I do not want to debate this indisputable fact.. Anyone who is not deluded or brainwashed realizes Jews have disproportionate presence in literary industries.
I have spent many hours querying agents with my two picture book manuscripts, and I have had no luck, even though my highly literate friends have praised them. I have one short story published in another unrelated genre, but I don't want to discuss that.
I have given up. I understand now I must make connections with Jews, but I am afraid I might become a sacrifice for Moloch. I have said many antisemitic things online, which I do regret... Granted, I now realize I must give into the Jew, just a wee bit, to make connections with literary agents.
However, the issue is, I am Persian, but I do have one paternal haplogroup which ancient Israelites in Peki'in Cave during Chalcolithic times had due to Chalcolithic Iranian farmer admixture. These farmers had blue eyes, which many of my cousins do. Perhaps, I can use this fact as a way to appease the Jews? I am grasping at straws.
Granted, I am afraid I might become a sacrificial sheep if they decide to invade my privacy and see the things I have said online. I am also awkward in person. All I know is I have to appease the Jew if I desire to be published and get out there. Maybe the Jews will forgive me if I become a Zionist and betray my own people? I am desperate. No one is helping me. Whites are completely undermined by their own women who have become sheep to Jews and their muticulturalist propaganda. Again, I am not willing to debate this matter with anyone. It is true.
Are there any people who have experience with Jews involved in publishing industry? How does one go about making connections with them? Since Jews are very tight-knit and ethnocentric, will I be able to make connections at the local synagogue?
Why do mods delete this topic? Do they think my books suck? I swear, I would kick your asses so hard that you would begin begging for your life. I was already published in a literary journal, so it's not a question about very poor writing. Slit your throat,you god-forsaken mod. I would chop you up Argento style. Stop being a retarded fascist. THIS IS LITERATURE RELATED, YOU STUPID FUCKING FAGGOT.
Lucas Barnes
kek get deleted again massive faggot
Logan Anderson
You are the faggot. Slit your throat, faggot. Kill yourself on live feed for my satisfaction. I'd fucking choke you and end your miserable life. I would show you worlds of pain you cannot imagine. Do not fuck with me. I am desperate.
Nathan Thompson
ravioli ravioli give this thread the ban it deservioli
Dominic Russell
Give your life the ban it deserves. You are more meaningless than even Lovecraft or Ligotti's void. You are more soulless than even a puppet. Slit your throat and become free.
Justin Diaz
not everyone is as much of a retard as you, i'm living the good life so why don't you put your advice to practice on yourself?
Adrian Edwards
The only truly good life you can live is when your body is decomposing in the soil. Why are you picking a fight with me anyways? Do you think anything I say is unsubstantiated here? Jews DOMINATE the publishing industry. There is nod debate here. I'm not even being antisemitic.
Lucas Wilson
Faggots. Fuck each other and get it over with.
Jeremiah Powell
Do you think anything I say is an exaggeration? Do you really believe I am making up the fact Jews are overrepresented in the publishing industry?
This isn't /pol/-related. It is literature related. I am not making anything up here, Jews dominate the publishing industry. Do you think I am a liar? Do you think I am exaggerating? I would if they weren't everywhere. Most of the agents I query have been Jewish or dumb liberal White women who work under them.
Michael Stewart
Carter Green
bro shut up clearly no one likes you or the post you keep making
Cameron Anderson
It is not a question about liking or disliking me, faggot. Everything I say is TRUE. It is a matter of TRUTH vs FALSEHOOD and how to go about being pragmatic about it. This Yea Forums-related and is dealing with basic facts of reality. Do you deny any CLAIMS I have made?
William Clark
i dont care if youre correct you should just castrate yourself i dont like you
Evan Cruz
>i dont care if youre correct Then why get angry? If everything I claim is true, then what reason is there to be a complete ass towards me? >i dont like you So? This topic has nothing to do with that. Why are you completely butthurt?
Michael White
First they go after the foreskin. Next they attempt to force self-castration.
Luis Gray
kys you type too much. We don't want you around, understand? We are a board of good people who only want to be published. You want to to type about this stuff? Okay, but we don't want it.
Juan Jackson
gay and weak
Logan Cook
If what I am saying is true, then what point is there in getting angry towards me, you brain-damaged buffoon?
KYS you are a complete idiot. We don't want you around, understand? We are a board of good people who only want to be published. You want to type about this stuff? Okay, but we don't want it.