Yea Forums, should I feel bad for having no interest in games or should I take some joy in this? My only real hobby...

Yea Forums, should I feel bad for having no interest in games or should I take some joy in this? My only real hobby, now, is reading and writing. Since about the age of 17 I've had no real interest in games (25 now) and no matter how hard I try to get into them I just can't see the point. Now I just read and occasionally watch a film or a tv show.

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Who gives a fuck.i mostly lost interest in games but i still love games where you make your own story with no limits like rimworld and crusade kings 2. You just need to find the right ones to play.

have you played The Last Of Us? It's really emotional and artistic and stuff.

I feel like an alien though because I find interactivity and agency completely unattractive... Like I'd genuinely rather read wikipedia for hours than load up a game and play anything. I even made a list of all the genres I can think of and gave reasons for not playing them. They mostly involve the fact that books, films and tv are better. I just don't even see the point in games anymore, it's crazy. I wanted to get into grand strategy (a last resort for my 'gaming life') but then I can't because there's just so many mechanics and whatnot. I just dislike agency of any kind. Like, why would I care about what I want to do? I want to see what someone else has done. But apparently millions of people find enjoyment in that. It's not even that I find games "immature" it's that I can't even see the point in player agency at its base level so it's not me just trying to be smug.

Please see

I don’t like games either user, though mostly for dissimilar reasons.
You said you dislike the interactive element of gaming - do you also dislike actual social interaction and prefer to just be alone in solitude all day?

Look, I just made this stupid fucking image to prove to myself that I can't get into games. For a bit of context, every few months I'll try and get into games again but I just can't.

Attached: lol.png (2728x1348, 172K)

It has nothing to do with social interaction and I can't see how that really extrapolates from what I've been saying. I just don't seem to have any interest at all, like the neurons won't fire. I keep wanting to buy a game because I like the aesthetic of it, but then I imagine just sitting there clicking buttons...It's horrible.

How in the fuck was this worthy of a thread being made? No one on this forsaken earth gives a single shit that you don’t enjoy gaming. Oh no, you won’t be able to talk about vidya with the spergy lads because you hate having choices and self responsibility in media. It’s too much for your mind to handle.
What a pity.
Fuck off, you attention whoring retard. Your post has nothing to do with Yea Forums.

For me most of the fun comes from learning the systems. Games that aren't mechanically complex simply don't hold my interest. And often after I've learned how to play the game that's the point i get bored and never touch it again.

(Not the user you we're replying to) I do, I would much rather spend my days in sollitude then having to engage with others. I do like playing Dark Souls occasionAlly though.

The only difference between games and books is the social context. Both are equally useless in reality.

>you hate having choices and self responsibility in media. It’s too much for your mind to handle.
Have I once said that? It's not a question of intellectual load, it's that I just find no enjoyment whatsoever in agency.

>I find no enjoyment whatsoever in agency.
Did you think this makes you a special and fascinating human being? Does that really warrant a thread? Hundreds and millions of people don’t like gaming either; mainly women. Maybe you’re just an autistic contrarian fuck who would rather watch films and tv shows (which is the equivalent of watching other people fuck in third person) than have the ability to actually choose your own path in an engaging fantasy world. How great for you. Now get the fuck off Yea Forums and go back to watching cuck porn.

I used to be really big into WRPGs/CRPGs and other heavily story-driven games when I was in my teens, but in hindsight in my early 20s I was forcing myself to play them still.

I used to play stuff like Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines, Baldur's Gate, Deus Ex, Planescape, King of Dragon Pass, Fallout, Morrowind, Arcanum, Mask of the Betrayer, KOTOR1/2, The Witcher, Gothic, etc., along with lesser-quality spinoffs and imitations (Jade Empire for example). And the kinds of classics I would force myself to play were things like XCOM, Star Control 2, Dwarf Fortress, Jagged Alliance 2, System Shock (1+2), Heroes of Might and Magic. So basically, I was a huge elitist faggot and probably saw blockbuster vidya like Far Cry 14.6 the way most people see iPhone games.

Sometimes I try to force myself to go back and play them, and I will sometimes play through something like KoDP just because of how unique it is, but I'm clearly forcing myself. I finally recognized something had changed when the spiritual sequels of the Infinity Engine RPGs came out (Pillars of Eternity, Torment: Tides), games I autistically prayed for ten years before they were even announced or in production, and I first forgot about them for a year, then finally semi-begrudgingly played them, theoretically enjoyed myself, but forgot to keep playing after a few hours.

For me the problem is they all just seem so limited now, because they're not grasping at anything real, they're just spinning make-believe inside some sperg's head. I used to desperately want to see more of the setting Chris Avellone created and I used to "take it seriously" internally, and feel like I was just a small participant in it, and I especially used to think that the WRPG format was the best way to do this. But now I just reflexively go "OK, Chris Avellone wrote fanfiction and now I'm reading it with minigames in between." I'd rather read Lexicanum for weird 40K lore or read ABOUT Kirkbride's Morrowind setting than participate in it anymore, and even that still feels self-indulgent because I could be reading Renaissance esotericism or learning math instead. I feel the same genuine excitement of "I can't believe I get to do this all day!" when I check out Holderlin's Empedocles or Jean Paul's Titan from the library as when I used to wake up and go "Oh boy I get to play Baldur's Gate for the fifth time today, all day!"

I guess this is what getting old is. I just wonder if my sense of wonder transferred meaningfully to the new domain, so that it lost nothing and simply grew, or whether I've actually lost the ability to just shut up and enjoy an adventure story. Again, I get more excited by the prospect of checking out a G.H. Henty adventure potboiler than by playing Tides of Numenora, a game I basically prayed for for a decade but which I've never played more than an hour since installing it.

There's nothing funnier than someone posting several long and angry sentences to a thread that person deems as a pointless waste of time

>long and angry sentences
You don’t read much, do you?

There's an easy explanation for this: You're so much of a cuck that watching and being passive has spilled over from your sexuality to other aspects of your life, like the way you consume media.

Thanks for the input. ""take it seriously" internally," That's a very good point. I think this is also another reason I can't get into games any more. When you start reading proper literature it's hard to take any writing in games, or the world of games, that seriously. Interactivity is still the main negative for me though. Just can't find it in me.

OP has already demonstrated he’s objectively a cuck. “I just absolutely despise having agency.”
“I’d rather watch people do things.”
He’d probably let his wife cuck him while he watches, though he’s never getting married or finding anyone.

He pretty much accepted that he will be a passive observer in every area of his life (especially when it comes to romantic relationships where he will always have to resort to pornography and masturbation).

When he starts gaming he experiences a form of cognitive dissonance. Admitting that being active is fun would force him to also achknowledge how much of a miserable failure the rest of his passive life is.

try games with fewer buttons. i thought my disinterest was from a lack of agency but it was an inability to engage with complex controls. maybe the two are related? but i wouldn't recommend gaming, i'll occasionally lose myself in an eight hour timesink. it does sort of clear the mental slate though, at least if you read a lot: the words disappear.