ITT: Confess Your Sins

I like teenage girl supernatural romance novels, like vampires, werewolves, old souls and so on.

I'm a sap for "till death do us part" tier romance plots, where there's no real drama just this time spanning, unbreakable love.

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I haven't read in a week.
Perhaps I'll start again in the days to come.

I only read contemporary Buddhist books lately

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I only read about 5 pages a day. The rest of my time is spent scrolling on here and fantasizing about beating up then cuddling 19 year old girls.

I read a summary of The Castle's last 40 pages or so because I really wanted to move on to another book.

I haven't finished Plutarch's Morals despite reading it on and off for the better part of three years.

>I'm a sap for "till death do us part" tier romance plots, where there's no real drama just this time spanning, unbreakable love.

Same man, though I'm not into fucking supernatural teenage romance novels.

I find it near impossible to sympathize with characters described as very beautiful, because I’m ugly and bitter.

Same here. That ending was a God damn drag

>The rest of my time is spent scrolling on here and fantasizing about beating up then cuddling 19 year old girls
What's your contact info?

I read Stephen King


I've only read fanfiction for the last six months.
I want to read other books, but nothing scratches that sweet, sweet time travel/apocalypse au/excessive trauma PTSD itch, without all the unnecessary padding.

you're not reading the right shit.
what do you like to watch?

I only read when i'm on the toilet.
I cover around 3-5 pages worth of reading a day this way.
I read all of Harry Potter while shitting.

Atmospheric shit
You know, movies that are appealing just by how they were made and how they appeal to the audience
I.E: The Godfather
That includes games a bit
I.E: Silent Hill 2

>only 3-5 pages
Am I the only person who can shit for an hour straight? I get too distracted and forget to do my thang sometimes

Okay, have you tried looking for books that focus heavily on stylistic prose?

There are authors that play around with it, or just have a strong voice.

I wouldnt know where to start looking, honestly

Not him, but Lovecraft is really good at setting a scene, his prose is crazy descriptive and seems like he would be up your alley.

I tried to read CoC sometime ago
And damn, was that boring
Unless his best shit are on his other works

Shadow over Innsmouth our Colour out of space are better beginners for reading Lovecraft imo. At the mountains of madness is also really good, but has a slow start. Also liked The Dreams in the Witch House.

He gets memed a lot, but Chuck Palahniuk wrote 10 books with ten different writing styles. A lot of comedies (the classical definition) have a distinct personality. HST and Irving Welsh. Mark Helprin's a Winter's Tale is fun and surreal. James Clavell writes great adventure stories. Stephen King is really hit or miss, but the man writes outstanding sleazebags. I feel really grimey just reading some of his books. Even the good guys feel malicious.

What I do, is I go into stores, crack a book open to a random page and read a couple paragraphs. If that little demo is engaging, then, y'know.

If you want to be real harsh, only buy it if you really want to know what happens next.

Post measurements.

I haven't written shit in weeks.

I mostly only read history

I mostly listen to audiobooks

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like which books?

Now post contact info pussy

I listen to audiobooks and log them on goodreads. I "read" 80 books in a year.

I can't do anything.

I love you up, I want to squeeze your man tiddies and lick all of your 12 chins

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I'm functionally illiterate. I am think abstractly and understand concepts, but I'm awful with language.

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It took me almost an entire week to read Theogony and Works and Days
I didn't even like it, I found the prose disorganized and boring

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Try the Whisperer in Darkness.

I rip authors apart for shitty prose, but I still read Terry Goodkind books and enjoy them

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I unironically like John Green

I don't read books. I just browser Yea Forums to get superficial knowledge about literature, so I can act like an intellectual and fuck some arthoes

this but without the sex. I sit around all day on Yea Forums and do nothing. I’ll fight the urge to masturbate for about 5 days then relapse.

Today I got to page 87 of Moby Dick and that was enough. I don't think I'll be picking it up again.

I stopped reading pretty much entirely once I got a girlfriend. Also, I hate writing, even though I want to be a writer.

im browsing instead of writing

i stole money from my parents purse to buy drugs

what drugs

I read books that I don't even enjoy, supposedly in order to learn. However, I suspect that I might be doing so out of pretentiousness.

I tried reading 1984, but I couldn't handle the sadness of its world and the torture scenes, and so dropped it mid-way through the first half.

I greatly dislike Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. The characters constantly complain in a "woe is I" fashion. The various descriptions of sceneries across Europe and the North Pole seemed like the 19th century equivalent of the Hollywood trick of randomly including exotic places for brief periods. The overuse of meta-fiction is annoying. It peeves me that some critics actually consider Frankenstein to be the first Science Fiction novel.

I want to be a SFF writer, but I'm so uncreative that I can't even get started for most days. The vast majority of what I have written are cheesy romances. I hate my own writing.

I don't really browse Yea Forums.

weed, officer. but that was years ago, so you can charge me anymore.


damn bro if youre gonna steal from your parents you should at least buy good shit like opiates or speed

I've listened to almost every litrpg on audible


I just masturbated and I feel bad now

I didn't start with the Greeks.


I started with kant.

I've never read Anne Frank's Diary only because she was kinda my type (dark hair, eyes etc) and I didn't want to fantasize about a dead girl daily

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Me too, I don’t get all the hate. I know he’s not that deep, hard to read or anything, but most of his books are just really entertaining and engaging. Most of his endings are trash, but he gets shit on here more than is justified with so much trash out there. Is it because he’s popular and normies enjoy him?
Currently reading The Stand, really comfy.

I started with Russels History of Western Philosophy


Why is that bad? I just wanted a quick overview before I dive into more philosophy

sorry for being rude - it isn't really that bad, plus it gets some things quite right. i much prefer Anthony Kenney's series, though. Russell rubs me the wrong way

I've been reading Don Quixote for three years now and just got to the Duke and Duchess

I unironically enjoy pop science/history/philosophy books a lot

The Night Land is great for cheesy romance if you like purple prose.

I fell asleep multiple times while reading Crime and Punishment once I got through half the book. Decided to put it down, might finish it later.

I only read while on Kratom but on the plus side I’ve been reading a ton in the last 12 months since I’m using it daily

Purple prose is my favorite

im reading high fantasy