My agent and publishers found my personal twitter account

>my agent and publishers found my personal twitter account.
>I'm a trump supporter
>they wait a while before dropping me for unrelated reasons.

so we conservatives are just straight up fucked for our political beliefs? how about all the mf money I made them?

Attached: ecac9da044da37fcff65d49c6715e5f23971c0622264fe937017e0a3901817a0.jpg (500x310, 33K)

Other urls found in this thread:

it would unironically be wonderful if conservative opinions were repressed even 10% as heavily as they are in the imaginations of you people

>Trump supporter
To this DAY?

Attached: 1544049046349.png (242x208, 58K)

it would be wonderful if you werent a gigantic faggot, but here we are


You had the oportunity of being quiet
Yet, you wasted the trips

DESU, if you have a twitter account and didn't just post banal book-related shit you deserved it.



Yes, I'm mad
I want my trips back
It was supposed to be mine

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This honestly

the fake news media is the enemy of the american people

Coming to think about it
Unironically this

Nothing personal, you're bad publicity

Assuming this actually happened, you should've seen it coming in this political climate. Not saying it's right but it's pretty much inevitable with how cucked most mass media enterprises including publishers are these days.

President Donald J. “45” Trump is hardly conservative. But yeah you’re probably fucked unless you go full redpilled cernovich mode.

Tell them that you were just showing your wife and kids

I wish this actually happened. why are all you trumptarda so fucking delusional with self importance that rivals average thot in the college?

Republicanism isn’t actual conservatism, it’s mutty liberalism with patches of other ideologies sewn onto there.

OP if this is all real and not a LARP, what you need to do is go completely scorched earth on your agent and publisher. Reach out to all the usual right-wing twerps: Ben Shapiro, Tucker Carlson, etc.. Fix yourself up with the Fox News crowd and set yourself up as a victim of political correctness. Get yourself an on-air interview with Tucker Carlson where you say that you were persecuted for your political views. Then Tucker can sic his goons on the publishing industry. It will be a huge fucking mess and everyone will come out of it looking bad. And with that, you'll have your revenge.

Hold on a sec
How do you know they found it?
And how do you know theg dropped you because of your views?
And most important, how the fuck you wrote anything?

fpbp and checked

Get fucked low IQ midwit Twitter user. I generally support "Trump supporters" over their mainstream opponents but anyone who uses Twitter, let alone anyone stupid enough to get doxxed on it, deserves to not have any success in life. FUCK Twitter users. Midwit bugman central. And FUCK social media in general.

Sounds like a business decision. Unless you're agent/publishers are maniacally left wing, it wouldn't make enough sense for them to drop you simply because of your politics. And if it was I'm guessing your posts weren't just on some esoteric fiscal policy debate, they were probably babble - I don't think it's very easy to be a Trump supporter and sound coherent at the same time. I think it's clear there's two sides to every story.


>Unless you're agent/publishers are maniacally left wing
Not him but here's a randomly selected literary agency website.

This is just one example, but nearly all of them talk about how much they love muh diversity, lgbbq, and other such faggotry in their submission guidelines.

dumb gay retard, you are

The only sincerely based thing I've seen in weeks.

become Catholic published with Catholic presses

>pls dont make me see bad ideas
shameful display

I don't think left wingers have monopolized the publishing industry. It's common sense as long as there's a right wing audience. Are the scales balanced? I don't know. But I'd agree that if the OP were going on anti-diversity tirade's - that's a different story and a bold move that's much harder to defend. Fiscal policy is one thing, but there are strong trends in the social policies you mentioned that you're fighting an uphill battle with - just like with the gay rights struggle. Can you imagine an anti-gay book/movie/anything being published and being popular these days? Not gonna happen, it isn't a conspiracy, it's us - civilization.

And as the older generations and prejudice's die out, and people are more and more interconnected you'll find that the civil rights issues we debate today will be thought of as deplorable by our great-great-grandchildren. Since the Enlightenment the US has always gradually pushed to the left socially. As we understand more, we fear less what we don't understand.

Those are some very uninteresting progressive platitudes that you have shared.

God youre a faggot. I hope you get stabbed by a feral nigger that you voted to give asylum to

And you people wonder why society shuns you.

Unless America's trajectory roughly mirrors the Roman Republic, which it was carefully modeled after and which it has eerie similarities to. Because if that's the case, then you'd better buckle the fuck up.

Attached: TrajanXanten.jpg (1200x1600, 410K)

I think your responses fairly serve as their own rebuttals.

>posting your political views online under a username
>supporting a politician who is hated by his own party and wing
>le conservatives are oppressed

I dont wonder at all, I understand very well. In any case youre a faggot and a coward, and your progressive future will not happen, you will massacred by 80IQ retards from the third world or gassed by fascists, have fun.

Today, in things that never occurred...


They don't. All you did is regurgitate some banal corporate drivel. Maybe you could write commercials for basketball shoes or something?

Let's take just one of the retarded things you said

>As we understand more, we fear less what we don't understand.
I assume your view of the changing consensus on racism is that it was due to ScienceTM overcoming BigotryAndHate, a view which bears absolutely no resemblance to reality. Every bit of data ever collected and the entire fucking world point towards racist conclusions. Society became 'not racist' because a handful of colossal faggots took over the press and the academic system and the civil service, and strongarmed any dissent out of them on the topic.

