Jack Fisher
most of them are innocent, just taken advantage of by satanic forces
discord tranny
Jaxson Myers
Whatever happened to ‘judeo-Bolshevik?’ This ‘discord tranny’ stuff isn’t nearly as fun.
>hysterical screeching and snivelling Literally what you're doing at this exact second. Are you subhuman?
Christopher Smith
/pol/ IS always right. Ya dingus.
Thomas Garcia
>satanic What do you think this word means
Angel Butler
>/pol/ IS always right Is Hillary in jail yet? Did people stop using rainbows to mean gay pride?
Tyler Parker
I seem to recall that war ending a little differently than you do, if it truly was a Weltanschauungskreig as the FHüter claimed it was, did Bolshevism not triumph over Nazism?
Evan Mitchell
>opposing global imperialism, war, cops, the military, and capitalism isn't "real" leftism found the zoomer
Jaxson Sanchez
I could see someone blackpilling and turning nihilist, but I could just as easily see someone blackpilling and going full Final Solution. The blackpill is a realization, not a philosophy.
Isaac Rogers
the problem is, they don't want to be left the fuck alone, they are crazed sjws who actively relish victimhood and who will hate you regardless of what you do, these people want to control you, they are also sadistic and enjoy imposing increasingly absurd demands on normal people.
Carter Russell
We are literally and unironically going after their flag. Their diversity meme is flawed. We own diversity. They own shoving everyone together.
Liberal democracy has nothing to do with socialism, theyre just third way globalist retards
Brayden Howard
I agree but I wish that there were an easy way to state this that would be compelling to the normie masses. The normies are too stuck on ideology to hear what you have o say.
Luke Ortiz
chapo and their fans are the biggest retards of all time
every once in a while some chapocel will post on r/neoliberal trying to btfo some liberals and will get absolutely shat on in every conceivable way
also half of their subreddits post are trannies looking for attention
>behave according to their interest This is the operative principle I seek to convey and it was found in your rebuttal.
Eli Murphy
Arktos podcast is great even if you don't care about the alt-right, as they discuss more metapolitical stuff than day to day politics
The episode with that canadian Dugin translator was great
Hudson White
>no one interesting is right wing right now because interesting thinkers are inherently contrarian and liberal capitalism is currently immovably dominant but liberal capitalism loves contrarianism
Charles Nelson
Do you think I'd be anti-lgbt if Charles Koch didn't exist
John Edwards
Juan Gomez
>this is undiluted paranoid schizophrenia so cultural imperialism conspiracy theories only exists when it's convenient to the left?
Carson Anderson
Kind of, yes. Note that being "anti-lgbt" doesn't mean you want to harm people who have weird sexual fetishes. People like that have always existed and reasonable people accept that. It just means you don't buy into the whole "gay pride" nonsense and silly ideas like "gay marriage" or all the tranny stuff. Keep in mind the homo sex and even pederasty were mainstream in ancient Greece, but they didn't have LGBT nonsense and people weren't assigned a particular status just based on what sexually aroused them. The current "LGBT culture" is a product of rampant neo-liberal capitalism and consumerism.
Lucas Adams
>but everyone knows they pose no threat to the system, as they haven't been outside of their rooms(due to ''crippling anxiety'') since at least 2016. makes sense, there are common posts on chapo forums where the users are too scared to get guns because they would be more likely to point them at their own heads than at capitalists
Austin Moore
Because white people (rulers of the modern world) are high trust. You need high trust to build great things. The Jews, like all Semitic people, Middle Eastern people, as well as Africans, are low trust and they project their low trust on everyone else thus rationalizing their low trust psychopathic narcissistic destructive behavior. There was extremely low anti-Semitism in the US between the 1970's and the 2010's. What did the Jews do during this lull in cohesion sustaining hatred? They pushed for and got multiple Middle Eastern wars for the benefit of Israel. There has never been a Middle Eastern war that benefited the US in any way. We have no reason to be in that part of the world yet we keep fighting war after war while simultaneously subsidizing Israel.
Josiah Mitchell
poor little nigger doesn't realise cultural segregation would mean he wouldn't get to watch anime any more ;_;
The Book Club is what you're after. He's right wing YouTuber affiliated with the O9A and is at least trying to be peak era Sam Hyde. He's also very creative which another user baited into saying right wingers aren't. Vid related is decent
Juan Long
Irony used as a means to inoculate yourself from considering the wide spectrum of implications for your claims, almost to the point where irony itself becomes your argument, is teenage tier. Can't stand teenage behaviour. I'm only familiar with their podcast, but I hear the book is filled with this exact type of attitude. Not interested in reading political commentary in that vein.
Colton Ortiz
I'd be OK. I do not have the dependency upon anime that you do.
Maybe not exactly right wing, because he's more of a nationalist, but Richard Spencer has some decent content, occasionally. He's on Twitter and Youtube.
I also agree with this.
