You know him as the author of the modern classic, "The Diamond League" (better than Dubliners). Let's show some appreciation for the man himself, BRANDON JONES!!!
ITT: Brandon Jones Appreciation
Brandon, please.
im not brandon im just shitposting because theres something wholesome about this self published author getting attention
kys brandon
I agree. For some reason I just doubt he would be posting here. Would be cool if we could make him into a "thing" on here.
>let's make him a meme!
This is not going to end well.
Brandon Jones is my nigga
That's not what I meant. I was thinking something like a book club
Has anyone actually read his book? Is it any good?
better than brandon sanderson
>actually finished and published something
a shining example to everyone on Yea Forums
The city of Minerosa was a peaceful city until a petty gang known as Blackstone suddenly grew in power. Citizens looked to the police and their mayor for protection, but in the end no one appears to be safe. Hope arises as a group of vigilantes surface to combat the gang. But after a tragic event, it is hard for the people to see them as heroes. With the odds heavily stacked against them, will they be able to bring peace back to the city, or is Minerosa forever trapped in Blackstone's shadow of tyranny?
It's unironically the most sheer fun I've had with a book in years. It's so indulgently schlocky and absurd that it just works. It definitely has a strong "so bad it's good" thing going for it. It's like a Black police drama scif-fi anime version of The Room. It's fucking bliss.
How can we help him sell more books than Rupi?
Do you even know about DIAMOND LEAGUE 2???
>Yea Forums is now aware of black weebs
theyre a fun demographic
>Brandon Jones
Let's see the books y'all niggas wrote. What I hear you say, user? You haven't really finished anything, except for some diary entries and some shitty short stories? But you'll definitely be a professional novelist, in a few years or so? Once inspiration really hits?
All the great writers you could read instead but you choose to read a meme? Sad.
tfw from here on out the "are there any good black authors" threads will be answered with "Brandon James"
>not one but two novels
>probably sold 0 copies but still writes anyways
Literally what is your excuse Yea Forums?
all writing is a meme
hes sold a few copies today from Yea Forums people buying
Keep telling yourself that.
check the other thread where theres evidence that people bought it. the first chapter is posted there anyway. its hilarious.
He self-identifies as a gamer.
Yea Forums will sing his praises
I'm working on rewriting The Diamond League as if it had been written by David Foster Wallace. Let me know what you think...
I think I like the original more.
kys all of you
Give me the run down on the plot. It can't be worse than the ones I saw at the local Comicon that discontinued two years after its inception.
this is a blessed project godspeed
While Mayor Gold certainly has his flaws, I feel he is underappreciated by Minerosa's citizens.
black anime police force
god bless you user
Why don't you work on *your* work, instead?
>he doesn't have side projects
Just discovered I have $5 in ebook credit on Amazon from selecting slower shipping on some recent purchases. I know what I'll be using that credit on...
How do you use those credits user? I have a few for the same reason, but can't figure out how to spend them... I feel like a boomer.
Have you tried turning it off and on?
Minerosa/Blackstone plot is a commentary on Somali refugee settlements in Minnesota
it shows you the credits applying on the product page
Brandon legit looks like a nice guy
god bless you, user
any modern black man who writes books is a nice guy. Try to name one who isnt. you cant
The less attention the scum here pays him, the better his life will be. Look at those YouTube girls that were “a thing around here.”
Brandon, self-publishing wasn't enough, now you are self-shitposting
>tfw torn between "it's really funny that some random unassuming guy is going to get a concentrated barrage of autistic retards harassing him" and "this poor guy is going to think it's directed at him for some particular reason and maybe take it personally"
shit is lit
i had one in my high school 10 years ago. what do black weebs grow up to become? self published authors?
they're so gentle, they're like the anti-nigger
they run the gamut of weeb behavior, some are violent retards, some of kind unassuming autists, most are somewhere inbetween entirely insufferable and pleasant to be around. even black normies love anime tho, if theyre like 30 or under theres a 70% chance they know dragonball in and out and its 50-50 theyre a full closet weeb
We all have our inner Yipes.
brandon if you ever see this, keep on writing my man, i believe in you.
Brandon, please see this attention as a good thing.
Brandon is a god amongst men, I really hope that he accepts this attention in good spirit, despite the somewhat racist comments sometimes. He's doing what he loves and we're enjoying it. I really admire him for having confidence and commitment in his writing and appreciate his book's ability to make me smile. Brandon, if any of this get's back to you, I love your work.
i'm literally not brandon, i'm a white girl who just found his work to be funny and it made me laugh. he seems like a genuinely cool guy though.
i hope he takes it well. his book has entertained me, and that's all one can really ask for from any literature. i've literally enjoyed this book 10x more than catcher in the rye.
>niggers love dbz
>mfw Yea Forums made me racist
>mfw Yea Forums cured my racism
Are you hot
do you have nice feet?
idk im only starting my transition but things are happening fast and i was pretty feminine beforehand so ?
the best way to cure racism is by reading a good book from our friend Brandon Jones!