Your arab Muslim pets are enslaving niggers in Libya, the Chinese don't give a fuck about equality, progresive whites dont have children and are dying off, your entire worldview is a sack of shit concocted by 20th century charlatans

I pointed out that civil rights don't regress progressively in the US. I can debate it. Ad hominem have been the only responses.

>civil rights
You mean forced integration of people who don't want to live together and the extraction of wealth from the white productive class to a minority subculture that has degraded in mere decades to africa tier barbarism that frequently spills out into the white surroundings, a fact shunned by the press, who instead focus on the one in a thousands instance of some white person deigning to defend themselves against this constant violence

trips of truth

Conservatism is bleeding to death. It's been knifed by the same type of /pol/ mouth breathers currently shitting up this thread. And frankly, if or when whites are supplanted as the dominant race in North America it'll be all their fault.

Depends on what you consider to be "progression" and "regression." And a short historical trend is meaningless. All that needs to change are laws.


Yes there's science, but you're inserting your own values into the equation. An equation that's massive. Science is our key to progress, but has science unlocked all the faucets of abstract ethical concepts in the 21st century?

The niggers will wish there were still whites left

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Right it's not the fault of the kikes advocating for open borders in every country but Israel it's the white people who are opposing this policy that are to blame for their own erasure. Youre a slimy piece of shit

>The niggers will wish there were still whites left
Yes, so they can keep shoving their dicks on the white wives and daughters

I wouldn't really have any problem with the progressive agenda as long as they stopped pushing for open borders and massive non-white immigration. I can't support that under any circumstances, and it makes any other progress moot.

Touche, but only "regression", I should have said "don't become more conservative progressively".

The 'non-white' in your statement is misleading. There aren't any specifically non-white immigration policies. I've never heard of an immigration policy that declared caucasians banned from entrance.

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>own the Senate, House, Supreme Court and White House for 2 years
>is somehow oppressed

You're such a whiny fucking bitch. Anyway, no one believes you, get fucked

Attached: absolute madman.png (807x465, 331K)

If you're referring to the case on the right, it's isolated and has to do with ideology - not skin color. Also it's not "massive non-white immigration" as was said.

There's nothing worded as "non-white," but that's the effect that the current policies cause. It's intentional demographic displacement.

Conservatism is the new punk rock

As proof, in 1970 the US was 88% white. In 2010 it was 72% white. That's an 16% displacement in only 30 years, which could only be caused through immigration policy.


Meant 40 years, not 30.

>the executive is conservative
>the legislative is conservative
>the judiciary is conservative
>the entire establishment is conservative
>"hai gais isnt coserBativizm so ANTI-ESTALISHMET???"

This is semantic. You should have just said "open borders and massive immigration."

As no one is "pushing for" "non-white immigration".

My point was semantic, I'm not arguing with your opinions.

It is amusing how progressives quite literally *are* the establishment -- governmental, corporate, educational, also popular media; yet they still play themselves off as being "anti-establishment" in some sense.

A lot of my coworkers are non-white/immigrants. Frankly, I'd take them over a bunch of whiny, entitled conservatives any day.

If the immigration policies that are being advocated have the result of demographically displacing whites, then I'm going to say that they're policies that displace whites. If you want to get into a semantics fight so that you can ignore the actual point, which is the demographic displacement occurring (presumably because you support it and want to obfuscate), then I'm not going to bite, sorry.

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youre not arguing at all, youre just posting weaselly bullshit

If that were true things would be moving in a conservative direction, but they aren't, and any attempt to do so is foiled.

It could be way worse. The whole world could be enabling and allowing illegal invasion of privacy against you for doing nothing at all

I guess it's part of being a massive reactionary that you genuinely can't tell the difference between bland corporatist nonsense and actual leftism.

There are issues being conflated here. The two main aspects that we think about when we think about the two major parties are their fiscal and social policies. The fiscal sector isn't far right wing - it's beyond it. It's a plutocracy.

But yes, socially, the left wing certainly isn't ubiquitous, but things are moving left slowly and steadily.

I don't care about what you consider to be "true leftism," I care about the actual policies that are being implemented by real actors.

>If that were true
you're denying that that every branch of government is majority (or, in the executive's case, entirely) Republican?

youre an insufferable faggot

Like what? From where I stand I see corporations using socially liberal attitudes to mask anti-labor and anti-union actions. And literally the only reason they're pressing social liberalism is because it's more profitable than the alternative. If there was money in catering to the traditionalist crowd then they'd flip in an instant.

Dumbest fucking thread, I hate you all

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State department is full of progs as are the press and university system

You're underage.

>Anti-abortion laws
>Institutionalized science censorship
>Hardline immigration policy
>almost no taxes for corporations
>B-but the gays are still allowed to exist.
You delusional faggot, things aren't moving in a conservative direction because conservative politicians are way more interested in preventing us from lubricating before we get reamed by big business. The small amount of genuine conservativism died in the 80s and their is nothing you can do about it faggot. Besides, conservatism is a family issue. Bringing it to the polis has always been a corny attempt to get naive people to vote against their interests.

