How did enlightenment fetishism go out of style so quickly...

how did enlightenment fetishism go out of style so quickly? 10 years ago these guys were the official thinkers of secular institutional power and now their function is just to inadvertently say mildly politically incorrect things and get castigated for it. did the fecundity of intersectionality memes provide a more efficient strategy for institutions to spread ideology? even though it was always cringey as fuck there’s something uniquely embarrassing about a guy invoking Voltaire and everybody squirming in their chairs because they know he’s about to quote some retarded shit with no point to it.

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Because you coddled millenial losers won't accept that life is better now than it ever has been, since you're never had to face real challenges

I'm being serious

It went out of style more than half a centure ago.
Now it's more neckbeards and hacks using 'the enlightenment' and 'rationality' as an aesthetic to bolster their public image.

Based insulated boomer.

People seriously say shit like " (U.S.) race relations are worse now than they have ever been."
It always leaves me thinking: "Seriously? You're saying *current year* is worse than when most black Americans were enslaved?"
I hear this horseshit from prominent activists against racial injustice. It baffles me how people who devote their energy to race issues can make statements of such grotesque ignorance of how bad things really were. It must just be empty rhetoric designed to rile people up.

Life was objectively better for the boomers in a bunch of ways

millennials: *grow up knowing that global warming will fuck over humanity and shit will likely hit the fan within their lifetime*
>boomers: you coddled millennial losers won't accept the fact that life is better than it has ever been, since you've never had to face real challenges

>10 years ago
what is post-war discourse

how so

picture the 50s/60s:

- live less
- greater years lost due to disability
- boomers in racial and ethnic minorities suffered deeply
- far less likely to receive post-secondary education
- lower overall purchasing power and consumption
- travel to different countries is prohibitively expensive for all but the top like 10% of families

Not to mention

- no internet
- everyone smokes
- higher rates of suicide, homicide and fatal accidents

The boomers could own homes and they did and they got married young and had at least some children. University is a meme for 99% of people. Black America is significantly more fucked up now than it was in the 50s.

They were also a lot less fat and neurotic

one aspect could be that since 2007+, the influences having a voice (on the internet and thus at large) are drawn from the common folk, not academics

How did a retardedly optimistic corporate-driven mindset was undermined by the shitshow in which we live? Such mystery.

What they're saying is that race relations were improving and better in 90s to 00's and hit the shitters in 10's.

>Unions weren't destroyed, could buy a home with a shitty blue collar job
>Pensions were still a thing
>Homes inflate in price increasing wealth
>Get to tap into SS and Medicare at the peak of medical technology (Reminder SS was designed for only a few years, not 20+).
>Cheap or almost free education, heavily subsidized by taxpayers
>Minimum wage adjusted for inflation would be about $21/hr.
>Far less competitive in terms of hiring, a greater demand overall for labor
>Higher quality food overall, with some exceptions for extremes at both ends
>Spent more time outside, less technological distractions
I could go on.

The truth is intersectional liberalism is just a more efficient way to manage and control a globalised consumer society than muh classical liberalism. We are living in a moment in history in which government bureaucracies, leftist NGOs and academia, multinational corporations, sillicon valley, the banks, and even the military apparatus of the US empire, don't disagree about anything substantial, having all consolidated into a single massive leviathanic governance machine. Call it surveillance-affective capitalism Woke capital, , panopticism, the managerial therapeutic state. Whatever it is it has assumed responsibilities previously outsourced to religion, the family, political ideology, literature. The younger generations see no distinction between consumerist mass culture and earnest political activism, they are one and the same. Not following the party line, having the right opinions and consuming the right products is enough to mark you out as someone dangerous.

its amazing how quick we went from optimistic corporate driven mindset to fanatical corporate cultural marxism and enforced guilt culture+consumerism

How on earth is it efficient? The British Empire was efficient, the current global regime frequently causes failed states and generally subsidizes(and therefore promotes) antisocial behavior and leeching over productivity

Then they should say that rather than treat today as some absolute low point.

People have improved living standards because of fossil fuels and some uneducated tinkerers who triggered industrialization. Then academics took credit for it.

Are you seriously retarded? This "cultural marxism" of which you speak is literally a predictable result of the commodification of life. Jesus Christ, user, don't tell me you believe capitalism can coexist with traditional values.

>no internet

Is that supposed to be a bad thing?

Attached: blindfolded-man-1.jpg (1467x900, 288K)

According to Marxists capitalism is like 5 centuries old so there was quite a bit of coexistence for most definitions of traditional.

>homes, etc.

This is simply the particularity of a point in time after WW2 where economic growth was literally begging to be had due to American-led rebuilding of the global capital and industrial stock. It isn't fair to compare ourselves against that, because it itself was anomalous. The only way to have a repeat would be to have yet another war. That growth was essentially paid for with the the toll of millions of lives. Also, it still excluded a great deal of people, including minorities and immigrants. Today's hot home market is partially a product of simply greater demand created by integrating all those people

It's also because boomers are annoying and don't let houses or condos be built near them to alleviate supply issues, because they're a very 'I got mine' NIMBY generation. But I don't think Stephen Pinker would say that's a good thing

And anyways, in spite of all that, even when we adjust for the gross increase in the price of homes, purchasing power has gone up across all income strata

>University is a meme for 99% of people

I wouldn't say that. At least in North America, where the system is far less regimented than, say, Germany, going to university for ANYTHING is one of the best investments you can make in your life.

