Recommend me feminist literature to give my daughter

Recommend me feminist literature to give my daughter.

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why not just prostitute her, same effect but she'll make some money

Have children

the left hand of darkness by ursula le guin

Critque of pure reason

highly based

Sadie Plant - Ones and Zeroes

Anything Jane Austen is amazing for the mind of a young female, imo.

Pippi Longstocking

Ursula is a good rec, but that’s a world of transsexuals not women.
Lavinia is great for 14 year olds though

Sex and character

Lorca´s The House of Bernarda Alba

Zami: A New Spelling of My Name

This, completely non-ironically.

have a daughter first and I will consider it

Sex and Character

I reccomend you call child services and put her up for adoption since you are clearly not a capable parent

A Vindication of Women's Rights

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what is the game here, what are they doing? it reads like edgy gross out rusing but they're infusing it with prog boilerplate

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every fucking time
just when I thought I could escape /pol/, I just keep noticing it.

A vindication of the rights of woman
the second sex
dialectic of sex
gender trouble (start with discipline and punish)
the essential alexandra kollontai
right wing women
Why would you want your daughter to become a feminist? If she's smart, she'll just become boring, stop wearing makeup, and complain about obscure german authors constantly.
If she's dumb, she'll become a whore. Neither will have children.

it's transgender you TERF cunt

Psyche and Eros

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Give her a hoe and try preventing her from becoming lesbian