What was the book of Job about?
What was the book of Job about?
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Satan. :3
It's about this guy named job who likes god a lot and has a good life. The devil tells god it's only cuz he has all this nice stuff and god is offended. So he takes away all of job's nice stuff and gives him a lecture about how insignificant he is.
It's the basic problem of why follow the law if it doesn't bring you joy
The biggest beef I have with the book of job is how he just replaces his wife and children, entire fully realized human lives with dreams and memories of their own, and we're supposed to be like "oh sick its better that the originals are dead because he has more of them now"
It's obviously not supposed to be as if nothing happened to Job
yeah this is the classic sticking point, i think it is a messed up westernized interpretation
really cheesy video but good audio and good interpretation i think
t. Ishmael
The notion that there's a God greater than existence that runs the show, that the way He runs things is too complicated for us, and that Job final stance at chapter 13("Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him.") was the right way we humans are to understand His paths.
A Serious Man
God wants to be loved for no reason, not just because he's a provider.
>know for a fact god exists
>talks to you one-on-one and gives it to you straight up: where were you when I created the whale
>get everything back
>know god exists
>complain your old wife and children aren’t there
God is always right, even when his acts seem unethical by human standards
youtube com/watch?v=b5ABQLeBRdc
>why does life bring suffering even if you're virtuous
>you have neither the capacity nor the right to even articulate this question
The prologue and epilogue are widely thought to be an additions by people who found it too dark. Same with Elihu. You can read more about it in critical edition / the Oxford study Bible
God being like "Dude I was here first so I get to call the shots, don't question shit."
Imo that goodness precedes human suffering or that essence precedes existence
I think creation, since it is necessarily away from God, is necessarily not going to be good. Yet, in spite of that, goodness still exists and we shouldn't measure material things as a demonstration of God's goodness even if what follows good form is goodness in material.
It's a fair lesson in suffering imo to anyone who is going through it
Sounds like dharma
An old mans dark comedy about the cruelty of the gods
Boomer fedora tier desu
Tranny zoomer tier memer
I think your excessive posting on Yea Forums has made you see the world unrealistically, so I’d like to recommend that you stop using Yea Forums for now and have sex. Unfortunately I can’t help because I’m Christian but we could still meet up sometime if you’re in London. Can I kiss your feet?
Some nigga slacking his job
What else?
>God killed your entire family because Satan said you were a bitch nigga and God wanted to prove you weren't
>you can't he upset with this
The problem of suffering. I.E., if God is just, why does he allow good people to suffer? We, the readers, know why God allowed Job to suffer (he wanted to test Job's faith), but Job doesn't know this because he has no knowledge of God's discourse with Satan. To answer Job's entreaties, God, rather than directly answer him, gives him a very poetic account of creation and a vivid description of Behemoth and Leviation, great fantastical beasts like something out of Lovecraft. The point of this is to illustrate to Job that, lacking perfect knowledge, he cannot possibly judge God's actions and therefore cannot demand sanctification. The reason Job's friends are punished is because despite not possessing any greater knowledge of God's ways than Job, they nevertheless asserted that Job, among other things, must have done something wrong to have suffered, which we know wasn't the case. When God allows someone to suffer, He does not do so because they are bad or have done something to offend God. He does it for reasons that are beyond our limited comprehension.
To the average nonbeliever, this is an unsatisfying rebuttal, but to this, I think I'm in agreement with Schopenhauer. If religion is to be judged by the standards of being true in itself, then of course it is false, but if, however, one judges religion more appropriately as a means for communicating certain truths through allegory and myth, then the subject is more complicated. In this case, what truths does the story of Job communicate? It tells us that contrary to the claims of many of the religious authorities of the time, Jewish and otherwise, if a person is poor, killed, or stricken with disease, or suffers in any of the other innumerable ways, it is not because they have done anything to offend God. The reason for it is beyond their comprehension, and so rather than dwelling on it or falling into despair, they should take heart, have faith, live justly, and carry on with their life. There's clearly great value in this teaching.
>cannot demand sanctification
tranny fanny zoomer tier memer dreamer lesbo says so
Aren't u a tranny and we're the same age, I'm just not a perverted we u r
taking comfort in something greater than you
A perfect man being tested.
Satan demonstrating his power by successfully tempting God into screwing with Job for no apparent reason.
No, I’m am an actual middle aged woman. One of the older people on the board, but certainly one of the oldest posters of Yea Forums too
What it feels like to be a cuck.
Im job
Ure an attention hor like a child
Satan, “I cause misery,”
God, “Hold my beer.”
Well he ain't a bitch nigga and at least god was cool about it and told him what happened, ya dig?