And is not the pursuit of knowledge in itself valuable?

>Black America is significantly more fucked up now than it was in the 50s

What kind of reactionary garbage is this? You know until the 1990s, the life expectancy for black men in Harlem was like 45, right? Redlining, poverty, under-representation, etc. were all significant problems where serious progress has been made

Will agree on the fat part, but they still live longer (somehow). A very America-centric concern, though. Blame corn syrup lobbyists.

Same as above, purchasing power has still increased, being able to purchase homes at that time and not now was due to circumstance, systemic exclusion of certain people and current NIMBY attitudes by boomers
>Pensions were still a thing
IRAs Roth IRAs are far far more efficient and useful
Again, see above. Unique circumstance
I will agree with you on this point, but it's important to note that this is a specifically American concern. America also spends more on healthcare as a % of GDP than any other country, they're just inefficient at running it. Obamacare was a good step and the change is definitely possible.
>Cheap or almost free education
Free college education is not a good thing, it distorts the market matching potential employment to selection of degree path and also subsidizes the upper-middle class rather than the poor
>Minimum wage
This is hotly debated by economists and I could see an answer going both ways. $21/hour would probably cause some disemployment but I agree it should be raised, which many states are doing.
>Far less competitive in terms of hiring
Yeah, because only white, America-born men are allowed to do anything of note. Why is that fair?
>Higher quality food overall
Fair enough. Thankfully, obesity has started leveling off.
>Spend more time outside, distractions, etc.
Well, this isn't exactly 'objective'. And social media distractions are an incredibly new phenomenon that we haven't had time to react to adequately.

I'm not trying to say our epoch is perfect. I just think that idolizing the past is intellectually dishonest and reactionary. It's also highly eurocentric

Globohomo is the most efficient governance system the world has ever known. the goal is not to create virtuous citizens, but to neutralise all dissent and create an homogenous mass of compliant consumers. In 1950, peripherial elites went to western universities and came back to their countries as anticolonialist guerrilla revolutionaries, today they just get made into sjw middle managers for empire. Turns out not even Islam poses much of a threat to the globohomo system, its just another intersectional identity, you can't like actually believe in the literal truth of the Quran anymore, but hey you can have muslim queers and muslim superheroes.

>government bureaucracies, leftist NGOs and academia, multinational corporations, sillicon valley, the banks, and even the military apparatus of the US empire, don't disagree about anything substantial, having all consolidated into a single massive leviathanic governance machine
>surveillance-affective capitalism Woke capital, , panopticism, the managerial therapeutic state
>assumed responsibilities previously outsourced to religion, the family, political ideology, literature
Neoliberalism. That's what it's called. Domestically and internationally. I mean we can argue over the academic and conventional popular definition as it's currently used, but in the coming decades the era between 1991-present will come to be called the "Neoliberal" era. It's possible that this era is rapidly winding down but we won't be able to judge that moment until well in to the future.

Marxism is merely the left wing of the globohomo machine.
>tfw you don't have any substantial disagreements with google, the cia, NATO or the fortune 500

Because nothing disappears overnight. As technical progress lead by capitalism goes forward, all traditional social forms of organization are destroyed in its wake. Nowadays even the nuclear family has been destroyed, mostly due to extreme geographical flexibility by the workforce.

We're talking about white boomers here, the type to browse 'that Yea Forums thing my grandson's been telling me about'. Probably called Becky or Eugene or some other retarded name you wouldn't call your dog.

Hunter gatherers were better of in a lot of ways compared to modern people. Not in every way, but in a lot of ways.

Yeah, I'm gonna have to question your understanding of Marxism buddy, have you been listening to 'doctor wash your pp' again?

>The only way to have a repeat would be to have yet another war. That growth was essentially paid for with the the toll of millions of lives.
Im not talking about repeating it, just point it out that it was nice for them.

Germans go to university because it's become a part of entering the job market, which is just a dumb setup since they'd be better off learning things specific to the field they enter. There is no point whatsoever in everyone going to university and learning how to repeat a handful of meme opinions.

The black american family has completely collapsed, drug gangs have taken over many of their communities, they subsist off welfare and there is barely any business

also people are fat everywhere

Sapiens by Yuval Harriri makes that point very cogently.

The nuclear family was destroyed by divorce laws, the sexual revolution, birth control, etc. I agree that capitalism has disrupted culture but it's also rather hard to disentangle the effects of capitlaism from those of the enormous technological changes that have occurred in the past 200 years, which are not the same thing.


