What philosopher(s) will improve my life the most?

What philosopher(s) will improve my life the most?

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It’s not funny anymore. Stop it.


Well you're essentially asking for people's ideologies.

I like monism or a secular yet spiritual sort of pantheism. Alan Watts for starts. Stoicism is hip too, Marcus Aurelius.

Thanks for asking this I want to know too, I'm in the spectrum so if anybody can recommend my something I'll really appreciate it

my recommendation is the bible


Bataille and Lacan

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Also your local dominatrix


Camus. 'Cause you know...

I recommend Plato's republic then work from there

They help with understanding and dealing with existential angst.

Shut the fuck up obscurantist

C’mon guys. Stop joking.

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Cringe and nihilistic

Epictetus and the Stoics
Kant and the Categorical Imperative have also helped me immensely.

Jordan Peterson

But, I’m not nihilistic because of these guys.
Or partially because of them. They certainly put it all into words well.

Extreme penile enlargement and an Instagram account

Nihilism isn't a philosophy in the traditional sense. Nietszhe (did I spell that right?) philosophized on the *problem of* nihilism, or some sort of philosophical existence in which nothing "matters".

A real tangible nihilism simply doesn't exist in the world as it's clear humans find value in all sorts of things, certainly regardless of whether you're religious or otherwise. The closest thing to a true nihilist would be a suicide case, or some sort of sociopath.

At the end of the day it's important to remember nihilism is just a human construct, a word to express an idea, a feeling.

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Marcus Aurelius.


If you actually do everything he says, Marcus Aurelius

for fuck sake you little slut, shut the fuck up, did you even fucking read Kierkegaard or did you just fall for the MUH CHRISTIAN GUY memes? FUCK YOU, I will absolutely destroy your asshole bitch

with that tiny pecker, you won‘t destroy anything

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you underestimate the tightness of her asshole

You overestimate the circumference of your dick

The teachings of Jesus Christ and Zarathustra.

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Wilhelm von Humboldt

Jordan Peterson

perhaps, but your mother has complimented me on my size on multiple occasions, you aren't calling your mother a liar are you?

In fact i am, so joke‘s on you

Locke and