>thinking the DoS or press have any say in how the country is ran
>admitting to being a cultural Marxist
why do conservatives always end up refuting themselves?

God I'm bored.

>as long as they stopped pushing for massive non-white immigration

This claims that they are pushing for massive immigration by non-whites. They aren't, they're pushing for massive immigration. I know why you worded it the way you did, it was a rhetorical move. I saw what you did. That's all I'm saying.

By admitting our mistakes, we learn from them and grow. And if you believe in yourself, you can do anything! Reach for the stars!

>thinking the DoS or press have any say in how the country is ran
Yeah the institutions that select what information people know and how the next generation are schooled have no effect on society.

>a rhetorical move
They are literally pushing for nonwhite mass immigration.

if you weren't being sarcastic, I would agree with you

ALEC has way more influence on school curriculums and textbooks than corporate progressives, and that influence is much more insidious.

Because youre very unintelligent

No, they aren't. You are conflating two points, two separate issues into one.
They are pushing for immigration. They are not pushing for nonwhite mass immigration. Do you follow?

antiracism and feminism are so cancerous theyve wrecked entire countries in 50 years

Okay retard

They're pushing for nonwhite mass immigration, theyre not asking South Africa to come.

Friendly reminder that the average black IQ is like 70 and everywhere on earth they exist sucks, and that feminism lowers feritlity to below replacement and promotes women giving birth in their 30s to deformed babies, while wrecking marriage as an institution

Name me a country where strengthening women's rights haven't led to the exact opposite of a "wreckage". But you have to use facts rather than babble.

Or antiracism for that matter.

>resorting to ad hom
again, further self-refutation. honestly it would be so easy for you to prove me wrong right now. I literally just agreed with false information. the fact that you lacked the ability to refute it and fell back on insults just goes to show how much conservatives are triggered snowflakes that rely on emotion more than logic

The Republican party is bleeding out, not conservatism. YOU are the problem. Slowing down Globohomo Progressivism is not a solution. Alt-Right is a good term only in that the right is fighting for a new direction and it is as alternative to the policies of the Republican Globohome cock sleeve receptacle psychopaths

South Africans would go to another Commonwealth country retard.
If they did want to come to the USA you should no literally no one wouldn't be pushing for them to immigrate.
Migrants are the people pushing for immigration, obviously. Racists are the only ones here pushing for anything, against immigration that is.
It's just supply and demand

every feminist country has below replacement fertility rates and dysgenic patterns of fertility

Okay retard

I assume you mean 'people aware of basic statistics on IQ, crime rates, etc.'

this whole thread is fake and gay

Name a black city that doesn't suck. LIke 80%+ black
just one dumbass

Whatever you say retard

does it bother you that your deeply held beliefs are based on not only a lack of evidence but that there are enormous amounts of evidence directly contradicting it?

I don't like any cities. There are countless rural areas with high black populations that are genuinely lovely.
Most of Africa for example (I've been, have you?)

you should fuck off and go live there

No because that's not true, try harder retard

>causation vs correlation


You have no evidence the races are the same, you couldn't list a single thing to support that view, you just believe it like a religion.

I don't hold that view my mongoloid interlocutor

reallywhat was that about then?

That was merely some retard(You) gassing off

Pointing out that racism has evidence supporting it and antiracism has none? Do you have anything of value at all to say

That would imply that a retard like yourself would be able properly evaluate what I have to say. I just have to state the facts clear and simple for you. Okay?~Retard

I don't want this to be true either, BUT IT FUCKING IS. I love asking leftists to describe the West or their country in 100 years by following today's policies and the direction of today's policies out that far. They almost always refuse to do this, like imagining their own death. I understand women as leftist because the is the Matriarch and it attempts to fill the void left by not having a family. I understand jews as well as all enemies of ours as leftists because they know this will result in our destruction. What I don't get is a "man" of the West, with intact testicles, supporting cultural cuckoldry, feminization, dishonor, cowardliness and intellectual dishonesty. Holy shit

Ill take that as a no. you know that every study ever done of intelligence or crime rates shows massive disparities between races. You know that nobody has ever managed to close this gap by controlling for environment. You know that every black country is a disaster, and the successful ones are propped up by western companies or infrastructure built by colonials.

You know that your position has no evidence or logic to it, you just have to hold it, because you are told you have to hold it, and you listen to what you're told to do, and that's it.

retard, I. . . I definitely don't think things are going well. I'm just not so retarded about it.

very based

I'll have you know that my position -- that you are retarded, has plenty of supporting evidence

It is sad watching you avoid confronting the race topic because you know you have nothing you can say about it

It must be very sad for you to know that you are too retarded to be spoken to like a normal person.

It’s fascinating to me that people actually hold beliefs like these.
You will not make it through the chaos.

Im fine with it. While were doing this Ill post some more data that you can not respond to

Attached: murderrace.jpg (600x450, 24K)

Both of you fucked this already fucked thread into pure fuck.

Meditate on the fact that I feel exactly the same about you, only I back up my arguments with ideas and thoughts.

Better be careful, I hear retards are more likely to be murdered for saying some retarded shit.
op did that

Lol (and mixed emotional crying). The only way any of this makes sense is when you realize modern leftism is full-fledged religion REQUIRING willful and *gleeful* disregarding of evidence, logic, reason and reality.