It is in fact the proponents of anti-capitalism, the inheritors of Marx, who have killed the nuclear family

Deleuze himself sets up an entire part of Anti-Oedipus to be a scathing attack on the nuclear family as an oppressive institution

Marxists aren't really against commodification, if anything they have an even more economistic and reductive view of humans than the neoliberal randroid thatcherite reaganomics bogeymen, who by the way haven't been a thing in a while, its all about woke capital nowadays. Modern capitalism is managerial and post industrial, commodification reaches into everyday life and human relationships its the marxists pushing it, talking about ''emotional labour'', the virtues of ''sex work''. gee when everyone is completely atomised and panopticon'ed maybe then the mythical proletariat will rise up. See late 19th century european social democrats, they went into the slums and drilled the workers into an organised political mass, promoting family values and a collective identity were none previously existed. Leftists today seem intent on doing the exact opposite, ie. promoting atomisation and narcissism.

I wish that human population was capped at 1 million. If you were one of the people left, you could live in whatever house you want. The cattle in rural areas would reach a self-sustaining population level, and whenever you want a steak you could shoot a cow. The only work you'd have to do is gathering food, and there'd probably be plenty of shelf-stable food you could just take and eat. There probably be no electricity but plenty of candles.

>See late 19th century european social democrats, they went into the slums and drilled the workers into an organised political mass, promoting family values and a collective identity were none previously existed. Leftists today seem intent on doing the exact opposite, ie. promoting atomisation and narcissism.

Further proof that social democrats are objectively superior to tranny marxists.

Jordan Peterson is just an old fashioned liberal a man out of time that doesn't realise the tide has changed and neo liberalism evolved into woke capital. The same goes for Marxists, they are still playing by the rules of the old world and wondering why nobody listens to them. A delusional minority of leftypol marxists, that is because most leftists have long realised all politics is identity politics and have placed all their bets on the globohomo machine.

Because they were mere fads and nothing more. They're irrelevant hacks bolstered by their success in certain specialties to peddle their retarded musings.

eat my (girl) cock boomer

>satisfying material appetites is all that matters
Life expectancy is dropping.

>have a pretty good life
>read about how some people feel like they dont
>spend literal years researching why i have a good life in order to dismiss everyone who says they dont
>mfw people hate me for it

>muh education
Most people didn't even go to college and could support themselves fine.

There were 1990s race riots in LA. Today osn't as bad.

The centre ground which fetishized this stuff became old hat, the boomer's dream. The kids that would have normally become centre left became commie intersectionalists who see the enlightenment as the progenitor of western imperialism and oppression. Those that would have become centre right became traditional nationalists who see the enlightenment as the progenitor of degeneracy, atheism and globalism. Either way, FUCK LOCKE.

Safety & Comfort ≠ Peak Human Existence

How are you this dumb? Do you really think no one being able to have a family (inb4 Mexican style) or not being able to live in a house they can afford or having a smaller and smaller selection of careers that pay above minimum wage is good? Are you 22 and still living on mommy and daddy's dime?

>The nuclear family was destroyed by divorce laws, the sexual revolution, birth control, etc

What do you think those things serve, you complete fucking idiot?

Not exclusively capitalism. A lot of the push came from people who thought of themselves as socialists for one thing.

Certainly not capitalism, given that countries that are capitalistic but have not been exposed to ingrained Western anti-capitalist thought have not experienced the same kind of social degeneration.

Jesus Christ, Divorce laws literally freed up 50% of the population from the claws of a "breadwinner". Selling birth control is a huge untapped market of pleasure. The sexual revolution was just a product of those two.

OP here, I don’t interpret it as the corporate mindset being undermined. they simply changed strategy. the same interests are being served.

These countries that you talk about are probably in Asia or the Middle-East. They simply arrived late to the party and are changing accordingly, just look at the behavior of Arab elites in the outposts of authoritarian capitalism of Dubai and Abu Dhabi. You people are absolutely delusional if you really think the current mode of production and traditional values are in any way compatible. At every turn you look at the demands of Capital, it undermines an older value.

black americans were doing better on economic terms despite segregation, basically the black middle class is gone, the family unit as well, cultural autonomy has been eroded. White liberals(the only class that has benefited from globalisation) simultaneously holds that things have never been better for black people and that they have never been worse, i think their discourse is more than a little self serving. their whole identity is based upon being the good whites and the protectors of those poor helpless black people, but they wouldn't be for black self reliance or an alliance between lumpen blacks and whites.

>Not exclusively
The soviets also experimented with this stuff but found it too d

leftists just replace the 'traditional family' with corporate-managerial-psychiatric authority. A society of free atomised individuals has to be actively created, it requires a massive intrusive bureaucracy and propaganda apparatus to take the place of religion and the family in socialising people. Wonder why all our propaganda tells people they are free liberated individuals, free to enjoy themselves in every way specially sexually, but people are actually having less sex, there is no real diversity of opinion, no real political choice, half of the population is on psychiatric drugs for some reason. Culture becomes increasingly restricted and overtly propagandistic.

The real truth is that "race relations" have always been consistently shit throughout history, there was just a brief window in maybe the mid 2000s where it seemed like the egalitarian experiment had succeeded.

