Childhood: Idealism

Childhood: Idealism
Adolescence: Materialism
Adulthood: Processism

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Sagehood: absolute idealistic monism

Processism is absolutely the correct path desu, you can even see hints of it appearing in, eg, Marx's rejection of Feuerbach's materialism.

based and advaitapilled

Indeed. Process is the fundamental nature of the universe. That's what mythology, Platonism, Hinduism, and mathematics are showing us. Whitehead is the distilled and concentrated form of this ideology.

Arent Platonism and Hinduism idealism?

no adulthood is dualism. where did you learn to do dialectics

:'-) hang in there, user. I know it will hurt.

Can someone familiar with Whitehead and Spengler relate their philosophies? Spengler believed the principal element was becoming instead of being, which lies at the foundation of his philosophy of history. How does Whitehead compare and why is he unique? How is he influenced by Heraclitus?

Unfourtanetly Whitehead and processism was retroactively debunked by Parmenides. He simply couldn't contend.

Do your own homework, James.

You do realize those aren't mutually exclusive right?

Hegel had an idealist process metaphysics

Marx had a materalist process 'metaphysics'

Childhood: Idealism
Manhood: pragmatism

>he thinks state and process are separable
Any metaphysics that cannot incorporate both being and becoming, or both ideal and actuality, both essence and existence, both quiddity and haecceity, both form and content, both means and ends, is less sophisticated than a child's drawings

>people change their views over time
Wow, this is so Deep! Whitehead was right!

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Only the do

Processism is just materialism with dialectics.
Marx confirmed for having a white head.

Parmenides is alive?

How so?

ive chosen instead the path of lifelong alienation considering the very notion of an ism somehow unwelcome... I didn't choose to be this way actually it just happened... I can no longer think anything, all my thoughts are to criticize other thoughts. I only exist to suffer and I live out this suffering intellectually by destroying any notion of truth or objectivity or structure for precisely the reason that it is what I desire most, but that what I desire even more is my own self-abasement... this is my ultimate rejection of life which I've more or less doubled down on since finishing all of the good anime and pretty much exhausting the internet of all of its didactic wisdoms before coming into maturity.

Name one (1) philosopher who did this.

lmao, just woke up, was thinking retrocausality for some reason. what a brainlet

Being is eternal
I've addressed this question in countless Whitehead threads, including the other that is currently extant on this board. In summary: Whitehead fails to address the the Parmenidean observation of the coincidence of thought and being, and the resulting production "virtual" time and it's telescoping into eternity. See the archive for more detail.

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I don't see it. Just you saying the same thing that he was BTFO.


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Childhood: materialism
Adolescence: idealism
Adulthood: ontology, leaving metaphysics behind

what? whitehead wasnt a dialectician

Dialectics usually imply the *process* of evolution and inevitable change, regardless of whether its substance or another process. In general when used in arguments, or particular in case of materialism - such as capitalism and "inevitability" of that *process* into startrek commieland by Marx.
Then Whitehead came along and started renaming things, to sell a book I guess. Granted, he was focused on the process itself, rather than what is signified by the process. Process metaphysics saying duh stuff like "things change" is not all that novel. You have to also elaborate on why and how.

It's unfortunate that processism is just other side of same coin, as it also shares the lack of soundness - both are equally fallacious, as both are eagerly willing to put up with contradictions.

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Why are all philosophical final "answers" so far removed from the seemingly obvious reality?
Always gotta go around some 50 corners to ascertain something at which point you are so far removed from whence you started. At which original point reflecting on the answer one has found it seems just too far removed.

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What is processism exactly?

How about you go read Whitehead instead of talking about things you don't know about

(Neo)Platonism and Vedanta are two different elaborations of the same eternal truth and can be described as non-dualism; they are the two finest systems of thought ever conceived. German Idealism and later iterations were a mishmash of Neoplatonism, Hermeticism, Christian mysticism and Spinoza among other influences and recaptures some of the same truths as non-dualism but ultimately falls short of it and suffers from various flaws according to what strain you're talking about. Processism and Whitehead too tap into some of the same insights and can be regarded as a minor improvement upon certain types of Idealism but like Idealism it falls short of non-dualism and is ultimately only a partial and incomplete system that suffers from its own flaws; failing to reach the sublime heights of the doctrine of Plotinus and the Upanishads.

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because it turns out questions like "what does it mean to be?" are actually really fucking complicated


Obvious reality is the most absurd thing there is. Eating and defecating are something from Freddy Got Fingered.


If you really want to know, read Being and Time by Wyndham Lewis

"Some of us are more relativist than others, in the sense that we believe in the dialectical contraries of contraries, but also in the absolute certainty of our own judgement moment by moment. Ask Heraclitus."

fuck replace the first "contraries" with "strength of contraries" k thx bai. o/

Peirce was an idealist

i've been memed into buying this book. will i regret it? note: i actually enjoyed finnegans wake

Have you read Nietzsche, if not read him. you say you criticize other thoughts, why not write them down, expound them, develop them... perhaps your onto something and if so...

I enjoyed Whitehead's 'Science and the Modern World'. Looking forward to finding some time to read Process and Reality.


because time is a circle ;)

those could have been diggits



because whitehead and Spengler are definitely being taught in modern universities at any level deeper than "PROBLEMATIC" fuck off

shut the fuck up and shrink back to the youtube comment section you problematic cuck

Science is the worship of ugliness.

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>open with Guenon meme
Thanks for the forewarning user, you're like a cliff with a "SHARP DECLINE HERE" sign next to it.

You eat a loaf of bread, beautiful fucking bread, I mean the split is perfect it's just... you're loving it, y'know. And then it's shit. Give it four hours and most people have turned that sublime loaf into an obscene, excremental loaf.

Ahh, the joy of observing discrete communication among retards. If you said that in public, to anyone you know that isn't a fellow spergler, you would seem as retarded as that statement. It's fucking hilarious imagining you "hiding your power level" over your disgust for the family blender hahah


Prove it.