Years ago there was a female reporter who went to Haiti to monitor yet another relief effort. Guess what happened? She got raped and while getting raped she tried reasoning and pleading with the guy, telling him that she was on his side. She comes back to the US and writes about her experience. She blames colonialism and white oppression for getting raped by a Haitian in like 2012. She was so ridiculed alternet took down the article. No amount of reality can cure religion fervor, in fact it can strengthen it.

People have always raped each other.
Hell, I would rape you if I could grab ya.

Attached: sat race income 1995.png (483x291, 27K)

Why don't you post your SAT scores and home address

One swallow does not a summer make.
Also, leftism, by definition, is not a religion. Based on the definition. The meanings of words are important.

the belief in the equality of the races and sexes is religious, as this retard amply demonstrates

okay retard

You are trolling. FBI rape statistics in regards to violent crime and race is so lopsided that the Obama administration has to quietly put an end to racial granularity of crime reporting but the old statistics are still available. If after looking at these statistics you are on the edge of genocidal mania you can be sure, through deduced and induced logic, that your brainwashing by Globohomoism is 100% complete

Big logic retard huh?
Well I'm actually a logician. This is lit you know, big brains lurk here.

god that is embarrassing. is it a full moon or something?

>vote against their interests.
So voting right is against my interests?
Voting for
1. Increased immigration of hispanics and nonwhites who perpetuate the bulk of the crime,
2. The affirmative action of minorities against meritocracy,
3. A party who's intellectual base advocates for my disenfranchisement for being white (see Vox)
4. Socialist policies which create inevitable economic turmoil wherever they're implemented (See: Bernie and AOC)
5. Failures of policies that worsen the very problem they set out resolve (see how tuition is now much pricier after decades of programs to subsidize and decrease the costs)
6. Corrupt and embedded coastal politicians that have left their cities overpopulated and vastly expensive wrecks to the point of causing a whole new wave of migration inward,
Voting against that is "voting against my interests?" People who use that phrase are dumb animals.

>Doesn't even know what phase the moon is in.
Talk about embarrassing


FBI rape statistics prior to changes made by the Obama/Holder administration in 2009
Your religion requires that you ignore this reality. Your religion requires that you let your women get raped in order to prevent racism against blacks. How is racism worse than rape? What happened to campus "rape culture" being a huge problem. What holds your head together under the pressures of intergalactic levels of cognitive dissonance? How do you even look at yourself in the mirror? I don't understand this world, this make me sad

Still way too long.
If it takes up more than my mobile devices screen can fit I'm not gonna read that shit
Not from a boring retard anyways


Reminds me of Chomsky and Foucalt.

there will come a point where no tolerance is allowed for conservatives. ""shape up"" or prepare for extinction.

>my argument's not supported by facts and reason
>but making myself look like a lazy retard means I'm smarter
I can practically smell the turpentine you're huffing.

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Are there any place in western society where anticapitalist/antifascist opinions are actively supressed, not even to say repressed? I've often read here and there that conservatives/reactionaries are tools to keep the Capital afloat but it seems weird to me how big corps are promoting their real enemies by giving them a platform to express themselves (even going as far as adopting their linguo) while they fuck over their right wing defenders, really makes me wonder

>If I spam my bait full force because mommy accidentally gave me my adderall twice, I can really repill some people

We aren't living in a capitalist society, we're living in an oligarchy, or more specifically a plutocracy. I'm going to bed now, but look up Noam Chomsky on YouTube if you're genuinely interested.

I am but I would rather read than watch videos, guess I'll have to check his books out

I hope I'm alive when this happens

>look up Noam Chomsky on YouTube

I know you are retarded, and underaged. But you should go look at the corporate media coverage from occupy wall street. Corporations only care about profits. They are simply doing PR to protect the investment of their shareholders.
anti-capitalist and anti-fascist are not covered and overwhelming condemned by the LAMEstream media.

lol but you're still wrong

Albsolutely based.

This is true.

They don't go so far as to threaten themselves. They try and maintain a progressive image. They also count on the comfort or Stockholm syndrome of their subjects and know half measures of progressivism will by the liberal bourgeoise peace of mind.

This thread was derailed by the single 15 year old non gendered child of a female sociology professor

This thread was derailed by the OP

I hear what you're saying and I don't know either. But I will add that the right wing or elements of the right wing are becoming less supportive of capitalism. Alt-Right doesn't mean much or have much consistency but by and large they are much less pro big business then the Republic establishment.

I was trying to figure out who coined the term Globohomo (global homogenization) and it looks to have come from the right, or a leftist who went too far left and ended up right. The people using the term Globohomo are definitely not in support of the large multinational corporations.