No, I have a degree in economics and make a lot of money

It isn't that nobody is able to buy a house or have a family exclusively. It's also that the number of conditions the present generation has before they're able to 'settle down' is higher. Boomers got married with the first girl they fucked and bought a house as soon as possible because they had no qualms about it. They didn't want to 'find themselves' or wait for a perfect opportunity in their career or whatever. They didn't have all these notions of personal freedom and liberation as well-ingrained into their culture as millennials do. It's insane to me that the same Godless thots who fuck dozens of guys and advocate for libertine sexuality take to twitter to idolize the past and complain about their present situation.

Consider the following. I live in New York and people bitch all the time here about how expensive it is to live in New York, even in a shoebox or in a bad area in, say, Brooklyn. If you were to move to a smaller town in southern New Jersey, you could have an idyllic North American suburb home for a relatively low price. The unemployment rate is fairly low and a multitude of common jobs are available. You could, in effect, live the boomer life. But people don't opt to do that, do they? People opt to work white collar, intellectual-type jobs with their fancy university degrees. And those kind of jobs are only available in cities, where you compete with the world's best and brightest for both positions and homes. This is a personal choice you make - you have to value one over the other. Boomers didn't have it both ways, either. Very few of them had these kind of jobs, they're a product of the post-industrial age.

In any case, read Though inequality has risen (which I will admit is a massive problem), American households are still better off. The result is adjusted for inflation, of which a huge component is house price growth.

And that is a direct result of the needs of Capital. I don't see how you can keep blaming "the leftists".

leftists openly celebrate the breakdown of traditional families and social order.

>grotesque ignorance
You are 12. This is a strawman argument. Race relations have been improving since emancipation. But ever since identity politics of the Academic-Media-Talmudic-Industrial Complex went mainstream race relations have massively reverted. The left has been trying to create a white bogieman for at least 30 years. In the early 2000's academics and the media couldn't stop fapping over the dangers of militia groups (LARPing white guys in fatigues running around innawoods). This was a completely fabricated boogieman. Nothing ever happened because these guys aren't bad guys. They didn't trust the government as any non-retard shouldn't. They sprang up after the US gov started getting out of control in the 1990's, Ruby Ridge, Waco Texas, etc. When McVeigh superman punched Uncle Sam in the taint the US gov got the messaged and toned it down. I don't even think McVeigh was associated with a militia group. But these guys and pretty much any white person who doesn't drink the Kool-Aid and cut their penis off is a "literal Nazi", amirite? Nazi's are literally everywhere nowadays. Neo-Nazi, crypto-Nazi, Nazi-Nazis. Fucken Nazis everywhere. Mean while in reality US media starts spontaneously ejaculating if they think a white man dared commit a crime against a poor child-like oppressed tri-sexual black human-American. Black on white crime is MASSIVELY under reported on or obfuscated, see reporting on BART crimes, France dropped all race accountability in fear of native French not liking mass African and Muslim crime committed against them. During the Obama administration the FBI stopped collecting select race related statistics on crime. But please look up rape statistics collected by the FBI. As you'll see there is a rape culture, it's just not where cowardly, self-hating, white liberals want it to be. LOOK AT THOSE STATISTIC YOU FUCKEN BRAINWASHED COWARD.

Look at thus unfalsifiable bullshit you're peddling. What would Popper say? It's so clearly evident that the state of being Western is far more indicative of the kind of degeneration you're talking about than being capitalist.

Consider the primitive (non-advanced) capitalist states in places like Brazil. Their social values are as if not more liberalized than North America or Western Europe's, despite the fact that there is no inherent capitalistic drive to do so. Instead, they are deeply entrenched in the Western radical tradition

people always seem to get this confused

>yes, we would be unhappier living in another time
>yes, people from another time would be happier living in ours
>and yet, they were happier in their time than we are in ours
>these last three statements are not contradictory

Sorry, not no inherent capitalistic drive, but ostensibly one that is not as powerful due to the relatively more primitive state of their economy

this post gave me flashbacks to 2013 pol. Not that it's wrong

I dispute the validity of 3) within America, its validity outside of America is indisputably false

>he fell for the global warming meme

intersectionality is a better strategy because it makes it way easier to get people onboard when you can design the starting point specifically for their demographic instead of getting them to learn and care about the history of people they will never empathize with. the guy that tells them “you can join the administrative class without changing anything about yourself as long as you recite the official doctrine” is gonna get way recruits than the guy that tells them to read david hume and memorize the bill of rights and stop seeing color.

Well, I'm Brazilian as a matter of fact, and there is an equivalence between the upper-echelon population here and any other globalized group in the West. Upper middle-class thots from São Paulo or Rio are no different from the ones in any major Western city. The aspirations of our bankers, engineers, financial bros and attorneys are pretty much the same as the ones peddled by globalizing American propaganda. This is actually a major problem, because these people (who are the ones who control the media) feel like the rest of the country is below them, that the people who do not hold their hedonistic and hyper-materialist values are primitive buggers (look at the conflicts between the Southeast and the Northeast and you can find a very good parallel between it and the American North/South conflict). Many of the differences between Brazil and other Western countries occur within the marginally-capitalist populations, who are still able to maintain some degree of traditional culture and values (inasmuch as the demands of Capital allow them).

