How to evaluate a Bible?

I found this tiny old Bible in my dad's stuff, he just passed. How can I figure out its value?

Attached: bible.jpg (2704x3217, 1.94M)

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Cut your nails faggot.


>Cum Privilegio
you know what to do

There are thousands of old bibles around. Probably around 30$

>There are thousands

Cut him some slack he's a Deleuzian.

It's your Dad's bible. Read it user.

Soulless materialist chud. I hope you die.

It isn't his, that isn't his name and he wasn't 108

>Dad dies
>Start rooting through his shit so you can sell it
Is the body even cold yet?

>not file

Read it and you'll see a value greater than a metric ton of gold.


Long nails are based

>those fucking fingernails

Attached: 1532811216771.jpg (500x490, 26K)

You didn't find Origen's Hexapia, fuck off

peel by hand

Stay poor

Stay dead

In that condition maybe like $2

>selling a bible to get rich
Read like the first 3 chapters of a standard microeconomics textbook

leavened and breadpilled

If it's in your dad's stuff then it was his? I have my great-great grandmas bible, thay doesnt mean thay I was the first owner, but it's still mine now.


it's value is immeasurable to your soul

probably nothing. The Bible is the most published and read book in history. Yours is from 1911, probably a block away there is a box in an attic with another one from 1811. And in a church nearby there might be one from the 1750s.

>selling your father's posessions after he dies
>selling an old pocket bible, likely only of sentimental value, because you want money
Your did didn't fail at raising you, you failed him.

soulless sentimental bugmen

clip ur nails u disgusting freak, yuck

yeah just keep throwing those buzzwords at us buddy

ok nigg...

buzzword is a buzzword
buddy is a buzzword
nigger is a buzzword

kill yourself

kill yourself is a buzzphrase

You can find these at the dump

Evaluate the edition and the printer. If it had a printer most likely isn’t expensive at all. Incunable books are the Ones who are extremely expensive and rare.

it would serve as better fuel in a fire than it would provide as any monetary value

Not sure if this is it, but you may want to do some searching on Abebooks using keywords, also eBay/google

When my father passed i found an old photo of him in a bikini. I beat off to it.

post it faggot I need a nut