What's his endgame?

What's his endgame?

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He had one in mind. The editing process, and the hype, shot it in the face. I think that he's looking for what speaks to him organically again. He will have a true path if he can drown out the voices and find himself.

Third breakfast, followed by twelvesies

Dying by WINTER 2020, without having even started on “A Dream of Spring.”

His prominent epicanthal folds give him an oriental air. Is he Fingolian?

Raping Butterfly.

>removing his clothes and airing out his dick and balls on the trampoline
>getting bored of that and going to red lobster
>eating garlic shrimp until he shits himself and passes out
>wakes up at convention sitting on replica iron throne
>be reminded that he is still filthy rich

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i still dont get the whole R+ J = L thing...
how is rhaegal Jon's dad if he's a bastard??


Don't finish shit, leave Brandon Sanderson with a million conflicting, confusing notes, Brandon writes the end, the world goes "eh, it's alright I guess"

Actually I don't think Brandon would do it. He's a mormon so he's squeamish about writing explicit sex. I remember him saying in one of his lectures that he read the first book and concluded that it wasn't for him.

>if he's a bastard??
He isn't, that's the whole point.

>He isn't, that's the whole point.

He is, though. Just not a bastard of the people everyone believed.

cardiovascular disease, a stroke, cardiac arrest

Unless they had the stereotypical, prompt marriage before conceiving the child.

Eating himself to death

making a lot of money, eating a lot of food and watching football while doing as little work as possible.

Not finishing his series.

to add five additional "R"s to his name.
George R.R.R.R.R.R.R. Martin

Cashing on his dollars and never writing another book.

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How is a mormon ok with writing fantasy? Seems like thay is strictly against their religion.

Why is there a video of this?
I am also laughing that he kept his gay hat on.

>Master, the fat man has resumed writing. He's going to finish the book.
>"He wrote? He cannot be allowed to finish. The HBO ending shall be the only ending. Kill him, then burn the manuscripts."

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has anyone read this?
i'm curious after miyazaki said it was his favourite

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It's not real. It's from a Jimmy Kimmel skit or some shit.

Dying before he has to finish his story, because as a liberal atheist childkiller, he cannot actually conclude it in a satisfactory way without betraying his own ideology.

The absolute state of GRRM is that, looked at objectively, the series actually came to the only conclusion that his stupid nihilistic series actually could without being nakedly trite bullshit--and it was STILL trite bullshit, just not naked.

Think about it. How does this retard actually end the book, what can he possibly do that doesn't either:
-Point to bloodline aristocracy being moral
-Point to a certain class of people being qualified to rule
-Point to status-quo ideas of sex and rulership being correct

He can't. He can't do a big final battle between good and evil because he is on record as saying that good and evil don't exist. He can't have a chosen savior swoop in and save everything because he is a dispicable atheist dogfucker and what would Jesus's tax policy be? He can't give any of the characters happy endings because literally every single one of them solves their problems through violence and he is supposedly a pacifist.

The only option is to just not finish the story, or to finish it in the way the show finished it. With some crippled wizard on the throne. I called this years ago. Martin cannot finish the story, because he is IDEOLOGICALLY unequipped to do so. As a weak, stupid, cowardly lazy left-wing sack of cum-eating degenerate faggot enabling shit, he has boxed himself in to a set of no-win options. By trying to subvert fantasy tropes he accidentally subverted basic story structure.

It isn't about plotlines or character bloat or any of that shit, even that hack Brandon Sanderson can overcome that. It's that the only way to end a story satisfyingly is to end it Right Wing as fuck, because the Right is the only side of political and philosophic thought that believes in happy endings.

Enjoy whatever slop this kike pours into your trough you fucking pigs. You deserve it.

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Is this a new pasta?

Original. I give a similar rant on Martin about once a week, because I know they'll age well and I'll be able to post them later.

Can someone redpill me on "Song of Ice and Fire" books?

i dont read the fat lad so i dont know if it's accurate but it's a nice piece

Jesus, put the luger down Hans he's already dead.

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Dying on the can after gorging himself on the peanut butter-banana-bacon sandwich to end all peanut butter-banana-bacon sandwiches, of course

Ironically I think the "cynical nihilism" complaint is a response to the fan community's (edgy zoomers usually) tendency to over-praise the darker elements of the books, and exaggerate how bleak, realistic, and morally grey it is. But actually it's always been a story with clear good guys and bad guys, it's always been fairly clear that some attitudes to life, leadership and rulership are better than others--it's a story where the good guys sometimes lose, and where well-intentioned actions can have bad consequences, but that isn't at all the same as being nihilistic.

It’s Harry Potter, set in an idealized English Middle Ages instead of an idealized English boarding school. The HP and ASOIAF fanbases are very similar, although I’m unsure if the latter has started writing butt baby fanfic yet.

This is the guy who had a big obvious asshole bad guy named Janos Slynt. I mean Jesus Christ.

How much worldbuilding is too much, Yea Forums?

Was this scene a reflection of Martin's fear that he'll be cut down before he finishes with the filthy business of ending the series?