Isaiah Sanchez
>Or alternatively socialism is in the material interests of most people and people are receptive to an entertaining takedown of liberalism That's a roundabout way of saying the only thing that actually defines them is their pro fag and tranny stances and their love for browns and their fellow jews, there's plenty of people who call themselves socialist on what you term the "paranoid fascist" side of things
you know which way rebbit is brainlet
Ayden Ramirez
>violate the moral sensibilities that serve as the foundation of our society Fascism is a natural state. Nature wants you to be savagely in love with your people, and willing to do anything to protect them. This is what life is all about. Fascism has nothing to do with Imperialism. Fascist Germany tried to take over the world but that was more because Germans are super autists then because they were Fascist. Now that I'm thinking about it maybe Fascism does lead to Imperialism...I'm thinking about the Jews who are the most Fascist people on the planet. They practice Fascism without country or boarders. And their end game implicitly/explicitly is world dominating. It's not like they would ever be like, ok we got enough, let's stop jewing humanity now. I think Fascism could be practiced without Imperialism though. China is sort of doing this. They've kept their Imperialism to a minimal comparatively.
The West's "Progressivism" is diseugenic and will be our downfall because Nature hates this and will severly punish us for it. You can bullshit yourself all you want but this is happening like it's never happened before.
Matthew Baker
>nigger faggotry is the opiate of the Globohomo masses
Lincoln Hall
biggest [x] of all time senpai
Christian Edwards
>Nature wants you to be savagely in love with your people The problem is the conception of 'your people'. The fascist conception of people is overly large and invented, and has to be forced upon the population through propaganda and ruthless removal of domestic cultures that are contrary to the invented one. Nationalism envisions a nation, but destroys the regional. A proud Frenchman, standing atop the graves of his Occitan ancestors, the English nationalist who knows not a word his great-grandfather's Black Country wisdom.
The natural 'people' are family and community. Tight-knit clans in which relatively close blood relation or direct marriage relation can be known. No modern political philosophy, certainly not fascism, organizes around this.
Jace Kelly
crypto-fascist leftypoltards are the fucking worst
Isaac Nguyen
I'm a legit social democrat. I just don't think you can have social democracy without adopting ideas which are now considered """extreme right-wing""" by the neo-liberal establishment.
>"""extreme right-wing""" by the neo-liberal establishment. Everything is just rhetorical signaling. None of the neo-liberal establishment has gotten rid of passports or immigration laws or anything. You have to engage with a faceless all-consuming bureaucracy to emigrate these days, vs 100 or 200 years ago where you just saddled on up and showed them you had $100 in cash and you were let in. The neo-liberal establishment doesn't want the removal of borders for third world immigration: they want the third world to stay where they are so they can continue to be exploited cheap labor to make goods. It's war and violence that cause peasants to buck the established order.
Adam Gomez
>fascism is a natural state Jesus fucking christ imagine thinking like this
David Wood
Not the guy you replied to. Jef Bezos donated 33 million to fund illegal immigrant scholarships, the Koch brothers support open borders candidates, Jared Kushner and Paul Ryan want looser immigration laws. The establishment isn't a bunch of people who conspire together in a room or share the same ideas. Some think that outsourcing to Africa is cheaper while some think that importing labor is cheaper especially when the government subsidizes it.
Zachary Robinson
>Koch brothers support open borders candidates open *trade* borders. They love the fuck out of removing the ability for financial capital and goods to cross borders. Compare how many relaxations of immigration laws have been made in the past decade or two. Now compare this to previous periods of American history where literally boats of paperless peasants were processed. Try crossing the American border right now when you are not a citizen (and just legally, like as a tourist) and you'll know that we have very real barriers.
Brandon Martinez
>they want the third world to stay where they are so they can continue to be exploited cheap labor to make goods There is absolutely no chance that the third world will decrease in population due to Immigration, they want to turn the first world into the third world, because the third world is really easy to control and willing to be quite productive for very low costs. Also literally everyone in the liberal establishments supports immigration.
Nathan Sanders
This user speaks truth. When you see dumb trots who seem just a little bit too upset over "progressive neoliberalism" (esp. the "progressive" part) you can be pretty sure you're dealing with some Quillette-reading crypto-fascist who appropriates the language of the left to push a fundamentally right-wing agenda.
Justin Roberts
>Also literally everyone in the liberal establishments supports immigration. Rhetorically (in the US this is). The democrats do it for politics, and the Kochs/Ryan types do it for virtue signaling for their supposed Christian/libertarian values. But what actions? Its easy to greatly expand visa allotments. Yet they've not actually done anything but remove barriers for capital and goods. The grand bargain Gang of 8 thing was literally just giving papers to people already in the US and going through the backlog of STEMmigrants. It had no concrete changes to anything.
Carson Adams
>you can be pretty sure you're dealing with some Quillette-reading crypto-fascist who appropriates the language of the left to push a fundamentally right-wing agenda. Are you trolling?
Michael Williams
Are you? If you don't believe in freedom of movement and anti-racism, you are not a leftist.