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This is accurate. Nice analysis.

I can explain how this happened. It used to be that the asymmetry of power was much smaller. For instance, a hundred years ago you could easily start a secret society to rebel or revolt. Anyone, any politician, any king, could be slayed, by anyone, so a ruler had much more incentive to obey the will of his people no matter what. No one lived in multicultural, "diversity is our strength™", disorganization. Humans lived in cohesive, community driven, organization. They had not been atomized. Now due to technology the psychopathic elite hold an unimaginable asymmetry of power and wealth. They have used this power to destroy any organizing force that could pose them inconvenience. This is the real reason why the white man can not be allowed to organize, they fear the white man most of all. If the current state of affairs happened 100 years ago a leftwing or rightwing revolt would have happened by now, especially in Europe of America

destruction by division, divide and conqure

highly educated high status representatives of marginal demographics were historically quite troublesome, intersectionality also a way of cutting off the head of lumpen or anticolonialist rebellions by preemptively turning their would be leaders into middle managers. many of the people who in the 1970s would construct their whole identity in opposition to capitalism, have now embraced a consumerist identity and a managerial idea of success. the keyword is representation. constructing representations and identitities is a means of managing populations, obviously, the system is going to reward and promote whatever identities are more effective at managing subject populations. That is why the nation of islam or second wave radical feminism weren't cut for the job but neoliberal intersectionality is.

End stage Globalism is the commodification of human beings

Yes, I agree with that. That's pretty much the point I made in that post.

>intersectionality also a way of cutting off the head of lumpen or anticolonialist rebellions by preemptively turning their would be leaders into middle managers. many of the people who in the 1970s would construct their whole identity in opposition to capitalism, have now embraced a consumerist identity and a managerial idea of success.

i think the intersectional approach also insulates authority from criticism since the minions are more different than each other than they would be in the civnat model, because you haven’t required them to take on a bunch of new beliefs and dispose of older ones. as long as you can avoid your authority being questioned you can push your ideology because you can get any kind of person to do it for you under the intersectional model.

Theres no hope is there, honestly at this point left or right wing idc id join it, SOMETHING has to happen

There is always hope, user. Blindfold yourself for a while.

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Why do you regard intersectionality in this sense as some sort of insidious capitalist mechanism and not the natural result of more generalized social progress and inclusivity in the present framework? Intersectionality is not meant to quell those rebellions through deceit, it exists as a direct product of those rebellions and a partial accomplishment of what they aimed for.

Your thought is compelling but your narrative is too dogmatic.

I don’t think you can ever know in real time when “the thing” is happening. There’s always a feeling that your society missed or is on the cusp of a transcendent moment but the truth is probably that those moments never actually happen and are constructed retroactively like a greatest hits album of an era.

Holy shit you are full of shit.

>Godless thots who fuck dozens of guys and advocate for libertine sexuality take to twitter to idolize the past
WTF?? I have never seen this, only: Godless thots who fuck dozens of guys and advocate for libertine sexuality taken to twitter to idolize their emancipation into thot-hood, narcissism and irresponsibility

As for the Boomer life and family, home ownership, etc. was sustainable on a single income mechanic's salary, raising 3 kids. Off-shoring and mass low skill immigration hadn't kicked off yet to massively suppress wages.

The selling out future generations through mass low skill immigration and the off-shoring of human and intellectual capital in exchange for stock market gains and increased overall GDP has massively and disproportionately gone to the upper class at the expense of the middle class and everyone else.

Congratulations on your own personal success but stop rationalizing the inhuman end stage Globalism we are now dealing with. It's prolly not going to end well.

>generalized social progress and inclusivity in the present framework

Intersectionality is freeing up even more labor, by accomodating to the talent from often marginalized groups. It can be fully interpreted in material, productivistic terms.

concessions from power come always come with consequences. recognition opens the door from regulation, institutionalised protection requires one to abide by the protector's rules. It's telling how intersectionality uses the language of psychiatry and psychoanalysis: trauma, unconscious(seen as the site of prejudice). It's not a conspiracy, we exist within a system so pervasive our own subjectivities are products of that system and constantly molded to fit its needs

on the contrary, since we are all americans now, differences actively need to be constructed, this is why progressive urbanites spend so much time an effort litigating banalities like 'cultural appropriation', centered around food clothing etc. surface culture, if they didn't then they wouldn't be able to tell each other apart. Or all the 'diverse' media in which the inter-exchangable characters differ only in their superficial physical characteristics.

Yeah, okay, but that isn't what your thesis in the previous post was. You explicitly refer to it as something that sublimates the actual radical desire of people from marginalized groups by beheading their leadership. You're implying that this entire process is fabricated to quell dissent and is not borne of any actual social progress. Which is a very shifty notion, because the age of intersectionality has legitimately boosted the social standing and material well-being of people from marginalized groups

in advanced post industrial societies, labor itself becomes decoupled from material production esp. of what we see as the necessities of life. Work increasingly functions as a form of discipline and social control. What is being produced is not just consumer goods but the governance of a society, subjects and protocols.

