I will be visiting the Madrid Book Fair this evening. It is one of the biggest book conventions throughout Spain, the Spanish-speaking world, and Europe. The latest best-sellers will be there, some in the English original. With a wide range of options: sci-fi, fantasy, maps, black novels...
Sci fi, specifically Arthur c Clarke, maybe a contemporary novel if you can find a good one
Thomas Miller
Obras Completas de San Juan de la Cruz, edited by Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos, if you're lucky
Aaron Johnson
I read "Rendez-vous with Rama", and I liked it, although I am not much into sci fi. I will take it into account.
Will check him out.
Benjamin Lewis
something from the Editorial Gredos, or Anagrama if you're looking for modern fiction.
Parker Cook
If the thread survives enough, might post the "aftermatch" of my shopping trip.
>Gredos They use to publish Roman and Classic Greeks, right? I am not really into that
>Anagrama Something more particcular. They have a huge stock
Ryder White
>use to publish Roman and Classic Greeks They also do modern authors.
John Long
have you read anything by Juan Manuel de Prada? he seems to be very based in his articles but i don't know how good are his novels
Ryder Long
no, I haven't. I read some articles by him on the ABC newspaper, too. I think he's ok for small columns, but his novels could turn a bit boring for my taste, if he writes the same way.
Isaiah Diaz
Check out Childhood's End
Xavier Evans
>Childhood's End is that by Clarke? Quick rundown?
Nicholas Russell
Yes. Benevolent godlike aliens come down and fix all of humanity's problems but they have their own agenda.
Adrian Price
Oliver Wilson
I'm lousy at summing up these things sorry.
Owen Allen
HAHA....I just pictured an alien with a white skeletal head and a brown cigar dangling from its long teeth looks far out into the horizon during the climax of the book - We have an agenda, Donnie. A - GEN - DA. Tip of the fucking tongue and all.The agenda is what keeps us going. In life, and in death. Now start the engines....
Jayden Morales
Will get there in about 2 hours. Hope the thread doesn't die
John Kelly
yes, it's like his columns. If you like his style, go on.
Good Lord, wtf! He is always strolling around, acting all blessed and religious. On the other hand, it was his first novel, and was published decades ago
He was being edgy, just trying to "épater la bourgeoisie". It's a common thing in the Madrid lit circle, like how Fernando Sánchez-Dragó is a right-wing writer, but likes to fuck women in bars.
De hecho, es algo común en toda la derecha española. Cuando alguien con la pulserita española presume de "ser un canallita" (y es algo que se dice mucho por Madrid) quiere decir que quiere ser cómo Bertín Osborne: más facha que Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera y follar con cuantas más mejor.
Jordan Jenkins
Sánchez-Dragó is an egocentric clown. Just read his book on Vox. It's like an autobiography, mainly the Politics chapter
Matthew Reyes
Haced el amor
Jason Allen
Not lit but why are spainards so autistic about dubbing over south american spanish with euro spanish? I've literally never seen brits dub over american english
Jace Baker
Do you speak Spanish by any chance?
Lincoln Taylor
Dylan Mitchell
Well, that explains a lot. Mainly, vocabulary and accent
Hudson Nelson
un poco
Oliver Flores
Anything by Juan Gomez Jurado or Carlos Ruiz Zafon
Grayson Perry
Not him, but Spanish is my mother tongue and I sure as hell don't need dubs for movies from Spain. The argument for vocabulary and accent is idiotic, the differences are not even big enough so as to need dubbing. It's just typical Spaniard parochialism and exceptionalism.
Hunter Sullivan
Yeah english dialects can be pretty different but you can still understand them. Sounds more like a euro superiority complex
Samuel Green
It's just a guess. On the other hand, we don't dub movies from South America. There was a whole brwal bc they subbed Roma. >Muh Imperialism
Tyler Richardson
Are you, by any chance, retarded.
Leo Gomez
kinda stupid polemic t b h since 1. Netflix subs everything , 2.they do the same with brazilian portuguese and euro portuguese and 3.original and spanish subtitles were 99% similar, and only changed some regional words >Saqué un sobresaliente >Saqué una A más >El cerro no tiene calzones, baboso. >El cerro no tiene bragas, baboso. who cares
The latest Clive Cussler novel and a pack of cigarettes
Luis Johnson
Anything by Galaxia Gutenberg, Acantilado or Hermida Editores. Páginas de Espuma and Atalanta also have good titles.
Parker Stewart
The Last Man The H. G. Wells Collection The Endurance of Frankenstein: Essays on Mary Shelley's Novel The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner Melmoth the Wanderer The Abominable The King in Yellow I want those, can you buy them for me? I'm not going to pay you tho.
Connor Wood
>Book conventions in Spain
I regularly go to the south of Spain and a lot of the charity shops around there have terrible selections. Are there any good book fairs happening next month?
Lucas Turner
The fuck's a black novel? A "novel" written by niggers?
Mason Wright
I've read the 1950 edition (2° ed), which included a nice biography. Is the new edition worth it? Any important changes?
Kayden Hughes
Means Crime/mystery novel
Adrian Watson
It's over lads. Here's what I got: >"Sumission" by Houellebecq >(des)education, by Chomsky >Meditations by Saint Augustine
Because charity shops aren't as usual as in other countries like the UK, for example. You won't find any good, interesting books in a chaity shop, or anything wort its price at all.
Easton Robinson
A proper english translation from spanish Novela Negra would be Hardboiled Novel, not Black Novel
Andrew Lopez
Nolan Scott
>Meditations by Saint Augustine The bilingual edition edited by Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos, I presume?
Cameron Foster
Nope. "Testimonio de autores católicos escogidos"
Chase Smith
I bought the red one although the giro on the stand told me it was "real shit" and told me to get other books from the same author. She was butthurt by the whole controversy on Islam that the book made
What do you recommend me by Houellebecq, in case I enjoy his writing style?
Logan Robinson
i have only read Sumisión and Ampliación de un campo de batalla, which i enjoyed more.
Sumisión is ok because of the political background that even a retarded could have pointed out (at this hights it's obvious that France it's going to be islamized, isn' it?), but the Huysmans parts, all the traveling through the french countryside, well, that was pretty boring
Carson Roberts
Luke Myers
can't tell if this is bait but you sure are retarded.
Christopher Bennett
Great argument, Iberibro!
Liam Bennett
They're austistic retards. Remember that Netflix movie Roma? Spaniards had to change "orilla" for "borde" and some other ridiculous changes.
Luis Richardson
>Remember that Netflix movie Roma? no, but terrible film
Joseph Campbell
But you don't subtitle words in the same language. It ruins the atmosphere. Whats the fucking point? Not even the Americans do it. It's not in any way comparable to translating into a different language.
Jayden Scott
He means a "noir novel", which in Spanish is called a "novela negra" (noir=black), literally black novel.
Hudson Carter
Ampliación del campo de batalla*
Dylan Phillips
Well the opinions in the film are not the point, the point is that Spaniards are retards.
Owen Morris
Don Quixote by Miguel Cervantes
Anthony Walker
Hudson Foster
on* instead of in
Christian Harris
I’m completely ignorant about anything published after the 1920s so I have no idea what’s worth buying. May as well go for a classic :)