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>Ironically I think the "cynical nihilism" complaint is a response to the fan community's (edgy zoomers usually) tendency to over-praise the darker elements of the books,
> But actually it's always been a story with clear good guys and bad guys, it's always been fairly clear that some attitudes to life, leadership and rulership are better than others--it's a story where the good guys sometimes lose, and where well-intentioned actions can have bad consequences, but that isn't at all the same as being nihilistic.
But it is nihilistic. Because even though he wants his "heroes" to earn their victories so to speak, he is ultimately setting everything up so that this doesn't happen. He is actively working against the archetypes in a Fantasy setting. Which is ironic because the whole point of the world buidling is that Magic returns, so if none of his characters embodies any archetype then his work is a big nothing burger.

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Unfortunately I don't believe there can be any as long as he carries the burden of having to write "something great" that he put himself into. I thought that a guy of his caliber couldn't fall into something like that and yet he is there and nothing will ever be perfect for him and there will be no ending.

meh, christians like tolkien and lewis did rather well, i’m sure a mormon can pull it off

>But actually it's always been a story with clear good guys and bad guys,
Huh. I’ve never observed that. Aside from some of the somewhat insufferable side “villains”, I think every single person in the world of Westeros/ASOIAF can be sympathised with.

>what would Jesus’s tax policy be?

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>I think every single person in the world of Westeros/ASOIAF can be sympathised with.
Yes, but only because our culture is rotten.
There is a very clear divide between the virtuous and the virtueless and most of the story is about the virtuous suffering at the hands of the virtueless, because they are refusing to let go of their virtues.

That you can sympathize with the virtueless just says more about you (and most readers) then about the contents of the book.

Jesus would be a fucking commie and we all know it.

Ruin everything. Including Dark Souls.

What do y'all think of that new FromSoft + GRRM game?

hmmm I wonder



His ancestor got cucked by Jew?

>That you can sympathize with the virtueless just says more about you (and most readers) then about the contents of the book.

Did this retarded trad LARPing go too far? Antiheroes existed even before Greek mythologies.

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I hope you get bullied by chad

No, chad ignores me.

And? I am not saying that this is a revolutionary story, in fact the exact opposite is true.

Synagogue. Of. Fucking. Satan. Jesus Christ (literally) how many fucking times does it need to be repeated?

Jesus would have at WORST been some kind of AnCap. That's loathsome enough but accusing him of being a communist is a bit far.

To be a creepy fucking slob who writes brainlet shit for brainlets

ramsay, joffrey, the mountain, the list could go on...

No one mentions Euron
I sympathize with the Mountain
>horrible migraines
>shunned by society
I mean his brutality is uncalled for but that's the only thing he knows now

Joffrey is a spoiled boy who just tried too hard to impress his sociopat mother and his drunken father. Most of his evil actions are based on that, like sending someone to kill bran because his father said something about horses breaking their legs and needing to be sacrificed while drunk. Hes rotten, sure, but he dies with like 13 years. Really makes you think how he would be if his father was ned or stannis.

Nah, Jesus can fuck off with that socialist shit.
>"Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done"

FUCK Jesus, and FUCK commies.

Being kind is not the same thing as helping Jews destroy your race because asdfgph you fucking retard.

All Christians should be kind. I don't remember Jesus writing anywhere that we should let a bunch of Jewish terrorists torture millions of people to death and starve the entire Ukraine because they were butthurt about the Khmelnytsky Uprising.

Oh, but you didn't know what the Khmelnytsky Uprising was. That's right, because you have an IQ of 60, are a Jew, or are just taking the piss.

Communism and Socialism in the modern form under Marx are nothing more or less than Jewish revenge on the goyim. Bakunin was right when he called Marx a filthy, disgusting kike, and thank God that Marx's children all starved to death or killed themselves. They were the first good communists, because they were the first ones to become worm food.

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>Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver

God can kiss my capitalist ass. Marx might aswell be the second coming of christ with how similar their views are.

Have sex.

Are you fucking retarded? The Parable of the Talents is literally an ENDORSEMENT of the Pareto Principle, it points out the fucking obvious: Some people are more productive than others, and that is God's will.

If I wanted to talk to children, I'd wait until I got off work and got home. I was mass producing Aryans before you were born.

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>Are you fucking retarded?
Ironic, coming from the communist worshipper.
Why don't you give all of your hard earned money away to the poor, it's god's will, right? Fucking retardo socialist.

That's how he's going say his name while having a stroke.

I can't even tell what you're trying to argue. Jesus Christ was a philanthropist, not a socialist. There is a difference between VOLUNTARILY doing good, and having your wealth confiscated by the state to buy votes from the poor.

Are you implying otherwise? Make your case logically, because currently it makes no sense.

Sausage induced heart attack

>Make your case logically, because currently it makes no sense.
Not my fault you're an illiterate retard. It's not my job to hold your hand through an argument. If you're too dumb to understand what i'm getting at, then you're not worth the effort.

Yeah. It was pretty fun. Really played to his strengths, coming up with cool, simple ideas without letting it get so big that it became unmanageable.