>the age of intersectionality has legitimately boosted the social standing and material well-being of people from marginalized groups
It has extracted a bunch of wealth from productive people and given it to nonproductive demographics in the form of government spending on welfare, meme jobs, etc. while putting nonwhite faces on television and in various official positions. That's just vote buying Africa tier politics

>concessions from power come always come with consequences. recognition opens the door from regulation, institutionalised protection requires one to abide by the protector's rules. It's telling how intersectionality uses the language of psychiatry and psychoanalysis: trauma, unconscious(seen as the site of prejudice).

Where is the problem here? If intersectionality is a legitimate concession of power and form of social integration I fail to see what the issue is

>It's not a conspiracy, we exist within a system so pervasive our own subjectivities are products of that system and constantly molded to fit its needs

This is a beyond trivial statement

Okay. I think we're going to disagree on a lot of things from here so I accept that our positions on the prior topic are probably not reconcilable

How does intersectionality stand opposed to enlightenment thinking?

hey maybe I don't want to be part of your all powerful system of total control and no matter how 'inclusive' it is and regardless of how moral it is or how beneficial to [designated victim class]. your whole notion of legitimacy is tautological, the system must be good because it integrates everything and it must integrate everything because it is good. I hope that through my shitposts I will lay the groundwork of the ideology capable of smashing the system, whatever obscene and blasphemous amalgam might that be is not my concern as long as it gets the job done

I think its innocent to blame one type of political actor for a massive social change like the disruption of the early industrial nuclear family. This type of family itself was molded by the needs of the economic system and production of goods. The economic system and the needs of Capital change in an accelerated rate, and this obviously is going to change everything, especially family organizations. "The leftists", "the globalists", "the jews", "the illuminati" whatever you may call it is a personification of the hegelian notion of Spirit as a dialectical entity in History.

>personification of the hegelian notion of Spirit as a dialectical entity in History.
nigga that's all you fucking Marxists do with muh capitalism

>because these people (who are the ones who control the media) feel like the rest of the country is below them

like this guy said The media does not work for us anymore. The media is the propaganda arm of Globalism (Clown World). The media "educates" us on how to think, tells us who the "bad" guys are and, most insidious of all, intentionally tells us that up is down, that left is right and right is wrong, that and ugly is beauty and that weak is strong, etc, to keep everyone ignorant, confused, disorganized and completely incapable of doing anything about it.

muh bussy

Genealogically, it's tangled up in the enlightenment just like all western post enlightenment ideologies. more immediately, american intersectional progressivism can be traced back to american religious traditions such as the unitarianism/universalism, and some aspects of american transcendentalism. It is a religious way of thinking, people must be made to believe like we do because we are morally right. The universalism in question is more like a militant christian universalism rather than a purely negative liberal universalism. It differs from traditional christianity due to its almost randian individualism and the therapeutic emphasis. more or less: Christianity: the sinner Marxism: the worker Progressivism: the patient

This is an uninformed take. The nuclear family evolved from the extended family not because of economic pressure but actually because of economic liberation and viability coupled with religious doctrine. The latter in particular has dwindled far more than capitalism has advanced since the decline of the nuclear family commenced in the mid 20th century. Your reliance on base/superstructure thought cripples your argument and prevents it from offering up meaningfully examinable premises

At the very least read Weber

the problem with marxism is it mirrors the object of its critique to perfection, so its good at explaining things but sucks at solutions. A capital's eye view of the world that disregards everything that is not capital and hence everything that could counteract capital.

>on the contrary, since we are all americans now, differences actively need to be constructed

I think that’s what’s being replaced with the intersectional model. It’s way more efficient to figure out how to sell the same thing to different people than to figure out how to make a different product for each person or subculture or whatever. Also by retaining those differences that are de-emphasized in the civnat model you increase conflict between groups which prevents the formation of alliances that threaten power structures. The tendency to go for this strategy is obviously being selected for and that’s why woke capital is a thing.

Ah yes, another 'black people should be white peoples sidekicks in the fight against the REAL oppressor' memester

Capitalism and intersectionality are fully compatible in a sustainable way and you better believe the future is bright

>tfw the RAND corporation the CIA, ford foundation, Google and Madison Avenue have done more for marginalised folks than all marxists put together

fact: Modern Russia, China and Iran are patriarchal and queerphobic regimes that actively persecute ethnic minorities as was the former soviet union. and you wonder why only white dudes seem to be interested in marxism?

>Ah yes, another 'black people should be white peoples sidekicks in the fight against the REAL oppressor' memester

Not at all.

>Capitalism and intersectionality are fully compatible in a sustainable way

That’s the point I was making, retard.

>It always leaves me thinking: "Seriously? You're saying *current year* is worse than when most black Americans were enslaved?"
Uh yeah. Go look at the black murder rate.

>racial injustice
oh you're retarded, nevermind

>- higher rates of suicide, homicide and fatal accidents
You're just wrong. The US has been becoming less and less safe for at least half a century. There is no 1950s equivalent of Detroit.