Josiah Foster
>open *trade* borders. They love the fuck out of removing the ability for financial capital and goods to cross borders. Free trade is definitely another neoliberal policy that billionaires and elites love. >Compare how many relaxations of immigration laws have been made in the past decade or two Don't forget the Bush amnesty (Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007) which provided a pathway to citizenship for 11 million illegals. And a recent example is California giving free healthcare to illegal immigrants (news.yahoo.com/california-free-health-care-undocumented-immigrants-053111166.html) which will incentivize more illegal immigration. >Try crossing the American border right now when you are not a citizen (and just legally, like as a tourist) and you'll know that we have very real barriers That's because Trump is being tough on illegal immigration. Found the useful idiot
Jordan Rogers
I was under the assumption you people cared about things like workers right and some Negros on the other side of the earth not getting their shit together?
Jace Allen
>calling people "illegals" Found the crypto-fascist.
Kayden Edwards
>None of the neo-liberal establishment has gotten rid of passports or immigration laws or anything. No, but they simply ignore those laws and/or abuse the asylum system. Or if illegals have a kid then that kid gets citizenship and the parents get to stay too because of "muh human rights". It's a fucking joke. Had the EU followed the law strictly, those 2015 migrants would still be stuck at the Schengen border, but big boss Merkel said let them in.
>they want the third world to stay where they are Look at the demographic stats for pretty much any Western country and you'll see that you're wrong. Obviously they don't want all of them to come (at once), just enough to keep the capitalists happy. If they had any regard for the 3rd world or for the actual refugees they wouldn't be taking the most ambitious and capable people (young males) from them.
Michael Reed
Are you retarded? Of course the Democrats aren't insane enough to push something that stupid, because it might *actually* cause some reaction. They are just letting it drip in and doing nothing to stop it, which clearly is good enough as in a few decades they will have through demographics have conquered the US political system.
>Its easy to greatly expand visa allotments. Probably not with a President who's entire shtick it was to be anti immigration.
Nathan Collins
Yikes dude. Go be an anarkiddie somewhere else, like reddit
Climate change and capitalism are going to kill us all and you faggots are feeling superior over liking or disliking audio on the Internet.
Jackson Powell
Quilette are neo-liberals. You best be fucking joking.
>freedom of movement That's anarchism, not leftism. And racism was just not a significant problem until distant populations started migrating (voluntarily or not, I blame the slave trade too).
Camden Scott
You can walk and chew gum sententiously. Despite what the strasserists may tell you, it's very much possible (and desirable!) to advocate both for economic justice and human freedom. A borderless world of human prosperity is the ultimate goal. People who try to distract from that goal, either via capitalist apologia (e.g. socdems) or crypto-fascist handwringing about how "open borders" are actually a "(((capitalist))) scheme" to "hurt (white) workers".
>That's anarchism, not leftism. That's not an argument.
Lucas Ortiz
Ideogies and political positions aren't cable packages
Aiden James
>Probably not with a President who's entire shtick it was to be anti immigration. And under Obama and Bush, when the establishment controlled it all? Deportations went up, the borders became a fucking pain in the ass to go through, surveillance state watches everything, your biometrics are etched into your documents. And how many increases in visa allotments were there? Jackshit. In fact H1B's and H2A's are *up* under Trump compared to Obama. This is literally an invented controversy for the rubes on both sides to bicker over, while nothing has actually been done.
Owen Brown
>Despite what the strasserists Yeah, the 23 Strasserists that still exist on this earth, I am in constant communication with all of them...
At least you are being honest now about wanting to destroy the world, but go ahead make the wet dreams of Großkapital come true.
Luis Morales
I'm an open fascist, i think leftypol are deceiving themselves and ignoring the real antagonism that lies in identity politics. the bitter truth is all politics is identity politics. In a way I respect sjws more than duh reel marxists because at least they understand there's a war on for the soul of the west and won't bother derailing it with muh marx muh capitalism. ''Anti idpol'' leftists, seem to me like young white men who feel alienated by the globohomo system but can't muster any real opposition due to internalised guilt and self loathing.
Eli Ross
>This is literally an invented controversy for the rubes on both sides to bicker over, while nothing has actually been done. Yes, of course. Because no one wants to actually change it, except the majority of voters. Both R and D are so in the Hands of the Capital that they wouldn't dare actually changing anything, as long as the current system is doing exactly what it is supposed to do. Cheap labor for the Capitalists to make R happy and voters for D to make them happy, its a win-win except for everyone already living in the US and not part of the neocon/lib elites.
Carter Lopez
They're actually down under trump. Unless you have contradictory data.
>A borderless world of human prosperity is the ultimate goal. That's pretty vague/beauty pageant-tier and it has a different meaning based on who you ask.
Maybe for some people the world of open borders (where the poor would just migrate to the richer parts en masse) is not what they think of when they have "human prosperity" in mind. Maybe they realize that the practical implications would lead and are leading to capitalist exploitation, not world wide prosperity. Maybe they realize that people barely know what's going on in their country, let alone the other side of the world.
How about each nation cleans up their own backyard first without trying to "save the world".
Ian Edwards
That graph was clearly made before the FY2017 was over (the official states dont follow the exact calendar year). 2016 was the highest year, until: >The number of H-1B petitions approved increased 5.9 percent from 345,262 in FY 2016 to 365,682 in FY 2017.
