These are the only two books I own

These are the only two books I own.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Nearly worthless.
Find something better

read through those and then sell them, and get actual good books

Fuck off cunt
We didn't ask your opinion

Lawyers read Grisham. End of fucking discussion.

What the fuck are you doing with your feet

>this picture
>those books
>those feet

i'm thinking he's based

Both those books are great.

Why does the Bell Curve trigger you so much? Is there information you’re afraid of hearing?

Kill yourself worthless whore

Yeah I'm not too keen on slurping up racist drivel supported by a facile, psuedoscientific statistical argument.
>Inb4 but me precious epic race realism book! You triggered, me cringe!

I'm a lawyer and I don't read Grisham desu

You know how many links I could throw at you debunking that stupid book? I know you won’t read any of it because you’re too chicken shit or you already know is bullshit but you’re too wrapped up in your racist identity to change now.

You’re quoting two different people but please go ahead and link us. I can tell by your responses that you haven’t even read the book but go ahead

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Of course I haven’t. But there are plenty of people who did and they call out all the sources and findings.
Again, you go find and read them yourselves. My linking them isn’t goin to make you read them.

>You’re quoting two different people
Anonymous is irrelevant

1 chapter on race. maybe read it, compare to what the media told you about it, and then become enlightened about what the media is

Why do people hate this Ž guy, can someone explain so I can join the hate train?

Post your links, go ahead.

1. Anonymous cult demands NPC conformity
2. They hate leftists that speak the truth
3. Proudly female. They don’t care that I’m not a Hillary bot SJW, they think this is a safe space
Take your pick

This is your brain on postmodernism.

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Butterfly for president!

>I could debunk this easily but I won't
>my father works at Nintendo

So are you like a real female or trans stuff thing? If the latter is not the case I cannot hate you even as a far-right persona.

That dollar bookmark could itself be another thrid or maybe even a forth book. Good investment.

Reminder that if you respond to a tripfag you are just as bad as them and deserve death

Look up genetics on wikipedia

So THIS is the power of tripfagging

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>i can talk about this book because ive seen my little lefty internet celebs strawman it a few times
That said, it's not a very good book.

the fact that those two are the only you own really explains why you only own two

>has links
>doesn't provide them
huh something tells me you're not being entirely honest

Actual woman

Are you literal 10 year olds?
The book is literally made of straw. It has been taken apart ages ago. It is a fraud the rightwing racists like to cite despite it being discredited ages ago. Go cry over it.

This. Ignore them

it must be genuinely comfy to still have this naive a view of reality

go away you stupid bitch you contribute NOTHING to this discussion

Take yer shitty book back to /pol/, you underaged twit

wew lad, I wish I thought people like this were trolling

Holy shit didn’t notice wtf

Anons, what are some techniques that I can use to filter/hide this thing's posts once and for all? I'm tired in my heart and I'm tired in my soul of coming across its awful dreck-and that of its imitators, for that matter.

I usually don't bother with any sort of add-ons/switches/scripts on a given web site, but I can make an exception in this case if I means I never have to read these posts ever again. Serious question.

>leftists hurt my fee fees how can I block them

you've confused hurt feelings with tiring of reading the same wrong ideas over and over. This space does have value, which is significantly reduced by its obnoxious presence.

If you're talking about IQ it's not pseudoscience at all, unless you don't think pattern recognition is intelligence, in which case you're the pseud

Looks like first position but also like he might be in a demiplié. Hard to tell with the angle if his turn out is shit or he's just bending at the knee

Shit like this is why Yea Forums is the most garbage board.

it shows you pidgeon footed homo

you fuckoff

Better. Filter them

>still hasn't posted the links

I never claimed to have enjoyed the book nor have I read it. I ask you provide the links and you don't, which says more about you than it does about us.

And he won’t post the links because there aren’t any because that foreveralone clambeard hasn’t even read the book he is barking about. the book is boring desu but there’s literally one controversial chapter in it which isn’t even damning unless you’re black. the research this chapter was based on was considered pretty reliable at the time; it wasn’t much later until Lynn was found to have used questionable polling techniques. rest of the book is benign social commentary on the effects of intelligence on a society’s productive output and other boring obvious shit


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>t. weird feet nigga

Kill your self

You are female, which means you are of lower intelligence,creativity,stability,bodily structure and and strength. Your body is by no means the ideal "human body" if you imagine a mans peak you so the ideal human characteristics but a woman you cannot imagine as such, with inflated hips and obstruction about the chest the body is nothing but uncharacteristic of the human body. You-are-subhuman. Get the fuck off my forum.