>- boomers in racial and ethnic minorities suffered deeply
>- far less likely to receive post-secondary education
Most people are too dumb for it.

The rest of your post is also retarded. Please learn something outside of official channels and maybe you won't look like such an absolute NPC

>That’s the point I was making, retard.
Yeah but you neglected to mention that its a good thing

How? Life is still the same shit, only now there's more brown people on the planet.

>far less likely to receive post-secondary education
You mean far less likely to be brutally shut out of the job market and treated like a moron unless you willingly go into crushing debt?
Must have been terrible

violent crime is on the decline everywhere

>there is no 1950s equivalent of detroit

new york from the end of wwii culminating in the 90s was a decrepit crime ridden shithole with no parallel in modern america. haven't you seen taxi driver? granted that's 1970 but its still boomerdom

This. Happifully all the pessimism can't really halt further progress. Maybe slow it.

White people are a human right Chiam

you guys need to read this, written in 1958
much and more of what happened was predicted and there is a ton of info in that book
if you like to get a taste of some new red pills then you would find this book the best, because it describes how deep the rabbit hole goes (the deepest)
here is the link.
full book is

Anybody who doesn't accept that life is better now that it ever has been is just a le born in the wrong era autist
Prove me wrong

>murder rate
Peaked in the 80s. Has been down from half of what it used to be in 1990 for like 20 years now.

user is totally right. People are generally very miopic, specially the people who seem/act to care the most. Because if they had a more historical scope to their thinking, most present situations wouln't seem that exceptional. The problems that seem biggest are usually the ones you are working with right now, the ones you are stressing over: you gauge subjectivelly and overrate the now over the distant past and distant future.

tl;dr what is this

If the Enlightenment were a person, he'd be that old boomer who thinks he's hip and cool because of his Asics and Apple watch

Very well said.

>Because if they had a more historical scope to their thinking, most present situations wouln't seem that exceptional.
Imagine having a more historical scope

Attached: UKoffensesper100k.jpg (488x318, 21K)

>Yeah, because only white, America-born men are allowed to do anything of note. Why is that fair?
Go back, guest.
Your Homeland is where you'll ever be Happy than this 'racist' country.

May I see it?

>how did enlightenment fetishism go out of style so quickly? 10 years ago these guys were the official thinkers of secular institutional power and now their function is just to inadvertently say mildly politically incorrect things and get castigated for it.
Because it was propaganda since the start.
It broke the established order of European people to favour Mercantilist interest; Centralisation of Power through a State through which to socially engineer society to the whim of those with influence to write the laws.

wtf is happening to pinker in pic related?

Attached: sit straight.png (927x573, 431K)

>ends almost 20 years before today

Of COURSE being able to follow mjndless hedonism more easily means you have a better life.

>life is actually good right now and if it's not it's your fault
must be why everyone's so cheery nowadays

Attached: Voltaire2.jpg (303x360, 19K)

because its all wrong and ted kaczynski and other anti-techers are all right.

There are pacific islands so covered in trash they can't see the ground anymore, but yeah sure, better living conditions.

Mass killings on the rise though. Maybe murders just dropped because of surveillance and no problem was solved?

>government subsidized 80% of student tuition
>one third of the labor force unionized
>able to raise a family on a manufacturing job without college
>top income tax bracket nominally at 90%
>actually spent money on shit like infrastructure, building an inter-state highway system throughout the entire half continent sized country
>federal jobs were 5x+ more common per capita

>Centralisation of Power through a State through which to socially engineer society to the whim of those with influence to write the laws.

>life is the best now broo trust me lol just chill haha

Attached: 1535588159173.png (284x529, 56K)

Money grabbing public intellectuals and lowest common denominator pseudo-intellectuals is how

(You) although with the amount of boomers on Yea Forums nowadays I wouldn't be surprised if you were serious.

The fuck? Millennials get all this? No wonder they're so fucking entitled.

>>able to raise a family on a manufacturing job without college
Boomers you dense fuck

It's in the horse sex language. I can't read this shit faggot

I am sorry. The first link is not in the horse sex language but English.

Attached: boomer.jpg (750x606, 76K)

Very, imagine earning a wage you can live on, not just survive (sometimes barely) without going to college and then earning a somewhat living wage after going through crushing corporate demands, or still just earn a surviving wage. Housing was also affordable and owning your own home wasn't a distant dream.
>But we can actually afford more things now!
Sure as fuck doesn't feel like it my friend, sure as fuck doesn't feel like it, they had things I can dream about and mostly just do that, dream about.

Underrated. There is literally no limit to the hypocrisy of people who manage events badly, then shame subordinates about what nit-picky slackers they are for noticing it when conditions deteriorate, and crises prompt yet further denial. The question isn't whether it will end badly, but how bad it's going to get, and how fast, now that the bad ending is very evidently underway.


You can't hide that shit by sandwiching it in with a bunch of normal words, you pretentious fuck

ok, why do you say that?

>And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:
>And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
>Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?

Pinker has never been a thinker.