Hunter Price
the problem is more immigrants means more affirmative action, more speech codes, more power to the almighty corporate-academic-activist complex to meddle in our lives and destroy what little is left of our culture and autonomy. I'm no longer a leftist, I am a populist and an american patriot, I believe in upholding what's best in american culture and the western tradition,i think you leftists call it strategic essentialism. The only reason I was a marxist was because subconsiously I believed marxism to be the best vehicle for my values, values I now realise are actually culturally and ethnically specific western values which are being threatened by the alliance of the left and the international capitalists.
Blake Wilson
You can be a leftist whether you "believe in freedom of movement" or not. It's just a matter of the brand of leftism, the former position being more aligned with the consciousness of an upper middle class man with his safe specialist job or even his own little business (which would always profit from cheapening of the labour power), while the latter with the consciousness of a lower middle class man who's shitting himself at the prospect of losing his meagre office job, falling into the ranks of the working class, and having to compete with all those free-moving people for scraps.
The latter kind of leftoid, although not less of a cretin than the former, at least in one way or the other understands that "freedom of movement" is nothing but a "freedom" to toil and live like an ascetic for several years in order to raise money so that you could then keep toiling for another master, still living on nothing since you'd rather send more money back to the family you were forced to abandon.
Nolan Stewart
Prove to me freedom of movement wont just be a mass exodus to the west.
Jayden Scott
Trying to figure out what the acronym is supposed to be on any given day is a Kafkaesque affair
Robert Brooks
I just refer to them as ''the cultural marxism community''
Nicholas Adams
Joshua Hill
Joke's on them, corporate rat race is a trap that ends in suicide.
Joseph Kelly
Or maybe, just maybe, people are just horrified by the kafkaesque capricious bureaucracies that govern any sort of border control regime.
Jaxon Perez
>people are just horrified by the kafkaesque capricious bureaucracies that govern any sort of border control regime. Like what? Showing your passport and getting a stamp? Really Kafkaorwellianesque.
Anthony Richardson
Easton Taylor
more diversity means more kafkaesque bureaucracy, cause you actually need a massive politicised bureacracy to manage and control a deracinated population of individual consumers separated from all community and living tradition. My beef is not with the immigrants themselves but with the leftist corporate elites that are pushing immigration.
Benjamin Russell
Nah, this might be a small factor but never a decisive one. If it appears as decisive then this is only because it serves as a rationalization. Unless the particular leftoid has had a personal traumatic experience with border control or something.
Xavier Ward
>there is nothing more anti hegemonic than being an all out no holds barred take no prisoners capital-F Fascist. This is true, but all it means is that the only good reason to be a fascist is being inflammatory for the sake of it, very nice, like being a communist was in the 50 and being an anarchist was in the 80s. Another "punk rock" teenage identity phase that you'll drop in your late 20s, save some autistic anomaly. It's not a victory for the right to be the counterculture as it wasn't any victory for anarchism to be represented by the sex pistols.
Also >cultural marxism=/=capitalist progressivism the orthodox left (though I'll admit, it barely exists, since I don't include DSAfags) and contemporary conservative right have strangely similar objectives
Levi Thomas
Globohomo is real
Nolan Sanders
Uhhh I'm assuming you're an American whose only ever visited, like, Canada or UK. Because you have no idea what borders are like.
In order to get a visa to enter the USA (from a non-waivered country), you have to go through an application process at the local US embassy, submitting photos, family history, personal information, bank accounts, medical tests, and biometric information to the US surveillance state. Then you pay a fee. Then you have an interview process a while later where you will be recorded. Then, when you finally get your visa and can visit, you will again have to give your biometrics at the airport, as well as submit to interview questions that US citizens or non-waivered visitors generally do not. Then, starting next year, facial recognition software will also be recording you in the line and when you depart through the airport, and the records will remain within the surveillance state.
But sure! Totally not Kafkaesque.
Easton Russell
I am from Germany and so the EU is negligible, but I have also been to Saudi Arabia and Malaysia, both times it was as exciting and time consuming as having to wait in a line while grocery shopping.
Aaron Moore
only death is real
Levi Mitchell
Wow, how special, you've literally never had to get a visa then. If you don't have to apply for a visa, obviously the border is simply waiting and line and passing through passport control, and thus you have hardly any knowledge of the actual border controls.
Ryder Jackson
That subtitle makes it sound like some Pol Pot shit.
Ryan Roberts
Yeah, so what is your point? Even if getting a visa is as Orwellian as you make it out to be, who cares?
Sure, wanting to see the glory of North Korean Communism might be a bit tricky, but its not like we should abolish all borders because getting a visa is annoying, that is a total non sequitur.
Isaiah Hill
I never advocated open borders (which is a made-up fantasy). In fact I didn't advocate a single position on the matter (I personally think the current format is fine, for the most part, except for the US's insane levels of surveillance). You were the one with the false idea of what the border controls are, not me.
