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>tfw no Wittgensteinian gf

>Asian literature

Gee, was this image made by a white man or what?

>>Asian literature
dat get

Chloe best taste worst girl


Heather pls

heather come jump on this dick

wow no joyce girls? who will i blend my farts with when sitting on the beach?

Please God give me a 4 or 0

>wanted Nietzsche, got Pynchon

>tfw he cannit read


Jessica is worst grill, but has best taste so come to daddy!

ayyyyy not mad about heather tho ;)

>tfw he cannot read the future of his roll
Satisfied with Dostoyevsky gf though

Accurate get.

Emma is a disgusting bitch.

I should really remake this image with pictures of real girls who are majoring in english with me.

Rolling for art hoes

>tfw no agatha arthoe gf

roll, i guess.

Attached: apurolling.jpg (501x501, 14K)


girls that read nietzsche, wittgenstein, etc dont exist


Do dubs mean the girl and a clone of the girl?

Anyone who rolls Emma will probably be in a creepy BDSM relationship.

reroll because I don't have money like that to support a mongoloid arthoe

gimme that jessica, she has patrician taste and will develop a brain eventually

Get this misogynistic cancer off my board incels

Please do


>Asian literature
>The Greeks


they do exist though

>Asian literature
kek imagine some Chinese guy lumping Toni Morrison, Shakespeare, Ezra Pound, and Tom Clancy under European literature
>also roll

disregarding the women the most based numbers are 2, 6 and 7.

lifting for the Greeks
>t. /fitlit/

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>implying any of these thots have ever read a book, even for school

which gf is gonna add the oevure of three or more authors to my list?

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nothing german but edgy/artsy philosophers. Why?

heather? the nietzschean, wittgensteinian, and deleuzean gf? excellent

jessica get please


>he gets three jessicas
fuck yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooou!

Zoey is Savannah Brown a true litfu

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