>Modern capitalism is managerial and post industrial, commodification reaches into everyday life and human relationships its the marxists pushing it, talking about ''emotional labour'', the virtues of ''sex work''. gee when everyone is completely atomised and panopticon'ed maybe then the mythical proletariat will rise up.
Pic very relevant.

Attached: brazil anon1.jpg (1301x1597, 886K)


He's always been a Jew. Remember, Jews have a vested interest in making the Enlightenment seem like a good thing because its when Jewish persecution ended in Europe. It's a trick

There are more deaths from lawn mowers, pools, falling out of bed, than there are from mass killings.

The problem with his argument comes with the fact that people have stopped reading, and politics today is concerned with the easiest, most emotional and recent situation.

Trying to promote logical argument and down-to-earth debate is impossible when people have very much got used to emotional outrage.

The most compelling argument I have heard is that this is the case because of the decline of books and the rise of the internet(Or even further back, the rise of electronic technologies).

I think he's referring to the Left of Capital, aka neoliberals, not leftists universally.

fucking gay ass marxist fan fiction

>I fail to understand the difference between accidents and deliberate murder

The problem with you Americans is that you have such a retarded interpretation of the word "liberal" that you think "neoliberal" is somehow related to the democratic party or something. Neoliberalism is the ideology of Reagan, Thatcher and Pinochet.

>The problem with you Americans is that you use a word differently than I do
thank your for episode 1498 of a european crying about the use of words in different countries

I bet you're scared of serial killers too.

There are more adolescents that die from suicides than school shootings.


books on this topic?

what a crock of shit

His face makes me scared

I don't know brother. This thread is the best I've see on the topic, but I'm not all that well read. Spengler maybe, haven't read him yet. I think history has gone in cycles without much change for possibly over 10000 years. Technology is changing everything this cycle though. There have been other, richer, aristocrats/kings/oligarchs in times past but never had this wielded this much power and influence. And this is hard power. I can't see anything dislodging this power other than apocalypse, total war, super AIDS, comet strike...

There might be something in one of these posts:


There might be something in one of these posts:
not [ ] specifically

I get that this is a Yea Forums board and but why do you all write like pretentious retards?

Boomers could buy a house and start a family with a job at McDonald's.

>Not an argument
It totally fits whats being discussed in this thread.

Attached: brazil anon 2.jpg (1423x784, 585K)

Attached: brazil anon 3.png (1328x3374, 524K)

Do you even read books written before 2011? They're not even writing that densely. Not all writing needs to be simplified for the farthest breadth of retard, anyway. Especially when most Yea Forumsfags have some formal education. Philosophy, as a subject, requires jargon and vocabulary used contextually only in philosophy.
People like you should leave Yea Forums. Go to /his/. This board doesn't need anymore retard dilettantes who don't actually read.

>you should be happy about life in the 21st century because Africa is mildly better now than it was 50 years ago
>also you can watch endless streaming porn online now

It's efficient at maintaining its own grasp on people's minds. Not even the Roman empire or Turkish caliphate could command such fanatical brainless devotion. It's not good administration in terms of productivity or safety or wholesomeness.

Monarchies don't imply any of that. It has no bearing on centralization. If anything in the west monarchies have always respected intermediate powers (societal, occupational or geographical) much more than non-monarchies. And it's probably not a random fluke of history.

is there more ? thats some next level shit

Attached: brazilian experiment.png (1876x4500, 704K)

Monarchy could not have extermiated regional cultures/identity and languages as the French Liberal State did.

thats just the whole thing, I already read most of it,
I want MORE

I believe this is the product of a high IQ INTJ that has logically deducing the next 75 years. It's one of the most beautiful and incredible shitposts I have ever seen. Or possibly real.

I don't know, but the decline of public intellectuals over the last ~50 years is concerning I think.

There isn't more.
Thats it.
Unless you want to know why advertisements are a silver bullet to your brain.

>It's one of the most beautiful and incredible shitposts I have ever seen. Or possibly real.
It's real.
Or you think all the big ass shill threads in all the boards are coincidence?

>purchasing power
Hardly increased at all, certainly when compared to the productivity increase.

>White liberals(the only class that has benefited from globalisation)
don't forget the jews

>thats some next level shit
Dude you're on Yea Forums. Do you people read fucking ANYTHING? How is any of this new or surprising to you?

I have a Literature and Philosophy degree. I've read plenty of those books. I know the jargon backwards and forwards and I'm certain I know more than you do about both topics. You don't sound smarter because you write like a 17th century Philosopher on a message board, just pretentious.

>how did enlightenment fetishism go out of style so quickly?
Hate Whitey, Gimme became the dominant ideology of power.

>did the fecundity of intersectionality memes provide a more efficient strategy for institutions to spread ideology?
it turns out to be more effective at grabbing stuff from people you don't like, if that's what you mean.

>even though it was always cringey as fuck there’s something uniquely embarrassing about a guy invoking Voltaire and everybody squirming in their chairs because they know he’s about to quote some retarded shit with no point to it.
part of the reason it went out of style is because it's too hard to do correctly. any retard can be trained to repeat intersectional canards.


(for real there's no a priori reason to think that any of these things are necessary for capitalism)