If you support trump you're an idiot who has no idea how the world works. You're one step away from believing that Alex Jones is in the position he is for the sake of the goyim's welfare

Such a fucking good post, god damn

harsh but true. Trumpfers are big retards. BUT intellectual chauvinism is not cool. We must love and care for these retards, they are OUR retards.
Please try to be neighborly. They aren't all dispicable like stormdrumphers are. They are simply hueman bean like u and i

>implying progressives build their ideas on greater understanding
they don't improve on ideas that we have had or advance them, they only invert them, declaring what the vast majority of human history thought about something to be some kind of unquestionable hateful evil and then pursuing its opposite as what must therefore be the new unquestionable good, largely only justified by the fact that the old memes carry traits of anything that was once thought of as good such as sternness and the norms/roles/responses that can be called oppressive. It's the cultural remnant of what we used to call god fearing that spurs the victim worship that leads to our social fear of being seen as the bad guy, it's hardly a rational process. Anything that could be called good imposes its will on others, and anything that does this will be resented, despised and feared by what is lower than it, that people hate it and deem it evil is not a reason to pursue its inverse, certainly not with the kind of zealous absolutism that progressives carry now. Stop listening to complaints of victim hood and thinking that it will be more truthful and unbiased than it listen to other positions, stop loving defeated things and praising the bitter lowliness of miserable parties, take the appreciative love for what is high not the pitying love for what is low. Goodness exists beyond meekness

>their race, namely Afrikaners

This but unironically

Discord trannies in the thread tonight.

How about you don't expose your useless political beliefs on an overly commercialised website that toys with our privacy and interpersonal communication? Is validation from internet strangers that important to you?

Trump isn't a conservative, he's a populist. If you can't see that, you don't deserve to be published.

have sex

fpbp and /thread
kill all kikes and establish a commie ethnostate


what's that supposed to mean user

Call Rick Rubin

You don't think the people in power are smart enough to know what effects their laws will have?
There's just no white population on the planet that even is able and willing to migrate in these numbers. Only non-white populations supply that many migrants and that was plain to see for anybody with any knowledge on these matters, long before those immigration laws were passed.
You're falling for surface level propaganda.

imagine spending so much time in a chapo filter bubble that you start believing this

but this isn't even remotely true user :)

>dropped by publishers for using Twitter
Based, good riddance.



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Haha, epic! My only regret, good sir, is that I have but one upvoted to give! XD!
Edit: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!

the cognitive dissonance on the left

This but unironically
>but muh free speech
No, MY free speech

Thanks, reddit, you killed Yea Forums.

hi stasi

all these replies are by the same 2-3 people trying to make it look as if their view is commonly held consensus. this is the absolute state of Yea Forums, this is the state of id free boards.

This. Over three times the number of replies to posters.

Yea Forums is a board for the discussion of literature, I'm glad you got fired. Trump supporters deserve it. You're a boomer.

>Using social media.
You only have yourself to blame. You've willingly allowed yourself to be spied upon by governments and corporations. You dug this grave, now lay in it.


Conservatives cannot produce art by definition.

>And you people wonder why society shuns you.
Maybe because a bunch of leftist took over the media,publishing, movies, etc ; anything Cultural goes to promote their view of any topic regarding society.

So yeah
no wonder society is like this if
we've been getting the script since kids
in everything we consumed from tv series to tv adverts.

>I'm a trump supporter
I don't think you have talent. Prove me wrong. Post an excerpt.

Bye, you nazi fuck.

>voicing the wrong opinion makes you a nazi
>It doesn't make you a nazi if you shut them down like nazi's did.

that or Yea Forums is plagued with this many tranny faggots


Celine, who was more of a Nazi than Adolf Hitler himself is a better writer than you or any one you know will ever be.

Fpbp stay mad

OP here. Excerpt from what I sent last Friday
>One day Abe Lincoln walked int ohis room. George Washington was sitting in front of the mirror modeling a pretty princess skirt. Abe, wanting to surprise his girlfriend, walked slowly up and then hugged George. George freaked out and jumped off the chair, tilting the chair open and causing Abe to fall back. George was sitting on top of Abraham Lincoln, and both of them got VERY flustered. Abraham said, "My, my, forward, are you not?" George said "You have to have initiative when you're leading a country." And Abraham Lincoln said, "That's cute, Georgie, but how about you write up a Declaration of Dependance, BECAUSE YOU ARE MY BITCH!" George smiled and laugh, "Yeah, I guess I am. Anyway, you want to fuck my ass now?" Abe grinned lecherously and said, "You know I do, babe!" He slowly pulled off George's thong as George ripped off Abraham's pants and underwear... with his teeth. Their two massive members, free of their genital restraints, slapped together like two angry whales. Abraham said, "Hahaha, you can cockslap my cock all you want, but we'll never get anywhere with them dangling like that. Giddy up, Georgie!"
>"Yessir, Captain Abe!", said George, as he lifted his anus, aligned Abraham's meaty cuntbreaker, and slammed himself onto Abe's rod. His anus was so well used that the dry and rough penetration felt like nothing but ass heaven. "WE HAVE LIFTOF- God DAMN it Georgie you really have to wait until I finish saying that. I can never finish my sentence!" "Sorry Abe", George Washington girlishly said, kissing him on the lips. He pulled his ass up, sliding until only the lips of his plush asshole kissed against Abraham's whale shark, then slammed home once more. "Georgie, at this rate you'll be having my babies within the year!", said Abraham lustfully. "I know, Abe! I look forward to them. ;)" George winked as he said that.
>George Washington continued the steady rhythm of bouncing his ass so fast that his skirt flew into the air. Abraham Lincoln held his hips and occasionally twisted his girly, princess-like nipple, causing a moanful spurt of lust from George. As George bounced on Abraham's massive babycannon, Abraham began to moan lightly, causing George to know that it was time. He once again pulled out all the way, then positioning his rosebud a foot above Abraham's glistening cockhead, slammed once more, causing an instant blast of babyjuice to launch into his rectum, at such a speed he could feel it going up his throat. "Fuck yes!" Said Abraham, and instantly became flaccid. His boyfriend / girlfriend George, however, was summarily unsatisfied, and so Abraham said, "I suppose I'll have to finish up, then. Oh well, I've been hungry for salami!"
I can post more. My relationship with this particular firm is incipient right now, but I'm confident that they will like my content ;)