Lincoln Peterson
Sounds like a small price to pay to visit and potentially stay for life in a developed country (because getting deported for overstaying is not at all a guarantee--in fact it might be an exception). Millions of immigrants who are now becoming naturalized/getting citizenship didn't even go though that process.
Juan Murphy
>Or maybe, just maybe, people are just horrified by the kafkaesque capricious bureaucracies that govern any sort of border control regime. >any sort of border control regime.
Adam Rivera
This is the same social media platform where posting "honk" can get you banned
Jaxson Gomez
That wasn't me. I simply refuted your misunderstanding of how border regimes operate.
Sure. I sort of agee. But our position is basically "the Kafkaesque system should remain" and not "la-di-da I guess a border is simply a grumpy passport man". The former is a defensible position, the latter is just dumb ignorance.
Jason Gomez
Boots taste fine when they’re worn by academics and hip tech CEOs.
Grayson Peterson
The process itself seems clear and specific enough to avoid that label no matter how convoluted it is.
Robert Foster
>That wasn't me. I simply refuted your misunderstanding of how border regimes operate. But you didn't really refute my point, he claimed something about "every border regime", where in actuality we both agree that it is pretty normal to just get a stamp and move on.
Luis Torres
What's it like to be this thin-skinned and retarded? Twitter isn't banning anyone for saying "honk" you snowflake, and if they ever did its because the Filipino wagecuck they underpay to review posts mistook it for honky
Austin Scott
Yeah, desu I can't tell if that user is the open-borders cuck earlier, so he might be advocating some bullshit that I don't want to associate with.
Adam Turner
he claims his intervention was a lateral move, give it up. Either accept it as is, or think he's a liar. Doesn't really matter. His claims point isn't that thorough checks are bad, or unnecessary, but that they're truly unpleasant.
Jayden Torres
They're very onerous, if you have to apply for a visa. There's a reason for it, but if you think folks in the third world can just land in JFK and waltz past passport control you have no idea what the US has set up. While having strong laws and procedures to allot visas is good, there is a genuine discussion over how Orwellian we want the surveillance state to be. It's already at biometrics and hidden facial recognition cameras that can store information indefinitely, but it wont stop there. And sure we might not care when its being used on a Nigerian tourist, but this stuff will just be prototyped for other uses later.
Anthony Garcia
I don't use Twitter, but didn't they admit to issuing perma-bans for saying "learn to code"?
Luis Johnson
I'm not disagreeing. I haven't thought properly about the implications, or the appropriate balance to be drawn between the implications of intrusion and a more relaxed vetting process. I have no dog in the game. Having said that, look at the success story of the Muslim population in the US and for everything good that can be said about integration and secularism, the absolute worst thing can be said about Muslims as a group in Europe. And that is due to the vetting process, numbers and deliberate segregation from the host population - both due to xenophobia AND well-intended idiocy. But yeah. Like I said, not sure where the balance lies.
Kevin Lewis
>the absolute worst thing can be said about Muslims as a group in Europe. And that is due to the vetting process, numbers and deliberate segregation from the host population Yup. Europe's policies were insane. They imported peasants to work jobs the citizens didn't want to do, uses the Muslim peasant labour as a backbone to their economic revival after WW2, and didn't even bother schooling the children of the peasants so they guaranteed a permanent underclass of minorities who cannot integrate. It's like Europe saw how America create a permanent underclass of blacks and said "yes, we'll do the same"
Carson Russell
>They imported peasants to work jobs the citizens didn't want to do It's not that people didn't want to do the jobs, it's that they didn't want to do the jobs for the wages being offered. Immigration is an exploitation of the poor.
Aaron Richardson
>it's that they didn't want to do the jobs for the wages being offered. "want" was the wrong word, but I meant there was an actual labour shortage for low-skill labour because two world wars decimated the labour supply of men.
Zachary Williams
In complete agreement there. Yet there is hope for blacks, on a cultural level. With the risk of sounding like a boomer, rappers and 'woke' blacks who are taken advantage of by greedy publications hungry for click-bait don't swing as much influence as imams funded by Wahhabi-Salafi money and an entire culture inextricably tied to that very same ideology. Also, getting called an 'uncle tom' by a woke black person is much tamer than your entire social network ostracising you for apostasy. Not to mention that black are free to associate and form families with whoever they want. Not the same can be said about Muslims in Europe. Especially Muslim women. I have more hope for blacks in the US than I do for Muslims in Europe. Not that that's saying much.
Jack Rogers
IMO the (lack of) vetting is pretty much irrelevant for the state of Muslims in Europe. Mostly it's just a different demographic, poor/uneducated vs higher skilled/educated in the US. And cultural/ethnic differences too. Europe overall is much less of a melting pot than the US, there are stronger local traditions, people don't move as much (to live in a different part of the country) ...
The US border control is hurting also the US citizens, who are now often asked to unlock their computers/phones. It sucks, but it's an inevitable consequence of the way US works internationally (wars, invasions) and internally (with many freedoms for the individual).
Leo Wilson
It is a decisive factor for me. I just hate seeing the retarded hoops people are forced to go through to move around our planet. I hate even more seeing people put in cages and families being forcibly separated by thugs just because they couldn't navigate the shitty fucking immigration bureaucracy (or, for that matter, just because a government simply up and decided to disallow people to move around).
