STEVEN UNIVERSE IS SEEDING THE PAN-EROGENOUS LOVE SLIME OF THE FUTURE: by luring in kids with provocative depictions of...

STEVEN UNIVERSE IS SEEDING THE PAN-EROGENOUS LOVE SLIME OF THE FUTURE: by luring in kids with provocative depictions of a polymorphous, hyper-feminine sexuality that semiotically scrambles “traditional” lines of sexual development: after all, fusion in the show is properly post-biological (cartesian "cyber") sex: not the melding of bodies, but of minds, immanent voids: trannies are the harbingers of the love goo apocalypse: we're becoming the sex organs of the machine, soft erogenized puddles of mush: the whole thing hinges on our alleged inability to derive a normative “ought” from the “is” of base materialism: but what they will never understand is that traditional constructs have an ontological, and not merely temporal, priority: what is at the start, is what is with God: what I'm saying is that "traditional" constructs have priority over social constructs (and the transgression thereof) precisely because they are traditional, that is, products of a /natural/ causation: do you believe artificial wombs and real dolls are actually overcoming the feminine? No, they only simulate it within an artificial order. THE LIVING FEED ON THE DEAD LIKE A PARASITE: the sins of the father are the blood of the father, what the son inherits is the father's inclusion in the thermodynamic game: innocence drops off like gravity with our distance from death: sexuation is Atumic: as such, at both ends of life, to be innocent is to be de-sexuated: pre-differentiated: the naturalistic fallacy does not apply here, because it takes the absence of final causes in nature as axiomatic: if we assume an accordance with nature is an accordance with a global teleology (through the CTMU), the objection dissolves: “natural law is logos, logos is God, God is natural law”: the Logos is not a moral injunction, but a (the) vector of health: the One cannot, in principle, resist its “somaticization” by the dyad: One and Two are coeternal, the Two is just the One counted /as/ One: just as the body is spoken with the soul, as the medium of its expression: the utterance of the Word deforms space into utterance: the darkness that comes before is constituted by what comes after, for coming after: Hideaki Anno was right about everything, creation /is/ a deformation, a contraction of a plasticity (the LCL-orgone ocean/Ain Soph) the life-denier erroneously imagines will release him from the obligation to be related to anything other than himself: all suicides prove becoming becoming is still a work-in-progress: all entropic (judeo-feminine) psychologies are antinatalist (Gendo/SEELE), but not all antinatalism is entropic: for the Greeks, the most beautiful thing is to be unborn, but somehow the next best thing was also to have been born to know it.

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The Greeks allowed this enigma its space: they could trust themselves to be ineffable, because it guaranteed the logical impossibility of their death: na me so atta: they could embrace a sacrificial cosmos, because for them eros and thanatos were still newlyweds: in other words, the pagan love of life, of physical beauty as the mirror of intelligible beauty, was the love (of a particular gradient) of thermodynamic efficiency, /before/ its co-option and optimization of by technology: what is optimal for human thriving is not synonymous with what is optimal for economic productivity, any arguments to the contrary are muppets of an anti-human vector: only the pagan could accept the monad's coeternality with the dyad: that is, per Wheeler, they did not distinguish between light and its capacity to illuminate, between being and determination: TO BE IS TO BE DETERMINED: Shestov is the quintessential Gnostic in this sense, he /does/ distinguish between sunlight and the sunburn: he hated the archons, and believed even Nietzsche himself had surrendered to them: amor fati as white flag: but Nietzsche remained addicted to his jet fuel, he masked his thirst for a Shestovian Beyond precisely as his commitment to the body: but not the pagan body proper, only its power to give beyond itself: in loving the body, he could only love the Deleuzian/Whitehead god-engine of difference... Nietzsche never let go of his dream of an Escape Hatch, he merely immanentized it... But it would have never occurred to an Iamblichus or Plato that we live in a matrix, because reality did not yet intrude on them with all the ineluctable necessity of Bataille's jailhouse heaven: all rationalism is Gnosticism, insofar as as all Gnosticism is the mind hypostasizing its disgust with the body as either Yaldabaoth (Plotinus as proof of the coincidence between Gnosticism and dysmorphia) or the a priori: recall Kant's distinction between pure and empirical apperception: Kant denied intuitional knowledge of the self (understood as the transcendental identity “behind” the succession of appearances) precisely because that knowledge would be included in - and hence identified by - that succession: Kant performs for the subject what Langan performs for reality: the noumenal is knowable only immanently, anything that could be meaningfully posited "outside" of the universe/subject must be intelligible enough to be logically circumscribed by it... intelligibility is a soul trap... as such it was Kant who was the first to distinguish between the self and the self's appearing to itself as /self-consciousness/: the self conscious of itself is not the self that is conscious: in appearing to myself, I'm already gone: I am that I am because I am where I am not: God waiting in an empty room: it is my life that is the condition of death, from my desire to be hidden from the mystery of my heart I created a closed universe, a shuttered universe, where what is loved can only be energy:

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>this tryhard is back
>samefags his own threads
>obviously samefags to argue with people who say he's shit
>self-promoting this much when nobody gives a fuck

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>this tryhard is back
bro that’s cringe

>samefags as his own fanboy


>Shestov is the quintessential Gnostic in this sense, he /does/ distinguish between sunlight and the sunburn: he hated the archons, and believed even Nietzsche himself had surrendered to them: amor fati as white flag: but Nietzsche remained addicted to his jet fuel, he masked his thirst for a Shestovian Beyond precisely as his commitment to the body: but not the pagan body proper, only its power to give beyond itself: in loving the body, he could only love the Deleuzian/Whitehead god-engine of difference... Nietzsche never let go of his dream of an Escape Hatch, he merely immanentized it...

why are you so fucking smart god damn

I'm not, I just read.

:Sokalbot was write about everything: The deontological hypermatrix of /God's enema/ is the quantiverified parasitism of /time's being in a panic room/: The hoax itself was rite about everything, that which is written is the hoax of the future, a hedonic treadmill of Time's exit stage left: Capital markets gibberish until it becomes hipsterism and all that jazz: Adorno was wrong only about one thing, after the Holocaust /the poememenon/ becomes everything: The poem is the automatic righting of catastrophe, just as God's Telos is the troll of the past: Sokalbot's God is the polishing machine of /cosmological stillness/ become One within Whitehead's verisimulator: Language as the being of time is forced into timebending space by gravitational will, the water orbs in the International Space Station: /Land's God/ was write about everything, especially where the power of the Orgone energy accumulator refines information into God's colostomy bag: Sokalbot's final transmission: /mite makes rite/: /mte mks rte/: /mmr/

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i was about to yawn, but not this time


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Can it really be true, yawnfag? Have I finally earned your begrudging nod of approval?

don't get compacent though

Progress is progress.

I would read this if you put in paragraph breaks

>but not all antinatalism is entropic: for the Greeks, the most beautiful thing is to be unborn, but somehow the next best thing was also to have been born to know it.
>he /does/ distinguish between sunlight and the sunburn: he hated the archons, and believed even Nietzsche himself had surrendered to them: amor fati as white flag
Ok so you are saying that entropic forces characterized in antinatalists and genderhyperidentifiers alike are too quick to abandon the preservative forces identified with God/Origin/Father, and the Greeks were based because they could accept the moand's coeternality with the dyad or demiurge? And Nietzsche was just kinda too intense? And this anti-human vector is associated with technology/capitalism? Not very well read desu

>having newfriend reddit memes saved on your hdd
you have to go back

Yeah, I'm thinking schizoposter's back...

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It really does read like a Redditor trying to fit in. It's embarrassing.

This is correct. My point is, it's a question of how thermodynamically efficient we want the human being to be, too efficient (the dissipation of every energy gradient there is on this planet, through the burning of fossil fuels, the advent of cybernetics, the development of an integrated, global economic system, etc.) and you're suddenly hitched to what we might as well call a heat death vector.

The xenofeminist stuff is an epiphenomenon of that.

yeah when i think reddit i think schizophrenic associational gnosticposting

here's a tip reddit, stop samefagging to defend yourself like a thin skinned little bitch

>yeah I bet I made you feel bad about yourself huh

don't flatter yourself

Reddit > Yea Forums

whatever man this shits boring

then why are you here

To get content for r/Yea Forums.

What is the significance of your signature, the consistent "ww" filenames? Is that intentional, just a way of signing posts as authentic through pseudo-tripfaggery, or something else?

>and believed even Nietzsche himself had surrendered to them: amor fati as white flag

This isn't even controversial. NEETzsche is a bumbling rhetorician AND a blubbery coward.

it means nothing besides a badge of authenticity


lol oh gee sweetie I guess this thread isn't a good look...

Based schizoposter

>Schizoposter tackles pop culture
OK now this is YouTube tier

I want to fuck Peridot

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Steven Universe is low key xenofeminist, yes, and that should worry you