When Christ heals a blind man blind from birth in John 9, the disciples ask him whether the man, or his parents, sinned that the blind man might have been so afflicted. Jesus answers neither -- that the man was blind in order that he might be healed.
Job's family probably did not exist *only* so that they might die in order to test Job. But that was certainly one of their purposes. What right have they to anything else? The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away.
That'd be u irl
very wordy way of saying every kick up the arse is a nudge in the right direction.
It's integral to the idea that Job is not innocent, an ironic reward like the olive branch.
>The story itself is ironic in that the principle of Job being innocent is completely absurd, and people taking it as dogma are themselves exemplary of Job's perverse "innocence". It is implied that God could have destroyed everyone and everything around him, and Job would have thought nothing of it. Worse still, that he only thought about it once he became afflicted, was utterly unrepentant in his ignorance, but still self-aggrandized in both refusing to admit fault and refusing to consider that, if he is indeed innocent, anyone and everyone that God likewise tormented could have been innocent as well, making him the disciple of a monster. So many mutually aggravating offenses that they indeed make lesser Mosaic sin redundant and Job formally innocent thereof. God's non-reply being not only perfectly adequate in mirroring Job's casual monstrosity, but quite merciful as well in letting Job carry on as usual.
>which we know wasn't the case.
How do you know?
It's a direct attack on the idea that God grants material rewards to the faithful or virtuous in some sort of cosmic trade. The first part of the book which describes Job losing everything and being tested serves as a set up for the remaining part of the book where Job is accused of deserving everything that has happened to him by the priests.
Job is about how material wealth and success in the world are none of God's concerns at all and that people are not automatically to be treated as virtuous just because they're wealthy or fortunate. Evil people are just as likely to become successful as good people.
There is a story of Job without God, you can compare them: youtube.com
Kike sado-masochism.
All the young kids were reading the epicureans so the Rabbis' had to come up with something to distract then from it
Shit, this isn't Ecclesiastes. I'm an idiot
several things; One of them, is something that protestants will never understand: Being rich doesn't means you are blessed by God. Neither being poor means God abandoned you.
About a capricious and arrogant tyrant who justifies himself by belittling his victims?
christianity is self hatred and flagellation. christians worship a god who forces his followers to lay in the mud and eat shit bread (Ezekial 4:9-17). If their pastor said they had to castrate themselves with no anesthesia to be saved (from what?) you better believe scalpel sales would be through the roof.
That's great and everything but you don't need to believe in a zombie jew god and ritually cannibalize him in order to communicate that idea. Unfortunately, christianity demands that you not only believe and practice that, but that alternatives to those ideas are not legitimate and should not even exist.
>he wanted to test Job's faith
Actually he allowed Satan to destroy his life over a bet.
i just had a tattoo based on this painting
Direct adaption or just inspired by it?
God utterly destroys a good mans life and then makes the "might is right" argument to justify it. WELL YOU WERENT THERE WHEN I CREATED THE WHALE AND YOU DONT UNDERSTAND WHAT I UNDERSTAND.... therefore it's okay for me to kill your kids and destroy your life?
If you don't say Leviathan you aren't a Christian you are a phony LARP
Why would you get a tattoo
Right! Those people had lives, thoughts, feelings, maybe sins they were about to repent for, but nope, got to settle a bet with the devil, so dead. That's messed up.
I don't know who it was but clearly, in the book of Job, God is not one of the characters.
“Sacred magic” IE divine will and human will meeting in accord —places in direct opposition to the prodcedures of the practical caballa which have the aim of subjugating “evil spirits” (in the sense of the fallen hierarchies — their transformation into servants through their own accord by resistance to the special temptations of each of them. For they also are waiting “for the revealing of the sons of God” , and this revealing signifies for them, in the first place, inaccessibility to their temptations. Resist the devil, and the devil will be your friend. A devil is not an atheist; he does not doubt God. The faith which he lacks is faith in man. And the act of sacred magic with respect to such a devil is that of re-establishing his faith in man. The purpose of the trials of Job was not to dispel the doubts of God, but rather those of the devil. These doubts once dispelled, who was it then who labored to give to job all that he had lost, if not the same being who had formerly deprived him of everything? Jobs enemy became his voluntary servant — and “voluntary servant” means to say friend. Sacred magic, finally — in place of the fluidic transfusion of magnetism — practices the taking upon oneself of the illness’ and infirmities of others, according to St. Paul’s precept.
Bear one another’s burdens and
So fulfill the law of Christ
(Galatians vi,2)
You forget the part where he builds job back up by replacing his dead family and restoring his wealth
Satan: hey wanna make a bet?
Job: *surprised pikachu face*