It's taken me a week to read 300 pages of Don Quixote...

It's taken me a week to read 300 pages of Don Quixote, and I see bastard cunts on goodreads who read 150 books in half a year, including Borges and Heidegger, and I'm filled with hatred for them. How much longer should I try to extend my pathetic imbecile life? The gears of nature ordain some people from birth to be genetically superior, and I am bound by biology to be retarded while those sons of bitches don't even have to try. Fuck this world.

Attached: 59628081_833711640329641_1342776621211320320_n.jpg (500x389, 52K)

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Do you think somebody would do that, tell lies on the internet?

just get a new gearbox lol

>150 books a year

yeah dude, why not 400 for next year

They claim to read 7 books per week and you believe them? Either they do nothing but read all day or they just skimmed through and didn't understand almost anything. Oh yeah, or maybe they just lied. I wonder which one is true.

This dude counts “ode to a nightingale” as an entire book

Unless you're tween girl you shouldn't be using this website.

what about Instagram?

it's not a fucking competition mate, chill out. what good is reading anyways unless it's making you wiser, have more perspective on life? you can read a million books and pick up nothing, and read one book (or no book) and figure quite a lot of really important shit out. reading put to its best use is for enlightening you and stimulating your own thinking and life-experiencing abilities. at its worst it can be a complete waste of fucking time. the difference is not only in how you read or what you read, but why you read. are you trying to accumulate some kind of capital, some kind of notches under your belt? is that what reading is about to you? get your priorities straight, mutha fuck.

To master the knowledge of the world in so little time, when through the tribulations of youth we're left with so little concrete truths, before we finally die, is the greatest burden I have ever faced, second only to the fact that I was ever born into this hell.

Attached: opisafaggot.jpg (1280x720, 99K)


>hatred for people who are better than me

from whence have you conceived of your belief of what is required to "master the knowledge of the world", as you put it? what does that look like to you, in your imagination?

ya'll oughtta examine dat shit, my nig. figure out what your priorities are, and by applying the right attention (Care) to those things, and time, you will learn more about them. and if you are properly attending to what matters most in life (a value judgment which No one but you can decide based on gut, heart of heart feeling, nascent reasoning, no one can feed you this) - what else is there? you don't have to read a million books. you can read some, and they may help. but you probably need to do more thinking and soul searching on your own than reading if you really want to figure things out in a deeply meaningful way, instead of just digesting someone else's dirty undies.

I suppose that is true that it only ultimately matters how I process the information I read and apply it to myself, because the sum of my efforts effects me, and the sum of others efforts effects them. Goals and identity are things which I have become entirely detached from, my brain's trajectory seems like a rope flailing in the wind, and my conscience is always going in different directions. The dilemmas I contemplate are irreconcilable, the assumptions I make only placeholders for their absence. It's like I'm in an empty room and surrounding me is a dark empty space, with the phantoms I've constructed to keep me company, and one by one they disappear and new phantoms take their place.

the hell is this

It appears to be an attempt to remedy the OP with comedy by showing a comparatively silly man who loves books to the ones he grieves over.

welcome to the modern world. alienation at an all time high. it can be very treacherous, and very very difficult. that's why you have to question the equations (and variables) with which you were taught to think about things, using your internal barometer of deep Feeling to tell you which paths draw you closer to wholesomeness and connection, and those which draw you further into the abyss. with a strong enough resolve, you can persevere and discover what is the most right thing you can make of this life. and with that is where you are most likely to discover your deepest fulfillment. it begins with a belief that the destination exists. then, from there, exploration, one foot in front of the other, one day at a time. do what is the most right thing, of service to the highest good, with your own good included in there! don't distress about taking your time figuring it out. it is not a race. that pressure may muddle your mind. but of course, some day, forward movement is always necessary.

Thank you for your sincere words of advice, they're well taken. I think you correctly understand the issue with our modern world. It is not easy to be lost, but the right arrangement likely exists.

I read at max 20 books a year. I know I can read faster, but I won't. I'm a slow reader on purpose because I care about understanding, and it takes time make notes of the things I appreciate, things I may use in the future for a book I may or may not write. Not quotes I memorize to pass myself off as smart or shit, but I do it because I like it.

People who yap about LOL I READ 291 BOOKS In 2018 are probably pseud losers, because unless you're a genius I don't see how you can actually understand what you've read. Quantity isn't quality, but tell that to the people who sit like gnomes between stacks of books and when you ask about one of those, they'll give a blank stare and you see question marks dancing around in their otherwise hollow eyes.

one day you will be in a position to try and help someone who needs it. for now, try to be a friend to yourself, and help yourself if you can. along the way as you go along, there will be opportunities for you to reach out to others who are in need of a little advice, a kind word, a warm embrace... you are anything but alone in your struggles, user. try not to forget this, as difficult as it may be at times.

300 a week is good. Just keep reading, it's not a race.

>quantity over quality

Can Americans please fuck off you're too stupid to exist

all of the goodreads retards with outrageous numbers are reading manga/comic books and logging each individual issue separately
I don't know what motivates that kind of autism

Bigness is greatness, don't you know

300 in a week aint shabby op. Youll get better. Dont burn yourself out over some dumb book count.

all the guys with high iq that i have met have some problem, social or physical problem, i dont know if its something with my third world country or not (Sorry for the bad english)