Isn't it ironic how the Greeks had the same high regard for ancient Egyptian philosophy as we do for Greek philosophy?

Isn't it ironic how the Greeks had the same high regard for ancient Egyptian philosophy as we do for Greek philosophy?

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And isn't it odd that they copied all their decent ideas from the Hindus?

And isn't it cool how despite claiming descent from a mighty culture, present day Hindus literally can't figure out how to use a toilet or stop giving eachother shitborne diseases from wiping their shitty asses with their hands and then preparing food?


>Britbong posting

And it's kind of cool that an entire subcontinent of people are exactly the same with absolutely no differences among individuals?


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No it's not ironic. Everyone but the most retarded anglo knows Western philosophy originated in Egypt/The Fertile Crescent.

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>when the kemetists where right all along

Is it good? Is it academic work, divulgative, esoteric or what?

He was a professor in Lithuania. You could label him a perrenialist-lite. My favorite part about his books are his takes on the etymology of Mesopotamian and Greek words.

It's incredibly good and I've never found another book quite like it.

Thanks, my dudes.

Except maybe Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

But the greekboo was not the retarded anglo. It was the autistic romantic german.

Sometimes I forget that I left /his/, and I expect people to have an understanding of the ancient (specifically intellectual) world. Oh well, historiography is pretty dry after all, and we know how you handle even just the jerky-like quality of philosophy! Haha

>Sometimes I forget that I left /his/, and I expect people to have an understanding of the ancient (specifically intellectual) world
Lmao, nobody on /his/ reads books, you can't even have a discussion about ancient philosophy/metaphysics without autists flooding the thread and derailing it with haplogroup posting

>nobody on /his/ reads books
The Yea Forumstle man's cope is to assume the majority for the minority, and to be disappointed by both thereof: the former for not living up to the standards of the minority, and the latter for having lived beneath such standards. Puerile, spurious, and insignificant in any real sense, senses you might know well, if you entertained them beyond vulgar arrogance and roleplay.

You must be browsing a different /his/ to the rest of us, it's literally Yea Forums with haploautism.

Quit posturing faggot, there is next to no philosophical or metaphysical discussion of any worth to be found on /his/, that's it there is nothing more to be said

>next to no
And whats there, if rare, trumps a week's worth of the necessarily disgusting build-up. Its unfortunate that this board's excesses of intellectuality (sewage) are mistaken for true dialogue, but as I implied, very few of you are acquainted with the taste for history, only the sweeter and more intellectual aspects. It's always enjoyable to taste the aged and honeyed poetry or dried and powdered metaphysics, but they bear little roughage, little basis for relief. You need history, almost as much as it needs you, user, and it would be useful to learn. Don't you agree?

There's no point learning history if all you're doing is laborious fact organizing. It's no better than some nerd who knows every little detail about the Game of Thrones lore. Poetry and metaphysics and history go hand in hand; without them, you're like an archeologist studying a skeleton because all you can see are the bones.

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They didn't. Whole world followed the Vedas up until the death of Pariksit. We've been forgetting for the last 5000 years.