Attached: ol-abe.png (720x405, 172K)

Class warfare. This is why the theoretical communist canon is now Nazi/right wing canon. Pick up Debord and a gun.

make it 20%

OP post proof or go back to fanfiction dot net

Conservatives are worse than liberals. You are a release valve, nothing more. Stop being the release valve and try to figure out an escape from liberal society. That's the only way your traditional values will survive.
If you think markets and hierarchical relativism are traditional values then KYS.

I created the 'ziocon' and 'What have conservatives conserved' memes. You're welcome.

Attached: sadoconservatism.jpg (2048x1536, 442K)

>Why, yes, I am in fact a conservative, how could you tell?

Attached: hijab cop.jpg (962x1437, 248K)

Real traditionalists fuck little boys up the arse and sacrifice humans upon the altar of the gods.

How is Debord right-wing?

vargist nonsense and absurd strawmanning

Nice cope, faggot.

Attached: trickle.jpg (750x750, 110K)

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Why are poltards so violent?

no wonder vargtards are being shunned by pretty much everyone in their own camp

>some white person deigning to defend themselves
you mean when a white person murders a bunch of strangers the news talks about it? and you're mad about that?

For not supporting the biggest zionist in history?
And what exactly makes you think I'm a 'vargtard'? Nice strawman, hypocrite. You proved my thesis correct.

Attached: enforced globohomo.jpg (750x680, 298K)


How is he left wing? Get with the times grandpa

Because all the ideas are leftist.

>while wrecking marriage as an institution
23andme has proven what a mass hoax marriage has always been. literally everyone's ancestors were cheating on each other and having babies out of wedlock. cutting out the bullshit is good

>PAYING to give away your genetic information to google.
What a fucking moron.

you're defining "leftist" as someone who likes the current state of the West?

Attached: identical twin gene test.jpg (780x428, 83K)

>muh zionism
>muh controlled opposition
>random neocon retard with brown children = proof all conservatives are give-every-african-a-passport-tier civic nationalists
i apologize, maybe you're not a vargtard, maybe your an omar-imlhan-is-/ourgirl/-because-israel poster from /pol/ but that's just nitpicking at this point

You don't know who Scruton is? Make a defense of conservatism.
Name one (1) thing conservatives have conserved.

What a fucking joke.

There was an actual socialist movement in the 1910-1930s in the United States. Capitalism shut that down through reformism (FDR etc) and woke advertising (Star Trek etc) and that's kept leftism at bay for almost 100 years. Why wouldn't they keep that up? The capitalist class has gotten exponentially richer and more powerful by giving a vague platform to people saying "capitalism sucks!" but shutting down any actual opposition (MLK, X, etc) There's a reason there are 30,000 Democrats running for president and none of them is actually a socialist, even the one who calls himself a socialist is a capitalist (and hence he gets invited on Fox News, Jimmy Fallon, etc). This is how the class gets more powerful, and it'll continue forever unless something seriously changes.


Attached: shapweb.jpg (1024x768, 102K)

>>I'm not going to participate
>years ago

Who are "the" conservatives according to you? You're operating from the premise that conservatism = republican party, you're strawmanning too hard.
Why don't you make a believable case why all conservatives^TM


What do you suppose then? Clearly the path were on isnt great either

What's the point of this post? There are countless examples of people finding out their ancestors' marriages were a sham through 23andme, and in every case the family members admit it.

Guessing regional ancestry from millennia ago is still a vague pseudoscience (as is race science in general). Determining your immediate ancestors is a completely different technique which is overwhelmingly accurate. It didn't say the twins had different grandfathers.

I don't believe this story, but if you think you would elicit any sympathy from me at all for being the kind of terminally retarded faggot who tweets about politics, then that's yet another example of you being a fucking moron who deserves every bad thing that happens to him

Did I say I used 23andme, or did I say other people used 23andme? How am I a moron for saying other people did something?

Society sucked when marriage was common, society sucks now that marriage is less common. Our problems aren't caused by a lack of marriage, and the government giving incels rape brides isn't a solution no matter how much they love fantasizing about it.

Is this the analytical power of gay space communism(tm)?

Why don't you tell me who you think the conservatives are? As far as I can tell you are getting awful upset about anyone stepping away from Trump, so it seems likely you are just a run-of-the-mill polservative.
Of course, you could be one of the TRULY BASED constitutional monarchists or absolutists, but to me that makes no difference. They conserved the exact same amount.
Therefore you are the same. You can say it's strawmanning all you want, but until you name just one....

Stop arguing like a pathetic liberal if you want to defend your position.

Attached: bronze age eugenics.jpg (1347x394, 182K)

It’s like you haven’t read Nietzsche

Name one position of Debord that is right-wing.

