Books with god tier female character development?

Books with god tier female character development?

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My diary desu

Orlando by Woolf


Apparently pic related
I only skimmed through it because I thought it was garbage myself

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Brothers K of course. Think how powerful that slut Grushenka was compared to modern “yass slay queen” garbage we get.

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madame bovary

A Game of Thrones, A Clash of Kings, A Storm of Swords, A Feast for Crows, A Dance of Dragons

Any Thomas Hardy novel

are these mobile games?

A Clash of Clans is the mobile spinoff, these are on xbox 1x1x

Amazing to think that the trick was just writing women as if they were people

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take a girl like you is fantastic

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the true redpill is medea and jason
holy shit medea is truly a exceptional woman in lit

Cursed image

Good joke.

And just like in reality women are the cause off all suffering.

yeah lad definitely those women dictators are right nasty pieces of work

damn I want to eat all those poptarts from """her""" body before I wreck her with my diamond hard 4 incher

Don't think you know how women work, lad

pic related

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Unironically True Grit.

>a cypher that tells you men are attractive

This is part of the problem with this sub BTW, you guys don't see women as real people, just as people who serve men. You guys know that's not how the world WORKS right?