What's the biggest read flag that tells you the book will be complete shit?

what's the biggest read flag that tells you the book will be complete shit?

Attached: red-flag.png (300x300, 15K)

It's written by an American

Inviolable purple prose

It's written by a millenial

It's not written by a white guy & it's younger than 30 years

>read flag

The size of the font, actually.

You can tell a book is garbage when it uses a larger font to fill up space and give morons the impression of quality because of the page count.

Non male author

a bad cover

All characters are called by their first name.

It exists.

Pretentious main characters (most of them self-inserts) who try to sway the reader by flaunting their superficial knowledge of haut-culture. So anything fin de siecle or written by a woman.

It is written by James Joyce, Fyodor Dostoyevsky or Alebrt Camus.

Kek, the irony

The author's ethnicity/religion starts with a "j" and ends with a "w"

>quirky daily routine
>commas, commas, commas
>a descriptor before every noun
>using its genre as a selling point

Trying to be "hip" and "with it"
Contemporary urban aesthetic of "hip" and "with it"
Contemporary but published by a "non literary" press
People who I know have bad taste recommend it to me
Milquetoast liberal/conservative agenda

So if the author's religion is Judaism, it's safe :)


Is written by a woman, an Anglo, or Nietzsche.

Written by a kike. Steven Pinker for example

Written by some french "philosopher" which all of them happen to be feminists/postmodern/LGBTQITKXR+ who bases his/her "thought" on psychoanalysis.

Attached: 1549294356736.jpg (750x327, 33K)

It's written by a post-enlightenment thinker.

It's written by a man.


its not an Alexandre Dumas book

kek so based

the cover is some art from the movie

Takes hundreds of pages to get to the point. Excessive and needless over-descriptions. Generic/flat characters, cartoonish villains, and zero real obstacles or inconveniences for the protagonists. Predictable plot and story-line.

t. Redditor

so almost all books by

get a load of this pleb

It's self-published, has bad grammar, or is written by Dan Brown

Rupi Kaur

anything written after 1999

title has "Book (n) of the Chronicles of"

anything related to materialism and positivism.


Anything written by a wom*n