Should I start with 1984 or Animal Farm?
Baby's first political novel
They're both awful
1984: When authoritarian regimes go wrong
Animal farm: When revolutions go wrong
Both are good books and only tankies detest Orwell.
Animal Farm is the better book. 1984 is more of a political thesis then a novel.
I’d say 1984
Start with Homage to Catalonia
I have that edition it's really nice. As is the book.
Animal Farm is shorter, but I'd recommend you 1984. It was my first book read.
I bought Animal Farm, 1984 and Brave new world as a bundle. I'm reading Brave new world atm and like 1/3 of the book is some kind of comments from 2 dudes or something. Should I read them? They are kinda talking about his other books and about the time and stuff. Anybody knows what I'm talking about? Sorry to highjack the thread but I didn't want to make a thread for this.
Brave new world
Really? Explain to me how they are. I think the ideas within them are incridbly important
obviously We by Zamyatin. everything else is just a copycat
1984 is great--romantic and atmospheric. Animal Farm is alright--gimmicky and heavy handed, favoured by the asexual nerd and the simpleton.
Brave New World sucks.
daily reminder that both novels are good in their own right and the only people who talk down on them are young people who still believe that being contrarian for the sake of being contrarian is equivalent to having a real personality or real opinions
>disliking something that happens to be popular automatically makes you insincere and contrarian
mild spoilers in this post
1984 is unrealistic based on the assumption that the masses are really, really dumb, and will always remain so.
People generally don't like it when an authoritarian regime prevents them from having physical sex or kills their family members or friends.
Dictatorships always fail because the more people you kill, imprison, or oppress, the more rebels you create.
still, its kind of an interesting read, and a bit depressing.
I feel like it would be more realistic if it was a tiny island dystopia where everyone was heavily medicated.
Brave New World is basically "hey lets control everyone based on their IQs", as if capitalism doesn't do that on its own and much more efficiently.
I would say Animal Farm is the most enjoyable to read, followed by Fahrenheit 451. 1984 can be skipped unless you're trying to teach students about the dangers of government surveillance.
Read it if you want to, it is not relevant to the actual book but it helps to understand the author and his mindset when writing it.
based all the way up until you implied Fahrenheit 451 isn't a total meme
I'm afraid to spoil myself something so I probl read it after the book
Any interesting dystopian novels you can reccomend ? (From the top of my head) i've read 1984,animal farm,We,bnw,farenh,Anthem,the giver,the children of men,the running man,battle royale,clockwork,never let me go...maybe some hidden gems ?
The Hunger Games
The Fault in Our Stars
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Dark Star Rising: Magick and Power in the Age of Trump
The Handmaid's Tale
I got dune in my backlog so maybe that ?
Completely forgot about the handmaiden's tale. Was keeping that one for a time just like this and forgot about it. Thanks for the remainder user
I'll give it a try. Altho it seems a bit more on the sci fi side. ( watched the move on vhs )
people are really really dumb tho
the republic
Perhaps stupid, but I always kind of assumed dystopian novels were supposed to be at least a bit exaggerated to make a point.
read Isaiah Berlin's essays, they are reasonably understandable, you get a quick rundown of the 18th and 19th century and enough philosophers get name dropped that you eventually will know where to go from there