'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all

>'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all
No it fucking isn't. All I'm left with is disappointment, sadness and a feeling of "Why did you even bother pretending to like me just to abandon me so soon after". Four fucking years, and in the end it meant nothing.

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>pretending to like me
She didn‘t. You just managed to make her dislike you again by, well, being you. Stop trying to make this about her not being loyal or whatever the fuck. Finally take some responsibility and face that you just weren‘t good enough for a relationship yet.

>trusting a woman in her twenties to be serious about love and commitment in the current cultural climate
>trusting a woman who can replace you at any time with an infinite array of handsomer, taller, cooler, richer suitors with more exciting vocations and social networks to remain hooked on the infatuation she accidentally felt for you because you snagged her when she was rebounding and hormonal
>trusting a woman to commit to you forever and mean "I love you" the way you meant it, when she's like a kid in a candy store until she's at least 26~
>not laughing that you are now older and wiser and she's just down 30-40% of her viable eggs
>not laughing that you just drove her 4 years closer to infertility and all she has to show for it is a looser cunt and more wrinkles

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>and in the end it meant nothing.
it did mean something, it just stopped meaning something

absolutely cucked attitude, you have no idea what happened in this particular case. Maybe she fell for another guy, in which case there was nothing OP could have done. Maybe the two of them just naturally drifted apart in which case it's neither of their faults, it's just over. Idk why your first instinct is to tell him he's 'not good enough for a relationship'(what does this even mean you can be a complete mess of a human and still date)..

>I want only positive emotions
what an empty experience of life

The two examples you made are both cases of op fucking up the relationship to the point where it is impossible to save it. Ofc she did the same. But op tries to load all the responsibility on her and wallow in his victim role.
You actually have proven my point with your comment, so thanks.
People who think that relationships fail because of incompatibility or lack of morals are fucking delusional and are unable to take responsibility for their life. I bet you also believe in the concept of soulmates.

I once cheated on my girlfriend and left her for another woman because I just liked the other woman better, by your logic this was my girlfriend's fault. Our relationship had been fine before this happened, it just wasn't as intense of a feeling. There was nothing my ex could have done about this

>liked the other woman better
>our relationship had been FINE before this happened
>it just wasn't as intense of a feeling

We both know that you didn‘t get what you needed out of that relationship and that wasn‘t just tough luck. It was both her‘s and your fault. I also bet that the relationship with this girl you cheated on her with has not turned out much better either.

>didn‘t get what you needed out of that relationship
Meaning what? What are you supposed to get from a relationship exactly. The only plausible 'purpose' of a relationship is to have children, that's why we have sexual and romantic feelings in the first place. It doesn't need to do anything else, and it seems naive to think that there is just some perfect way to act in your relationship

Do we think about relationships the wrong way?

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First of all, true love never dies. If it’s over it’s a good thing. By the fact that you are left with love, it sounds like you were the one pushing the weight in the relationship. I don’t doubt she loved you, I just think she was incapable of matching you in love, or else there would have been some resolution and this excess you feel would be non existent. You should find someone who can love like you can. Truth is you don’t want to love someone who can’t match you in love. Usually these kinds of relationships are unfair. Your gonna bring her up while she brings you down.

>it meant nothing

Exactly, it meant nothing to her but it means something to you. Obviously your the stronger lover in this case. Trust me, she wasn’t all your making her out to be. Mature girls who are capable of reciprocating real love would never leave a man who is in love with her hanging like that. That’s the kinda shit immature people do. Stop complaining and stop wasting your energy. There is someone out there whose not gonna make you feel like all your effort was a waste of time. I’m sorry that you had to learn the hard way, but yes, there are emotional vampires out there who are zombies compared to human beings with real love in their hearts. Get over it son. What’s more, when you meet her, the girl who isn’t going to make you feel like you wasted your time, whose going to be there to make sure you don’t get hurt, who won’t leave you hanging by a string, cherish her and love her and spoil her. Because unlike this one, she will have deserved it,

You are like a saint user.

It’s the truth user. The love in your heart is a gift and don’t ever let anyone convince you otherwise. At the very least she could have made a peaceful resolution. By the fact that it went this long and she is treating it like it meant nothing, she is the loser, not you. You both deserve love, but you specifically deserve better.

True enough; healthiest when it's mutually realized, however. OP comes across as a miserable, whiny bitchboy who eroded whatever it was he had until *voila* it disappeared. Surprise, surprise.

Your “advice” is the equivalent of a broke guy giving financial advice. Miserable people, who speak vitriol fluently, as a general rule, should not be handing out advice. God forbid anyone ever takes you seriously. Your “help” is unwanted

Wasn't giving advice, idiot, merely responding to a dude who was. (You) are your own rotten luck.

Women don't like when you act like a bitch.
>So I shouldn't show my emotions and insecurities?
Of course you can be emotional, just don't act like a bitch.
>So I should hide what I'm feeling and pretend?
No, you should treat this bitchness of yours before seeking a relationship. You weren't born as "user, the bitch"; these characteristics aren't inherent to your being, they are just a byproduct of habit.

Also, stop listening to strangers on Yea Forums, including me. As far as you know I might be some Somali cannibal that believes himself to be the reincarnation of Tarrare.

I agree with you for the most part but it's also dangerous to judge whether you're a bitch or not based on whether women think you are. Women are fucking insane judgmental retards who are literally attracted to "dark triad" traits (narcissism, sociopathy, and gaslighting essentially).

Gauge whether you're a little bitch by what respectable admirable male friends think of you. Those men will let you be yourself and be vulnerable in various ways while also challenging you and telling you not to be a self-pitying faggot. If you listen to women instead, you'll either be told to be a cartoonish hipster prick or an outright white nigger depending on their estrus phase. If it wasn't bad enough that their advice will turn you into a dipshit, it isn't even consistent advice.

based varys poster

He was good for a relationship, you fucking idiot, for FOUR years. What is even your definition of a relationship?

Your situation is totally irrelevant to the poem that quote is from. He's saying that it's better to mourn over someone than to have never met someone worth mourning.

>they didn't actually read the fucking poem

Cited twice; I've read all Tennyson including The Ring and the Book....

>Ring out wild bells to the wild sky
>The flying cloud the frosty light
>The year is dying in the night
>Ring out wild bells and let him die

>Ring out the old ring in the new
>Ring happy bells across the snow
>The year is going let him go
>Ring out the false ring in the true

>Ring out the grief that saps the mind
>For those that here we see no more
>Ring out the fued of rich and poor
>Ring in redress for all mankind

This very long poem in the poet's own voice moves from despair to hope over a period of three years and contains some of the most familiar Tennysonian bits, as above. The 'love' however is that of friendship; the poem itself was begun in response to the early death of T's best friend and school chum, Arthur Henry Hallam. I read it once for a class, and then again NYE a few years back: In Memoriam.

>And now, I'm glad I didn't know the way it all would end; the way it all would go