Attached: marriage.jpg (960x960, 49K)

God, I wish Maisie would put me on a list.

Virtually all of them. Postmodern thinkers broadly are extremely Nazi/right wing. So are the majority of artists from the 20th century. What you’re really mad about are language games and cultural signifiers that allow you to perpetuate your own self image and ideas about the world. (Modern) leftists are the most capitalist people I’ve ever met as their existence is defined from entertainment and empty consumer culture which isn’t limited to the consumption of communist theorists and the accompanying lifestyle but an actual reading of the literature will reveal to the working class who their rulers are. You should spend more time thinking about money and how it works.

>horseshoe theory so bad it's good
You should spend some time on the basics, sweaty. Situationists are far-left.

Attached: paving stones.jpg (898x1290, 327K)

>As far as I can tell you are getting awful upset about anyone stepping away from Trump
I'm baffled to see people being disappointed in Trump for him not turning out to be the Nazi/White nationalist candidate he actually never was but the mainstream media made him out to be. It's like you bought into the media nonsense and went into this with all the wrong expectations. You don't vote for Trump because you expect him to fix shit for us, you vote for him because you want him to cause discord and which creates an atmosphere of instability in which changed can be brought about.
>Why don't you tell me who you think the conservatives are?
Conservative is a label that can be attached to a variety of world views. An Eastern European peasant whose life revolves around blood, soil and church is conservative. So is a republican tycoon who married his Philippino maid and sends his children to boarding school in Switzerland. That's why it's nonsensical to equate conservatism with your construct of Israel, random e-celebs, gays, laissez-faire capitalism or whatever other things you were trying to lump together in your accusation.

Your country was a mutt nation for majority of its lifespan. That's why idpol is so rampant in your country

This has very little inventiveness. Pretty bland. Keep writing though. All the best.

Did I say I expected Trump to be a white nationalist? Did I say was a white nationalist? You infer too much.
And no, conservatism isn't just whatever you want it to be, it has a distinct definition. And your argument is a fallacy, it's perfectly reasonable to make ridiculous connections against relativists.

Typical accelerationist can't separate the memes from the context.

But let's assume for a moment there is some value in this, name one change made because of Trump's fuckups. His only value was being a final lesson that liberalism is nothing but a catastrophe, but in reality this only catalyzed the extreme positions' belief in, or capitulation to, voting.

Attached: maga.jpg (720x720, 96K)

>for unrelated reasons.
You should probably stop being bad at your job, and when you get fired don't look for a lazy scapegoat like "They probably did it because I'm a conservatard!"

>And no, conservatism isn't just whatever you want it to be, it has a distinct definition.
Not that guy, but it literally doesn't.

Nice cope

>Typical accelerationist can't separate the memes from the context.
I'm anything but, keep strawmanning.

Then what is your position? You are defending all types of conservatives and your response to Trump is that of accelerationism.

But even then, there is a discernible definition.

>keep strawmanning
When in Rome...
>Why, yes, I am in fact a conservative

Attached: Louis_XIV_of_France.jpg (1390x1975, 880K)

You clearly don't know what a straw man is, retard.

Attached: Trapped.jpg (1280x720, 108K)

Who is this?

The Queen.

Attached: maisie.jpg (1024x683, 246K)

Is she running for president too?

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>it's all in your head goyim!
Gaslighting is a tried and true tactic of the left.

my girlfriend

Attached: kuofadaq2j5y.png (601x602, 700K)

>thinks politics is a spectrum
>thinks the situationists didn’t exhaust themselves the very first year they became known
>thinks when his girlfriend cheats on him it won’t be with me

Attached: C622232F-8458-4EC7-8450-531C8308AD60.jpg (480x360, 32K)

I didn't say anything about their quality sweaty. Although there is incredible untapped meme potential.
It's just too bad the average litard couldn't understand them.

Attached: tumblr_pcr3h7Nvla1qaihw2o2_500.png (500x273, 173K)

>so upset he argued himself into a corner he responded 4 times in a row

We unironically need to disenfranchise gamers

>such a baiting kike that he refuses to engage in anything but the most postmodern and disingenuous liberal meme shitslinging
Answer the questions, faggot.

Attached: build a wall around antisemitism.jpg (907x948, 417K)

okay retard

Stop watching Jordan Peterson you brainlet

Yeah it's definitely /pol/ that's been campaigning for open borders and mass immigration. They also support Hillary.

You sourced this from tumblr holy fuck dude

>you LITERALLY sourced this from Tumblr hahaha
Have sex

Attached: 1558294340741.png (651x481, 69K)

Also, to go back to the original point, and show who it is who has backed themselves into a corner...

Attached: Jacob_ferdinand_voet-portrait_of_don_luis_de_la_cerda_later_ix_duke_of_medinaceli.jpg (1022x1448, 242K)

>such a baiting kike that he refuses to engage in anything but the most postmodern and disingenuous liberal meme shitslinging
what an audacious retard, just look at your previous posts to see what memeposting is. you've been maneuvering yourself around making any valid point whatsoever and avoided any points i've made so far.
>muh israel
i see your heart beat is increasing, good.

I can literally feel your rage through the screen lol, does it actually *feel* like irony when you talk? I’m so curious

Nice job, mutt.

