I like smoking a pipe while I read. How old do I have to be before I can do this in public and not look like a faggot?

I like smoking a pipe while I read. How old do I have to be before I can do this in public and not look like a faggot?

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youll always look like a faggot

72, not a day less

You can do it at any age if you put a grey wig and a golfcap on.

Smoking in public is for fags

you can get away with it if you're a genius (i think welles was 20 here)

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Just smoke an Habano you dumb mongoloid

I find pipes more relaxing than cigars.

someone likes to suck on long things huh

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>reading in public
People actually do this?

Unless you find a fireplace and a rocking chair out in public, never.

I read at airports, the DMV, waiting rooms, tho it's usually something practical The Economist.

I guess some people read in public because it gives them a thrill to be seen as a cultured or whatever. Maybe they think they'll meet someone. It's narcissistic but harmless.

I read on the train because I cant hear my music.


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If you like it just do it who cares what anyone thinks

I've been thinking of getting a vape pipe like this for reading.

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I don't think you can get away with any churchwarden style pipe without looking like a complete try-hard.

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jesus christ...pathetic

legit 50. before that and you'll be seen as either a poser or an idiot for risking your health. at 50, no one will care.

Just get yourself one of these kinds

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literally pretending

Sometimes a penis is just a penis

Depending on how you can pull it off, there is no age really - Just please don’t be a vape!- But if you ask some anons on a mongolian archery forum probably you don’t have the confidence to pull it off.
Ever tried snuff tobacco instead? It’s more discreet, can be done everywhere, and you can collect many antique or curious snuffboxes as you can do with pipes.

do whatever the fuck you want, nobody cares as long as you don't hurt them

please don't, at least get a real one

why would you even want to smoke a pipe in public? just like reading or (actually) listening to good music, pipe smoking requires a calm and quiet ambient where you are relaxed and have plenty of time to enjoy it. I can hardly imagine a situation like this in public...

I don't smoke my pipe in public but then again, I wouldn't. I have smoked my pipe when talking with friends after asking if they minded, though. Most of my smoking is done during my thinking time outside with my dogs.

All the time, but smartphones exist so I just look like I'm staring at my phone like everyone else.

Just smoke in a cigar club or outside an old fashioned tobacco shop. Old fashioned smoking rooms are comfy.

great answer

you are an embarrassment to your parents and a worthless stain on society

at this point just use lightbulbs

Smoked a hickory pipe when i was 17 just like good ole Huckleberry Finn. I was way ahead of my time and by that i mean i acted like a complete retard im comparison to my peers.


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>Just please don’t be a vape!-


how ironic these two people meet in the same thread. One having the desire to do something but fearing the eternal pseud, the other such a pseudo that he does not recognize it anymore.

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>He doesn't read in public on his phone
Shiggy diggy tut tut

You are literally cancer


Usually it’s basedboys and tryhard faggots who vape. Or broke stem students who can’t reduce their nicotine dose (or learn how to roll). If you want to smoke you are aware of the risks and take it as a pleasure, so taste the real thing. It may be retarded, but when I see some fucking hipster with an e-cig I feel the urge to light up a Gitane or a Toscano so the twat inhales something decent at least by second hand smoke