You mean it IS their religion

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He's just a normal author who got way to popular for his own good.
His works are not THAT special.
GoT is just a solid medieval fantasy series, nothing more.
He has some very productive years and some so-so years.
I can't really blame him for working at his own pace and disregarding the normies who jumped on the GoT bandwagon due to the TV show.

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is this legit

This. Expectations are a hell of a drug, and overdosing on them has killed many a work.

He should work on writing a shitty and terrible book, accepting that it'll be that, and nothing more.

word for word

Last book, i guess it's the last dany chapter
i lost my sides when i readededhat.

>Not my fault you're an illiterate retard. It's not my job to hold your hand through an argument

I don't even know if there's a formal logical fallacy for "argument from incoherence," but you're committing it either way.

Whatever. I am manifestly correct, and huu-huu posting about how I'm "not worth it" is literally an admission of defeat.

I accept your surrender. I win the argument.

>I accept your surrender. I win the argument.
like playing chess with a pigeon

being forgotten. just like the rest of us pathetic humans.

He's just fat

They believe they found their ancient text under an American house. Mormons are perfectly compatible with fantasy.

I'm now completely unsurprised about the how he could write the horrible parts of the books. Only a Jew could be so scatological and seek to subvert Tolkien.

>What would Jesus's tax policy be

We are looking at levels of annihilation that should not be fucking possible here.

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good lord, how is it possible that every single piece of degenerate fiction always turns out to have been authored by one of Them?

Elia was still alive and the Targs stopped having multiple wives two centuries before

>tried too hard to impress his sociopat mother
He never tried to impress Cersei, he knew she'd always spoil him. He did wanted to impress Robert who he frequently saw beating his mom, which is why he ended up abusing Sansa

Miyazaki is a stupid boomer that thought Martin is actually talented. Miyazaki is a better writer himself. Should have never hired R.R. Fatfuck. And the fact that it has LOTR like elements: what a fucking blasphemy. I love souls games but I've vowed never to touch anything by Martin. I don't know what to do. I truly hate that fat little goblin. Shaking from anger while typing this.

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He's supposedly in charge of the 'lore' and that end of things, which seems pretty stupid to me considering how uninteresting and cardboard the lore was in ASOIAF.

I think Martin is too atheistic to create an interesting pantheon of Gods and things like that. Symbology and Mythology seem to go completely over his head.


There's a certain irony to the fact that Tolkien defended Jews constantly, even to the point of literally defending them in principle against the Nazis, and the first fucking thing Jews do to repay him is shit on his work and try to turn the entire genre he revitalized into pornography.


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Crashing his EKG to flatline...

with no sequels published.

>italian cucked by jew
keked, now i know why he love bastards so much.
Jon Snow =Azor Ahai confirmed

Yeah, and then he says to give everything you make to the poor. EVERYTHING. Unless you want to go to hell.

just being a fatass apparently

Reminds me of how these people try to subvert the moral ground that they stand on

good, sensible post. completely agree.

what an unrelenting fat fuck

>She was sopping wet when he entered her. “Damn you,” she said. “Damn you damn you damn you.” He sucked her nipples till she cried out half in pain and half in pleasure. Her cunt became the world.
>Her cunt became the world.
How can one man be so based?

Not bad desu

Fuck thats based. This is why I visit Yea Forums

Thats not jesus though, thats paul

Yeah I see that you've read his books.

This is beyond based

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I think there is maybe some truth to this post, but like the other user said, the nihilism and bleakness of the series are largely an exaggeration made up by superficial readers. The books make moral distinctions between bad and good, and have clearly defined heroes and villains. You also need to keep in mind that SFF/YA authors lack self awareness. They fail to notice the contradiction at the heart of being ardent progressives enamored with a reactionary period in history. The irony of celebrating imperial might while pushing progressive narratives is mostly lost on them.
Also the books do suffer from narrative bloat, like it or not.

>what would Jesus's tax policy be?

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i can not understand how anyone can watch the tv series, it is a violent soap opera carried by the endless cliff hangers fest.

Simply amazing

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>I think Martin is too atheistic to create an interesting pantheon of Gods and things like that. Symbology and Mythology seem to go completely over his head.

He'll fit the FROM writing team right in, given that the essence of Dark Souls' trilogy story is musings on inevitability of death, both that of man and the universe, and the rest of their souls-type games tend to portray anything supernatural as alien, evil, and corruptive (with the sole exception of Sekiro, which makes some nods to Buddhism maybe being correct, and all the evil monks we fight for half the game bacically doing a 180 turn for its teachings).

>God can kiss my capitalist ass.

Capitalism is literally impossible without God, you absolute dimwit, because the concept of human rights is patent nonsense in a non-Christian context, and than includes the right to property. Why Chinese have failed to invent actual capitalism despite their mercantile prowess and internal commerce matching the rest of the world put together in some centuries? Because the idea that the property cannot be taken from whomever the ruler pleases whenever he feels that is convenient never took root and capital in the modern sense could not exist when emperors routinely declared debt amnesties every couple of years or fleeced successful merchant corporations arbitrarily even in peacetime.

>"Elden Ring" 0 results

I doubt you could even imagine it.