Attached: 1530470974908.png (1353x1074, 2.68M)

It's a filename sweaty. Try not to let it trigger your ultrahorseshoeism.

what point are these random images trying to bring across?

I didn't read your post or even looked at your image. You know what I'm accusing you of you subhuman. Read more you insincere brainlet.

okay virgin.
Just go play video games or something, sweetie. Okay?

Have you made one argument? No. It's you who insists on the meme discussion.
Just answer the questions, zoomer. Or you admit you are wrong by being such a kike.

This is why you are losing, and will continue to lose.

Have sex.

>n-no, u!:(
>do as i say or you'll admit to being a jew
yep, he's seething.

Attached: 1559756947450.png (231x218, 9K)

Woah, nice one retard
epic win

>random images
How brainlet are you?

>resorting to redditposting
Just name one (1) thing conservatives have conserved, ZioCon.

Attached: 1512504307897.png (532x483, 18K)

Sincere question. Aren't you able to come up with a coherent answer explaining in what way that image supports whatever point you were trying to make?

capitalism, usury and ecological destruction

Damn, what a pathetic fucking thread.

Just goes to show that there is still something worse than the worst form of government.

Epic opinion

This isn't even a genuine question, since it operates from all the wrong premises, as already stated above. It's rhetorical bait.
Keep giving people reasons why they shouldn't take you seriously.

No wonder you got fired from your job. Get a filter, faggot. And lose the Milo pins.

>conservatism attempts to conserve political and cultural traditions
Thanks for outing yourself as a card-carrying Zio.
But you'd do better back at t_d.

Attached: that way.jpg (320x320, 23K)

Half of the people you imbecile accuse of being Zionists are probably critical towards Israel themselves. If anything, your retardation might make them rethink their position.

Read Moldbug


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Who are you quoting?

Name (1).
And learn to construct a basic sentence. No wonder you have to write in fragments and make accusations of fallacies which you clearly don't understand.

Attached: thatcher-margaret.jpg (1400x1060, 47K)

/pol/'s been campaigning for mass violence/imperialism/war so yeah, mass migration is on them just as much as liberals. No reason for immigration if the US/capitalists would stop shitting up the world

>Greentext is for quotes

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Attached: 1559450507972.jpg (678x1044, 402K)

The Conservative
They are in their cage
The Conservative is in

Nice try Francis.

Attached: WagieIsOut.jpg (768x1093, 284K)

Bros she looks hot af in that pic I almost didn't recognize her. Holy fuck I'm gunna watch her sex scene again. Books for this feel?

She is /our queen/.

Attached: 60459163_117378812809429_127062620207223509_n.jpg (1440x1800, 173K)

What are you even talking about, you mental patient?

Attached: bateman.jpg (584x413, 33K)

A) you haven't read moldbug and B) why are you appropriating memes from the people you claim to be against. is it so hard to come up with your own shit?

>reading comprehension worse than a nigger

>Having Twitter or any social media.
You deserve it.

This is an nrx meme? Pretty sure it's Yea Forums but whatever you say faggot.

>rambling like a legit schizo
>not meme tier schizo but legit psychiatric case schizo

There's still time, I have faith in you.

>Name one person I called a zionist who really isn't
At this point I can only conclude that you are either a glownigger or cointelpro has completed its takeover of the /rdt/ hivemind.
You may think you are just wasting people's time with this shit, or causing them to get angry with no recourse, but some can actually learn from this shit.

Attached: hide ptg threads.jpg (2449x1717, 1020K)

Thanks for proving my point.
>or causing them to get angry
Let's be frank here, you've reached that point an hour ago

>There are countless examples of people finding out their ancestors' marriages were a sham through 23andme
Post 10 examples

Tip: Never ever talk about politics on the internet unless you're anonymous

>poltards infighting

Attached: burns.jpg (644x509, 48K)

I want to revive Maisie William's dead career.

This shitty fanfic doesn't deserve it's own thread faggot
my man

t.someone who has never read through any major lit agency's twitter feeds.

They are all maniacally left wing.

Obama got a $65 MILLION advance. Most dems are well paid for their memoirs as was Comey. Not worth it to pursue a publish contract as these people are what you are subsidizing. Those advances have to be paid somehow.

The UN is pushing for "replacement migration" in all white countries and in Japan and Korea. Why there? Most European countries have very high population densities so the claim more people are needed is bullshit.
All immigrant groups will always favor their own over you. They will hire their friends and family or do business with them only. They only interact with whites as much as they have to. You can play all liberal and only one race but I assure you no non-whites genuinely believe that. They want to get into a good corporate or governement position and then get their own ethnic group in, and will crowd you out when they can.

Socially liberal policies - divorce, gay relationships, step families - all result in more social problems and more traumatized children.

However traumatized children and alienated individuals benefit consumer society more as they spend to fill that empty void inside. They eat more junk food, have more physical and mental health problems - more money can be made off of them. Traditionalism runs contrary to Mass Consumerism so no, in the long run it does not make the Establishment more money. Only maybe if there was a severe financial crisis and ensuing reset. "they" want people beholden to the State/Government/Corporations not family or independent social ties.

you are trying too hard, retard.

>having social media
you deserved it