“Ethics and aesthetics are one.”

“Ethics and aesthetics are one.”

what did he mean

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He means hedonism = based, but it is unbased, truly.

He didn't mean anything because language is literally just made up, it's a social construct

Nice things are good.
Feel nice, look nice. good.
Basically he was a slaaneshi cultist.

It's ok to massacre people if it makes for a good picture

He means the ethical life is secretly also the most aesthetic

is there a deeper notion to this that can be defended, or is it just as retarded as it sounds

virtue is beautiful because it is good and what is good is beautiful

Not sure about Witt but kant said it to make the point that there's a necessary objective essence to both of them

Fully understanding Witty is nigh impossible because he wrote so little and refused to explain most of it.

Probably the other way around

Ethics is just generalized aesthetics

That questions regarding aesthetics invariably will also include ethical considerations. And, conversely, that the structure of any ethical frame-work will reflect aesthetic principles.

An ethical life is one of aesthetic behavior
It is a beauty which we often label "noble"

What you think is right, is what mkes you feel good. This is similar to what Descartes said when "virtue" is exacerbated pride

ITT absolute brainlets
kys and never talk about philosophy

thank you


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aesthetics apply to being while ethics apply to action, they are mutually exclusive

Based, this thread has me cringing

You are right actually, it all depends on the picture, the aesthetics.

This is closest to the truth. This thread is fucking woeful otherwise.

Some of the bigger morons:
The absolute state of this board. To even think about spouting off on a philosopher you clearly haven’t even begun to read boggles the mind.

what is the answer? :^)

Lit told me I could skip him

Unfortunately, as has pointed out, this phrase in particular has very little substance to it. Witty didn’t write much about it. A good place to start to understand it is this quote, which helps to establish where Witty found aesthetics and ethics to converge value-wise.

>The work of art is the object seen sub specie aetemitatis; and the good life is the world seen sub specie aetemitatis. This is the connexion between art and ethics.
>The usual way of looking at things sees objects as it were from the midst of them, the view sub specie aetemitatis from outside.

Kill ugly people

>ethics apply to action
>what is virtue ethics