>liking nigger shit
why user?
you guys can at least get The Diamond League into the top 100,000 kindle books. use your amazon credits and do something nice
you would know if you stopped being racist and opened your mind to something greater.
(from Brandon's website)
> What's this? You want to know more about me!? Well for starters I grew up in New Jersey and I've always had a passion for writing, but it initially came out as drawing. From drawing up to a 70 issue comic series in high school, to creating some role playing games on RPG Maker, to writing a five novel series in college (which I still intend to publish at some point).
I did a year and a half at Bloomfield College, where I majored in Video Game Animation. Unfortunately, I realized that the major was not for me and dropped out. But I never gave up on writing. When I moved to Virginia, I became a board member for Greater Good Gaming, a group that is working to help charities, push community and self enrichment, and teach people the positives of healthy gaming practices.
I self-published "The Diamond League" in 2016, and it was a big success for me. I've always wanted to have a published book for people to read, and making that dream a reality was amazing. After publishing "The Black Death" in 2018, I wanted to push myself more and have more people read my stories. I continue to write stories, run my Youtube channel, and help out my community with Greater Good Gaming to this day.
This man is seriously just a wholesome dude. i'm glad by shitposting we could find his work and get enjoyment out of it.
here's his twitter, cool to see he's working on a third book. absolutely enjoying his work because you get the sense that he enjoys them. im happy he can do what he loves, and that at least someone is able to enjoy living.
he only has ten followers, he deserves far more. hes a veritable philosopher and sage!
>Greetings and thank you for coming to the Twilight Dragon Channel. Name is Cooliex and I play a variety of games. I'm an old school gamer so my taste in games is slighy different from today's gamers. This channel is devoted to Let's Plays and online gaming with myself and friends (and strangers O_O), and so much more. I even throw in some original work and music from time to time. I hope you enjoy the channel and come back soon!
Apparently this is his youtube channel.
he's a renaissance man
he's a true polymath with all of his talents. godspeed, Brandon
>When you're in the middle of writing the epic final battle of your book and you have to step away because you wrote something so nuts. Wow this final confrontation is beyond words!
Now I want to read it too.
eh, probably a troll, but realize that your actions will have severe consequences to your psyche. It's not too late to turn around
the vast majority of research supports transitioning as an appropriate cure for gender dysphoria. i honestly don't care what bullshit you're going to say and pretend is smart to rebut that. this thread is about the enjoyment we are getting out of reading The Diamond League, not my personal life. keep your transphobia to yourself or to /pol/
Wait I thought Silvera was white, did I miss something?
not sure, the drawing could be white if by white you mean italian lol
you obviously don't follow Brandon's twitter
metaphysically speaking user, what is it to be "white" or "black". race is essentially a construct relating to geographical origin, but it correlates with class (see: brazil). could one be trancendentally white, even recognised socially as white, while still being dark skinned? drake isn't considered white, but many italians who are darker than him are. race is perhaps best a concept to examine in Brandon's work
I really don't
If I were /pol/ I would have called you a mean name, and if it's not about your personal life, then why did you respond? Having doubts?
no doubt about transitioning, more just doubt about being socially able to be recognized as a girl. based on all the support i've gotten, and how well i already pass, and the advances in medicine, i shouldn't have anything to worry about there. i responded because i thought it would be entertaining because guys who post on Yea Forums either like trans girls too much or are disgusted lol
Not that guy
From 0-10 how cute you'd rate yourself
like a 7 about. after ffs probably an 8. voice training has also gone well for me so far. still work to be done, but it's nice to feel happy with my identity and be able to see myself for who i am.
I'm sure the doctors have your best interests at heart. Good luck, you may need it
thanks user. ever since starting my transition, my life has improved drastically. it's nice to not hate myself, and even if transphobia from people i know hurts me sometimes, i can get through it.
kys thot
here's a short story from his website.
after you, man who will never get laid and takes out his insecurity on any woman he ever has any encounter with!
Lol nice
>he cute
Brandon this is embarrassing
I have a gf... but yea, put me in your little shitty boxes.
>Would be cool if we could make him into a "thing" on here.
the ABSOLUTE fucking state of Yea Forums nowadays, fuck off
Brandon, dude... At first I felt kinda bad for you with that one image of you trying to sell your book. But now I realize you are just shill posting on Yea Forums of all fucking places.
You can get a sample from Amazon, it doesn’t look like anything to write home about
Congratulations to him for publishing his books. Keep writing Brandon!
>Congratulations to him for publishing his books.
There is ZERO achievement in selfpublishing.
go to bed, brandon
We're making BB a thing, whether you want it or not, racist incels.
Deal with it
i hope you retards realize shit like this is bait, some of you really do fall for it
Uh oh. Mad incels are mad! Surely their anger is going to stop #BasedBrando.
Or, nobody listens to you as, you know, always ends up happening anyway
based ape literature
All humans are apes, based scientifically illiterate incel.
>scientifically illiterate i
Sadly a sore spot for the pavement apes
Do you think if I DM'd him a short writing sample on twitter he'd critique it?