I dislike border for the same reason I dislike fences and trespassing laws: They're just too much of an obvious infringement on basic human liberty. Just let people go wherever they want, ffs
>I just hate seeing the retarded hoops people are forced to go through to move around our planet. Why? You hate any kind of sovereignty?
>I hate even more seeing people put in cages and families being forcibly separated by thugs Never mind, looks like I got baited. Good job.
Julian Phillips
Having the entire third world migrate wherever they want doesnt make them first worlders all of a sudden
Connor Gomez
>It is a decisive factor for me. I just hate seeing the retarded hoops people are forced to go through to move around our planet. I hate even more seeing people put in cages and families being forcibly separated by thugs just because they couldn't navigate the shitty fucking immigration bureaucracy (or, for that matter, just because a government simply up and decided to disallow people to move around). Their fault for coming. NOBODY forced them into this, they could have stayed where they are.
>I dislike border for the same reason I dislike fences and trespassing laws: Are you literally retarded? What level of utopianism are you on? Even the most hardcore Marxist certainly would allow for "personal space".
>Kind of, yes. You're a retard and you're fabricating political bullshit out of whole cloth. Read a book and put the /pol/ pipe down. The current LGBT culture is a product of faggots like you trying to steamroll over people who don't need to be steamrolled over. Pride worked. Your shit didn't.
Daniel Jackson
Open borders is a stupid idea. The rich have their own borders, walled compounds and armed security guards, only the poor suffer from the decreased wages, overloaded social services, and increased crime and poverty which open borders bring. Otherwise the wealthy would tear down their walls and let me and my pals into their yards to camp in and shit in, and into their houses to live! But they do not, that is for the citizens to suffer through, not the wealthy. We all KNOW this although we are forbiddn to say it on the MSM, and we will ACT on it one way or another. The left-right choice is no choice at all. The people need a Third Position. Change is coming, the pendulum is swinging... ;-)
Jason Ramirez
Is Hillary in jail yet? Did people stop using rainbows to mean gay pride?
Josiah Gonzalez
>They love the fuck out of removing the ability for financial capital and goods to cross borders. That's literally the exact opposite of free trade. Is this a typo?
Joseph Wood
>We all KNOW this although we are forbiddn to say it on the MSM >ironically saying MSM jesus, just kys now. America was a mistake,
Owen Martinez
>Of course the Democrats aren't insane enough to push something that stupid, because it might *actually* cause some reaction. I thought this was "clown world" and the Democrats completely controlled the culture and government and everyone was an NPC except you. How does that jibe with "they can't expand visa allotments"
Zachary Myers
I'm going to guess he was caught in two minds between "remove the barriers" and "ability to cross borders" and accidentally combined them
Samuel Mitchell
>The current LGBT culture is a product of faggots like you trying to steamroll over people who don't need to be steamrolled over. Which people would that be and what do you mean by steamroll exactly?
Nobody has been messing with sexual fetishists for decades in the West. Nobody was messing with them ever if they were discreet about their sex lives, as you should be if you have any regard for your fellow human beings.
Eli Walker
>What level of utopianism are you on? It's not even a utopian ideal. Nordic countries have Right to Roam laws already.
Bentley Wood
>and the Democrats completely controlled the culture and government There, obviously, is still a very large Republican base of people who are against immigration and a certain amount of swing voters who would become radicalized away from the Democrats if they were trying to force this kind of legislation. Also, they do not control the Government, who has shat in your brain to make you believe that?
>and everyone was an NPC except you We are all NPCs.
Daniel Garcia
>leftist corporate elites leftism is when you're a corporate elite and the more corporate and elite you are the more leftist you are
Luis Phillips
Pol Pot, famous twitter irony guy
Easton Reed
So you be saying it works when you are mostly homogenous and generally on the same economic level?
Jack Diaz
they suspended people for harassment/spam (which is the right call when thousands of people are posting identical messages to one person)
Levi Murphy
Can confirm that being able to pitch a tent on anyones land as long as I am respectful is pretty cool. Norway and Scotland both have this, idk about Sweden or Iceland.
Carson Garcia
>Nordic countries And if the entire world was like the nordic countries 99% of our Problems wouldn't exist, they are practically a utopia.
Evan Wilson
>This is the same social media platform where posting "honk" can get you banned why do poltards make up shit like this all day and then get mad about it? if you only responded to things that actually happened you'd have nothing to post
Jackson Murphy
>Can confirm that being able to pitch a tent on anyones land as long as I am respectful is pretty cool. Not cool for the property owners, though. At least that doesn't apply if the land is near the house, right?
Logan Smith
All you need to gain acceptance is to create an obnoxious and easily commodifiable culture.
Charles Ward
>It's not that people didn't want to do the jobs no one wants to pick crops all day
Evan Gutierrez
...which is why I'm a leftist. I WANT the entire world to be like the nordic countries, and even better.
