What are some good books on Christian ethics?

What are some good books on Christian ethics?

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On the Genealogy of Morals.

I mean guides

Germans aren't Christian. they're just anti-semitic. This is why they decided to take in millions of Arab Muslims, house them, educate them , and then send them back to destroy Israel.

Pretty disgusting if you ask me.

some /pol/brains are going to read your post, believe what you wrote, and then spam this thread saying "ANTI-SEMITISM??? BASED AND REPDILLED!!!!!". this thread might go to shit very quickly.

>implying this thread isn't thinly veiled /pol/ bullshit anyway
Who do you think has that pic saved?

Imagine being raised in a society that doesn't know how to properly sit in chairs.

I secretly hope OP googled it to make his thread little bit more intriguing

where is the lie?

Why do christcucks hate the germanic people? Is it because they're spiritual semites?

The Imitation of Christ by Thomas à Kempis
Introduction to the Devout Life by Francis de Sales
The Rule of St. Benedict

Nicomachean Ethics

Germans used to be the greatest defenders of the Church.

Of course they were. But christcucks today would throw anyone under the bus if it only means that they don't have to take responsibility for what their religion has done to Europe and the US.

The infamous /his/ crossboarder.

>that look
You just know..

What a slave mentality.

What is Aguinas' proof that being cucked is Good?

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Imo a lot of it stems from the Christian veneration of Joseph, who was not married to Mary in the Quran

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>Roman Catholicism
not even once

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