What’s the most transcendent, enlightening, ehm.. Logically deep piece of work you’ve ever read?

What’s the most transcendent, enlightening, ehm.. Logically deep piece of work you’ve ever read?

Basically I’m asking what the bottom of the iceberg is or what the end of the rabbit hole is or something so profound that it may cause you to turn schizotier. That type of thing.

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Other urls found in this thread:



Church Fathers but you don't end up schizo


Adi Shankara's commentaries on the Upanishads

All philosophy since is derivative of him, our second Plato.

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Lol, where witty actually bothered explaining himself his work is fairly comprehensible and simple. He’s only ever considered difficult in the areas where he just didn’t bother explaining himself.

Decline of the West

New Testament (except some very small wrong bits) and this:
half the book in English

full book is rozamira.org/rm/htm/index.html

There isn't one, there's no one work which will turn you into le epic schizo genius because any serious lit or philosophy will rely on the works before them, which you will have read and thus have prepared yourself for whatever stands next in line. Shoulders of giants might be gay and cliche, but it's worth remembering progress is procedural.

That said, if you want to read something written schizo-tier, read Alfred Jarry's Doctor Faustroll.

corpus hermeticum

Lao Tzu
Deleuze and Guattari
In that order

> Spinoza
> The Decline of the West
> Anything by Evola
> Beyond good and evil
> Meditations

Peirce's semieotic

My diary desu but u don't turn schizo

The Grand Unified Theory of Classical Physics

Mulamadhyamakakarika by Nagarjuna

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Socially speaking? Culture of Critique.
Philosophically speaking? Hard to say, still looking for that one...

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No one mentioned the Phenomenology of Spirit?

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Cosmic Trigger by Robert Anton Wilson

based and truth pilled

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*blocks your path*


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absolutely based Arya Nāgārjuna for shutting down both nihilists and eternalists in one fell swoop

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Nagarjuna failed to establish anything other than that his own arguments were flawed and incomplete, see

>What’s the most transcendent, enlightening...
blah blah blah blah blah. Things are only as logically deep as you make them.
You could read a children's book for a year, mull over its use of language, expression, tone, relation of text to image, relation of word to word, translation of content to text and image, it fallacies, its meanings, its connections with your life, and then you could psychoanalyze yourself through the text and arrive at a whole new literary lens, you could psychoanalyze the author through the text, etc. etc. and escape it with vast amounts of knowledge on psychology, language, philosophy, and art.
Now let's get to your post. Why would you post this? The answer is, as usual, contained in Nietzsche:
>You look up when you wish to be exalted. And I look down because I am exalted
What is concerning you is this "up" that will cause exhaltation. But people who search for power don't have it.

my crush's diary desu

>Why would you post this?
Maybe he just wants to read something that isn’t boring?

My post doesn't disagree if you know what this need entails

Christ is waiting for you at the bottom of the iceberg

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The Bible. The more you spend time actually bothering to understand it the more you realize how right it is. Its has the actual definition of transcendence that is not some feel good thing like in buddhism or any other belief. Its downright impossible, you have to try your best to earn it and have to really lose your ego but the reward is the best experience that you can't even dream of. It is truly the Truth.

and above him is sri Krishna

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Spinoza's Ethics.

explain this 'actual definition' then. If you can't then it's not an actual definition.

This. Let's see the superiority of Christian thought.

Get in faggot were going to the libary

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Jouvenal´s On Power

OP did ask for difficult, retard. He asked for profound.


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