Connor Walker
Connor Kelly
>And if the entire world was like the nordic countries 99% of our Problems wouldn't exist, they are practically a utopia. ahistorical gibberish. nordic countries rely on capitalist third-world exploitation to maintain a standard of living. if the whole world had the same standard of living as the exploiters (the global 1%) the system would collapse (as capitalism constantly does)
David Morgan
>Not cool for the property owners, though. >At least that doesn't apply if the land is near the house, right? They're fine with it. It's a millenia long tradition of sustainable wild camping and hospitality toward travelers. Modernity has poisoned your mind with self-obsessed primacy of property.
And no, of course you shouldn't pitch a tent near someone's house, and of course they can make you leave if you did so without permission. The idea is that you can more or less pitch your tent on open land, even private, so long as you are respectful.
Bentley Foster
>homogenous what does this word mean in your opinion
Nolan Cook
If you want that the sensible solution would be to let the Nordics rule the world. It's not the Arabs and Africans that made the Nordic countries what they are.
Hudson Brown
>I WANT the entire world to be like the nordic countries LMAO and how are you gonna do that? Let me guess, put a lot of Nigerians into Sweden, in the hope that they will become Swedish, but instead they will turn into Sweden into Nigera, oh wait...
Countries are a result of the genetic makeup of their inhabitants and their geographic location, neither can be replicated or spread (unless you are willing to do some serious eugenics).
Jayden Long
>We are all NPCs. sounds like something an NPC would say
Noah Cruz
I don’t even know what that is. While many gays have contributed to civilization, gay culture as we know it has done nothing but produce garish fashion and bad music.
Brody Moore
>ahistorical gibberish. nordic countries rely on capitalist third-world exploitation to maintain a standard of living. if the whole world had the same standard of living as the exploiters (the global 1%) the system would collapse (as capitalism constantly does) LOL Yeah, I remember the Swedish colonial empire.
Norway alone would remain the best place on this god forsaken earth, even if it had never contact with anyone else.
Carson Gomez
By socialism.
Robert Anderson
>gay culture as we know it has done nothing but produce garish fashion and bad music. and stopped gay people from getting killed in the streets, isolated from society, arrested, imprisoned, and/or hanged. quite an achievement and you have absolutely no alternative proposal to accomplishing those goals. pride worked, your bullshit didn't.
Jackson Bailey
>Countries are a result of the genetic makeup of their inhabitants and their geographic location, neither can be replicated or spread What? Countries are inventions based on very recent political developments after the fall of WW2.
I think you mean "peoples", but that's a highly amorphous concept, and you also ignore culture, which is just weird.
Austin Rogers
Way too materialistic for me to stomach
David Morris
Socialism is gonna change the genetic makeup and geography of the entire world.
Luke Myers
Leftism is a multifarious collection of political stances. Corporate figures in most growing industries are consciously trying to develop culture in which social interaction occurs in accordance with the logic of things like critical race theory and intersectional feminism.
Mason Wood
>Yeah, I remember the Swedish colonial empire. So they didn't grow prosperous in part through trade and economic interaction with the rest of colonial Europe?
Jayden Butler
>Countries are a result of the genetic makeup of their inhabitants so what's it called when a country has more than one ethnic group (as every country in history does)?
Leo Carter
>Countries are inventions You can call "populations bound to a certain geographic area" whatever you like.
>you also ignore culture No? I specifically mentioned genes.
Jayden Sanchez
You overdid it now. Bait more subtly next time.
Liam Campbell
>so what's it called when a country has more than one ethnic group (as every country in history does)? ??? Any two given people have a different genetic makeup. Doesn't change that Somalis and Swedish have very distinct genetics, even if "Swedes" are made up of different ethnic groups.
Michael Lewis
overdid what?
Anthony James
Why do you faggots always sound like you are about to break down crying? Its not the sodomy that repulses me its the attitude.
Camden Lopez
>So they didn't grow prosperous in part through trade and economic interaction with the rest of colonial Europe? Yeah, they grew because the anglo was willing to spread the light of civilization to the entire world. The colonies can be fucking thankful for not being stuck in feudalism for another thousand years...
Easton Sullivan
>I specifically mentioned genes I mean, you've given yourself away as retarded, but suffice to say culture is not merely genetically determined.
>You can call "populations bound to a certain geographic area" But what is two populations share an area? What if two population claim the same area? What is one subpopulation breaks away from a larger population? How exact are the boundaries that we have to draw here? All of these create very ambiguous and tense situations, which exactly what history has been.
Austin Ortiz
Congrats, so whats there to bitch about?
Wyatt Allen
>Why do you faggots I'm one person >Its not the sodomy that repulses me its the attitude. Do you think I care?
Xavier Perez
when retards bitch about the gay rights movement I bitch back, you stop and I'll stop
Anthony Sullivan
>but suffice to say culture is not merely genetically determined. No, geography, which I also mentioned, obviously played a role too. Maybe historical circumstances to some extent too.
>But what is two populations share an area? Then history happens, assimilation, extermination, war, separation, etc. The answers are practically endless.
