
Hi guys I'm 18 and want to develop a critical thinking and read to understand the world better in general.
What should I read?

This is what I was thinking about:


Mythology (Edith Hamilton)








The Divine comedy

Man and his symbols

On narcissism

Interpretation of dreams

Origin of species


The stranger



Beyond Good and Evil

Fear and Trebling

Crime and punishment

The Player

How to win friends and influence people
I tend to believe power is the only important thing and I have faith on trans humanism. Tell me if any of these are too ambitious and give me recommendations pls.

Ty frens.

Attached: thum.jpg (640x353, 43K)

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Sorry for the spacing and if there are mistakes I dont speak english and used a text corrector.


>here is what I'm PLANNING to read
just read it. Anything is worth reading when you're starting out.
Add Mark Fisher and Evola.

Ok guys I will have a look at this books.
Well I dont want to read something I camt understand, like the Anti-Oedipus or stuff like that.

Read more, plan less. Anyway after reading all of this isn't guaranteed that you'll develop critical thinking. You're not making a cake, there's no recipes/formulas.

Start with Edith Hamilton and move into some of Plato's dialogues and Homer. I also recommend Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics and the Constellation of Philosophy by Boethius.

Uhh I live in small town in russia, no internet I go to a big city like one time wvery 2 months I have to buy a lot of books if I want to read them

well the iliad and odyssey won’t help with critical thinking, poetry is all against that sort of thing
& i don’t see why age is relevant

if you have no internet, maybe the best thing to do would be to download a copy of the routledge encyclopedia of philosophy and read an article a day.

I will look this up, ty

What are your interests? This is your starting point. Be very specific! It is important to only read those things that interest you (needless to say, this excludes anything you need to read for your studies, if you're engaged in those). If a book bores you after a few pages, put it away and grab a new one. After you developed a decent list of your interests, read entry level material on the subject. The Stanford Encyclopedia provides both good entry material as well as lots of referential material you may wish to consult on a broad range of subjects. Good luck with your endeavors, user!

Power, dreams and the evolution of the human race.

The indoeuropean language connection made me trip balls. As an intro I would suggest: amazon.com/Horse-Wheel-Language-Bronze-Age-Eurasian-ebook/dp/B003TSEL1Y
It's about language, evolution of human groups, etc.

Read this first

Attached: htrab.jpg (322x499, 39K)

Do some mathematics as well, unless you absolutely despise it.
Sloppy thinking isn't tolerated in mathematics.

This is a fucking mess of a list. If you want to read Marx in a non retard way, you need to read Hegel, for Hegel you need Kant, for Kant you should read Descartes and Hume. All in all, start with the greeks.
For economy, Adam Smith is the starting point, not Marx.
And Freud? Really?

nothing wrong with freud. at least nothing that isn't shared by the whole fraternity of psychoanalysis.

Just kys and get it over with

What? How old are you, 15?
Whats the problem with Marx?
Even if you dont like him you have to know what he wrote to criticize.

>b-but he's literally a Jew!
Best to ignore the racists. Not good to generalise teenagers though.

Im 18 mate but most of my friends are edgy fags who think Peterson is a God and Marx retarded. The other half wear che shirts and comunist stickers on their Iphones. Ideology + Teenagers is bad, this is why I made this post I wanna think by myself.

lol cringe as fuck. But don't worry, you'll soon pass this "phase" too pseud

I was told most of theese books are classics and musts

>want to develop a critical thinking and read to understand the world better in general.
Reading will not always give you these things. You have to do. Perform. Act. In order to develop critical thinking, study and engage in mathematics (as another user said). To understand the world around you and to understand reality, go out and experience it. That is how you gain understanding.
Now, reading will help you understand history, which in turn can help you understand yourself and the culture you live in. I'm not saying to avoid reading, I'm saying that there are more essential things you must do. Live.

Machiavelli the Prince.

>be me at 18
>read The Prince
>omg this guy was sooo jaded no way people are really like that
>work 15 years in Corporate world, watch all the most incompetent suck ups and bullshitters get promoted
>be me at 38 - OMG he was right about everything

I'm your age and just getting into reading. I've just read meditations (very repetitive and boring but sets a great mindset) and am currently reading invisible man. I've also ordered philosophy books from Plato such as The Republic (which I've heard is actually very flawed), Apology, and Rhetoric.

socrates doesn't have his own work, we just see plato using him as a character in his own works
add aristotle

if you're going to read the bible you may as well read the quran at some point too since it influenced a lot

albert camus is pretty good modern stuff too