Ryan Davis
Bentley Parker
That would be preferable to the propagation of gay culture as we know it. One only harms individuals, the other degrades civilizations.
Less than 10% of CEOs are LGBT. Non-binary people are still underrepresented in government. Transitioning for minors is still a lengthy and tedious process. Trans women get called sir by strangers and the police does nothing.
But sure, everything is just fine, nothing to worry about.
Ian Collins
Oh god the horror, keep fighting queerbros
Nathan Morales
Seems a bad Idea to want mentally ill people into government...
Connor Ward
>Transitioning for minors is still a lengthy and tedious process. I hope this is bait
Joseph Rivera
only facebook bans it right now
Jason Walker
Unfortunately not. Trans persons under 14 require permission from parents for a sex change surgery. So if their parents are conservatives or something they might not even be able to get it.
Liam Evans
So I can crash on your couch tonight then?
Wyatt Baker
But you are against *every* single policy and cultural norm that has led to their prosperity. You want to fuck your ice cream and not have it taste like cum
Joseph Rodriguez
Rightfully so, in a healthy society sex change operations would be banned. Dress up in drag all you want for all I care but the fact that there's such a thing as "transitioning" is proof that we have reached rock bottom.
Justin Kelly
Hating seeing people put in cages on TV is as good of a reason for supporting "free movement" as hating seeing people get murdered by brown people for opposing it. You can construct these kinds of moralistic positions from various angles. Which angle you adopt is determined elsewhere.
Nordic countries are capitalist though. And they make up 1/280th of the world's population. If you seriously believe you could universalize their historically particular condition to 280/280th of the world then you're more deluded than any utopian.
Austin Williams
They need permission from their parents for the same reason children can't consent to sex. It's obvious that all of you /lgbt/ people are degenerate pedophiles, don't act surprised when people call you out on it
Henry Hill
>in a healthy society undesirable people would be banned This... sounds eerily familiar.
>. No modern political philosophy, certainly not fascism, organizes around this. Anarchism? Distributism?
Hudson Russell
The broad concept of “humanity” affirmed by the anarchists has has that same effect to a greater extent.
Dominic Walker
nice bait faggot
Julian Martinez
There are obviously *certain* strains of anarchism that do... but like these are hyperniche ideologies with no meaningful praxis to bring themselves to any fore. Anprims too, though they often get hung up more on stupid shit.
Lucas Robinson
>responding to obvious bait
Jack Lewis
>Transitioning for minors is still a lengthy and tedious process Thank fucking God. I wish they were never allowed to get it though.
Gavin Brooks
Probably, but there are more than enough people just like that, you know.
Xavier Anderson
1. die for israel 2. dunno about trannies but there should not be such a thing as an overweight/out of shape cop or one that doesn't pass REGULAR psychological tests; you know, the kind that assert if the cop in question may or may not be a maniac 3. correct 4. don't care 5. don't care 6. don't care 7. don't care 8. don't care 9. don't care 10. don't care This is the first time I've heard of them, and given that on things that matter they seem to be reasonably level-headed, they sound moderately based to me
Easton Cook
KIM that the way deportations were identified was changed under Obama. Probably all of the statistics are skewed: >liars >damned liars >statisticians
Anthony Nguyen
Lying anonymously is not good for you.
Carson Wood
Migration to the West will cease in large part once the West is ruined.
Jacob Watson
>Or maybe, just maybe, people are I hate you - unironically and unequivocally. Please, stop posting this.
Asher Smith
>there is only death and those too weak to seek it
Sebastian Bell
There is no left or right, only a confused political tapestry with ideological anchors randomly interspersed.
Colton Brown
>Is Hillary in jail yet? She will likely die before this happens. >Did people stop using rainbows to mean gay pride? There is still hope.
Isn't it weird being retarded? It's always seemed so from the outside
Asher Smith
>/pol/ was wrong again Yeah, it is about everything.
Brayden Thomas
dude, it's rhizomes and planes and speeding anuses
Oliver Evans
Based. Don't forget the flying vaginas
Jaxon Williams
i don't know if this is the most, or least, self-aware tweet in existence.
Samuel Perry
Juan Martinez
You can't have very real barriers and a surge of migrants amounting to ~1.5-2m per year simultaneously. Insofar as barriers exist, the State is choosing not to enforce them.
Cameron Reed
Perhaps, instead of "confused tapestry", you would have preferred if I had used the term "AIDS Quilt"?
Daniel Torres
The US gets the elite from those countries and the EU gets the degenerates.
Adrian James
Christian Stewart
Actually culture should be the only criteria. Mass importation of adults from places with markedly different culture is obviously a bad idea, but so was the British being racist to Indians who had fully assimilated to their culture/empire.
Christian Cooper
>I don't know if left twitter does jokes real headscratcher
Jason Martinez
It was mildly funny but the podcast and the twitter accounts are better
Chase Ross
I've got a tip: don't come here.
Joseph Sullivan
Daily reminder if you don't like Chapo you're a Chud and you get the bullet.
Cameron Roberts
The episode was everything. The Chapo guys are just like the heroes of a dystopian Alan Moore's comic.